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i need a partner. i can do any genre


The raddest, baddest dude in the land
heya. so, long story short, i'm in a bit of a rutt with stuff. i find myself waking up at 8 and falling asleep 3 hours later out of pure boredom. don't get me wrong, i have plenty of things to do, just none of them interest me. however, i used to roleplay one hell of a lot, and it was a lot of fun. so, in order to get out of my rutt of being awake for a maximum of 6 hours a day, i kinda need a roleplay partner. i'd like to think i'm fairly versitile. i can be as detailed as you want. i can roleplay most (if not all) genres, i'm fairly good at playing multiple characters at once and i'm pretty active. i don't mind people using profanities (i, myself, swear like a sailor) and i can keep my cursing to myself if it makes you uncomfortable. i feel like i'm boasting, but i'd like to think i'm pretty adaptable generally. if you want a sample, just ask (please give details [what type of genre, how detailed youd like the sample to be etc]) or you could PM me. either way is fine

my last post didn't really work so i did a more clickbaity title
Is there anything in particular that you're craving right now or that you're especially interested in?
i mean, im particularly into the undertale fandom in general at the moment, though that's a comparatively small genre. i'm also interested in modern, slice of life esque roleplays, both romantic and non-romantic (as long as the romance isnt as cheesy as a wheel of Red Leicester) but like i said, i can do basically anything as long as its done in an interesting manner)

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