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I Need an Active Partner!


Servant of the Moon
Hi everyone! I hope you're having a fantastic day! My names Violefbur you can just call me Vi. I am in serious need of a partner. In willing to do basically any role play and have a few ideas of anyone else is in need of a partner. I don't have many rules. Just try and post at least once a day of not more. Be literate. I make typos so I understand. I just am dying to do about any role play that there is. I hope that someone reads this and also just really wants a partner. I just have so many ideas but I can't find others who will actually respond or stick with them. Thank you for reading anyhow. Of youre intersted PM please.
DatGuyWelbz said:
What ideas do you have?
I definitely lean more towards fantasy and so anything I have has to do with that. Mostly supernatural creatures. I also have ideas that lean towards more action packed stuff. I also love and have ideas for things set in a modern setting but they still will have a twist of fantasy in them. So just let me know if any of that interests you and I can give you more definite plot ideas.
I do enjoy Fantasy. I am quite interested in what you have for the modern setting with fantasy aspects. I am open to most things so I'll most likely enjoy your ideas.
Alright, I'll start writing up plots to post here. I'll do about four for now and see how you like those.

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I would be willing to do a rp with you, we can figure out what and decide on a plot if you are interested.
Plot 1

The Earth has spiraled into chaos as demons have taken over control of the most of the world. The few remaining humans live in what could be compared to Concentration Camps. Angels still fight against the Demons to try and repel them, but have made little to no difference so far. One day, a Demon intercepts a small group of Angels trying to free some of the humans from one of the largest holds of them. The Demon, of course, will not let this happen, but once the Angel has been subdued and has told their purpose, will the Demon still decide to kill them, or maybe see the errors in their ways?

Plot 2

Werewolves and most supernaturals have been brought to the brink of extinction. The few who remain hide their true natures as the human government has a program set to find and destroy any supernatural. They say they do this to bring peace, but how can there be peace when it is reached by sacrificing the lives of thousands? There is one true pack of werewolves who know that this can’t be allowed to continue any further. They have decided to branch out and seek the help of other supernaturals. Specifically the Vampires seeming as though they are the next biggest remaining group. Will they be able to set aside their differences and come together to try and truly gain peace, or will they all just go extinct because of feuds thousands of years old?

Plot 3

There are people who hide among humans, and no one can tell a difference. They act the same and do the same things any other human would do. Yet they aren’t your average human. They hold ancient magic within them that is older than civilization itself. They are known as Sirens. There can only be two alive at any given time on the Earth. They hold powers that would only be talked about in legends. Each Siren that is born has different abilities than past ones and the other Siren. The only true way to tell a Siren is to see the tattoos that usually span an entire side of their body. They are the balance between good and evil. They are the true protectors of humanity against impending doom. Will they be able to live up to their titles or crumble under the pressure?

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IrritatedMind said:
I would be willing to do a rp with you, we can figure out what and decide on a plot if you are interested.
Yeah, I am certainly interested! You can never have to many roleplays. You can look at the three I posted here. So whatever you'd like, and if you don't want to use any of those we can come up with something else. ^·^
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