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Realistic/Modern | Dystopia | Rebellion


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"You got this, Adix!" Someone called out in the roaring crowd around her, most likely another Insurgent. She cracked her knuckles, her piercing hazel green eyes surveying the opponent before her. The other woman was taller than Adix, with chopped black hair framing her sharp cheekbones and a death glare in her eyes. Xena was her name, from the cheers that Adix had heard over the crowd. The brunette briefly shifted her gaze onto the howling mass of onlookers around her, naturally picking out the familiar faces of the rebels scattered amongst the audience. Eager bystanders impatiently awaited this next round to start, as many had placed a decent sum of their money on the fight.

Although these hidden underground fights were technically considered illegal, the military patrols generally turned a blind eye to them, as many of the soldiers participated in the betting themselves. In this area of the Sector, the underground arena was located near Big Sky bar, so many Insurgent rebels engaged in these fights themselves. Not only were they a good source of entertainment, but it was also the perfect opportunity to scout for new recruits. The Insurgents often took the initiative to enlist those who emerged victorious from the fights. Tonight, it was Adix's turn, as she had gotten Dorian to cover her shift at Big Sky. Although she loved him like a little brother, that also meant she often bullied him around. Especially being a Friday night, the crowd was much larger than normal, and she knew that all eyes were on her.

She shifted her hazel eyes back onto Xena as the referee blew his whistle, signaling the fight's commencement. The woman immediately stepped forward with her right foot, signaling that she's left-handed. Adix's ears drowned with noise when Xena struck, lunging forward at full speed with her fist raised. The brunette quickly sidestepped and used the momentum against Xena to strike the woman's side, causing her to nearly fall.

Her opponent whirled around to face her, lunging at her again. Adi blocked the first two punches, but the third one caught her across the jaw, making her head spin. Xena charged towards her, but she darted forward, ducked down, and tripped her. The woman didn't see this coming and fell heavily onto her back. The crowd screamed in approval.

Xena forced herself onto her feet, even though most referees would have called her fall the end of the round. She let out an angry shout and lunged for her again. Adix should have seen the tiny flash of light in her hand. Her opponent's fist punched hard into her right side, and she felt a terrible, sharp pain. Her left hand instantly held her side, looking down when she felt something warm and wet at her waist. A stab wound. Her piercing hazel green eyes narrowed at Xena. Weapons were not allowed to be part of these street fights, but this was hardly a fight where the crowd followed all the rules.

The pain made her light-headed and angry. When the woman came at her again, Adix darted away and twisted her arm into a tight hold. In one move, she shattered the bone, causing Xena to scream in pain. Her opponent tried to pull away, but the brunette continued to hold on until the referee blew his whistle, signaling the end of the fight. Adix instantly released her, causing Xena to collapse onto the ground.

Clutching her bleeding side as tightly as she could, the brunette looked in the audience to see money exchanging hands. Adix made her way back into the crowd, instantly surrounded by a few rebels to congratulate her on her victory. Some noticed her bloody side, but none were too worried, as the street fight rules were broken quite often. Her hazel eyes naturally began surveying the crowd, looking for any potential members. Her father, the leader of the Insurgents, also known as the Sledgehammer, had emphasized the need for new members after the recent onset of more rebellions in this part of the Sector.

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Tami ? Nash



Insurgent Rebel



Big Sky bar



@Semblance, @sunshineintoveins

Big Sky bar had been less crowded than usual around this time of day when Tami stopped by on her way home from the base. It hadn't taken the young girl long to figure out why. And since the familiar face of the woman Tami looked up to was nowhere to be seen, she was quick to leave the bar again, only to rush down to the arena. Knowing how to squeeze herself inside unnoticed, Tami climbed up to a spot higher up on top of a stack of crates and barrels, just in time to witness Adix' opponent lunge forward. Her eyes grew slightly wider and Tami balled up a fist, biting down on her lip hard and then smiling when Adix turned the woman's move to her advantage.

Ouch. The curly haired winced when Adix received a blow to the jaw, but only moments later the other woman was on her back and Tami called out along with the crowd, a small fist raised in the air and a wide grin curving her lips. Shortly after it seemed the fight was quickly coming to an end as the taller woman landed on the ground, even though Adix had caught an injury but had still won. "Yes." the girl grinned, watching Adix leave the fighting area. She knew better than to stick around and try making her way over. Instead, she let herself drop down and - her back pressed close against the wall - managed to slip back out, eager to spread the news.

Reentering the bar, she gave a small wave and a wide smile at the bartender, jumping up on one of the high chairs lined up at the counter.
"Hi, Felix. Can I get some juice?" Her hand dug into her pocket to fish out some coins. Aside from reading and writing, math was no strength of her either, but she knew how to cheat - the price of a glass of juice stored in her mind as one ribbed coin and two copper colored ones. "So," she leaned forward, elbows set on the bar, "Adi just won her fight and she was amaaazing." Cocking her head to the side, she wondered aloud, "You think she'll be coming back down here later? I really hope so." Her eyes then swept around the room, taking in who else was there.

Insurgent Rebel | Big Sky bar

@Scribbly @Semblance @dim

Felix sat behind the bar's counter, his arm resting on the counter and a book in front of his face. The day was slow, the fight attracted more people so it was just him, his book, and the regular drunks who hardly ever left the bar. He flipped the age of the worn down book, the pages looked like they were about to escape the weak binding. It was a classic, at least it used to be, before the war, he had bought it off a black market seller for more than he could afford but he felt like the book deserved to be read. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tami peek into the bar only to leave again. He assumed that she too went to witness Adix's fight. Felix never understood the entertainment in watching two people beat each other senseless. He went to see Adix fight once, being encased with with a loud jeering crowd was not his cup of tea. One of the regulars stumbled to the bar and slammed his glass on the counter interrupting Felix's reading.

"Another," he murmured extending the glass to Felix. He was an older man who smelt of old whiskey and mothballs.

"You've have enough, buddy," he said to the drunk man then returned to his book.

"Last one," he insisted almost falling over and breaking the glass.

Felix put his book down and gently grabbed the glass from his hand and placed it on the rack behind him.

"Go home," Felix urged.

The man grumbled something then walked out of the bar. Felix was about to return to his book when Tami, along with a few other patrons, walked in. The fight must've been over, he had no doubt that Adix won once again, and once again pissed off the betters who were dumb enough to bet against her. Tami waved at him then plopped down on a stool with a wide grin. Felix put his book away glad to have his company back. The curly haired girl asked for juice and he poured her a tall glass of apple juice then placed it on the counter. Tami placed the coins on the counter and when Felix checked for the right amount he stored them in the bar's lock box.

"So," Tami began with her elbows resting on the counter "Adi just won her fight and she was amaaazing."

Felix expected nothing less from the woman but he so did wish that she would spent her time doing something more productive than beating people up for a crowd.

"You think she'll be coming back down here later? I really hope so," said Tami.

"She hasn't said anything to me," he informed her. "But I really could use her help. People love to drink after a good fight and she's far better at dealing with drunken brawls than I am. I should have Dorian here as well. Why? Do you need to talk to her?"
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  • "Hurry your ass up. We ain't got all day."

    The curly-haired mechanic sneered at the military enforcer past the upraised hood of the humvee. He had been working on the military grade vehicle for about half an hour already, even though it should've only taken about half that time. Unfortunately, the alternator he was trying to replace was in an odd place, buried within the dozens of other car parts in the front of the car. It was a bitch and a half to unbolt and remove in the first place, and now replacing it with a new one was a whole new problem. His hands were slightly too large to fit into the nooks and crannies to reach the bolts, but he managed to reach them somehow. But if that wasn't enough, the dumbasses didn't know how to manage their vehicle and give it regular tune-ups, because the bolts and the alternator were rusted. It was a miracle the humvee lasted as long as it did before it died.

    Fuck off, man," Drew spat. With a satisfying clink, the socket wrench (finally) hooked onto the last bolt, and Drew began moving his arm back and forth as he tightened the bolt. Once it was tightened, and he tried shaking the alternator to make sure it wouldn't rattle, the male nodded his head towards the driver seat. "Fire 'er up."

    Drew found it rather amusing that the military officers wouldn't allow him or his co-worker, Ivy, do
    too much with their products that needed to be repaired. They no doubt thought that the repair-woman and the mechanic would rig their products with explosives or snip their vehicle brakes or something along those lines. Drew definitely wouldn't mind messing around with their things—cutting their brake lines, flooding their exhaust, tampering with the ball joints or CV bearings—just to see how stupid the authorities are or to see them burst into flames as their vehicles careen out of control almost immediately on the road. Or just to make them angry.

    He remembered when he last tampered with an HMMWV. That was back when they didn't leave one of their men at the shop to watch the mechanic work and make sure he did what he was supposed to do (or at least what they thought he was supposed to do). Drew was left alone in the shop with a military-grade vehicle for two hours. All he had to do was replace a couple tires, but he was plenty of time to play around, too. So the male tampered with the wheel bearing on their front left tire—not too much, but just enough that, when they would get about a mile down the road, the military men would lose control of their vehicle as the front left tire would suddenly come to a complete stop and the vehicle would skid and tip, tumbling down the street. Fortunately, the accident didn't cause by civilian casualties or injuries, but the military enforcers were banged up pretty badly—so badly that they had to be air-lifted to a hospital while their vehicle was sent to the junkyard behind Drew's shop.

    The mechanic internally winced at the memory. They had no direct evidence against him, but he was the leading suspect in causing the accident. So a crew of about five or six men broke into his shop and beat the living daylights out of him. He'd admit it: they were ruthless. Drew suffered a broken nose, a couple fractured and broken ribs, and plenty of bruises and cuts. But the man didn't regret the decision. He was able to get a pretty good sadistic chuckle out of it. But now, the curly-haired man's shop had to be monitored by at least one soldier every time he or Ivy had to work on one of their pieces of equipment.

    The enforcer kept a suspicious eye on the male as he cautiously made his way to the driver side and reached in without sitting down—he was probably getting ready to make a break for it if the engine caught fire. He inserted the key into the ignition and started it. With a couple precious clicks, the vehicle flared to life and hummed in satisfaction. The other male hesitated but when the car didn't explode or die, he stepped up, sat in the driver seat, and closed the door. After rolling the window down, he fished a cigarette and a few copper pieces out of his pocket. He lit his cigarette while flicking the coins onto the shop floor, the money bouncing on the ground a couple times before twirling to a stop. With a smirk, the enforcer bid farewell with a "
    Ya have a good day."

    Before Drew could gripe at him about the under-payment, he had already begun driving out of the garage and speeding off down the street, narrowly missing a few children playing out on the road. He stopped at the doorway of his shop and scrunched his face up in annoyance. Drew made a 'd' in American sign language and made an arc down and to the right, then he made a 'b' and tapped his forehead—"Damn bastard," it would translate.

    With a sigh, Drew re-entered the shop and, after picking up the enforcer's payment, went to the back, grabbing a bottle of vodka and taking a swig right out of the bottle as he slumped into a plastic chair. He knew that the fights were occurring tonight and that Adix was involved—which was always interesting—, but he couldn't attend like he normally would. Drew would rather not have his teeth knocked in just to replace a damn alternator. But that was okay. He tilted his head off to the side, his gaze settling on the large object in the far corner hidden underneath a tarp. Now he had a bit of free time to relax before working on his personal project.

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Tami ? Nash



Insurgent Rebel



Big Sky bar



@sunshineintoveins, @Javax

"She hasn't said anything to me but I really could use her help." Tami nodded as she listened to the man speak, picking up her glass to take a large sip. Working and then going to see the fight had rendered her thirsty - and having some apple juice was a great way of celebrating a victory, too. She grinned and lifted her own drink at his next words, as if to agree with him. "People love to drink after a good fight and she's far better at dealing with drunken brawls than I am. I should have Dorian here as well." Surely, apple juice wouldn't get Tami drunk. "Why? Do you need to talk to her?"

Tami shrugged and was about to answer the barman when the woman who had sang and had now taken a seat signaled him over. As she asked for water, Tami smiled.
"Singing must make one thirsty. You do have a great voice! I don't think I heard you sing here before." she complimented the woman and then her gaze swayed towards Felix, "If Adi wouldn't come, you could ask her-" With a small tilt of her head, Tami indicated who she was talking about. "-to sing some more! Maybe the drunken lads will swoon instead of fight." The young girl turned back toward the woman. "I'm Tami. Who're you?" A grin crossed her face. "I'm asking in case Felix will have to announce you singing again later." she clarified with a chuckle, then reached for her juice again.

She hadn't replied the bartender's question but in fact
was hoping to see Adix some time soon. Despite knowing her way around the bar and a few of its Insurgent customers - and personnel- Tami wasn't officially accepted into the rebel organization just yet. It had only been a few days since she'd tagged a wall. She really hoped to get the news soon and maybe be shown around that mysterious bunker she'd heard some of her older friends talk about. And hey, maybe she'd learn a bit of how to fight like Adix, too! Either way, it didn't seem like the best subject to be talking about with Felix when a stranger was sitting only a few feet away. So, Tami was trying to make conversation with the woman instead.

DORIAN YAGALOM ♔insurgent rebel | big sky bar

@Javax @sunshineintoveins @Scribbly @Semblance

There was something excruciating about the nightly grind at the Big Sky that had Dorian's bones itching for movement, his temper even worse than usual, and his tolerance for bumbling drunkards a little less than none whatsoever. It didn't help at all that, in the early evening, he was stuck on cleaning duty again by the goddess of underground fights herself, Adix Rylan- after all, someone had to scrub the putrid vomit off of the hardwood flooring and sweep around grabbing all the empty glasses left behind on the tables by, in Dorian's eyes, inconsiderate assholes who couldn't clean up after themselves. The proud men and women of Sector II who sauntered in through the doors of the Big Sky expecting a good time - long before noon, or any other acceptable hour to get piss blind drunk and pass out in the gutter, Dorian bitterly noted - would soon learn not to make eye contact or, god forbid, strike up conversation with the brooding devil in the corner, the languid, foul-faced young man who resembled a disgruntled feline more than an actual human at that time.

So, naturally, when business picked up a little and Felix (bless his heart) had turned an unfortunate blind eye to Dorian's work, Dorian deviously slipped out through the front and unleashed himself on the town to find some action, something to put a skip in his heart and pump some well-needed adrenaline through his veins. However, the particular region of Sector II the Insurgents had based themselves in wasn't exactly a thrill-seeking type of area; the worst Dorian could get himself into at that time of day was swiping a bundle of shiny trinkets off of some poor merchant and growling at a few thief kids to go home after their failed attempts at pickpocketing him. As he circled the bustling town square, he sized up an intimidating military patrol doing their hourly round throughout the marketplace, and stopped in his tracks to weigh up the pros and cons.

Pros; he ticks off the guards, finally has some real excitement in his agonizing day, and lures the armed pigs away from the town square so the people don't have to hold their breath every time the soldiers walk past. Cons; potential, and very likely, death.

Clearly, in this case, the pros decisively outweighed the cons. There was confusion and panic coursing throughout the square in the few minutes it took for Dorian to peg an orange he blatantly stole from a nearby vendor at one of the guard's considerably unprotected nether regions, before taking off running as fast as possible with the outraged, and very pained, shouting exploding behind him. With his heart happily pounding in his chest, he followed the map of the city set out in his mind, weaving in between filthy alleyways and cutting through run-down neighborhoods until he was certain the guards had lost his scent. It gave him such a rush toying with those pathetic excuses for law enforcement, a high satisfactory enough for a lazy night where he would much rather be asleep than on his bar duty, and he savored the feeling as he slinked back to the Big Sky.

Making his not-so-grand entrance back at the bar a few hours later, Dorian felt relieved that Adix was nowhere to be seen. She would, for sure, have something to say about him ditching his job again and slacking off, to which Dorian would disdainfully retort something about not getting the shit beat out of himself in some infantile street fight. It was always a back-and-forth tumble with those two, but with Felix, well- Dorian didn't really ever expect to incur the holy wrath of his soft-hearted mentor Felix.

Glancing around the bar, it looked as though even more drunken patrons had shown up during Dorian's absence. Felix seemed stressed, and rightfully so, but Dorian couldn't find it in him to feel any sort of remorse- as usual.

"Wow, things sure got busy around here," Dorian dryly remarked with a wide yawn - pointedly avoiding the obvious subject of his disappearance - as he slid in behind the bar beside Felix, noticing the two women ordering their drinks there. He recognized only one of the faces- the bright-eyed and fresh-faced girl, an aspiring Insurgent, whispers along the grapevine telling of her tagging a wall just a few days prior. He allowed her merely a nod in acknowledgement.

The other face was lost on him. Dorian usually did not take kindly to unknown faces, because there were few faces he didn't know. Interest piqued, he nonchalantly leaned on the bar in front of the stranger, eyebrows knitted together in faux concern.

"You enjoying that water there, lady? I hear the alcohol content is

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Insurgent Rebel | Big Sky bar

@Scribbly @dim @Javax

A brunette woman signaled him over with the slight raise of her hand. Felix glanced at her and recognized her as the singer they had hired recently. He didn't know anything about her because Adix was the one who dealt with hiring new people. She was very cautious about that kind of stuff and insisted on handling new comers herself even if they were just the bar's entertainer. He hated not knowing everyone so this was his chance to find out who this new woman was.

�"Water, please," the woman said flashing him a smile.

"Of course," Felix said returning her grin.

Tami leaned over to the woman ready to strike up a friendly conversation as the girl often did with new people. He turned to fill up a glass when he saw Dorian enter, coming back from God knows where. Fortunately for dorian Adix was not here to interrogate him about his whereabouts. Felix was just grateful that he returned. He breathed a sigh of relief, happy that he wasn't the only one at the bar anymore. With the place filling up, he was going to need the young man's help.

"Wow, things sure got busy around here," Dorian declared as he slipped behind the bar.

Felix placed the glass of cool water in front of the woman when Tami finished her introduction. He was glad when Tami dropped the subject of Adix in this stranger's presence. They couldn't take any chances around new people.

"I'm glad to hear you taking some initiative, Dorian," he smiled proudly. "You can help me out by wiping down the bar," Felix grabbed a wet rag from under the counter and placed it in front of Dorian.

The young man's attention was elsewhere and he took immediate interest in the singer sitting at the end of the bar. He leaned on the bar and said "You enjoying that water there, lady? I hear the alcohol content is

Felix rolled his eyes at this remark knowing that Dorian was prepared to interrogate this stranger. He only hoped that he could ask questions and do his job simultaneously. Felix loved the kid and had made it his mission to take young Dorian under his wing but it was also his mission to survive yet another rowdy Friday fight night.
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[border]Lucy J. Castellano

Insurgent Rebel||Location: Big Sky Bar

@dim @Scribbly || Interacted: @sunshineintoveins




Lucy made her way absent mindedly towards the Sky Bar. She strolled along the sidewalk, only half watching where she was going. The other half of her attention when spent on trying to get her lighter to work. Her thumb scraping the igniter irritably as she muttered to herself, cigarette held lightly between her lips.
“Piece of...goddamn, shit. Come on...Work!” she continued to curse and murmur for several minutes, desperately trying to get some warmth in the cold, evening air. Eventually giving up, she pocketed the lighter, an annoyed expression across her face. Her hands went up to her head as a way of consoling herself a little, adjusting her cap which sat backwards on her head at a angle.

J had just gotten off her shift at Niche, and was looking forward to a drink. It had been fairly busy that day, with the regulars coming in as well as several patrols stopping by on their breaks. There were underground fights on around this time, but they weren’t really her scene anymore. She’d tried competing in them a couple times and, while it definitely hadn’t gone as bad as some fights did, she come away from them with a bloody face more times than not. Since then she tended to avoid attending to much, as she always wanted to try again, and the result was mostly the same. Still slightly irritated at her broken lighter, Lucy arrived at the Big Sky Bar. The place was a local hot spot for drunks and Insurgents and always seemed to bring out her constant, slight smile.

Pushing the door open, Lucy glanced around the bar. It was pretty busy, with people sat at tables and standing in groups chatting. Most were drunk, or at least half there. Lucy's plan was to be joining them in their intoxicated state soon enough. She moved further in, heading towards the bar when she noted Felix was serving. J moved towards him, seeing Tami and Dorian were also there which let to slight pause. Tami was sweet and decent to talk to but Dorian rubbed her the wrong way. Just something about him bugged her. He seemed occupied with talking to some girl at the bar anyway so she made her way over despite his presence.

“Felix.” She said, greeting him with a broad smile as she took a seat, nodding at the others but focusing on the figure behind the bar. “Can’t get me a drink can you?” she asked, drumming her fingers on the edge of the bar as she spoke. “Also, don’t happen to have a lighter back there do you? My one is shit and decided to die on me.”





”Tell me about Union City again?”

Sofía González sat on a chair at the Big Sky Bar, listening to an intoxicated man speak about his trip to the capital. Born in Sector 4, it was obvious that Derek’s glimpse of the shining city had been the best day of his life. The young agent had lived there for multiple years herself, but she was unable to disclose that information while undercover. Instead, Sofía kept up her façade well, feigning her interest in his story by looking at him with an enticing expression. She giggled frequently to keep him on her hook, but the agent inwardly rolled her eyes at the slur of his words and the slight gap in his teeth. The diminishing glass of vodka before her was the only thing keeping her engaged, as Derek was about as dull as a blank piece of paper.

"Was it as wonderful as in the stories?” The onyx-haired beauty asked with a giggle, leaning toward Derek with an alluring smile. The young woman could smell the alcohol on his breath, but she pretended not to notice and scooted closer to him, staring into his pale eyes with her dark orbs. Sofía had to admit that he was attractive, but she was not interested in anything more than a short fling while in Sector 2. Regardless, she believed most of the insurgents were savage and ungrateful for rebelling against the government that feed them. How would they survive if El Primo ever decided to cut off their food and medical supplies?

"It was the most wonderful place you’d ever see in your pretty life, gorgeous-" Derek murmured, his words coming out very slowly, as he attempted to concentrate on speaking coherent words. Sofía noticed him grip the table, chuckling slightly at his endeavor to hold himself steady. She pretended to listen to his description of the city's architecture, rubbing his palm lightly with her thumb to keep his hazy eyes on her. When he got into a rhythm with his explanation, Sofía instantly drowned him out, nodding occasionally to seem like she was paying attention. Instead, Sofía's mind was far away, listening to other conversations instead.

She began collecting intelligence for her notes, thankful that it was the weekend, and she would not have to return to her atrocious job at Café Niche until Monday. Sofía almost wanted to quit every time she saw the mountain of dishes in the kitchen, but she knew the occupation was necessary to blend in. She scrunched up her nose at the thought of food clinging to discarded plates, wanting to push those thoughts away for one day. Just as thoughts of the café left her mind, the noise in the bar began to amplify. Looking toward the doorway, she noticed a stream of people enter, as they flooded in from the adjacent arena. Their arrival was an excellent indicator that the anticipated fight was over, which meant she would have more opportunities to interact with suspected rebels and document additional notes in her next report.

”Did you see the way she shattered that bone? I felt that from my seat all the way in the back.”

“I feel bad for whoever fights her next. She has great moves, that’s for sure.”

Those statements were enough to indicate that they were talking about Adix Rylan, Sledgehammer’s daughter. As much as Sofía hated to admit it, the female fighter was a large threat to the agent's mission, which frustrated her. While some of the others had taken to her, the onyx-haired woman had more trouble gaining intelligence on the Insurgence via Adix. It was a small setback, but the agent was determined to crack her code within the month, if not sooner.

Sofía glanced at the drunk Derek across from her, giggling softly while he continued his monologue despite her inattentiveness.
"Do you want another drink, handsome? I'll buy." She asked with a pleasing smile, continuing to rub his palm on top of the table. "Don't worry. I won't stray too far." She assured, as she noticed him getting ready to protest, rising from her chair and sending a wink in his direction. She ambled away from the table and rolled her eyes, when she was far enough from the table, thinking it was best not to cozy up to Derek again. Sofía navigated her way toward the bar, smirking when he saw the bartender manning his station. With a flip of her hair, she headed in his direction, faltering slightly when she saw him talking to a young woman with curly hair. Something about Tami always seemed to put her off, though she was unsure what it was yet. Sofía also noted an unfamiliar female with dark hair, Dorian, and Lucy from the café approach, raising her brow momentarily before approaching the counter.

”Hi there. Can I get another black & tan and a cranberry vodka?” She asked Felix with a sweet smile, as honey-tongued words dripped from her lips. "It’s crowded in here, isn’t it? Derek seems almost as intoxicated as the rest of them.” She chuckled, leaning against the bar and flashing the others another simper. Her eyes settled on the unknown woman who had ordered water before her, acknowledging her with an amiable nod. ”You were great up there, by the way. The men really seemed to like being serenaded.” She remarked with another chuckle, looking over the dark-haired singer with curiosity and letting Tami question her first.
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Location: Workshop ● Government Agent ● Tagged: @Javax


Ivy cursed in pain as she watched a droplet of blood fall from her newly wounded thumb. The stupid capacitor had cut her,
again. She shoved the rainbow disarray of radio parts to the side of the table, a few scraps ringing out as they hit the hard floor of the workshop. Sucking gingerly on her thumb to stanch the bleeding she gazed upon the pieces crossly. She had taken up building the nicknamed "franken-radio", dubbed for it being made from a variety of salvaged parts, in her spare time with minimal success. Of course, back in the Emerald district she wouldn't need to go on a scavenger hunt for every part she needed, let alone build a radio of all things. These dinosaurs were completely obsolete! She was just tinkering to avoid the mind numbing boredom she experienced otherwise.

Suddenly the roar of an engine brought her to the present and she scooted out of her seat to peek at the now resuscitated Humvee and accompanying people. Hiding from the action didn't go well with her, but it was out of necessity. She was pretty sure she might have seen the leader of the enforcer group before while doing a previous agent job; No sense in trusting a lunk-headed military grunt not to blow her cover. Peering closer at the scene their faces seemed even more sour than typical for enforcers, and the rude gesturing as they stormed off by her fellow mechanic Drew Ramsey furthered Ivy's curiosity. She waited as he reentered the shop, closing the door behind him with a slam before circling closer.

"Soooo" Ivy began slightly obnoxiously before starting her inquiery. "I'm guessing those guys don't just have a thing against cripples-" She paused to dab the blood roughly off her thumb with a napkin before continuing "What is it then? Arch nemesis's? A clash of the classes? In the past did they murder your father in a tragic turn of events leaving you swearing to avenge his spirit in petty hand gestures at the next opportunity presented?" She scanned his face hoping she had successfully goaded him into divulging juicy secrets.

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N e i l G r e e n

Second Wave Agent // Underground Arena // @AnyoneWatching


Neil watched a match from the side and was absolutely absorbed. He’d seen fights before, but most of the time he was in them, so he never got a chance to admire one, seeing one and being able to just study the moves was incredibly entertaining to him. Plus, Neil would the first one to suggest salutary neglect as a good policy for these outer sectors where rebellion was often waiting around a corner, and these fights had no real negative effects on the state of the greater Republic. A nice way to blow off steam is what they were. Neil smiled as the two opponents exited the arena, one obviously bleeding. He clapped with the rest of the crowd, she deserved it. The girl who had the stab wound was very obviously skilled. She moved quickly and seemed to understand how to play her opponent. It was pretty obvious to Neil that she had practical experience, meaning she was likely a rebel. And from
that conclusion he gleaned that rebels fought in the fights . . . likely often. As he was staring at the winning combatant, she started scanning the crowd and they made eye contact the moment the referee began asking the crowd who would go next. Neil made a snap judgement and had a great idea. He smiled at her as someone jumped up onto the arena, and as the ref asked for another opponent he winked at her and climbed up onto the arena.

The ref gave him a hard pat on the back and Neil unbuttoned his shirt -which wasn’t anything fancy, a grease-stained flannel was all- and threw it across the ropes surrounding the ring. Unfortunately now his bare chest and all the large scars decorating it, his side, and his back, were visible, but a button-down would inhibit his movement during a hand-to-hand. His opponent was an angry-looking man who was spitting insults at Neil. He was covered in tattoos, bald, shorter than Neil (most people are, he’s a tall guy), but much more built. Neil didn’t move, it looked like the man was going to charge at him, so he let him. The guy wasn’t paying much attention and was using very haphazard technique so it was easy for Neil to sidestep at the last moment, and get control of his opponent with a lunge at his gut at a hand on his back. The man curled over around Neils arm, but snapped back up and aimed a punch at Neil’s jaw, which was easily blocked with a quickly raised forearm. Neil used the man’s shock to plant his elbow into his opponent's throat, sending him staggering backwards. The guy hung at the other corner or the ring for a second, growling, before attempting a second charge. This time, he firmly planted a hit into Neil’s gut, making him grit his teeth as he used the situation to his advantage, bending over the man, and wrapping his arms around the guy’s waist. He used his opponent's position to flip him over onto his head and slam him onto the ring’s floor and then slam him in the ribs. He felt a distinct crunch under his elbow as the ref blew the whistle and the crowd cheered, not as loudly as they did for the last combatant, and it was mostly yelling in excitement, but they were cheers nonetheless.

Neil gave the man his hand to help him up, and he surprisingly accepted the help. He lead the guy off the ring and was approached by a group of guys saying they’d take him. Neil gently handed his opponent off to his friends who took the beaten-up man out, and went back to retrieve his flannel. Neil didn’t actually care the slightest bit about breaking the man’s ribs, or that he got back to his friends; he liked the way they crunched under the force of his arms. But if he showed himself to be powerful
and conscious, then he might spark someone in the room’s attention. Him and his team were told that this was the place where many rebels are recruited, so he knew he was being watched. He had to present a good image, a man you’d want on your team of traitor rebels.

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Second Wave Agent Location: Big Sky Bar

Interacted: @Akeira @Javax @dim | Mentioned: @Volfy @Scribbly @sunshineintoveins


Lucas entered the bar just as the spectators from the most recent fight began to pour into the small room. He knew that another match had been fought tonight in the underground arena based on the whispers on the street. He had never held any interest in watching two people beat each other up for money, but he was interested in the victor of this match: Adix Rylan, daughter of the Sledgehammer. He had only seen pictures of her give to him by his handler, and he knew that she worked at this bar. Lucas was confident that she would reemerge for a victory drink, so he took a seat on one of the wooden chairs as Roux began to sing a beautiful melody with the piano in the background.

He and the singer had been sent together by the government in this wave of Agents, so they had spent a considerable amount of time together. Although they got along quite well on the surface, the Roux's need for money clashed with his own values. She was one of those women who were objectively beautiful, with her red dress and silver heels. He could tell that the way the lyrics flowed smoothly out of her mouth had entranced almost every male in the room.

Lucas' own piercing light brown eyes, however, shifted over to the bar. His gaze rested on a small cluster of people, where he recognized his friend, Felix. The two males had first met each other when Lucas had first moved into the poor sectors in one of the run-down bookstores. They had quickly bonded over their love for the classics, their friendship moving on to late night conversations at the bar, where Felix worked.

Three females sat on the other side of the counter: a blonde, a curly-black haired, and a beautiful onyx-haired woman. His warm brown eyes focused on the slim, fit onyx-haired beauty, his ears drowning out the piano in the background. He naturally admired her soft, yet toned figure from across the room, his gentle gaze embracing the subtle curves that could be seen from beneath her clothes.

As Roux finished her song, the clapping of the audience snapped Lucas out of his daze. He watched his fellow Agent take a seat at the bar and order a drink before following after himself. He made brief eye contact with Roux as he made his way over, giving her the slightest nod of acknowledgement. He didn't want to reveal that they were associated just yet.

Lucas chose a seat next to the slim, black-haired woman as she ordered her drink, noticing a glimpse of a tattoo at the base of her neck when she flipped her hair. "Aye bro, the usual man," he called to Felix, giving his friend a warm greeting smile, referring to the whiskey neat that he often ordered. He took out a few coins from his pocket, clearly more than the cost of one drink, and slid them over the counter towards the black-haired bartender. "For her's too," he said, slightly tipping his head towards the alluring woman next to him. Lucas' warm brown eyes met her own chocolate ones, feeling his pulse begin to race when they locked eyes. He managed a soft smile on his face before looking away without saying a word, shaking his leg slightly in nervousness.

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Insurgent Rebel | Big Sky bar

@Volfy @Akeira @Semblance

Felix glanced up from Dorian to find Lucy walking towards the bar. He switched his attention to her, leaning his arm on the counter as she slid onto a stool. Lucy was an odd character but Felix quite enjoyed her company, she was a fun person to be around. Her dirty blonde hair was tucked into her usual snap back, Felix had never seen her without one

“Felix,” she said grinning at him. “Can’t get me a drink can you?” she asked him. “Also, don’t happen to have a lighter back there do you? My one is shit and decided to die on me.”

"One second, I may have some matches," he said then bent down to open a cabinet under the bar. He trifled through jars of olives, paper towels, and the tool box they kept around for when something broke until he found a packet of matches tucked away in the corner.

"Here," he said placing the matches in front of Lucy. "Pick your poison, darling," he said in a voice deeper than his own, leaning against the counter.

A dark haired woman sashayed towards them, she held herself like a goddess who could destroy a village still looking as delicate and as beautiful as ever while doing it. He recognized her but only knew her name, the rest of her was a perfectly encased enigma. Felix had only admired Sofía from afar, she was still fairly new around the base and he hadn't worked up the courage to have a conversation with her.

”Hi there. Can I get another black and tan and a cranberry vodka?” she asked him flashing a smile, her voice left him in a haze "It’s crowded in here, isn’t it? Derek seems almost as intoxicated as the rest of them.” She chuckled, leaning against the bar.

Derek? Who the hell is Derek?

Felix peered past the charming woman and saw a man slumped over a table who looked like he was about to collapse from alcohol poisoning at any moment. The only thing that Felix had to worry about was having
Derek die in his bar, which honestly wouldn't be so bad.

"Uh," he began choosing his words with care. "Sure, cranberry vodka coming right up."

Sofía still held her lovely smile as he turned to pour her her drink completely ignoring Lucy's previous request. He was too intrigued by the divine woman and completely forgot about his blonde friend. Lucas approached the bar, which made him relax the tension he didn't realize he had. He and Lucas had met in a book store about a month ago, where Felix had helped him find one of his favorite novels. The two soon came to discover their similar tastes in literature and became instant friends. Felix loved having someone to talk about literature with, because it seemed that there weren't many people with that interest, at least he has never found one.

"Friday nights are always busy, especially after a fight," he told her as he slid the drink in front of her.

"Aye, bro, the usual, man," Lucas said smiling at Felix, which he returned and placed several coins on the counter. Felix was about to tell him that whiskey did not cost that much when he insisted on paying for Sofía nodding at the dark haired lady.

"You got it," he softly and pulled out a glass then poured the amber liquid in it. He handed it Lucas and gave him a slight nod with a tight smile. He turned to Lucy who had waited on him long enough. He felt like an idiot for being so easily mesmerized by someone whom he had hardly ever spoken to. She was just a woman, he told himself. A beautiful, flawless woman. Just a woman.
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  • Drew had hardly heard his coworker at first, but when Ivy's words finally registered in his mind his gaze shifted over to the short female with a raised eyebrow. Nearly a foot shorter than the mechanic, Ivy was a rather interesting character. She showed up almost out of the blue not long ago, taking up a job at the Repair Depot and, soon after, joined the Insurgent rebellion. It made him rather suspicious, in a sense, because he always found it odd that people showed up out of nowhere and suddenly joined the rebellion, but he figured he couldn't say much because he showed up out of nowhere and joined the Insurgents.

    But he couldn't help but feel wary around her...

    Despite his lack of trust in her, the female was entertaining to hang around. They could share fun stories about their adventures with messing with the local authorities, or they could engage in conversations about the various technological pieces they were working on, sharing knowledge about different things to use at a later date. He wondered how she came to know so much about technology and the like. Was she like him: going to a university in the Gem Sectors then returning to the poor sectors to join the Insurgents? it was difficult to tell, so he left it alone.

    Drew let out a huff of amusement. "
    Oh, definitely," he mused sarcastically. "Maybe next time, I'll be sure to beat him with my metal leg instead of making obscene hand gestures." He turned his head and lifted it upwards in a mock show of pride. "All of it as revenge for my father's second cousin." He turned back towards Ivy and a corner of his lips turned upward in a sadistic, playful smirk. The auto mechanic then brought the lip of the bottle back to his lips, taking another drink of the precious vodka. As the bottle was now a little under half full, Drew could already feel the buzz of the alcohol begin to take effect.


DORIAN YAGALOM ♔insurgent rebel | big sky bar

@Javax @sunshineintoveins @Akeira @Volfy

"I'm glad to hear you taking some initiative, Dorian," Felix spoke, with a beaming smile that made Dorian think someone had switched the infernal sun back on. "You can help me out by wiping down the bar."

When the wet rag was thrust over to him, Dorian didn’t bother to acknowledge it, aside from swiping it off of the bar so that it wouldn’t just sit awkwardly between him and his subject of conversation- he didn’t even hazard a foul glance in Felix’s direction. The young man was too busy making some borderline unsettlingly foreshadowing pleasantries with this strange, dark-haired woman he had never laid eyes upon before. She was leaning in close, closer, too close, and Dorian already felt his skin crawling long before she whispered into his ear,
“almost as deadly as me,” heightening his sequence of uncomfortable sensations with a strong chill running down his spine. It took every ounce of inner strength Dorian had not to flinch away from the physical proximity, his grimace smoothly transitioning into a sly smile.

“Oh? Is that so?” he chirped in response to her witty remark, his voice perfectly free of any telltale wavering. If there was one thing Dorian was good at, it was always appearing flawlessly unfazed even when turmoil ran amok within him. Coming back from the momentary panic and slipping back into his usual dickish persona came naturally to him.

He leaned comfortably on the bar again, briefly glancing at a man slumped, horribly drunk, on one of the tables across the room. A few moments prior, that onyx-haired minx Sofia had been making nice with the poor sod but had left him since, approaching the bar for some idle talk with the lady he was chatting to about something regarding singing- clearly, Dorian's entrance was just a moment too late to witness such an event. Dorian raised his eyebrows at Sofia - his form of a lazy greeting to the other rebel - before turning his attentions back to the alleged singer. Lucy was there now, too, but Dorian didn't bother with her. They didn't exactly get along, and Dorian was damned if he was going to waste breath
or muscle movements on someone he wasn't interested in in the slightest.

adorable. Welcome to Sector II, lady- our street children are fuckin’ trained killers. But, more importantly, I can say for sure that I’ve never seen your face ‘round here before," he said to the mysterious woman, straightening out again with a shit-eating grin playing across his features. “I know why you’re here. Obviously, you ain’t here to get fucked out of your mind and piss in the gutters all the way back home. You’re scoping things out. And I’m scoping you out, because I know I’m going to be seeing more of you very soon. So, would you grant me the gift of your name, dear stranger? Apparently,” there’s that foul glance in Felix’s general direction, “I got cleaning to do.”

Dorian had been told many times before that the way he spoke was quite… ‘jarring’, to say the least. His accent was a concoction of the barely-understandable dialects of Sector V and the vulgar slang of slum gangs, watered down with the more posh accents he heard around Sector II across the years and an appreciation for poetry and fine articulation. Sure, he could force a more city-dwelling accent when needed, but why erase what made him so unique? It was almost hypnotizing to listen to him rambling on, with his curious lilts, intonations and excessive profanity, and catching people off guard was what Dorian enjoyed doing best.

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@sunshineintoveins , @Semblance

“Uh,” Felix, the bartender, spoke with some uncertainty, causing Sofía to raise her brow at the doubt. “Sure, cranberry vodka coming right up.”

When there was no mention of the black & tan, Sofía pouted playfully and continued to look at the muscular man before her. She parted her supple lips to question his judgment before following his stare to the table she ventured from. Despite the growing noise in the bar, Derek was visibly slumped on the tabletop and on the verge of sleep and alcohol poisoning.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” The young agent murmured to herself with a heavy sigh, as it was evident that Derek failed as a handsome decoy. Before thoughts invaded her mind, she turned away and looked at the bar counter, touching the finger where her wishing ring once sat. Sofía felt a tinge of guilt for encouraging the man to continuing drinking during the evening, but she knew her career came before personal feelings. It always did.

She cleared her throat to push her self-reproach away, putting on a bright face again and looking at Felix.
“It seems like I'm the only one who knows how to rally. It’s really a shame.” She said coolly, giving the bartender another lovely smile. “I suppose you have quite the tolerance while working here, don’t you? I wonder how I’d do in a game of snapshot against you.” The young woman remarked with an enticing expression, resting her elbow on the counter, while Felix poured her drink.

”And I hope you won't have to break up too many fights tonight.” The female agent murmured with a sweet and hopeful tone, continuing to make eye contact with him, as she picked up her glass to sip from its brim. "Thank you, Felix.” Sofía said pointedly after he slid the drink toward her, gazing into his eyes with an appreciative smile and making sure to use his name. The onyx-haired woman did not look away, tilting the glass back and letting the pleasant alcohol burn its way down her throat. Nodding in approval, she began to fish through her pockets for the proper coins to pay for her drink and leave a small tip.

"Aye bro, the usual man.” A velvety, male voice said beside her, penetrating her ears with its tone and interrupting her process of counting coins.

Sofía looked up from her task to see an attractive man with dark brown hair who had addressed Felix. Her chocolate orbs took the man in stride, admiring the scruff on his face and the charming aura radiating off of him. She watched him take coins from his pocket, her eyes flickering toward his muscular, lean physique with a small smirk and a bite of her lower lip. When he pulled out more coins than necessary for a whiskey, she gave him a sweet smile, as he paid for her drink. Sofía raised her brow and took another sip of her drink, attempting to distract herself from the authenticity of the expression conveyed on her face. Her chocolate eyes gazed into his warm brown orbs until he smiled and looked away, realizing the moment ended much sooner than she would have liked. After his eyes shifted from her own, Sofía mused on a feeling brewing inside her that felt new for the first time in her life: Pure and honest attraction.

"Thank you.” She chuckled, snapping out of her girlish daze and giving him the same alluring smile she used on Felix and Derek. "I should hope you paid for my drink out of the kindness of your heart and not with other intentions.” Sofía suggested with a smirk, teasing him lightly and sipping more of her drink. "I'm Sofía.” The young woman said with a honey-toned voice, pausing for a moment before extending her delicate hand toward him in greeting.

S A N A A . B A N I

second wave government agent

location | underground arena


Sanaa didn't like crowds.

Too much physical contact, too much noise, too much rowdiness, especially from this bunch of disorderly onlookers. She'd been bumped one time too many and her skin crawled in revulsion. She already needed a shower. Still, she bore through it, (she was, after all, on special assignment) gritting her teeth to dust as the sweat-soaked man next to her shouted and jumped, boisterously shoving her side wards. She shot the man a threatening death glare to which the sweaty man rolled his eyes in response, and she cautiously weaved through the sea of bodies to a slightly less populated spot. God, she despised crowds, and, even more so, the idiots in them.

With hard eyes, she gazed over the crowd, easily standing tall above most of the people there, her eyes settling on the center of attention - the illegal fight over which people in the crowd were betting on. Sanaa was fully aware of the illegality of the underground fights, though it'd be a lie to admit that she wasn't surprised; the poor sectors were bustling with illegal activity, and betting on fights was hardly the worst of it. Her eyes blank and brow raised slightly, she glanced around the arena for any familiar faces in the crowd - Neil, another agent working alongside Sanaa to infiltrate the rebel base. As for Roux and Lucas, the other two agents, Sanaa briefly recalled hearing them say that they would be at the bar instead. Crossing her arms to minimize contact with the fools bouncing and shouting around her, Sanaa turned her attention back to the fight, just in time to catch the sight of one woman taking a brutal hit to the jaw, the punch almost audible with a sickening crack. Sanaa's face contorted into a look of disgust; it wasn't every day she witnessed violence. She usually dealt with a different kind of brutality, an unseen one - that is, the pitiless corruption found in the leaders within the Gem sectors. An area as corrupt as the Diamond Sector left few innocents in its destructive wake.

One woman hit the ground preceded by a yelp of pain, and a sharp whistle pierced the air. The other woman emerged from the fight victorious, and she was soon surrounded by a small group of ebullient Insurgents offering their congratulations. Sanaa's eyes momentarily dropped to the floor, and when they flicked up again, two more competitors had taken the arena, and there was no feeling of surprise when she saw Neil on the stage. Of course the man would have no qualms about thrusting himself in the spotlight, though Sanaa could only wonder what on earth would possess one to do so. Valid motivations were often nonexistent to Sanaa - in her own mind, at least.

Her gaze once again falling upon the victor, Sanaa briefly considered the woman. She bore a certain coldness in her eyes, yet one that also burned with intensity - a rare combination to find in a stranger. It could've been from her onerous upbringing in Sector 2 to put on such a tough exterior, of course, though it was difficult to fathom that this woman didn't hold the flame of rebellion within her. She was the type of woman Sanaa was looking for - she had to be an Insurgent. An ever-presently stoic expression plastered onto her face, Sanaa approached the woman, slipping a clean white rag out of her back pocket.
"Here. Might need this." She held out the rag to the woman, a tone of nonchalant indifference burrowed deep into her otherwise monotonous voice as she gestured to the growing blood-soaked patch on her shirt. Sanaa made no mention of her performance in the arena and made no attempt to strike up a discussion. She never was much of a conversationalist.

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Position: Insurgent Rebel || Location: Underground Arena

Interacted: @whitefoxkiller

Mentions:@Semblance @Zoola


Rhea's thoughts were swallowed by the tremendous sound of drunken yelling. Her senses stiffened with the bitter smell of beer as she wandered through the underground arena. When Adix asked her to collect ingredients from the market, she eagerly accepted in hopes of finding a moment of peace. Rhea was desperate for an escape from the awful mess that lingered in the Sky Bar.

That moment of peace dashed away from her as she observed the jarring crowd. A distance away, she spotted Adix, who had walked away from the fight with a breezy attitude. She had obviously won.

Suddenly, a boney shoulder collided into her back, causing the spindly girl to stumble forward. The fruits she'd been carrying tumbled to the floor in an avalanche of color. Her honey blonde hair whipped around her when she turned and her eyes were cold and gleaming as she assessed the man who stood before her.

"Lay it off on the drinks," she mumbled. If the man hadn't been overflowing with alcohol, she would have given him a much grander scolding. Rhea brushed him aside and quickly gathered the fruits she'd dropped.

When she looked up, her eyes wandered to the area where Adix one stood. A tall and sculpted man had entered the arena with an opponent who seamed nearly double his mass. She tucked the last of the fruit into the bag before moving closer to the circle that had formed around to two competitors. As she moved closer, she noticed the deep and jagged scars that ran alongside the his ribcage and stomach. Her mind was ablaze with curiosity.

"Ya here to bet, pretty thing?" A raspy voice came up behind her, causing her stomach to dropped. She recognized the man's voice from a rough night at the bar, but she'd yet to talk to him. He had a reputation for being a nuisance.

"I'd be happy to place a bet, but i'm not fond of taking people's money." Rhea's voice came out as a smooth, serpent-like hiss and she finished her response with a smile.

"Then let's not bet for money. If I win, you spend the night with me. If you win," he tapped a finger to his bearded chin as he thought, "I'll give you a piece of information regarding the Government Agents." He smiled a clever smile and extended his hand.

Hesitantly, Rhea took it. She was always fortunate when it came to betting and, if she didn't win, she could always find her way around the disgusting loss.

"Since I was coerced into this, I think it's only fair that I place my bet first. My stakes are on the taller man." Rhea smiled at the bearded man and he simply nodded. From the gleam in his eyes, he was confident that he was going to win.

Rhea kept her attention on the scarred man, her eyes observing his every move. Quickly enough, it was obvious who was going to win. While the shorter man was physically strong, the mysterious stranger had stronger technique. Her eyes glowed as she watched her prediction come into reality. The scarred man's fists violently collided into his opponents rib cage, each punch producing a shattering thud.

The man who she'd made a bet with was gone when she turned to look. Rhea laughed at his cowardice, but wasn't surprised that he flaked. After all, she doubted that his information was truly beneficial. Her attention was drawn back to the center of the arena, where the unfamiliar man was helping his opponent from the ground. It was a strange gesture that had Rhea questioning.

She quickly made her way towards the man, reaching him before he could disappear into the crowd.

"That was a rather clean fight, I'm impressed." Rhea cut in front of him and extended her hand as a silent introduction.

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Insurgent Rebel Location: Underground Arena

Interacted: @Zoola @VintageBlues | Mentioned: @whitefoxkiller


Adix retreated back into a quiet corner of the arena where she had given another Insurgent her bag, which consisted of a makeshift first aid kit she had put together herself for situations like this. She lifted up her shirt and gently poured some disinfectant onto the wound, careful to be as conservative as she could with their medical supplies. She winced as the liquid burned her wound, biting her tongue in the process, then proceeded to search her bag for gauze. Adi cursed under her breath as she realized that she had forgotten the gauze, leaving her no choice but to slowly cover her wet wound with her dirty tank top.

As she made her way back into the crowd to observe the next match, however, the fight was over before she had even gotten to the front. Adix noticed a rather tall athletic man reaching down to extend a helping hand to his defeated opponent. She crossed her arms in observation, her piercing hazel green eyes scanning the victor's every inch as he stepped out of the arena. She noticed a familiar blonde female in the crowd, recognizing her as Rhea, another Insurgent rebel. Although they were rather similar people, combining two cold, calculating personas did not often form a friendship. Still, Adix locked eyes with her fellow rebel and gave her a small nod in greeting.

She shifted her attention back onto the victor of the match and was about to head over towards the man when she was interrupted by a slim woman with brown, frizzy hair. Adi looked down at the clean rag the woman had offered towards her before shifting her gaze back onto her dark brown eyes. The female's expression was stoic and nonchalant, her eyes clouded with mixed intentions, as did everyone else. She slowly extended her own hand and accepted the white rag, examining it carefully for any suspicious substances before looking back at the mysterious woman. "Thank you," she replied with equal stoicism. Adix lifted up her shirt and cleaned off her bloody wound with the rag before folding it and tucking it into her pocket. "If you want this back, I can clean it off and return it next time I see you," she added. "I assume you live in this area?" she inquired, as usually only the locals attended these underground fights, careful to keep her voice detached.

She couldn't help but let her hazel eyes slip past the woman in front of her and back onto the victor of the match. The way the man had fought was strong yet precise, similar to that of an Insurgent's fighting style. "Do you know that man? The one who just won this match?" she asked the female before her, her piercing eyes still focused on tall man with the dark brown hair, maintaining her aloof persona.

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Tami ★ Nash



Insurgent Rebel


Big Sky bar


@sunshineintoveins, @dim, @Akeira, @Semblance, @Javax, @Volfy

"Thank you. I've been performing at other places, but this is the first time I've performed at Big Sky Bar," Tami nodded at Roux's swift reply, smiling when the other girl mentioned her name in return. Any attempt on making more conversation at that moment got interrupted by Dorian - the other bartender working tonight - taking his post behind the bar who'd start chatting up the singer after a mere nod Tami's way.

In the next few moments, the area around the bar counter became rather crowded and the young girl sipped her drink as she watched the men and women around her interact. Felix turned busy serving everyone's orders while Dorian seemed otherwise occupied. The blonde - Lucy - Tami recognized, but the other woman and man finding a seat nearby were unfamiliar faces. It was clear, however, that both men - one sitting at the counter, the other standing behind - were quite distracted by the intriguing dark haired beauty which they all soon found out was called Sofía when she introduced herself to the tall guy next to Tami. He actually was rather cute, the eighteen year old had to admit. A quick smile dashed across her face before she pinched her lips slightly at the thought and then pushed her glass, meanwhile half empty, to the side to be able to lean across the counter.

With Felix busy tending the bar, Tami got up - her feet perched on the cross-bar of the stool - and reached for a pencil out of the mug behind the bar. It contained more than one and they were usually used by the bartenders to write down notes on different occasions. Sinking back down on her seat, the curly haired pulled a paper drink coaster over from the stack sitting on the counter between Lucas and her. She still paid attention to her surroundings, the awkward conversations, but her hands got busy sketching. And, as the image had been in her head for days now, she mindlessly started drawing the sledgehammer girl.
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