Other I R L ? ( In Real Life)

Kestrel said:
I like birds. I have a dusky headed conure named Jade.
So sorry to hear that you were bullied. The vase and family analogy was beautiful, though.
Who wasn't bullied at some point in there childhood, though? I was just unfortunate to have it happen for my entire educational career. But thank you for your kindness. Despite it all it contributed to the molding of who I am today and even with everything mentioned in this original post I'm okay with who I am.

And thank you for the compliment. It's very much true. If you looked at the vase that represents my family it really would be that jumbled glued mess that was once something beautiful and well cared for. I've tried to mediate what happens in my family and it merely stops the chaos for moments and leaves me aged and tired. My health isn't worth their natural destruction. Honestly that decision is probably the only decision I've made in my life that was purely all about me and no one else. Not sure if I've ever thought of it as such but it's true.
KappaKween said:
Who wasn't bullied at some point in there childhood, though? I was just unfortunate to have it happen for my entire educational career. But thank you for your kindness. Despite it all it contributed to the molding of who I am today and even with everything mentioned in this original post I'm okay with who I am.
And thank you for the compliment. It's very much true. If you looked at the vase that represents my family it really would be that jumbled glued mess that was once something beautiful and well cared for. I've tried to mediate what happens in my family and it merely stops the chaos for moments and leaves me aged and tired. My health isn't worth their natural destruction. Honestly that decision is probably the only decision I've made in my life that was purely all about me and no one else. Not sure if I've ever thought of it as such but it's true.
There's a difference between normal school drama and kids being mean and bullying that escalates into abuse, and I know from personal experience that some kids get hurt worse than others. Stuff like "Kids are cruel" and "It's normal, everyone deals with it." and "It's just a joke." will never make it okay, nor will it excuse the bully's actions. I agree, I wouldn't trade my experiences I've had. It's made me a better person, because I try to be kinder.
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Kestrel said:
There's a difference between normal school drama and kids being mean and bullying that escalates into abuse, and I know from personal experience that some kids get hurt worse than others. Stuff like "Kids are cruel" and "It's normal, everyone deals with it." and "It's just a joke." will never make it okay, nor will it excuse the bully's actions. I agree, I wouldn't trade my experiences I've had. It's made me a better person, because I try to be kinder.
Oh absolutely. I've already told my husband that if we have kids or adopt that I'm going to teach them that if they are being bullied it's absolutely okay to tell me or my husband. My mom rarely if ever knew about the bullying that happened to me unless it was super obvious or if there was a sign or something on my back I didn't know about. I wouldn't want my kids to not have someone to talk to. Did you ever have someone you could talk to in confidence?
KappaKween said:
Oh absolutely. I've already told my husband that if we have kids or adopt that I'm going to teach them that if they are being bullied it's absolutely okay to tell me or my husband. My mom rarely if ever knew about the bullying that happened to me unless it was super obvious or if there was a sign or something on my back I didn't know about. I wouldn't want my kids to not have someone to talk to. Did you ever have someone you could talk to in confidence?
Not until much later, after the worst of my bullying was over. When I first tried to tell my parents, I just said I was getting picked on at school. That's when I heard the "kids are mean, don't let it get to you, be the bigger person" speech. When they asked about the bruises later, I said stuff like I fell off my bike, down stairs, etc.
17, and from America. I enjoy criminal psychology, history, mathematics, and biology. I do sports, cross-country, basketball, and tennis. I am not a fan of art, but I am a fan of prose and poetry. I do a bit of collecting, namely baseball cards and antiques. I guess I am a tad weird.

If you want to be my friend, it is a bit simple. Share anything I like music-wise, TV-wise, or maybe meme-wise, and we are friends!
I am Ed.


-From Texas

-Military man in the high flying Chair Fo- I mean Air Force.

-Total vidya gaem geek. It is my number 1 passion.

-Learning to play things with strings. Bass guitar (Favorite!), Electric, and Ukelele.

Other than that I'm boring as all hell. When home I prefer to just laze about inside, staring at my computer and crying over my homework. But I'm quite the loyal friend to have, and if we know each other well enough, I'll bend over backwards to help you out.

That... sounded like I'm fishing for new people to talk to. Gross.
Gellion said:
I am Ed.

-From Texas

-Military man in the high flying Chair Fo- I mean Air Force.

-Total vidya gaem geek. It is my number 1 passion.

-Learning to play things with strings. Bass guitar (Favorite!), Electric, and Ukelele.

Other than that I'm boring as all hell. When home I prefer to just laze about inside, staring at my computer and crying over my homework. But I'm quite the loyal friend to have, and if we know each other well enough, I'll bend over backwards to help you out.

That... sounded like I'm fishing for new people to talk to. Gross.
Damn chair force
Well my real name is Travis, I'm 19 and I'm currently a freshman in college studying Computer Sciences. I had taken a year off from high school so I could work and save some money. Obviously I love writing, and it's developed from short stories and role playing and aided one of my other hobbies of music. I'm in three bands at the minute, but one a bit more of a serious band than the others. I play lead/guitar in the bands however I also playing piano, drums, and bass. I work full time as a mechanic, and cars are also another one of my passions, and I currently own three including two of my dream cars which is kinda rad. If I'm not here, college or working or music related, odds are I'm working on my cars. But the most important thing about me is that I'm a complete nerd, ( in a good way, I like to think. ) I play a lot of vidya games and am an anime fan. Basically just about anything I can find a hobby in, that's just kinda the way I am. And last but not least, I'm a tattoo nut. I've got two as of now (One of Odin huginn huninn freki and gery, one of a guitar ), and am looking to turn one into a full sleeve by summer. And I want a ton more, which are soon to come as well. But that's about it about me!
I'm Maria, 20 from Indonesia currently taking Civil Engineering as my major. Female but any pronouns really, I don't care. Writing and drawing are what I do to relax. I love books, literature, anime/manga and video games (though limited to fantasy, historical, horror and RPG games lol). My playlists consist of ethereal, darkwave, ethnic, neoclassical, neo-folk, symphonic metal, folk metal, and a very few pop. I love asking questions, can be quite critical and a bit of nihilistic. Asexual - Demiromantic, but very very chill when it comes to smut and such. I'm an awkward potato on the first meeting but will go crazy once get closer. I also manage a studyblr blog in Tumblr lol
Frede said:
My playlists consist of ethereal, darkwave, ethnic, neoclassical, neo-folk, symphonic metal, folk metal,
Have you ever listened to Epica or Eluveitie? Two of my favorite Symphonic/folk metal bands I saw back in October.
HymnForTheHopeless said:
Have you ever listened to Epica or Eluveitie? Two of my favorite Symphonic/folk metal bands I saw back in October.
YAS! Those two are my faves, along with Kamelot, Within Temptation and Nightwish
Kestrel said:
Not until much later, after the worst of my bullying was over. When I first tried to tell my parents, I just said I was getting picked on at school. That's when I heard the "kids are mean, don't let it get to you, be the bigger person" speech. When they asked about the bruises later, I said stuff like I fell off my bike, down stairs, etc.
It wasn't until sometime last year that I finally told my mom about all the stuff that happened to me growing up. I remember I was on the phone with her and I told her the reasons why I lacked confidence and my self esteem was low. She had no idea. She always asked me to dress prettier or to style my hair and such and I had no motivation and she now knew why. I remember her getting really upset and telling me she truly had no idea and wished she saw the signs sooner so I would've had someone to talk to. Thing is, talk is just talk. I could talk to her all day long and be told to ignore what people say or do but that doesn't mean I could simply do so.
KappaKween said:
It wasn't until sometime last year that I finally told my mom about all the stuff that happened to me growing up. I remember I was on the phone with her and I told her the reasons why I lacked confidence and my self esteem was low. She had no idea. She always asked me to dress prettier or to style my hair and such and I had no motivation and she now knew why. I remember her getting really upset and telling me she truly had no idea and wished she saw the signs sooner so I would've had someone to talk to. Thing is, talk is just talk. I could talk to her all day long and be told to ignore what people say or do but that doesn't mean I could simply do so.
My mom wanted me to have good grades, and be popular. She got annoyed that I didn't want to wear makeup and cute clothes to school. I only wear jeans and t-shirts. When I did wear makeup, everyone told me that I looked desperate. I did learn how to hide bruises on my face with makeup.
Alex here






I'm uncultured

I'm into medieval &' gore - Probably why I chose to roleplay as Ciel.

Nothing to unordinary, I have my love for Owls, working is pretty much

my primary life style at the moment.

I've came to realize I love bossing people around.

I work at a strip club as one of the dancers.

Going to college to get a an amazing degree as a Social Worker!

21 years old &' ready to party.
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[QUOTE="Ciell Phantomhive]I have my love for Owls

My love for owls crossed over into obsession years ago.
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Kestrel said:
My love for owls crossed over into obsession years ago.
I would honestly love to have my own pet owl. It will be my goal to get one when I get my own place.
[QUOTE="Ciell Phantomhive]I would honestly love to have my own pet owl. It will be my goal to get one when I get my own place.

I used to work at a local raptor rehabilitation center. Owls are not good pets, but they are wonderful creatures, and I learned a lot from them.
18 year old dude writing my first novel. Hope it goes well! Oh, and I'm punk. (literally, punk lifestyle. :3 )
Kestrel said:
I used to work at a local raptor rehabilitation center. Owls are not good pets, but they are wonderful creatures, and I learned a lot from them.
Psh, I can handle em.
Kirwinning said:
Wow, uh didn't know so many people posted !
Well I've loved reading about all of you and I'm sure you guys are wondering a bit about me. Or nah.

My name is John, I am a United States Marine, 20 years old, currently stationed in California. I'm originally from Illinois but have been stationed here since 2013! This is why my schedule is pretty strange sometimes.. Uh, I love making people laugh, I'm really vile sometimes, and I swear too much! I love horror movies, I love to write, and I've been on an RP hiatus since like 2008. It feels good to get back into things though. I also really enjoy playing video games, and watching netflix and hulu. I have both an xbox one and a ps4 so feel free to add me.

Gamertag: Kirwinning

Also I'm super big into Bring Me The Horizon, I have their albums on repeat all day everyday. I listen to a ton of different music though. Uh, that's really all I can think about right now. If you guys want to RP with me send me a message! I look forward to meeting new people, you guys are awesome!

Also, I'm big into the tweeeeter. If you want to follow me hit me up on there too!


Here's me!

My biological dad is a marine! He's much older than you though, haha!

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