Other I R L ? ( In Real Life)

So, my name is Kay. I'm 25-years-old. I've been married to my husband for almost four years now, but we've been together almost eight. I met my husband through an online role-playing game (yeah, I'm a total nerd). We have children (ah..children!), with our youngest being only almost 3-months-old. I graduated college last year with three associates degrees, and have absolutely no freaking clue what I want to major in for my bachelors this coming fall (life problems..). I'm also getting back into the groove of working, after having time off to have my son. Other then that, I'm pretty social and I like girly things, but hand me a book over nail polish and make-up any day. ;]
Once upon a time a girl was born. (22 years to be exact) Who turned out quite average. Seven years ago she went on an adventure to Australia and never looked back. *kisses my sweet Wisconsin* Actually I look back so much. I miss the snow! But now she's here and just living life and sometimes going on adventures.
I am a younger veterinarian who has a lot of mental issues and am still getting bullied due to being a lesbian.
I am adopted. I am Japanese. I love WWII tanks. I am a Christian (THIS DOES NOT MEAN I AM PERFEFT!). I live in California. I can listen to any music except for death metal and country.
Hi. I'm from SoCal and I'm probably the best procrastinator I know. I like staying up late when I shouldn't be, reading scary stories that keep me up at night, eating junk food, listening to music, watching shows, playing video games, and fantasizing about being in love.
Hi there!

I'm a 22 year old female who is terrified of growing up for the most part? I really hate the idea of having kids, and I'm never sure if I'll ever get married because I'm a handful me thinks. I love listening to metal music, and seeing a concert is a way for me to emotionally reset myself, I look for that adrenaline high when I can, but I try not to do anything too dangerous. I like piercings and tattoos, I have one tattoo and four piercings too, my bottom lobes are stretched because I was self conscious about my ears being too small. Stretching them has helped me overcome that. I still sleep with stuffed animals, my favorite being my giraffe, but it's also because he's super comfy. I was afraid of guys and dating for almost a year because of the fact that I was assaulted at school. Though, I'm in a much better place not than before!!

I like to do things to my appearance when I can. I shaved half of my eyebrows off to see how it would look after trying it with makeup. Speaking of makeup, I love to cosplay! I'm multi lingual, English was not technically my first language, but neither was Spanish, I guess I learned the both around the same time.... I like playing video games and I doing art things. I do a lot of art things also
Oooh gosh, well, I am a 24 year old woman who currently lives in the US but I grew up in a combination of both Brasil and the United Kingdom; my primary language in Portuguese. I currently have a Masters in Chemistry and I'm everything but dissertation on my PhD. I enjoy digital art and have been riding horses since I was six years old. I own a warmblood mare named Royal Mile (Rayna) who is essentially my four legged, 1500lbs child.

I like candlelit dinners, long walks on the beach....

I'm totally a redhead. I'm intrigued by travel, design, classic rock n' roll, art, and damn good

food. My interests are as diverse as the people I've met. I have a love for finding inspiration, a hardwired desire for

self-improvement, a spunky personality, and caffeine-addict tendencies.
OnMelancholyHill said:
Hi. I'm from SoCal and I'm probably the best procrastinator I know. I like staying up late when I shouldn't be, reading scary stories that keep me up at night, eating junk food, listening to music, watching shows, playing video games, and fantasizing about being in love.
SOCAL? What part, I'm down here too!
Hello everyone, my name is Glen and I am an alcoholic.

*cue "hi Glen"*

I'm not actually an alcoholic. Alright, rather than give you a lengthy paragraph with so many words in it, I'm just going to shove them in a list in the spoiler below. So you know, the place looks less cluttered and all. Because I can do that. For I am a literal god. Trust.

I mean, just look at me in this picture. Does that not reek of amazingness? And beauty? And perfection? Totally talking about my dog in case you aren't wondering.


22 Years Old


Right into videogames, specifically RPGs and rhythm-based games

Lover of anime, mainly Tokyo Ghoul, Fairy Tail, and oh my god Guilty Crown is the best series ever.

Prefers dogs over cats easily, has 1 dog.

Aspiring Psychologist currently doing a diploma of business to start up my own branch in counselling.

Volunteer worker helping the elderly.

Does creative writing (duh)

Loves loves loves music, especially videogame and anime original soundtracks! I can spend the entire day just listening to music doing nothing else if I want, and sometimes I do!

Likes to play the sport Squash. If you haven't heard of it, it's really similar to racquet ball.

Sarcasm is my primary language, English a close second.

I don't tend to take too many things seriously unless someone is going out of their way to be a...oh right, that brings me to my next point.

When you get to know me and we're not in a public area, I have the mouth of a sailor.

Oh, and I'm Christian. Not a particularly strong one, but I do believe in Christianity. Was that the right wording? Eh, I tried.
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My name is Dillon, alongside the billion other Dylan, Dyllan, Dillion, etc. in the world. I am a 17 year old male from Indiana. I am a writer, poet, brother to a published author, and hard worker. My hobbies are reading, writing, band, and hanging out with my girlfriend.

I am a very strange kid, who is slightly socially awkward. I have a few years of RP under my belt and hoping for many more to follow.

I also tend to be straight forward and simple. unless you ask me a question, then i speak like a polotician.
I'm Gabriel, but everyone calls me Gabe. 21 years old from Brazil.

Currently studying Graphic Design and working at a Government Agency, doing sweet sweet graphics for online classes. I like pizza, loves videogames(I often play Dota2) and really like movies. Not horror movies, though. I hate horror.

I love cyberpunk, steampunk, and all the -punks there is. My greatest wish is to have a power armor(not from Warhammer 40k, a custom made one!) And that's about it.
Irl huh. That's interesting. Might as well put myself here as well tho it's not that much of a pretty story to begin with. My name's Valentin. I'm male if anyone hasn't already seen my profile. My birthday is on the 26th of July and I'm born in the 1998. My origins are Bulgarian but last past few years, I've been spending time in Italy. Moving here wasn't my choice, but it happened and on some occasions, I regret it. On others, I don't but yeah. Life isn't always thornless roses. Back when I was in my birth country, just like someone else here, I've been constantly bullied ever since kindergarden. Never really was someone to lift a hand, even if it was for defense. Being called names and being constantly physically attacked was pretty much a daily life with me. Parents divorced when I was in about 3rd grade, and that was when I first changed schools because even after school, I was constantly bullied because of being weak and because of being someone who doesn't really respond. Compassionate and forgiving. That's something that I've always been in my life even nowadays. I always thought that everyone had a good reason to do so even to someone who didn't even bother them, but I didn't really put myself to understand them because I knew that once it started, it would of ended sooner or later anyways. Most of my life, I've spent time in the internet, or most likely, ever since I turned 7. Because of depression and not really being able to do much irl, I guess that I was in the moment of things and had my first attempt of losing life at 10. Broke the fingers on my right hand, even tho here I am using them like nothing has ever happened and I got ancle issues. Ever since that day, I guess I've been living a somewhat depressed life, but I've always been able to give out whatever I could do others. Being one that has suffered and that suffers, I've always wanted to help others in order to have them avoid what I've been through. Almost being 18, I lost my aunt at the age of 13, my father at the age of 16 as well as my uncle and recently my grand father. What I've mostly been into my life has been gaming and working on with others in different things such as programming or music or whatever. Currently Im learning the Piano, and I enjoy singing even if I can't really do so much myself. As for RPing, I've been doing so for over 6 years or so and I've been into novellas as well as romantic relationships RP wise that is with some of my older characters that don't really exist anymore. My current goals in life is to finish school, start working while going to college and build my future in order to reach out to things that I wanna do if I live up to that time. Oh and I forgot to mention something. At the age of 12, I started doing martial arts as well as swimming and climbing. Nowadays I have less physical interractions when it comes to arguing or fighting, which is good, which makes me wanna shout out to everyone and tell you this. Whoever gets in your life and starts to ruin it, does that for a reason. And that person probably needs help. Go and help that person instead of hating him. World already has enough hate of its own.

Been a while since I did this so thought I'd delete that and re-do it but better this time :P

Well, I'd say I'm a pretty unique and different individual to be honest. I am from England and as some members on this site know by now, I'm transgender (MtF/Male to Female). Only one or two members know the name I was born with and no one knows my age and no one ever will :3 My hobbies are: gaming, tennis, drawing. I also enjoy watching anime and my favourite has got to be Gurren Lagann (watch it if you haven't like seriously). I do also enjoy watching wrestling and my dream career is rather... different and even unusual. I want to be a professional wrestler so yea. I listen to basically every type of music except Death Metal & Country. I'm also absolute Fifth Harmony and Phan trash. Fifth Harmony is just like, my favourite thing in the world omg.
I'm Mexican, 23 years old. I turn 24 this year.

I'm a grad from Electronic Technologies and Robotics Engineering. I work at a local micro enterprise working on coding. I have a chihuahua dog breed.

My name's Eduardo, but always been called Ed or Eddy
My name is Casey, I am terrible about talking about my life. I live in Alabama and been stuck around the state for 95% of my life. But aside from that, I am a aspiring writer who also wants to do art one day along with going to collage (hopefully this year) to study in video game development. While I have some pretty high goals for myself, I have hardly any money to do anything.

Did I mention I am terrible at talking about myself? Oh also, I have long poofy red hair and thus I am normally called by my friends as "The Poof" and also "Ginger Hulk." I don't really get that last nickname. :l
most of the stuff you need to know about me is on my profile. the other stuff...

i'm a first gen asian-american in texas. i am also not cis or straight. you can probably imagine how this went over with my stereotypically conservative parents.

i'm joking. i'm not out to them yet. but that doesn't necessarily make things easier lol

i didn't realize it as it as happening, but i was pretty fucking depressed in highschool. i constantly fought with my parents on various issues (which in turn were caused by a ton of contributing factors which were and were not under my control) and basically i was miserable and suicidal for my entire highschool career. this also negatively impacted my grade and studying habits. now that i'm no longer in that situation, i'm doing a LOT better. still not the best at coping/studying but it's a LOT easier to focus on school when you don't feel like dying all the time, ha.

i mean, i'm not in as great a place as my peers from highschool are, but considering my situation before, i'm doing pretty fucking well.
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My name is GoodJobDino. I am 25 years old and I live in Ohio. I am a writer, artist (crayons and pastels are my jam), cat lover, movie snob, and thespian. As an occupation, I am a baker. Which is yet another part of my restaurant experience, of which I have about 9 years in nearly all forms aside from serving and management. The occupation I am working towards is as thespian and running my youtube channel full time. Dream job however is film maker, with a focus in directing.

I have shared a few interests, but can not leave out drinking, which has played a number of roles throughout my life. I have not attended college, and I love to travel and adventure. I am currently posting from Prague! For physical activity I prefer soccer, ultimate frisbee, swimming, climbing and... a sort of dancing ,P

My hobby - type interests include true crime, philosophy, psychology, mental illness, debating, astrophysics, studying sex and relationships, stacking things, talking to myself, and nostalgic reminiscing.

I love me a good argument. Especially if I'm right. Hahaha. (A vice of mine) um... I was able to right this easily, but am poo at "about mes", so if you have any questions feel free to PM me! Thanks for reading!
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  • My real name is Olivia, but everyone usually calls me Libby.
  • I am cisgender female.
  • I am 14 years old, turning 15 soon.
  • I don't know my sexuality. (lol)
  • My hobbies are dancing, singing, watercolour painting, editing things in Photoshop and baking.
  • I was born in England, but my mother is Scottish and my father is Polish.
  • I get extremely high grades in science, design technology, drama/theatre and English compared to everything else.
  • My favourite animals are cats and dolphins.
  • I have a lot of friends at school, but only a few close friends.
  • I'm a Catholic, and although I don't go to church I still believe in the religion.
  • I'm quite extroverted but also can be shy at times when meeting new people, which is probably the reason why I don't like to sing or dance in front of others outside of my family.
  • My favourite food is strawberries.
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Ooh, this sort of thing is fun. ( ° <> °

•Sup my name is Casper u can call me Cas

•About two years ago I wanted to change my username and decided on Ghost because my favorite artist at the time was Mortis Ghost. Plus ghosts are rly spoopy. That's why I'm ghost!

•I'm 18

•I have a cat and a pet snake but my cat lives at my dad's shop since one of my siblings is allergic

•I have 4 siblings, and I'm the middle child

•I love psychological horror, thrillers, and cute things

•My hobbies are making art, writing, playing videogames, and sometimes reading

•The best macaroni is velveeta easy mac

•I was an evangelical protestant christian for about the first 14 years of my life but that's not for me and I'm no longer religious

•My family is, however, very religious

•My dad's side of the family comes from actual borderline cultists

•I'm 5'3" and I'll beat you up

•J'apprends le français

•I'm interested in psychology, sociology, moral philosophy, linguistics, animal behavior/psychology, and languages but I'm rly lazy

•Sleeps for 12+ hours

•Ghost is my favorite band and our names are a weird coincidence

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I'm a 25 (almost 26) year old guy living in Virginia. I'm living off of my savings in preparation for a cross country move to Kansas this summer. I'm making some big positive changes in my life, but who knows how long they'll last. I'm bipolar with borderline tendencies, so sometimes it's a little hard to know who I really am in reality. Some people know the happy me and some people know the sad me and some people know the angry me, but I'm comfortable with that.

I'm not really a social person anyway. I'm a 'recovering' addict so that exacerbates the mood swings and makes them more severe. It gets a bit difficult sometimes but I've been dealing with them my entire life. I adamantly refuse medication.

Most of my friends become close to me out of convenience, and I treat them as such. 'Friend' is such a colloquial term these days. They come and go. I don't really bond with other humans. It's a side effect of my disorder. I have one or two friends that have been by my side for a few years. I appreciate them very much.

Right now I work full time at a pizza place just so I don't get bored. I used to have four jobs. Now I only have that one. It's ok I guess.

I have a mini dachshund and two betta fish that I keep next to my bed. I watch them swim around when I have racing thoughts. It helps.

I'm in a rocky long term relationship.

I don't get on RpN often anymore. I have too much going on. My mind is always preoccupied with something. I'm marginally available for a chat though so I have a kik.

My friends say I slur my words together a lot. I can tell when I do it. I'll run an entire sentence together in conversation sometimes. I'm self-conscious about it. Texting>talking any day lol.
Well then...

- Contrary to popular belief, my name is Valentine, it's actually "Jan Valentine"

- I'm 14 years old, I'm also going to high after this summer, which I think about and find it would be a good experience, since my closest friends are coming with me.

- I'm an introvert, I guess, but I'm also pretty Happy-Go-Dandy.

- I'm British/Spanish Which makes me call myself "The Perfect Hybrid"

- I'm very narcissist.

- Despite my appearance, I'm straight. (I have natural blonde hair and blue contact lenses, though my eyes are green, and currently my hair is black, for fashion purposes)

- I have a sweet tooth that would destroy Candy Land if I ever entered the place.

- My nickname is "Jetsu" or "Jet" But usually, Jetsu is reversed to only the closest of my friends.

- My favorite animal is the Fox. (Explains my love for Kitsunes, I know)

- I've never been seen without big red headphones in this school year, which is 9th.

- I have high grades, but I used to fall for stupid stuff, for example, I once saw blue colorant and thought it was "Smurf Potion" Mhmm...

- Last but not least and my favorite fact about me, I'm allergic to stupidity! (JK)

- I'm a really big geek or nerd, however you call it. I like games, I like books, I like movies, I like art, I like music, I LOVE comic books and I have an obsession for anime and manga. (P.S. Best anime is The Seven Deadly Sins and best Manga is Rosario + Vampire, for life :D )
Alright! Let's see if I can remember enough at this time of night to do something like this. (It's like nine PM, but I've been at camp, so I guess I've an excuse.)

I'm Meredith (shocking), a fifteen year old (Canadian) Girl Guide, though Guides might be called Girl Scouts depending on what country you live in. It's the same organization, abbreviated to WAGGGS (The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts).

I go camping a lot with my guide group, sometimes for a week stretch over the summer, though I don't think I'll be going this year. My grades are fairly good, mostly because I love to write, and that gets me through even if I turn a serious tech research paper into a piece of satire. I'm not sure why my teachers put up with it, but my English teacher is on about my writing having a 'strong personal voice', so I'll take it.

It's going to sound really bad, but I don't have many close friends, and most of them are online. If you ask most people I'm not that bad at dealing with people - the thing is, I get really energetic and then go sit by myself to recharge, so I'm not near people enough to befriend them - but there are a few people I can sit in skype calls with for hours.

I don't mind being off by myself at all, in fact, that's why I write. It's something to do that is productive, which means people leave you alone to do it, and it's fun enough besides. I've been writing since I was seven or eight. My first long story (probably around 150 pages typed, I was a dedicated small child) was about a pack of feral talking dogs who ate pizza and solved mysteries. Pretty great, if I do say so myself.

I'm a full-time student who has exams in a few weeks. Subject-wise, Science is cool, English is great, Maths is not.

I'm not looking forward to my Maths exam.

I probably swear a bit too much irl - mostly because I get injured a lot - but nobody really seems to mind, if only because I'm small.

Good friends include Captain Hesperus, welian, some more RpN people I don't want to go through the effort of naming at this time of night, a few school people, aaand that's about it.

I could go on all night, but I'm not going to, so there's what you're getting about me. :P
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