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Realistic or Modern ⚔ I N S U R G E N T ⚔ - Relationships


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)




Female | 24 | Sector 2 | Bartender | @Semblance





Female | 21 | Emerald Sector | Repairman | @Glass Jellyfish




Male | 30 | Sector 4 | Bartender | @sunshineintoveins



Female | 24 | Ruby Sector | Cafe Dishwasher | @Akeira




Female | 22 | Sector 5 | Cafe Waitress | @Volfy



Male | 33 | Diamond Sector | Auto Repair | @whitefoxkiller




Female | 18 | Sector 2 | Military Maid | @Scribbly



Female | 25 | Diamond Sector | Cafe Waitress | @Zoola




Male | 23 | Sector 5 | Bartender | @dim



Male | 27 | Ruby Sector | Salesman | @Semblance




Female | 24 | Sector 3 | Bartender | @VintageBlues



Female | 32 | Diamond Sector | Entertainer | @Javax




Male | 27 | Sector 4 | Auto Mechanic | @Javax

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Felix- "They obviously have to spend quite a lot of time with each other at work and as rebels. I feel like Felix could get Adix out of her shell of at least try to. He would very much admire and respect her for her dedication to the rebellion. He would also be intrigued by her intelligence and logic. Felix and Adix could be good friends given time."

I completely agree in that they would have to spend a lot of time together to work together, especially b/c their personalities are essentially polar opposites. She would probably find his sensitivity and optimism illogical tbh. However, b/c they are both fighting towards the same cause, Adix would be willing to put aside their differences to train together.

Dorian- like you said, i can sense a pretty strong sibling-type relationship here- dorian grew up with two older sisters who were really tough and loved to fight with him and try to piss him off all the time, but in the end they all still really cared about each other and helped each other when it counted, and he might find a similar relationship with adix; especially because they’re only a year apart. i like the idea of this relationship starting off rocky but gradually, as dorian kind of warms up to people, becoming more genuine. also she puts him on cleaning duty at the bar at any chance she gets like how a true big sis would treat their younger brother

Yeah they have pretty similar personalities (both logical, cynical, composed, and perceptive) and they both find it hard to warm up to people. She'll definitely kick him around for a bit before realizing that she actually cares about him and feels protective over him in an older sister kind of way. HAHA wait I just thought of something- what if they were drinking together one night at the bar and both got SUPER drunk, and ended up sharing a drunken kiss? Then when they sobered up the next morning, both of them freaked out and promised to never speak of it again, pretending that it never happened. hahahaha

Lucy- Lucy would appreciate Adix’s independent and confident nature, yet disagrees on the logical way with which she thinks. Logic ignores many human emotions and it would irritate Lucy that Adix puts so much stock in it. I can’t see them being very close but also don’t see them clashing much as Lucy would respect Adix despite her qualms with her overly rational thinking

Yeah Adix would respect Lucy's coarse way of speaking, but she would definitely become wary of her after Adix realizes how much Lucy lies. She'll respect her courage and independence, however, and even relating to her judgmental nature, since Adix is the same way. They'll most likely keep things civil with each other and remain good acquaintances I think

Rhea- They have fairly similar personalities and both lost a sibling. The one major difference is that Rhea isn't completely dedicated to the Insurgent cause, while Adix lives for it. Because of this, I think they'd be enemies rather than fiends. Rhea admires Adix's strength but thinks she's overly dedicated and takes things too seriously. Eventually, I can see their relationship growing into a strong friendship (if Rhea ever ditches her little mission).

Yeah they are pretty similar, but I agree that that would make them enemies more than friends. Putting two cold, calculating people together doesn't exactly form the best kind of friendship haha. They'll probably be simple acquaintances than anything else.

Drew- Wait they're literally the same person lmao, can they be best friends who drink and argue together? Both of them have very high emotional barriers and it takes a lot for them to trust people, but once they do, they are extremely loyal and dedicated. What if they've reached that level with each other?

Tami- Adix would certainly respect Tami's humble, observant, and caring nature, but because Tami is so positive, Adix would view this as naive. I can see them having good conversations, especially since you said Tami idolizes her, and Adix would secretly be flattered by this. Also since Tami is one of the youngest rebels, Adix may view her as a younger sister in some ways, but I don't think they would be super close simply b/c they're so different.


Neil- If she weren't the enemy, Neil wouldn’t mind admitting that he admires her hard working, tough-shit attitude. She’s like Neil, logical and a little emotionally cut-off. They’d make a great pair in a fire-fight.

Yeah they're actually quite similar people. I can see them often training and sparring together, teaching each other things that the other is weak on. Perhaps they can be sparring buddies? Of course, Adix won't know that Neil would be trying to observe her weaknesses the whole time.

Ivy- As she is from a poor sector Ivy has a sense of disdain for Adix, but seeing as she is Sledgehammer's daughter it is in Ivy's interest to befriend Adix to get information and possibly a glimpse on the man.

Adix would admire her skill in technology, but would be annoyed of her talkative and and disrespectful nature. Tbh idk how much Ivy would be able to get out of Adix, simply b/c she would want to avoid how much she talks

Sanaa- Being that both Adix and Sanaa are reserved and cold people, I don't think they'd interact much at first, though since they're both pretty outspoken about their opinions, they'd definitely clash at some point over differing views. Since Sanaa is a strict follower of order she wouldn't really appreciate how Adix defies and tries to change conventions or traditions and would call her out on that. Overall they clash often, though Sanaa secretly admires Adix's creative mind, logical mind, resourceful thinking, and stubbornness.

They certainly have many attributes in common, and Adix would respect her selflessness and intelligence. I think that even though they clash a lot, they both hold an innate admiration for each other that shows itself when it needs to, such as in combat or when making big decisions.

Jonathan- We've talked about this ;) Basically friends with benefits with a purely physical relationship that eventually develops until they both catch pretty strong romantic feelings for each other. Can't wait to see how this plays out

Sofia- Adix may be wary of her manipulative and devious nature. She'll respect her perceptive and adventurous nature, since those are similar qualities between the two, so I think they would get along fine, but probably won't be very close.

Roux- Okay honestly Adix would dislike Roux very much. She would find her flirtatious and outgoingness rather annoying as well as her cunning and deceptive nature. Adix hates dishonesty and she wouldn't respect Roux's emphasis on money. Tbh Adix probably won't even put in effort to be civil around her and instead, make snide remarks or just avoid her at all costs.

Lucas- Neutral acquaintances simply b/c I don't want to RP with myself ahaha. But also b/c I created such polar opposite characters, they would find the other one v annoying.


Neil- Waayyy too emotional and illogical for Neil. Neil is like, spock…. Lucas is like, Kirk; They’ll probably make an awesome pair, but Spo-- er I mean Neil, will be a snarky eye-roller the entire time. (also I’m sorry if you’re not a star trek fan, I feel bad for your soul)

Hahaha I haven't seen star trek but I understand the analogy. But yeah agreed, Lucas would be civil around Neil but they're too different for him to want anything besides acquaintances. However, they are in the same wave of Agents, so I think they would be forced to grow on each other simply from the amount of time they've spent together.

Ivy- One of the few people Ivy actually might regret upsetting. He seems just a genuinely nice person to her and she can't find anything to fault him for.

Oooo I think they could actually be good friends. Her talkativeness balances out his shyness and they both enjoy helping others. Also they would probably go on a lot of adventures together since they both don't care much for rules. Of course, they won't know that the other person is an Agent, so they'll both still be a bit wary since they think that the other is a Rebel haha. But Lucas isn't super dedicated to his job as an Agent so idk how much that would affect him

Sanaa- If anything, Sanaa's puzzled by Luke. She doesn't understand how he can act so rashly, following his heart instead of his mind and doing things without thinking first. The concept of making decisions based on what one feels rather than relying on logic is completely foreign to her, and she'll often question Luke's judgement. Something about his warm demeanor makes Sanaa feel unusually more comfortable around him than others, and for that reason she's slightly more pleasant to him, though his fear of confrontation and shyness would still irritate Sanaa a bit. I can see them helping each other to grow a little bit, with Luke helping her be less abrasive and open up to her feelings a bit and Sanaa showing him the importance of logic and planning.

Yeah honestly I think they would balance each other quite well. Especially since they're both in the second wave of Agents, they'll be spending a lot of time together. I think they'll enjoy each other's company the more time they spend together and become quite close. Maybe feelings might even spark? Who knows haha

Jonathan- Lucas would dislike everything about Jonathan tbh. His coldness and emotionally detached demeanor would really annoy Lucas. I don't think they'll be anything beyond acquaintances.

Sofia- Honestly Lucas would be pretty attracted to Sofia's charm, empathy, energy, perceptiveness, and adventurous nature. She's essentially the whole package for him hahaha. But he's kind of a shy guy, so I can totally see him trying to work up the courage to go talk to her. And you mentioned that Sofia can be a flirt, so if she ever flirts with Lucas, he would probably die of happiness. But yeah he would def try to get close to her with romantic intentions. Idk how she would respond or feel about him tho

Roux- At first, he would be drawn to her outgoing and confident nature, but once he sees how much she cares about money, he would probably keep his distance. I can see them being surface friends, but probably not anything deeper than that.


Felix- Felix would like this guy, his heart, his passion, everything calls him to friendship. One thing he would see as unnecessary would be his competitive nature and would urge him to tone it down and that "we're all on the same team here"

Ooo Lucas would really enjoy Felix's company. I can see them being really close friends since they have many similar personality traits. Do I sense a bromance

Dorian- uh oh. if he’s gentle, sensitive, shy, and afraid of confrontation, dorian will hunt him down and single him out, like a wild goddamn animal. lucas will not like dorian at all- he falls under almost every single one of his ‘dislike’ headings, apart from a fellow art appreciator and being a violent drunk. obviously, dorian will relent after a while, but this will sure as hell be a rocky relationship.

Hahahaha oh boy I'm ready for this. Poor Lucas being bullied by Dorian. Yeah if what you say is true, then Lucas would despise Dorian forsure. He's a rather patient guy, but I can see Dorian pushing too far and Lucas exploding at him, his pent up anger maybe even becoming violent. I think only after that breaking point will they be able to be civil around each other since Dorian would see that he's not one to be messed with either?

Lucy- Lucy would like his independence, but it’s tarnished slightly since he's not always willing to voice his mind if it means possible conflict or confrontation. His ability to empathise with others easily is a plus in her book, and his competitive nature wouldn’t do anything but improve J’s opinion of him. To strive to do the bets you can isn’t a negative to her. I see them getting on pretty well, maybe not best of friends but okay.

He wouldn't like her coarse, jealous, judgmental, or dishonest nature though, but I can see him respecting her independence, courage, and hopefulness. So yeah I agree, they could be surface friends but probably nothing deeper than that.

Drew- Oh god... Lucas would HATE Drew, mainly b/c of his aggressiveness and drinking habits. Lucas grew up with a violent drunk father (see bio), so he's pretty traumatized by that. Even if Drew is a good person at heart, it would be extremely difficult for him to look past his aggressive drunkenness. Tbh, Lucas may lose his usual charm and warmth around Drew, making snide comments or saying things completely out of character to the guy. And pray to god that Lucas never sees Drew being a violent drunk. Lucas would seriously lose his shit.

Tami- Omg they're literally the same person, can they be best friends. They're both caring, considerate, humble, positive, curious, and artistic. I can see them talking all day about art or drawing together in silence, simply enjoying each other's company, or talking to each other about their complex feelings late at night.

Rhea- Lucas wouldn't really like her stubborn, fiesty, manipulative, and vengeful nature. He would still respect her and be civil around her, but I don't think they would be anything past acquaintances.

Adix- Neutral acquaintances b/c I don't wanna RP w myself haha. But they're completely opposite people, so they wouldn't like each other much anyway.
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- Yeah Adix would respect Lucy's coarse way of speaking, but she would definitely become wary of her after Adix realizes how much Lucy lies. She'll respect her courage and independence, however, and even relating to her judgmental nature, since Adix is the same way. They'll most likely keep things civil with each other and remain good acquaintances I think

Lucy would appreciate Adix’s independent and confident nature, yet disagrees on the logical way with which she thinks. Logic ignores many human emotions and it would irritate Lucy that Adix puts so much stock in it. I can’t see them being very close but also don’t see them clashing much as Lucy would respect Adix despite her qualms with her overly rational thinking

Drew- Yeah, I don't see much keeping them from forming some sort of friendship, though I see it more so as a fleeting friendship. He'd admire her independence and courage, and probably her habit of not putting a filter on her mouth; he thinks that if something's to be said, then it ought to be said. There's no need to beat around the bush and try to avoid supposedly unpleasant outcomes.

Not many issue’s I could see arising. His habit of intimidation wouldn’t exactly light the brand of friendship aflame but his knowledge of technology, vehicles, weapons etc would intrigue her. She might find his ruthlessness needless but would over look it at the chance of learning something. And hey, booze isn’t a bad common ground.

Felix- As much as he would hate to admit it, Felix would be impressed by her lying skills. Felix would share the hope for a better world with her. He would also respect her bravery and relentlessness to protect her loved ones. I feel like these two could be very good friends.

I agree that these two could get on very well. His optimistic outlook and keen moral sense would resonate well with Lucy. She’d enjoy the effort he makes to keep everyone upbeat, and give people something to laugh about. I see them getting on very well.

Tami- Lucy would find Tami’s sweetness somewhat endearing, but almost sickening at the same time. Someone who’s so overly upbeat and considerate isn’t common and it would strike Lucy as odd as to how Tami stays so happy. Yet the optimistic side of her says Tami is the perfect example of good people still being in bad places. I would say they’d get on pretty well.

Dorian- i like this, rivals is good! they do have very different conflicting morals, so it makes sense

I see them clashing if I'm honest. Lucy's optimism and willingness for sacrifice are fairly central to her core, and she see’s them as driving points behind much of what she does. She would be very cautions of his criminal side, as she herself has done some pretty questionable acts in the past and he seems to bring the old feeling of ‘you and yours’ out of her. He was the sort she and her brothers would ‘waylay’ back in Sector V, and this drives her to dislike him. Rivals seems much more likely than just keeping a cool distance to me.

Rhea- They grew up and pretty similar environments and are both good at lying, but other than that, there's not much more similarity. I think they'd have a frenemy type relationship. Rhea would want to be friends with her because she thinks Lucy's a badass, bur she's also too prideful to admit that.

I’m not sure if these two would get along really. Her attitude for manipulation and callous nature would rub Lucy the wrong way. The hopping between being friendly and cold for personal gain is something J would despise. If she ever found out Rhea’s true desire to become an agent and betray the Insurgence wouldn’t end well. At all.


Lucas- He wouldn't like her coarse, jealous, judgemental, or dishonest nature though, but I can see him respecting her independence, courage, and hopefulness. So yeah I agree, they could be surface friends but probably nothing deeper than that.

Lucy would like his independence, but it’s tarnished slightly since he's not always willing to voice his mind if it means possible conflict or confrontation. His ability to empathise with others easily is a plus in her book, and his competitive nature wouldn’t do anything but improve J’s opinion of him. To strive to do the bets you can isn’t a negative to her. I see them getting on pretty well, maybe not best of friends but okay.

Sanaa-There's nothing about Lucy that really bothers or intrigues Sanaa and for that reason she mostly just leaves her alone. Since Sanaa doesn't really have a filter herself, she wouldn't care about Lucy's bluntness and she'd have no qualms about being brutally honest right back to her.

Sanaa’s cold and stony exterior wouldn’t really sit well with Lucy. Her rude comments wouldn’t faze J since she’s prone to just stating what she thinks without thinking anyway. Sanaa’s obsession with perfection would be a bit tedious to Lucy rather than annoying. Nothing will ever be perfect, granted it doesn’t mean people should strive to but it seems pointless to Lucy to try and have everything so on point.

I’d see Lucy being pretty indifferent to Sanaa, with nothing really justifying any negative or positive responses.

Roux- Yeah, I can see that. I think they'd have a sort of passive friendship. As for what Roux would truly think of Lucy... I'm not too sure. She'd perhaps be annoyed by the way Lucy behaves and acts, honestly, though she'd never let the other female know that.

Her outwardly charming, charismatic and confident demeanour would impress Lucy. Yet, should the real Roux be outed, J would flip. To put it lightly. The idea of leaching of the suffering of poorer Sectors and people, goes against everything Lucy is. I see them getting on okay, unless her real motives are ever revealed in which case I see things going south, quickly.

Jonathan- His lack of care for others would irritate Lucy, coupled with his inability to create any real connections would confuse her slightly. Difficult to say how they would really get along since he is almost always pretending or fabricating a persona.

Ivy- They haven't had much interaction besides waitress to customer stuff as Ivy frequently visits the cafe. She strikes Ivy as pretty but Ivy hasn't striked up a conversation yet, which is quite uncharacteristic for her.

Her abrasive personality wouldn't have much effect on Lucy, since she herself has no issue with just stating what she thinks either. She would find Ivy’s lack of respect for anyone, annoying as respect should be earned, granted, but should be possible to gain. Her humour in conversation would amuse J since she has a ‘if you can't laugh, what can you do’ mentality with most subjects. Ivy’s knowledge of tech would( in the same manor to Drew’s) intrigue Lucy as she’s keen to learn anything useful. Ivy’s quietness at the cafe would be assumed as shyness which Lucy would take as cute and somewhat endearing.

Neil- Neil wouldn’t have a huge issue with her, but the fact that she’s so illogical would get on his nerves. Kinda like when you’re watching a horror film and you’re like, DON’T GO /TOWARDS/ THE SOUND!!

The idea Neil has of ‘the end justify the means’ is a concept that Lucy really doesn’t agree with. It’s a saying which is never true in her eyes as it can be used for false justification of terrible acts. His entitled and arrogant attitude would also get on her nerves. Neil’s hardworking nature is the only thing J can really respect, well, that and his creativity. I see Lucy just seeing him as distasteful, but bearable as their united by a common cause.

Sofia- I believe Sofía would outwardly show more of her adventurous spirit, rather than empathy because she has a lot of proud, lol. Sofía would find her attractive but probably not one to attempt to manipulate or flirt with too much, given her jealous nature. Her eccentric nature may put her off for a little bit, but I am sure the young woman would adapt to it with time. Considering she is in the First Wave, perhaps she has adapted already? They have some common interests and traits, but I agree that the two would probably be acquaintances, where their relationship is based on their occupations at Cafe Niche.

Lucy would take to Sofia. Her Adventurous and empathetic personality are both ticks to J. Sofia’s conceited side leave somewhat to be desired but we all have faults right. At least that's Lucy’s take on it. I don’t see the two struggling to get along much, but not close either.

Adix: Being that both Adix and Sanaa are reserved and cold people, I don't think they'd interact much at first, though since they're both pretty outspoken about their opinions, they'd definitely clash at some point over differing views. Since Sanaa is a strict follower of order she wouldn't really appreciate how Adix defies and tries to change conventions or traditions and would call her out on that. Overall they clash often, though Sanaa secretly admires Adix's creative mind, logical mind, resourceful thinking, and stubbornness.

Drew: Sanaa doesn't like him much, plain and simple. He's rebellious, Sanaa's not, they're essentially opposites in a lot of aspects. She dislikes his overall attitude and the fact that he tries to use his disability to his advantage; she thinks of it as a poor intimidation technique and sees right through it. She has little respect for him and isn't afraid to show it, as she's never hesitant talk back to him if she feels he's out of line.

Lucy: There's nothing about Lucy that really bothers or intrigues Sanaa and for that reason she mostly just leaves her alone. Since Sanaa doesn't really have a filter herself, she wouldn't care about Lucy's bluntness and she'd have no qualms about being brutally honest right back to her.

Tami: Sanaa would at first disregard Tami as being young and naive, her talkative nature making Sanaa a little uncomfortable. She

eases off of Tami more than she would with others and often finds herself biting her tongue to suppress quips about Tami's intelligence, whereas she wouldn't be bothered to hold back with anyone else. Sanaa knows that intelligence comes in different forms, and she starts to see this in Tami, with her creativity and resourcefulness in achieving what she wants even when she's lacking the necessary skills to do so, which earns respect from Sanaa. If Tami's persistent, Sanaa might actually open up to her a little.

Dorian: At first, Sanaa pretty much dislikes him right away, he just rubs her the wrong way, but not enough so for her to feel the need to actively stand up to him. She feels uncomfortable with him hanging out around her at first and pretty much ignores him or tries to get him to leave her alone. The longer he's around her, the more she sort of warms up to him. She appreciates their mutually beneficial relationship and generally enjoys his company, though despite their friendliness with each other he's not exempt from her rude remarks, mostly because she knows he doesn't really care. I can see them half-jokingly taking jabs at each other in a deadpan manner, which makes other people think they hate each other.

Rhea: Sanaa sees her as tough and a little standoffish, though she doesn't entirely trust her at first because she's so manipulative. Once Sanaa sees what she's capable of she trusts her even less and keeps a close eye on her, though she does appreciate her determination.

Felix: Sanaa would definitely be upset by his trying to lead her away from perfection. In doing so Felix could be one of the few people to experience one of her outbursts/breakdowns early on. She'd also dislike how he always calls her out on her rudeness and become aggressively defensive. Overall she'd be pretty prickly to him at first (as she is to everyone) but Felix especially so when he calls her out on her perfectionism & rude attitude. Sanaa would be confused by his optimism and ability to empathize, as those are two things she's not really familiar with. She dislikes his positive attitude and sees him as a blind optimist.


Lucas: If anything, Sanaa's puzzled by him. She doesn't understand how he can act so rashly, following his heart instead of his mind and doing things without thinking first. The concept of making decisions based on what one feels rather than relying on logic is completely foreign to her, and she'll often question Luke's judgement. Something about his warm demeanor makes Sanaa feel unusually more comfortable around him than others, and for that reason she's slightly more pleasant to him, though his fear of confrontation and shyness would still irritate Sanaa a bit. I can see them helping each other to grow a little bit, with Luke helping her be less abrasive and open up to her feelings a bit and Sanaa showing him the importance of logic and planning. Possible love triangle between Sanaa, Lucas, and Sofia

Roux: For the most part, Sanaa looks up to Roux. She sees her as a top-notch agent, someone to strive to be like in most regards. Sanaa has a lot of respect for her and usually isn't intentionally rude to her. The only thing that throws her off about Roux is her greed, since Sanaa thinks she puts too much emphasis on wealth, but she usually will bite her tongue on the matter if it comes up. She envies Roux's charisma and social charm a little bit, as she believes it gives her an advantage as an agent.

Jonathan: Sanaa doesn't easily sympathize with others, but Jonathan is the one exception. They have eerily similar back stories, and while Sanaa knows Jonathan most likely couldn't care less for her pity, she can't help but relate to him. While this doesn't necessarily make her friendly towards him, she isn't particularly rude to him, either. She understands his lack of emotional attachments and his cold demeanor, since she's like that herself, having known what it's like to be raised in practically as a machine in a loveless household. She wouldn't try to connect with him though, because she knows it's pretty much impossible for the both of them. Even though she can't completely empathize with others, she doesn't appreciate Jonathan's disregard for human life.

Ivy: Right off the bat, Sanaa doesn't like her. She's abrasive, disrespectful, and talks too much, a combination that Sanaa can't stand. Most times any interactions with her just leave Sanaa pissed off. Sanaa isn't a fan of unnecessary drama so she'll just leave Ivy alone most of the time unless something she says or does just really rubs her the wrong way, in which case she wouldn't be afraid to speak her mind rather aggressively. I imagine Ivy would purposely mess with Sanaa by intentionally messing up her order/cleanliness, so she'd be one of the few people to set off Sanaa's outbursts.

Sofia: She's smart and meticulous, which are traits that Sanaa shares, so she admires that about Sofia. Overall, she doesn't have any particularly strong feelings towards her and she harbors a moderate amount of respect for her. Sanaa's fully aware of Sofia's in-genuine nature, but she simply doesn't care, though she doesn't trust her all that much, either. As Sanaa sees it, as long as Sofia stays in her own lane, Sanaa'll stay in hers. Possible love triangle between Sanaa, Lucas, and Sofia

Neil: Like whitefox said, they're very similar to each other and while Sanaa appreciates having someone who shares similar traits to herself, she finds his ethical standings (or lack thereof) kind of despicable. Usually, though, they work well together due to their similarities so Sanaa's pretty friendly (or as friendly as Sanaa can be since she's pretty bitchy most of the time) towards him.
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If she weren't the enemy, Neil wouldn’t mind admitting that he admires her hard working, tough-shit attitude. She’s like Neil, logical and a little emotionally cut-off. They’d make a great pair in a fire-fight.

Drew- Neil will pretend to like this guy and try to make himself seem approachable and fun, but inside does not like him… at all.

Felix- You said Felix would stay away from him, and since I can’t really think of anything Neil would have a strong reaction to, I think it’s safe to say they won’t have a huge attraction or hatred between them.

Lucy- Neil wouldn’t have a huge issue with her, but the fact that she’s so illogical would get on his nerves. Kinda like when you’re watching a horror film and you’re like, DON’T GO /TOWARDS/ THE SOUND!!

Tami- So Neil is gonna side w/ the rebels because he sees the long term benefits of toppling the government, but I was hopping later he would start to realize that individual lives matter as well, and I just think it would be precious if he developed a friendship with Tami and she sort of accidentally ended up showing him why small lives matter. Also It wouldn’t be romantic at all, just buds. Ik it sounds a little cheesy, and it kind of is but oh well.

Dorian- It’s funny because Dorian’s bio says he hates rich people and such, but/and Neil kind of has the same personality as him. But like, Dorian if he grew up in a structured environment. This relationship could become /really/ interesting if we were to develop it.

Rhea- Neil feels the same way towards Rhea as she does to Adix, only there’s also the bit where Rhea is more emotional, which Neil kind of views as a weakness. So to Neil, she was great potential, but she’s too stubborn and too emotional.


* indicates who he knows

Jonathan- I can’t think of anything sorry :C

Ivy-Nope. No, he hates her attitude. He stays away so he doesn’t feel the need to punch her in the face 24/7

Sophia- Gawrsh, I’m just blank, Sorry.

*Sanaa- These two are like the same side of the same coin, only Sanaa is a bit more extreme. They both look towards the greater good, they both are perfectionist and serious, Neil appreciates having her on the same team as him.

*Lucas- Waayyy too emotional and illogical for Neil. Neil is like, spock…. Lucas is like, Kirk; They’ll probably make an awesome pair, but Spo-- er I mean Neil, will be a snarky eye-roller the entire time. (also I’m sorry if you’re not a star trek fan, I feel bad for your soul)

*Roux- Roux is the perfect mixture of kick-ass perfectionism, and a fun-loving attitude when it’s needed. I’m sure her and Neil would get along pretty well, but he’d kinda just appreciate her ability to lighten spirits instead of having fun with her and join her in her, whatever you call it.
*Italicized text are responses written by the character's respective owner.

**Red text is about the rebels; blue is about agents.

***For Roux, the people with an '' by their name are people she knows/are in the same wave as her.


Adix Rylan

Wait they're literally the same person lmao, can they be best friends who drink and argue together? Both of them have very high emotional barriers and it takes a lot for them to trust people, but once they do, they are extremely loyal and dedicated. What if they've reached that level with each other?

Yeah, I noticed that! Anyways, Drew would admire her confidence and independence, toughness, and logical mind. They could most likely harbor at least a passive friendship. He won't pry into her personal life or anything of that sort, respecting her space; they'd probably share small talk and short conversations, and perhaps some time soon they'll begin engaging in deeper conversations. I can see a friendship blooming between them sooner than others, if one hasn't developed already.

Felix Quintana

Felix would not like the way he carries himself with intimidation and his recklessness even if he did know about his disability. He would be curious about his vehicle and weapon knowledge and ask questions if he ever got the chance. Felix would try to get him to trust him but would probably make the mistake of forcing the trust to form rather than letting it form naturally

I wouldn't doubt it; Drew's intimidation techniques are more so to protect him from others, especially with the amount of bullshit he's dealt with throughout his life. His recklessness mainly stems from not wanting to feel tied down to anything, especially anything Republic-related given his hatred for the authorities. Drew would most likely view Felix's optimism and friendly demeanor rather idiotic on Felix's part because Drew is pretty paranoid and has trouble believing that people are worth trusting. If Felix were to try to force Drew to trust him, that'll


aggravate him. They could perhaps be acquaintances, engaging in small talk and conversations about the technology Drew works on, but nothing more (I don't think?).

Lucy J. Castellano

Not many issue’s I could see arising. His habit of intimidation wouldn’t exactly light the brand of friendship aflame but his knowledge of technology, vehicles, weapons etc would intrigue her. She might find his ruthlessness needless but would over look it at the chance of learning something. And hey, booze isn’t a bad common ground.

Yeah, I don't see much keeping them from forming some sort of friendship, though I see it more so as a fleeting friendship. He'd admire her independence and courage, and probably her habit of not putting a filter on her mouth; he thinks that if something's to be said, then it ought to be said. There's no need to beat around the bush and try to avoid supposedly unpleasant outcomes.

Tami Nash

He'll most likely find her stupid and naïve for her kindness and friendliness towards others. Though he finds it refreshing amongst the amount of asshats he's experienced—both civilians and authorities—he'll find it stupid to be so easily kind to people when they could just as easily turn around and stab you in the back without hesitation or a second thought. They'd most likely just be acquaintances, and probably nothing more; not yet, at least.

Dorian Yagalom

dorian and drew are quite similar in their personality and their beliefs, so dorian might not take much of a liking to drew- but more like a passive dislike, not outright hatred, since dorian doesn’t really care for outright hating people. they could eventually develop into being chill with one another after a crisis or two, or that could make drew actually hate dorian more, since dorian’s worst side shows when everyone’s in a crisis.

Given their similarities, I actually can see them developing a pretty good friendship, if one hasn't developed already. Their personalities


pretty similar, so it may actually help them bond rather than push them apart from each other. Who knows? Everyone knows beside every good man is a loyal bro; perhaps Drew and Dorian can be each other's? Lel.

Rhea Steele

Their relationship would be pretty neutral. I can kind of see them having a brother/sister sort of relationship. She'd respect his backstory and would be very interested in his experience in the Diamond Sector.

I agree on the neutral relationship part. As for a brother-sister bond, I'm not too sure; he'd probably keep her at arm's length, but wouldn't mind engaging in passing conversations with her and perhaps hanging out with her at times. If she's too prying about his history, however, he'll most likely shut her down


quick and push her away, so tread carefully; he won't hesitate to snap at the female.


Jonathan Reyes

I'm not sure what sort of relationship they'd have. Honestly, I think it may be something along the lines of just acquaintances... He wouldn't have much to go off of due to Jonathan's emotional detachment, though Drew may find the trait smart on his part: being attached to things in such a broken world was asking for one's heart to be ripped out.

Ivy Lee

They don't have a close bond but as they work in the same place and both share a disregard for authority it's likely they have griped together about some order from a higher up. Ivy is also set on trying to convince him to wire up his mechanical leg into something crazy-'think of the possibilities! It could wield retractable knives like claws or something!'

Yeah, I would suspect that they would have


sort of friendship blooming due to their similar occupations and, as you said, "disregard for authority." I can definitely see that. I'm pretty sure he'd enjoy discussing technological stuff with her and maybe,

just maybe

, he'll consider her prosthetic modification ideas... (I can see him sitting alone at night thinking about it and being like "Hm... Maybe..." and goin' off to do somethin' stupid. Lel.)

Sofía Gonzáles

Drew would probably find her interesting. Her charming personality may be one to mess around with in his free time and may strike up small conversations with her when bored. I'm not sure about any relationships, honestly; perhaps just acquaintances? Though a friendship could bloom sometime in the future, if not sooner.

I believe acquaintances is a good starting point for these two. Sofía may be irritated that Drew intentionally looks for trouble and is disobedient, rather than following orders or rules given. Unlike some, she probably would not be intimidated by his disabilities or his demeanor, but rather think he's tough because of it. She would admire his intelligence and charm him from time to time, but she probably would not trust him. They are both fans of alcohol, but I believe Sofía may be turned off from the idea of drinking it as much as he does, as it will distract her from the mission and her work ethic.

Neil Green

Neil will pretend to like this guy and try to make himself seem approachable and fun, but inside does not like him… at all.

However, Drew will


pretend to like Neil... I think their "relationship" would be similar to one of those stereotypical high school ones where the "popular" one tries to be likable, even though they know not everyone likes them, whereas the "unpopular" one just gives them cold glares and disgusted faces while they maintain a silent feud. I can see Neil trying to make a joke and Drew completely shooting it down immediately with no hesitation or mercy. Heuhe.

Sanaa Bani

Sanaa doesn't like him much, plain and simple. He's rebellious, Sanaa's not, they're essentially opposites in a lot of aspects. She dislikes his overall attitude and the fact that he tries to use his disability to his advantage*; she thinks of it as a poor intimidation technique and sees right through it. She has little respect for him and isn't afraid to show it, as she's never hesitant talk back to him if she feels he's out of line.


Just to note, he doesn't necessarily use his disability to his advantage; to clarify, he tries to seem more powerful and intimidating because he feels as though his disability makes him seem weak and defenseless. He hates feeling like he's not what he knows he could be, so he tries to make up for it.

Anyways, I'm not sure what he'd think of her, honestly. I don't think Drew would have a valid opinion about her, though he may find her annoying due to her obsessive-compulsive tendencies. He may find her constant routines and the like unnecessary and, though he may understand what it's like to have some sort of disability that one cannot control, he'll still be annoyed by it. Because of her open dislike for him, though, he may return that dislike openly just to even the score.

Lucas Bowman

Oh god... Lucas would HATE Drew, mainly b/c of his aggressiveness and drinking habits. Lucas grew up with a violent drunk father (see bio), so he's pretty traumatized by that. Even if Drew is a good person at heart, it would be extremely difficult for him to look past his aggressive drunkenness. Tbh, Lucas may lose his usual charm and warmth around Drew, making snide comments or saying things completely out of character to the guy. And pray to god that Lucas never sees Drew being a violent drunk. Lucas would seriously lose his shit.

Oh boy. Sounds like we can build up some character development between these two. Haha. Drew would probably take advantage of Lucas' hatred for him by teasing him and making unnecessary comments and the like. Drew may also find Lucas' open emotional side and sensitivity stupid. He won't understand how someone could be so in tune with their emotions when death and destruction and threats waited around every corner for them and their loved ones.


Adix Rylan

Okay honestly Adix would dislike Roux very much. She would find her flirtatious and outgoingness rather annoying as well as her cunning and deceptive nature. Adix hates dishonesty and she wouldn't respect Roux's emphasis on money. Tbh Adix probably won't even put in effort to be civil around her and instead, make snide remarks or just avoid her at all costs.

I thought so!

xD Yeah, I'm pretty sure they'd be somewhere close to enemies, though Roux may take advantage of Adix's dislike of her by annoying her further. However, I think that'd be the only reason Roux wouldn't like Adix; she'd admire her confidence and intelligence, especially for someone in the poorer sectors (though she'd never say that out loud). But she'd be sure to keep


sort of relationship between them, just to make sure all is going according to plan.

Felix Quintana

Felix would play right into her game and see her as likeable but he would be enraged if he knew her true motives and motivation.

Oh boy. And she would


take advantage of him. Roux would most likely target him (unbeknownst to him, of course) and perhaps try to form a close friendship with him, given his susceptibility and her desire to succeed in her mission.

Lucy J. Castellano

Her outwardly charming, charismatic and confident demeanour would impress Lucy. Yet, should the real Roux be outed, J would flip. To put it lightly. The idea of leaching of the suffering of poorer Sectors and people, goes against everything Lucy is. I see them getting on okay, unless her real motives are ever revealed in which case I see things going south, quickly.

Yeah, I can see that. I think they'd have a sort of passive friendship. As for what Roux would truly think of Lucy... I'm not too sure. She'd perhaps be annoyed by the way Lucy behaves and acts, honestly, though she'd never let the other female know that.

Tami Nash

Roux would most likely admire Tami's skills despite her illiteracy. She respects anyone who can take care of themselves (and


) despite anything that tries to hinder them. I can see them having a pretty good friendship, or at least a small, passive one.

Dorian Yagalom

these two share a love of money, and are terribly materialistic. that’s… more than enough reason for dorian to like roux. truthfully, dorian might grow a little tired of roux’s charisma, but he’ll be able to appreciate her skills, her methods and her discipline.

Oh yay! I can honestly see them going for the same side job (thieving or something of that sort) and fussing over the rewards, claiming that "they found it first" or something. Heuhe. Maybe, in the end, they'd split it fifty-fifty to avoid the conflict that follows. She'd probably consider him a good friend.

Rhea Steele

I feel like Rhea and Roux are somewhat similar in terms of physicality and persuasion/charm. I can see them sharing stories of the idiotic men they've fooled over the years and laughing together about them. I see a budding relationship in the future.


Jonathan Reyes

Roux would probably try to mess with Jonathan and attempt to get him to open up and have fun, instead of being this emotionally detached, stoic character. I can see their friendship being similar to that of an extreme extrovert and an extreme introvert's friendship.

Ivy Lee

Ivy agrees with her philosophy to a degree about the poorer sectors, except of course Ivy's view is intelligence centered rather than money centered.

Yeah, I noticed that. So they'll have a similar mindset, but just not for the same reason. Personality-wise, I think they could get along. Roux is a sucker for intelligence and the like, so I can see her discussing with Ivy about things that Roux doesn't quite understand and vice versa; a lot of information transactions could be done between them.

Sofía Gonzáles

Oooh, they're


similar, so they would either be really good friends or they'd just irritate the hell outta each other. I see it more as a good friendship though. I can see them teaming up against others and teasing them or messing with the local men in the area just for the hell of it.

LMAO , this is actually great. I think Roux and Sofía would get along more than clash, as you stated in your analysis. Part of me believes that Sof would hold the fact that she did one point better on the Trial over her head. Despite being emotionally unavailable, I can also see the two of them having some good fun by messing with local men because they can as well. I'm sure that would be something they bond over, besides their shared callous nature. At the same time, I can see Roux as a mentor of sorts for Sofía, once she finds out she is also an agent.

Neil Green

Roux is the perfect mixture of kick-ass perfectionism, and a fun-loving attitude when it’s needed. I’m sure her and Neil would get along pretty well, but he’d kinda just appreciate her ability to lighten spirits instead of having fun with her and join her in her, whatever you call it.

Yeah, me too; I think they'd have one of those "Let's go on a midnight adventure for no reason" friendships, if not just for the sake of getting away from everything serious for a while. They can mess with each other and shit, so that sounds fun.

Sanaa Bani

For the most part, Sanaa looks up to Roux. She sees her as a top-notch agent, someone to strive to be like in most regards. Sanaa has a lot of respect for her and usually isn't intentionally rude to her. The only thing that throws her off about Roux is her greed, since Sanaa thinks she puts too much emphasis on wealth, but she usually will bite her tongue on the matter if it comes up. She envies Roux's charisma and social charm a little bit, as she believes it gives her an advantage as an agent.

Oh neato! ^^ I think they can get into conversations about their previous missions and perhaps share tips and tricks on various aspects. Perhaps Roux can be a sort of mentor for Sanaa, or something of that sort (I don't know, honestly)? Since they're in the same wave and Roux enjoys her personality, I can see them having a pretty good friendship to begin with.

Lucas Bowman

At first, he would be drawn to her outgoing and confident nature, but once he sees how much she cares about money, he would probably keep his distance. I can see them being surface friends, but probably not anything deeper than that.

Yeah, I agree. She won't put too much of an emphasis on money intentionally; her greed will most likely be betrayed through her actions and by small, unintentional hints she'll give off when she speaks. I can see them starting out with a sort of passive friendship, but maybe he can start seeing things he dislikes about her as the RP progresses and finds her irritating.

- They obviously have to spend quite a lot of time with each other at work and as rebels. I feel like Felix could get Adix out of her shell of at least try to. He would very much admire and respect her for her dedication to the rebellion. He would also be intrigued by her intelligence and logic. Felix and Adix could be good friends given time.

Drew - Felix would not like the way he carries himself with intimidation and his recklessness even if he did know about his disability. He would be curious about his vehicle and weapon knowledge and ask questions if he ever got the chance. Felix would try to get him to trust him but would probably make the mistake of forcing the trust to form rather than letting it form naturally

Lucy - As much as he would hate to admit it, Felix would be impressed by her lying skills. Felix would share the hope for a better world with her. He would also respect her bravery and relentlessness to protect her loved ones. I feel like these two could be very good friends.

Tami - Felix would love to see someone who is genuinely friendly especially someone who is so young. He would be lowkey protective of Tami and try not to let her put her life in danger because she is a kid. Even though Tami has been through hell and is perfectly capable of taking care of herself, Felix would see it at his responsibility to not let her die. He would also offer to teach her how to read and write

Dorian - Felix would discourage his criminal tendencies and inappropriate comments. He would try to get him to care more about others, even though he knows it won't do any good. He would actively try to be his friend especially since they work together. He would also try to pass on his "wisdom" to Dorian since he feels like just because he's older he's wiser.

Rhea - Felix would definitely appreciate having someone who he can meet at eye level for once, since they are the same height. He really would not like her true intentions to become an agent and her easily swayed loyalties. If Felix does ever earn her loyalty, he would die trying to convince her that becoming an agent won't solve anything.


If/when Felix ever finds out that these "rebels" are actually agents he will completely lose is temper, his mind, and would not be able to comprehend this kind of betrayal.

Lucas - Felix would like this guy, his heart, his passion, everything calls him to friendship. One thing he would see as unnecessary would be his competitive nature and would urge him to tone it down and that "we're all on the same team here"

Sanaa - Felix wouldn't notice her until she spoke then he would be curious. He would insist that she should forget perfection and I'm sure that Sanaa wouldn't appreciate that. He would see her as rude and hate whenever she says something out of line and call her out on it. He would admire her drive to the rebellion even if it is fake.

Roux - Felix would play right into her game and see her as likeable but he would be enraged if he knew her true motives and motivation.

Jonathan - Felix would try to connect to the aloof man even if Jonathan didn't want him to. He wouldn't like his cold demeanor or his lack of care for others and would grow frustrated with him.

Ivy - Felix would love to strike up a conversation with her about technology always wanting to know more. He would find her cynicism inappropriate and wouldn't appreciate her dry humor.

Neil - Felix really wouldn't like to be around him. His arrogance and insensitivity would bother him and especially his expectation to get what he wants. He would find his creative mind interesting when planning.

Sofía - Felix would be intrigued by her intelligence and fall right into her charm. He would worry about her recklessness but admire her courage. He would like her adventurous nature but simultaneous caution. I can see him developing a crush on her.







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J O N A T H A N . R E Y E S

Jonathan has been her partner-in-crime, as the two agents have collaborated on many missions together. Strange chums, their work dynamic is flawless, as they know how to operate as a professional and successful duo. His flirtatious banter often throws Sofía off, but she is not afraid to send a wink or charming comment in his direction either. Though she does not share personal details about her life, the young woman feels like he is someone she is close to.

I V Y . L E E

Sofía would find Ivy very resourceful, as she is very intelligent and tech savvy. Her abrasive personality may tick her off, but she would be glad Ivy can carry a conversation. Her disrespect irritates Sof, but the onyx-haired agent can be quite conceited herself. Fundamentally, she would encourage Ivy to have better personal health to be an even more outstanding agent.

N E I L . G R E E N

Sofía does not like his spoiled temperament, as she believes hard work is the only thing that merits getting what you want. Another skilled liar, she may try to crack him to see what he truly stands for. Although they may have some interactions, these talks will only be skin deep. Sofía would be one to only interact with him minimally or when a situation calls for it.

S A N A A . B A N I

Sofía has particularly neutral feelings toward Sanaa. She admires her poised nature and intelligence, given her almost perfect score on the Trial. The awkwardness in social settings puts the young woman off, as she does not understand her difficulty. She is respectful of her perfectionism, considering this drive accomplishes missions.

Possible Triangle: Sanaa - Lucas - Sofía

L U C A S . B O W M A N

Sofía believes Lucas is an all-around nice guy, wondering how he ever came from such a corrupt sector like Ruby. Passionate and perceptive, she admires his strength in the shadow of the Republic. Sof is prone to flirting with him because he is attractive, independent, and spontaneous, but this charm is far more genuine than what she may display with others. Finding his shy and open-minded demeanor refreshing, perhaps he will be the one to crack her hard exterior.

Possible Triangle: Sanaa - Lucas - Sofía

R O U X . C O L E M A N

While one would think their similar personalities cause them to clash, Sofía gets along quite well with Roux. Despite being emotionally unavailable, she enjoys the fun they have messing with local men with their sweet words and charming smiles. The younger agent admires her callous nature, often considering Roux as a mentor of sorts, as they brave this new assignment in a foreign territory.
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A D I X . R Y L A N

The onyx-haired beauty feels a bit threatened by Adix, given her experience fighting and training. She believes she is valuable and represents fierce opposition to El Primo and the Republic, which would make Sofía wary. She tries to combat this feeling by appearing amiable or indifferent, despite their similarities. Ultimately, Sof gets along with her well enough to be an acquaintance, but their relationship ends there.

D R E W . R A M S E Y

The young woman considers Drew an acquaintance. She can be irritated by his intention to look for trouble, rather than efficiently following orders and rules. Unlike some, Sofía is not intimidated by his demeanor but respects his armor. She admires his intelligence and charm, but does not trust him. Sofía would not mind having a drink with him but believes his problem distracts from having a good work ethic.

F E L I X . Q U I N T A N A

Sofía is one to take advantage of Felix to gain insight into the Insurgence. As he tends to see the best in everyone, she sees the opportunity to exploit when needed. Since she knows he finds her attractive, she is subject to playing up the charm around him to gain his trust. She admires his loyalty and empathy, though she would never admit either aloud.

L U C Y . C A S T E L L A N O

Sofía thinks Lucy is attractive, but she is careful not to attempt manipulating her or flirting too much to give herself away. The blonde’s eccentric nature puts her off a bit, but she has adapted to it with time. They are able to work in harmony at Cafe Niche without causing any drama or getting too close, which works well for the female agent.

T A M I . N A S H

There is a good chance that Sofía underestimates Tami, considering how much of a pedestal the agent puts herself on. She would be a bit prejudice, considering her Trial score. Despite this, she would be careful around her, after picking up Tami’s knack for observing. In the future, she would try to utilize this expertise, as well as her communication skills to her advantage of gain more insight.

D O R I A N . Y A G A L O M

The young agent gets a kick out his vulgar and cynical nature, though she would never divulge this into thinking she considers them friendly acquaintances. She can be irritated that Dorian does not fall for her charm like the masses of men, but this will not dissuade her from winning him over. Knowing he is suspicious of her sincerity, Sofía will work hard to ensure he believes she is one of them.

R H E A . S T E E L E

Sofía knows that Rhea is a force to be reckon with, particularly due to her manipulation and her perfect scores on two-thirds of the Trial. A determined and intelligent young woman, Sof believes she has great potential to be a government agent had she been born in a rich Sector. She is worried that her roots will stay with her, if she worked for the Republic, causing her to be heedful in her presence. Consequently, Sofía will keep tabs on Rhea to see what she’s truly made of.

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Adix- like you said, i can sense a pretty strong sibling-type relationship here- dorian grew up with two older sisters who were really tough and loved to fight with him and try to piss him off all the time, but in the end they all still really cared about each other and helped each other when it counted, and he might find a similar relationship with adix; especially because they’re only a year apart. i like the idea of this relationship starting off rocky but gradually, as dorian kind of warms up to people, becoming more genuine. also she puts him on cleaning duty at the bar at any chance she gets like how a true big sis would treat their younger brother

Drew- dorian and drew are quite similar in their personality and their beliefs, so dorian might not take much of a liking to drew- but more like a passive dislike, not outright hatred, since dorian doesn’t really care for outright hating people. they could eventually develop into being chill with one another after a crisis or two, or that could make drew actually hate dorian more, since dorian’s worst side shows when everyone’s in a crisis.

Felix- BARTENDER DAD. as of today dorian is felix’s new angry son. i can see felix sort of acting as an antithesis to dorian’s crappy attitude and influencing dorian along in his character development to be a little more noble- it’s a kind of influence that dorian needs, although dorian will probably be really abrasive towards felix from time to time even if he just means well, so that may create bumps if felix can’t see the potential in dorian.

Lucy- dorian will probably not have a strong opinion on lucy. her self-sacrificing nature and her belief in the common good of humanity is pretty much everything dorian is against, but as long as she doesn’t come after dorian, it’s not enough reason for him to dislike her. they could potentially become rivals or acquaintances?

Tami- her positivity and look-on-the-bright-side attitude might invoke dorian’s bitchy side at first, but he has spent so much time around people who are all gloomy and deceptive and disingenuous that being around someone who is genuinely kind might eventually make him warm up to her. dorian’s a dick, but if tami doesn’t give him a reason to be mean towards her and doesn’t let him walk all over her, he’ll eventually realise it’s pointless and drop it and perhaps even start respecting her. dorian’s really doglike- stand your ground, and he’ll back down eventually; fight him, however, and he’ll just push back harder.

Rhea- dorian would taunt rhea, for sure. they have similar backgrounds, but dorian’s a little more cool-headed and a little less vindictive. i think dorian would purposely try to shit-stir with rhea and rile her up, taunt her about her upbringing and pick out all her flaws just to get a rise out of her. you have express permission to attempt to beat this kid’s ass. (god help her if he ever found out about her true intentions with becoming an agent, because he would hound her about that and mock her for it, and leverage it over her as blackmail until the end of time)


Jonathan- his immense pain, suffering, and rough, unloving past would be like a field day for dorian. seeing as jonathan is so cold and detached, dorian would make it his personal mission to poke at him and try to get him to show some emotion. these two would definitely have abrasive interactions, but dorian wouldn’t particularly dislike jonathan or anything- it’s completely impersonal, and just dorian’s terrible way of trying to figure people out who don’t give off much indication.

Ivy- asshole best friends, the complete bane of everyone in the Insurgence. they have an ongoing rivalry and are always trying to one-up each other, and probably act like complete dicks to each other most of the time, but they’re both such huge dicks themselves that they’re desensitised to each other’s assholery. also, don’t worry, ivy’s ignorance wouldn’t even be an issue here- dorian wouldn’t even care, he’d more likely just make fun of her for being ignorant. she may possibly become dorian’s first actual trusted friend, which will make the reveal that much worse later on if it comes ):

Sofia- i can see a potential for friendship with these two, like two haughty, self-important, fake as hell individuals forging an unlikely friendship. dorian would see through her charm and her deceit pretty easily, but if anything, that’d make him grow more fond of her as opposed to disliking her. i could see them as being kinda chill friends, like a casual friendship in which there’s nothing really ever deep or emotional shared between them, as they both understand they have issues with human intimacy. this makes the friendship ‘safe’, right?

Neil- i completely agree with the potential of this relationship. dorian would be so fascinated with neil and his viewpoints, how he’s so extremely objective and only sees himself as a tool for use in ensuring the greater good of society. dorian thinks small and he knows he thinks small- he’s only concerned with his own survival and personal gain, and dorian doesn’t really know anyone else who’s as methodic as neil. there would be a lot of interest on dorian’s part.

Sanaa- i think dorian would actually like sanaa quite a bit for her deadpan attitude, her rudeness and her dark sense of humour. he finds that pretty hilarious and would purposely stay on her good side. whenever he’s bored he’d go and casually hang around her, waiting for her to rip into some unsuspecting poor soul for his amusement. i feel like these two could be another unlikely friendship, practically symbiotic- dorian deals with all the social annoyances for sanaa, sanaa puts down all the actual annoyances. on a deeper level, sanaa’s personality and social difficulties would speak loudly to dorian- he’d be rather interested in her because she’s so quiet.

Lucas- uh oh. if he’s gentle, sensitive, shy, and afraid of confrontation, dorian will hunt him down and single him out, like a wild goddamn animal. lucas will not like dorian at all- he falls under almost every single one of his ‘dislike’ headings, apart from a fellow art appreciator and being a violent drunk. obviously, dorian will relent after a while, but this will sure as hell be a rocky relationship.

Roux- these two share a love of money, and are terribly materialistic. that’s… more than enough reason for dorian to like roux. truthfully, dorian might grow a little tired of roux’s charisma, but he’ll be able to appreciate her skills, her methods and her discipline.

- Adix Rylan ~ Adix would certainly respect Tami's humble, observant, and caring nature, but because Tami is so positive, Adix would view this as naive. I can see them having good conversations, especially since you said Tami idolizes her, and Adix would secretly be flattered by this. Also since Tami is one of the youngest rebels, Adix may view her as a younger sister in some ways, but I don't think they would be super close simply b/c they're so different.

Tami would idolise Adix because she was the first of them rebels she met and she looks so tough, like she could rule the world. This adoration might mostly be happening from afar - Tami wouldn't impose herself on her but look at Adix as a role model and follow her opinions etc. I think Adix would always be someone Tami would go to, rather than other authority figures, because since their first meeting she's intuitively been someone Tami trusts.

- Drew Ramsey ~ He'll most likely find her stupid and naïve for her kindness and friendliness towards others. Though he finds it refreshing amongst the amount of asshats he's experienced—both civilians and authorities—he'll find it stupid to be so easily kind to people when they could just as easily turn around and stab you in the back without hesitation or a second thought. They'd most likely just be acquaintances, and probably nothing more; not yet, at least.

I think Tami would see past Drew's disabilities because she has her own - albeit hers ain't a visible one. Since their interests and personality has little to none similarities, it would probably be a challenge to get them to be friends. She'd be intrigued by his bodyart though.

- Felix Quintana ~ Felix would love to see someone who is genuinely friendly especially someone who is so young. He would be lowkey protective of Tami and try not to let her put her life in danger because she is a kid. Even though Tami has been through hell and is perfectly capable of taking care of herself, Felix would see it at his responsibility to not let her die. He would also offer to teach her how to read and write

Tami would feel at ease around Felix. Maybe he could grow to be some kind of father-figure, something Tami has never had in her life. He might very well be the first to find out Tami can't read or write.

- Lucy Castellano ~ Lucy would find Tami’s sweetness somewhat endearing, but almost sickening at the same time. Someone who’s so overly upbeat and considerate isn’t common and it would strike Lucy as odd as to how Tami stays so happy. Yet the optimistic side of her says Tami is the perfect example of good people still being in bad places. I would say they’d get on pretty well.

With Lucy's harsh use of language, Tami would at the same time be intimidated and in awe. I can see them probably laugh a lot when they're out and about together, running into other people. Being close in age, they would make good friends. Since they're both sporty girls, I think they could also be found challenging each other physically in various ways, beit running or -maybe- training to fight together?

- Dorian Yagalom ~ her positivity and look-on-the-bright-side attitude might invoke dorian’s bitchy side at first, but he has spent so much time around people who are all gloomy and deceptive and disingenuous that being around someone who is genuinely kind might eventually make him warm up to her. dorian’s a dick, but if tami doesn’t give him a reason to be mean towards her and doesn’t let him walk all over her, he’ll eventually realise it’s pointless and drop it and perhaps even start respecting her. dorian’s really doglike- stand your ground, and he’ll back down eventually; fight him, however, and he’ll just push back harder.

I think they have enough in common to bond with each other - if Tami manages to pass Dorian's test of dickness. He could possibly be that bit of bad influence that reinforces her stealing more / again. They're both practiced parkour runners and might challenge one another? Since he's also into creative arts, I can see them go tagging together for fun as well for example.

- Rhea Steele ~ Rhea is super empathetic to Tami's situation. Though Rhea's never given her much of a chance, if they talked more they might get along.

At first glance, they're very different girls but they seem to come from a similar starting point, both taking their own path to survive. Like you said, they might not be friends now, but if they'd get to know each other better - who knows. I do see a potential friendship.


- Jonathan Reyes ~

Tami would see him around and be friendly towards him as much as she is with anyone else, but I don't see many things they could have in common. If he's often busy doing word searches and puzzles, Tami would obviously be of no help and probably avoid him to avoid anyone finding out about her illiteracy.

- Ivy Lee ~

Being close to Tami in age as well and a talkative person, I could see Tami drawn to Ivy and sharing good conversation. While she'd be busy on her computer, Tami could sit back to back with her, and be drawing herself. Maybe despite her dislike of Insurgents, Ivy could find herself befriending Tami out of her desire to help people? As they're both observant people, I could also see them sit peoplewatching (at the Sky Bar for example) and make comments about people to one another.

- Sofia Gonzalez ~ There is a good chance that Sofía underestimates Tami, considering how much of a pedestal the agent puts herself on. She would be a bit prejudice, considering her Trial score. Despite this, she would be careful around her, after picking up Tami’s knack for observing. In the future, she would try to utilize this expertise, as well as her communication skills to her advantage of gain more insight.

Because of Tami's dupable nature, she would probably believe Sofia's charming ways despite whether or not they might be sincere. As they both share an interest - drawing - maybe that could be something they would become friends over and thinking of Sofia's adventurous trait, maybe Tami could show her the ways of parkour.

- Neil Green ~ So Neil is gonna side w/ the rebels because he sees the long term benefits of toppling the government, but I was hopping later he would start to realize that individual lives matter as well, and I just think it would be precious if he developed a friendship with Tami and she sort of accidentally ended up showing him why small lives matter. Also It wouldn’t be romantic at all, just buds. Ik it sounds a little cheesy, and it kind of is but oh well.

They probably wouldn't see much of each other at first, considering the age difference and few similarities between them two. Maybe some event can bring them together in a situation where a talkative Tami would talk about her live and he'd have his revelation hah.

- Sanaa Bani ~ Sanaa would at first disregard Tami as being young and naive, her talkative nature making Sanaa a little uncomfortable. She eases off of Tami more than she would with others and often finds herself biting her tongue to suppress quips about Tami's intelligence, whereas she wouldn't be bothered to hold back with anyone else. Sanaa knows that intelligence comes in different forms, and she starts to see this in Tami, with her creativity and resourcefulness in achieving what she wants even when she's lacking the necessary skills to do so, which earns respect from Sanaa. If Tami's persistent, Sanaa might actually open up to her a little.

Tami would probably sense how her babbling would make Sanaa feel uncomfortable. I'm not sure how persistent she would be, though considering her friendly and talkative nature, she would continue addressing Sanaa when there is a chance and not be disheartened very much by a lack of a talkative response. Even if she starts out by just greeting the other girl for the first couple of weeks or months, maybe in time they would share more conversation and become more than vague rebel-acquaintances.

- Lucas Bowman ~ Omg they're literally the same person, can they be best friends. They're both caring, considerate, humble, positive, curious, and artistic. I can see them talking all day about art or drawing together in silence, simply enjoying each other's company, or talking to each other about their complex feelings late at night.

They do seem to have lots in common, not just the art they could get into together, but also the shooting (maybe he could be the one to teach her) and his climbing (maybe she could get him to run parkour with her). If neither of them would be bothered by the age difference, I can see them spend a lot of time together and easily get along, becoming good, if not best, friends.

- Roux Coleman ~ Roux would most likely admire Tami's skills despite her illiteracy. She respects anyone who can take care of themselves (and succeed) despite anything that tries to hinder them. I can see them having a pretty good friendship, or at least a small, passive one.

Another walking piece of art, and one that likes parkour on top. I think that might be something they could bond over and maybe become friends through, however there is a big age difference - I'm not sure Roux would put up with the rebel-baby.
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Jonathan Reyes-Ivy is kind of weirded out by him, as she is someone who is so talkative and un-reserved his reserved personality is very foreign to her. He is one of the few people she tends to avoid.

Sofia Gonzalez-
They've conversed before, Sofia has tried to convince Ivy to be a little more health conscience.. which she listens to, sometimes

Neil Green-as they both work in the repair shop she is familiar with him, that doesn't mean she doesn't take some fun in annoying him, or more like trying to. His iron psyche has made her determined to find a way to set him off somehow.

Sanaa Bani- something about her striving for perfection really annoys Ivy. Not to mention how she almost scored a perfect score. While Ivy would never admit it she hates the fact her score is so low compared to other Agents and she can't believe that someone who wastes so much time on cleaning of all things could be so intelligent.

Lucas Bowman- One of the few people Ivy actually might regret upsetting. He seems just a genuinely nice person to her and she can't find anything to fault him for.

Roux Coleman- Ivy agrees with her philosophy to a degree about the poorer sectors, except of course Ivy's view is intelligence centered rather than money centered.


Adix Rylan- As she is from a poor sector Ivy has a sense of disdain for Adix, but seeing as she is Sledgehammer's daughter it is in Ivy's interest to befriend Adix to get information and possibly a glimpse on the man.

Drew Ramsey- They don't have a close bond but as they work in the same place and both share a disregard for authority it's likely they have griped together about some order from a higher up. Ivy is also set on trying to convince him to wire up his mechanical leg into something crazy-think of the possibilities! It could wield retractable knives like claws or something!

Felix Quintana- She enjoys talking tech with him, but mainly in a show-offy way. His disliking of her humor puts a stopper on her to a degree, but mainly just because she wants to talk to someone about her interests.

Lucy J. Castellano- They haven't had much interaction besides waitress to customer stuff as Ivy frequently visits the cafe. She strikes Ivy as pretty but Ivy hasn't striked up a conversation yet, which is quite uncharacteristic for her.

Tami Nash-They are on familiar terms with the foundation to build a friendship, as they share a lot in common. I could see Ivy being curious about drawing and wanting to swap a little computer knowledge for drawing knowledge (spoiler Ivy is horrendous at drawing but she seems to actually enjoy being bad at it). Ivy might not use as sharp a tongue with Tami similar to Lucas.

Dorian Yagolom- The two have formed an unlikely friendship based off combined snark and wit. If there was anyone she needed to open up to it would probably be him. She can be very ignorant to what he faced in his past as she has a twisted perspective of the poor sectors.

Rhea Steele- If anyone would be sympathetic to Rhea's plight it would most likely be Ivy, who puts a high value on intelligence. She is the perfect example of why the government is screwed up. Her perfect score on the intelligence section also reinforces Ivy's belief that people in the poor sector are just not trying hard enough or are dumb if they can't score well at least on the intelligence section.
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Adix Rylan: They have fairly similar personalities and both lost a sibling. The one major difference is that Rhea isn't completely dedicated to the Insurgent cause, while Adix lives for it. Because of this, they're more like enemies rather than friends. Rhea admires Adix's strength but thinks she's overly dedicated and takes things too seriously.

Drew Ramsey:
Their relationship is pretty neutral. She'd respect his backstory and would be very interested in hearing about his time in the diamond sector.

Felix Quintana: (love his character btw) Their personalities are polar opposite. Felix is caring and optimistic while Rhea prefers to close herself off and stay focused on her goals. Since they work together, I could see Felix constantly giving her advice and trying to persuade her away from her addiction with becoming an Agent. Rhea would probably take an interest in his writing. They have a neutral relationship.

Lucy J. Castellano: They grew up and pretty similar environments and are both good at lying, but other than that, there's not much more similarity. I think they'd have a negative type relationship. Rhea would want to be friends with her because she thinks Lucy's a badass, bur she's also too prideful to admit that.

Tami Nash: Rhea is super empathetic to Tami's situation. Though Rhea's never given her much of a chance, if they talked more they might get along. They have a potential friendship.

Dorian Yagalom: They were both raised by single mothers and have a 'survival' mentality. Rhea views Dorian as a sort of 'annoying little brother', she tolerates his company but hates his cynical and sarcastic attitude. When on the job, they would probably purposefully mess with and torture each other.


Jonathan Reyes: Rhea would keep him at arms length. She may attempt to figure out why he'd so emotionally distant, but other than that, she wouldn't give Jonathan much thought.

Ivy Lee: Rhea definitely agrees with Ivy's values and would appreciate her dry humor. They'd probably get along well due to their similarity in personality and combined intelligence.

Sofia Gonzalez: They both have their eyes out for each other. Rhea acknowledges that she's intelligent, powerful, and ambitious. The two of them are on an even playing field which means, if conflict arrives, they can either be allies or enemies. Rhea would try to keep thinks calm between the two of them.

Neil Green: Neill somewhat intimidated Rhea. She likes the fact that he's confident in every move that he makes, but it also makes him look cocky and arrogant. Rhea usually finds it hard to tolerate anyone who thinks their about everyone else. Their relationship could be interesting.

Sanaa Bani: Rhea would spend an endless amount of time trying to figure her out. They'd probably have a neutral relationship and have conversations when necessary.

Lucas Bowman: Definitely wouldn't be buddy buddy. Rhea would keep a careful eye on him, but would avoid spending much time around him.

Roux Coleman: I could definitely see them having a friendship in the future. Rhea would have a lot of respect for Roux, despite her vindictive nature. They would certainly cause quite a lot of trouble when they're together!
Fellow Agents....

Ivy Lee - Jonathan and Ivy seem to be playing the same game, but they come from different teams. Translation: Both are agents, but they are very different kind's of agents. Ivy has little to no respect for the Republic and she does not like the Elector Primo very much. Jon, however, Is very loyal to the Republic and the Elector who leads it. His life as an agent has turned him into a cold, bitter, hate-filled, emotionally distant person. To where as Ivy's past, has only made her better than most others would have become. She is a caring person and deep down, a good human being. Sadly, this can no be said for Jonathan.

I don't think he'd like her much.

Sophia Gonzalez - Jonathan and Sophia, as we already discussed, will have a very professional relationship. I think they will make a good team and "Get Shit Done" so to speak. Jonathan will undoubtedly care for her, probably more than he does most others, (not saying much but still) however he will never admit it to her, nor to himself. He will show her though, small little things, little Tid-bits of information or actions, things that he may not even notice, but Sophia might. Sometimes he may very well find Sophia annoying, her constant use of flirtatiousness and charm may catch him off guard. Sometimes he may be shocked that'd she act this way, most likely he'd like her to take the mission more serious. As he is a very serious person, not wanting to play along with Sophia's "childish' games. However, Jonathan's constant behavior and lifestyle leaves him very....lonely.

He never has ever opened up to anyone. Luckily he has Sophia though, because without her he'd probably go insane as he hides behind his mental and emotional walls. Jonathan may surprise her sometimes, he may play along with her games. Or act even the slightest bit caring and empathetic. I believe Sophia will be one of the very few people in the world to know Jonathan is not just a monster. He does have a softer side, a human side to him.

Neil Green - Both lived in the Diamond Sector. Both had very luxurious upbringings. Both never saw their father much. Both will do what needs to be done, even when others would call it cold. Both are men. Both are white. Both have secrets.........Okay I'm out of ideas. However they are similar in a way, and this should bring them together in a way. I do not know what that is though. However, I think we should play this out naturally throughout the roleplay. From my experience when two people are very common they either 1. Love the hell out of each other or 2. Can't stand one-another.

Only time will tell.

Sanaa Bani - Jon may actually admire this woman. I believe him to find her very interesting, Interesting in a way of him getting to know her. At least from a distance, studying her, observing her, but never speaking to her (Creepy AF i know lol). However, I think he will find her good nature to be a little off putting. They are similar and i think he will respect her because of this. Both do not do the whole "Attachment" thing. Both come from a similar background.

A big flaw however will be Sanna's good nature, or at least her empathy for people. I would dare say that Sanaa rose above the Agent life and deep down she is a good person. Jon however, is morally black on the surface and grey in the middle. I think a part of him will envy Sanaa, wanting to have the empathy she has but at the same time he doesn't want it.

It's a weakness to him, plain and simple.

If Sanaa shows him her "Good" side, he will take note, and he will believe her to be weak.

Lucas Bowman - Honestly Jon wouldn't like him to much, if at all. They're practically oppisites, Jon cold and emotionless, Lukas Caring and compassionate. In Jon's eyes he could never understand Lukas, how could he be an agent? Jon thinks that because of his life as an Agent, he must be who he is. Lukas doesn't seem to think that way and because of this i think the two would be at a standstill. Jon wouldn't like him and i think he'd let Lukas know that.

Roux Coleman - I honestly don't see Jon being her friend to much. Actually i see him disliking this woman a great deal. She may remind him of Sophia a little, and he may like her a bit because of this. However I see him also pushing Roux away if things got just a bit more than anything professional. He has his "fun ballbuster" and that is Sophia, which he has a deeper more complicated relationship with. I feel like he'd purposely push Roux away if she started to act anything like Sophia simply because he doesn't want to lighten up and let loose with anyone but her.

I hope this makes sense, but we shall see my friend.


Adix Rylan -
You know. Please heal my broken Jonathan. He is a monster because that's what the world made him to be. He is cold because that's what they taught him to be. He is a killer because that's what he was trained to be.

Let the power of love release him from his inner hell.

Drew Ramsey - I agree with your analysis. We will just have to wait.

Felix Quintana - Almost certainly Jon would be irritated with this man. Keeping him at a very distant distance. If the man pushed to far at Jon, trying to poke into his mind and how he thinks, Jon may just grow irritated enough to explode.

Lucy Castellano - I do not know. I reckon we'll see soon enough.

Dorian Yagalom - Do not push Jon to far. Some books you just can't read, no matter how hard you try.

Rhea Steele - I agree with you, Jon would only interact with her if it was needed of him.

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