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Realistic or Modern I need more


RP Addict
Hello all! I am back from a VERY long hiatus period. I am currently only looking for offsite RPs via Discord or Skype. Other platforms can be mentioned but I may not always accept them. So message me at your own risk please.

Alright, so now the boring part. Just some info about me, please read it ALL! I will not tolerate someone who comes to me and asks something that is clearly stated below.

Disclaimer: I play as Lesbians and Straight Men ONLY! Please do not ignore this message. So, I am in college. I am 22 years young as of January. I love to chat with my RP partners OOC, and that is how I make my friends (Since I am an introvert). I do ask that you enjoy the same. If I can not speak to the HUMAN behind the character, it feels like we are just robots playing a role. You know?
Now, I am a simple neko. I will reply when I can, and will always tell you when I need a break. I will ALWAYS post between 2 and 4 good paragraphs. I love romance, actually it is ALL I do! If you can give me a good story with tons of fluff and romance, I will love you forever! I use human, neko, and furry OCs. So Please let me know your preference. That is all on me, ask me questions. I am an open book.
I love scratches on the ear and snuggles! Please if you give me that I will love you five-ever! Also, approach me with a furry or neko and OMG you are on my #1 list! Please also add "Addy the Neko" to your reply or PM to show you read this whole thread. Thanks.
First thing is detail. Please keep your posts detailed. I am not saying to write a novella, but at least more than a paragraph. Be literate and absolutely no text speak! I hate seeing stuff like "She looked up at u". It is a BIG pet peeve of mine. Also, Be Mature! I ask that you are a mature human. I am not saying you need to be a certain age, but please for the love of god be mature. Last but not lease... Communication! Talk to me! Human to human. I do not like to RP with people and JUST RP. I like to have chats, talk about life, hobbies. Anything besides sitting there like mindless robots and typing away. Thank you!

Now for my plots and pairings! Please read and understand the above before continuing!

Can be paired with any other pairing if wanted! Now the idea behind this is that MC is a neko and YC is a human. Nekos are the minority and treated like shit. Which allows for drama later on. YC has a crush on MC regardless of the race and it goes from there
Alright, so this is pretty simple. A boy and a girl (Highschool or College, you choose) have known each other for years. Well YC has a HUGE crush on MC and does not let it known. Until she is pushed to tell him/her, her feelings. The way that it happens can be discussed. I am quite open. It can be cute, tragic, or funny. I do not mind.
This one is tricky cuz there is a lot we can go from here. Muse 1 can make Muse 2 in his/her basement and try teaching them about the world or we can go more generic and say Muse 1 buys Muse 2 in a shop and tries to teach him/her how to live. As well as a few other life skills as the RP progresses.
MC and YC were inseparable, they would spend every day together as kids. They would frollick and play, go on adventures. They even shared their first date and kiss in their teen years. Why did things have to go so wrong? MC and YC fell apart at the age of 18. College got in the way for MC and YC's father got really sick. Though they never broke up, contact had become astranged and gone to the wind. Now, at the age of 19+ (We decide), MC finds YC working at a rundown diner and wants to help by giving her a job. Though the feelings on both ends are not gone. (Side Note: To add drama/more I want to say at 17, before separation, they got engaged. Another reason for them to stay with each other.)
So, YC is a frequent customer of MC's bakery. She does not go for the sweets or bread, no! She goes for the cute and handsome man behind the counter! She wants to badly to ask him out, but she does not have the motivation... That is until his cute employee starts to hit on him right in front of her. At that point, she has no choice but to ask him out. Going from there!
Now first off let me explain this is NOT to make fun of any disorders. I actually think disorders make a person unique. This is mainly a plot I was thinking of that would be super cute! So, I love the whole 'Love is blind' saying. It has lived with me for years. So I was thinking, what if love really was blind? Or Mute, or Handicapped in any way? I think it would be quite nice! I would like to play with someone who does not mind having a character date one of my disabled OCs. Where YC would fall in love with MC over a course of time for who he is, and not care about his disorders. This is a FEELGOOD rp. Yes we can add drama and stuff but nothing dark. It is meant to be cute. Thanks for reading. (Second idea to work off of is that YC is a caregiver to MC in the care home. YC is the only one that MC trusts and refuses to let anyone else do certain things, like bathe him and the like. Just an idea)
Please note that this plot contains the death of my character at a later time. So this idea has a mix of abuse in it. My character and your character have been dating for a few years. He had been the sweetest man, up until a few weeks ago. He had been changing. Not taking no for an answer, hurting your character when she is out of hand or he doesn't get his way. Though it is not his fault. A few nights ago, he had an accident and they find out MC has a brain tumor, a cancerous one. It can go anywhere from there, though be aware it will be very emotional. We can discuss the rest.
As the title says, I wanna do something related to spice and wolf, but a different universe. I want MC to be travelling through a forest, stopping for the night, wakes up to a wolf-girl in his cart (Naked of course) and somehow she persuades him to take her with him. I want lots of romance and cuddles. We can hammer out more in the RP.
My idea here is that MC is sick with some disease. Not contagious and not fatal that will go away with time. MC's partner would be the one supporting MC and helping him/her out. When he is healed though, the plot can move into a general romance plot. Thanks for reading
King x Peasant
King x Nobility
Traveler x Wolf Girl
Traveler x Hitch hiker
Boy meets girl (Generic)
Human x Shapeshifter
Dragon x Human
Human x Shape Shifter (Craving)
Captain x Subordinate (Sci Fi)(Craving)
Master x Pet (Craving)
Master x Maid (Craving)
Please note I will regularly add new plots! So keep an eye out.
Last edited:
Alright, so I'm interested. "Addy the Neko"

I too like to have a partner that I can have conversations with NORMALLY. I've even became friends with one of my long term partners and helped them through personal issues.
I try to be detailed but sometimes (more like some days. The whole day will be wrecked) my mind is just blank, and I stare at the reply wondering how to respond.
But I should say this before going on: I do not do smut. I do not care how much I'm into the rp, no smut. Basically, just keep the pants on. I'm fine with all the cute couple things like holding hands and blah blah blah, but no more.

I've read the plot ideas and found one I like, but with what I've said previously, I'll let you decide if you want to rp. If so, just pm. We'll take it from there.
"Addy the Neko"

Interested in the sick partner and significant other. Just to clarify you either want to do MXF (where you play male) or FXF, correct?
Adzel Adzel would it be ok if I told you the one I’m interested in doing then you pm me? Or would you rather I just pm you to start it off? Either way works for me
Hello all! I am back from a VERY long hiatus period. I am currently only looking for offsite RPs via Discord or Skype. Other platforms can be mentioned but I may not always accept them. So message me at your own risk please.

Alright, so now the boring part. Just some info about me, please read it ALL! I will not tolerate someone who comes to me and asks something that is clearly stated below.

Disclaimer: I play as Lesbians and Straight Men ONLY! Please do not ignore this message. So, I am in college. I am 22 years young as of January. I love to chat with my RP partners OOC, and that is how I make my friends (Since I am an introvert). I do ask that you enjoy the same. If I can not speak to the HUMAN behind the character, it feels like we are just robots playing a role. You know?
Now, I am a simple neko. I will reply when I can, and will always tell you when I need a break. I will ALWAYS post between 2 and 4 good paragraphs. I love romance, actually it is ALL I do! If you can give me a good story with tons of fluff and romance, I will love you forever! I use human, neko, and furry OCs. So Please let me know your preference. That is all on me, ask me questions. I am an open book.
I love scratches on the ear and snuggles! Please if you give me that I will love you five-ever! Also, approach me with a furry or neko and OMG you are on my #1 list! Please also add "Addy the Neko" to your reply or PM to show you read this whole thread. Thanks.
First thing is detail. Please keep your posts detailed. I am not saying to write a novella, but at least more than a paragraph. Be literate and absolutely no text speak! I hate seeing stuff like "She looked up at u". It is a BIG pet peeve of mine. Also, Be Mature! I ask that you are a mature human. I am not saying you need to be a certain age, but please for the love of god be mature. Last but not lease... Communication! Talk to me! Human to human. I do not like to RP with people and JUST RP. I like to have chats, talk about life, hobbies. Anything besides sitting there like mindless robots and typing away. Thank you!

Now for my plots and pairings! Please read and understand the above before continuing!

Can be paired with any other pairing if wanted! Now the idea behind this is that MC is a neko and YC is a human. Nekos are the minority and treated like shit. Which allows for drama later on. YC has a crush on MC regardless of the race and it goes from there
Alright, so this is pretty simple. A boy and a girl (Highschool or College, you choose) have known each other for years. Well YC has a HUGE crush on MC and does not let it known. Until she is pushed to tell him/her, her feelings. The way that it happens can be discussed. I am quite open. It can be cute, tragic, or funny. I do not mind.
This one is tricky cuz there is a lot we can go from here. Muse 1 can make Muse 2 in his/her basement and try teaching them about the world or we can go more generic and say Muse 1 buys Muse 2 in a shop and tries to teach him/her how to live. As well as a few other life skills as the RP progresses.
MC and YC were inseparable, they would spend every day together as kids. They would frollick and play, go on adventures. They even shared their first date and kiss in their teen years. Why did things have to go so wrong? MC and YC fell apart at the age of 18. College got in the way for MC and YC's father got really sick. Though they never broke up, contact had become astranged and gone to the wind. Now, at the age of 19+ (We decide), MC finds YC working at a rundown diner and wants to help by giving her a job. Though the feelings on both ends are not gone. (Side Note: To add drama/more I want to say at 17, before separation, they got engaged. Another reason for them to stay with each other.)
So, YC is a frequent customer of MC's bakery. She does not go for the sweets or bread, no! She goes for the cute and handsome man behind the counter! She wants to badly to ask him out, but she does not have the motivation... That is until his cute employee starts to hit on him right in front of her. At that point, she has no choice but to ask him out. Going from there!
Now first off let me explain this is NOT to make fun of any disorders. I actually think disorders make a person unique. This is mainly a plot I was thinking of that would be super cute! So, I love the whole 'Love is blind' saying. It has lived with me for years. So I was thinking, what if love really was blind? Or Mute, or Handicapped in any way? I think it would be quite nice! I would like to play with someone who does not mind having a character date one of my disabled OCs. Where YC would fall in love with MC over a course of time for who he is, and not care about his disorders. This is a FEELGOOD rp. Yes we can add drama and stuff but nothing dark. It is meant to be cute. Thanks for reading. (Second idea to work off of is that YC is a caregiver to MC in the care home. YC is the only one that MC trusts and refuses to let anyone else do certain things, like bathe him and the like. Just an idea)
Please note that this plot contains the death of my character at a later time. So this idea has a mix of abuse in it. My character and your character have been dating for a few years. He had been the sweetest man, up until a few weeks ago. He had been changing. Not taking no for an answer, hurting your character when she is out of hand or he doesn't get his way. Though it is not his fault. A few nights ago, he had an accident and they find out MC has a brain tumor, a cancerous one. It can go anywhere from there, though be aware it will be very emotional. We can discuss the rest.
As the title says, I wanna do something related to spice and wolf, but a different universe. I want MC to be travelling through a forest, stopping for the night, wakes up to a wolf-girl in his cart (Naked of course) and somehow she persuades him to take her with him. I want lots of romance and cuddles. We can hammer out more in the RP.
My idea here is that MC is sick with some disease. Not contagious and not fatal that will go away with time. MC's partner would be the one supporting MC and helping him/her out. When he is healed though, the plot can move into a general romance plot. Thanks for reading
King x Peasant
King x Nobility
Traveler x Wolf Girl
Traveler x Hitch hiker
Boy meets girl (Generic)
Human x Shapeshifter
Dragon x Human
Human x Shape Shifter (Craving)
Captain x Subordinate (Sci Fi)(Craving)
Master x Pet (Craving)
Master x Maid (Craving)
Please note I will regularly add new plots! So keep an eye out.
Ohhhh please allow me to extend how much I love spice and wolf. I would love to participate.

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