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[div class=bg] [div class=hands][/div] [div class=title]i might seem so strong.[/div] [div class=title2]i've never been so wrong.[/div] [div class=title1]weldherwings x stardust galaxy[/div] [/div] [class=bg]width:100%; height:500px; background-color:#ffcc95; position:relative; margin:auto[/class] [class=hands] height:400px; width:400px; background:url(https://i.imgur.com/o60Y2p1.png); background-size:cover; margin:auto;[/class] [class=title]height:50px; width:450px; color:white; margin:auto; position:absolute; top: 200px; left:34%; font-size:40px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #9e9c9c; cursor:pointer;[/class] [class=title2]height:50px; width:500px; color:white; margin:auto; position:absolute; top: 200px; left:33%; font-size:40px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #9e9c9c; cursor:pointer;display:none;[/class] [class=title1]height:20px; width:250px; color:white; margin:auto; position:absolute; top: 400px; left:43%; font-size:12px; letter-spacing:1px; font-family:Karla;[/class] [script class=title on=mouseenter] fadeOut 1000 title fadeIn 1000 title2[/script] [script class=title on=mouseleave] fadeOut 1000 title2 fadeIn 1000 title[/script]
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[div class=whiteblock]ryu sehun
[div class=blackblock]"agape"[/div]
[div class=blackblock]thirty years old[/div] [div class=whiteblock]cis male[/div] [div class=whiteblock]demisexual[/div] [div class=blackblock]thirty first of october[/div]
[div class=blackblock]Korean, asl + english[/div] [div class=whiteblock]fc: park SEO joon[/div] [/div][/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents02"][class=tabmain]height:460px; padding:10px; width:530px; overflow:hidden; [/class] [div class="tabmain tabmain01"]
[div class=infoa][div class="scroll"]
naturally black hair. enjoys a medium cut so he can style it. you will often find him playing with his hair or running his fingers through his locks out of habit.
[div class=infoa][div class="scroll"]
black eyes. monolidded with aegyo sal presence.
[div class=infoa][div class="scroll"]
1.86 m + 69 kg.
slim, mesomorph.
he exercises everyday, knowing how important it is for the human body. his biggest fear in life is becoming unhealthy to the point of being bed-ridden (like his umma and appa had been).
[div class=infoa][div class="scroll"]
he has only had one girlfriend. he was twenty-two at the time and they broke up when her parents disapproved of their relationship. he shared his first kiss with her, but they never went any further than kissing. he still remains a virgin.
[div class=infoa][div class="scroll"]
his fashion style varies depending on the day. when he's in the process of painting, he often dresses up in clothes he's comfortable enough to get dirty (old jeans, large shirts and jackets). other days, he tends to dress to impress. it would be a nightmare for him to leave the house looking like he's homeless.
[div class=infoa][div class="scroll"]
like his body, he pays particular attention to his skin to ensure it's healthy. he's one of those guys who has a twelve step skin routine to ensure his light olive skin remains in tip top condition.
[div class="scroll"][div class=h1]likes.
painting, drawing, his cat, artemis, korean barbeque, embarassing his little brother (or people in general), rainy mornings
[div class="scroll"][div class=h1]dislikes.
birds, people leaving their crap up on the communial rooftop, balloons popping, feeling lazy
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[div class="scroll"][div class=h1]positive traits.

Honest and direct – Integrity is the heart of Sehun’s personality. Emotional manipulation, mind games and reassuring lies all run counter to his preference for managing the reality of the situations he encounters with plain and simple honesty.

Strong-willed and dutiful – He will also embody integrity into his actions too by working hard and staying focused on his goals. Patient and determined, he strives to always meet his obligations – period.

Calm and practical – Sehun keeps his feet on the ground and makes clear, rational decisions. Decisions are made with effectiveness in mind more so than empathy. This also applies to criticism, for others and himself.
[div class=h1]negative traits.[/div]
Stubborn – Oh boy. Is he stubborn. The facts are the facts. And he will resist any new idea that isn’t supported by him. This makes it hard to admit or accept that he was wrong about something.

Insensitive – Even though he doesn’t mean to be intentionally harsh, Sehun tends to hurt more sensitive types’ feelings by the simply mantra that honesty is the best policy. He is a head over heart type of person, only taking emotions into consideration when trying to determine the most effective way to say what needs to be said.

Judgemental – Opinions are opinions and facts are facts. Sehun is extremely unlikely to respect people who disagree with those facts, or especially those who remain wilfully ignoration of them.
[/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents03"][div class="tabmain tabmain02"][div class="scroll"][div class=h1]history.[/div] Umma's death - Ryu Sehun was born on a farm in Pocheon-dong, Gyeonggi-do (a thirty-nine-minute drive from Seoul). From a young age, his Umma encouraged him to express himself through creative art. She was a well-known painter in their village and would often run classes to teach others how to paint. When Sehun was thirteen, she was diagnosed with breast cancer that had spread to the rest of her body. Five months after being diagnosed, she passed away. Sehun was absolutely devasted. However, he decided that he would make it his goal to become a famous painter to bring joy to his Umma in heaven. And well, his perseverance has paid off. While he, Ryu Sehun, isn’t well-known his pseudonym, Agape, has sold many paintings to celebrities around the globe.

His first (and only) girlfriend – At the age of twenty-two, Ryu Sehun had his first girlfriend. Song Yi Joo was the daughter of a CEO chairman for Plexum, a company that sold fitness vitamins. While Sehun was introverted and found it hard to connect with others, Yi Joon just had this… light about her. She didn’t piss him off and always knew the right things to make him feel better. After dating for three months and wanting things to start getting more serious (you know, take things to the next level as they were both virgins), Yi Joon told Sehun that she wanted him to meet her family.

However, it seemed that a farmer boy from a poor village who was studying his Bachelor in Arts was good enough for the daughter of a CEO chairman. He and his wife absolutely disapproved of the relationship and ordered their daughter to break up with Sehun. You’d think that she wouldn’t because they were in love, right? Well, you’d be wrong. She said she couldn’t live with herself if she knew that her parents were disappointed in her. Therefore, she broke up with him. He’s never had a girlfriend since, in fear that he will never be enough for the woman he loves.

His Appa’s death – Having completed his Bachelors and sold many paintings all over the world, Sehun thought he could finally breathe a sigh of relief and relax. He was twenty-eight at the time and had just moved into his first apartment in Seoul. However, it seemed as if God had another plot in mind. He received a phone call a couple of days after moving in from his little brother, Se-Jun, who had just returned from the doctors with their Appa. Their Appa had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and give six months left to live.

Sehun organized everything for his Appa; he fixed him up with an expensive hospital room, paid for all his bills, sorted out all his legal stuff… He visited every day and made sure his Appa was well cared for. Even though he was told that he had six months left to live, he ended up living for fourteen months after his diagnosis. And so, after he passed, Sehun made sure he had a beautiful funeral, that he was placed next to their Umma, and took charge of all the legal stuff. Sold the farm, followed the will and contacted whoever he needed to contact.

It was a stressful time and to make matters worse, his neighbours in the apartment complex were truly rude. He always thought about how they would react if he told them that his Appa had just died. But instead, he just did what he did best; he kept to himself and hid in his apartment complex.

[div class=h1]relationships.[/div]
[div class=h1]
father - ryu soo-jin
[/div]Soo-Jin was a hard-working man. As a farmer, he was working until the day he was diagnosed. If he had his way, he would’ve continued working while going through his chemotherapy treatments. Sehun believes he gets his strong ambitions, hard-working and stubborn traits from his Appa. He admires how long his Appa kept the family farm running but he also knew that he and his little brother wouldn’t have a chance in hell of continuing to run it.

[div class=h1]
mother - kim min-ki
[/div]Min-Ki was full of energy. She was constantly encouraging her children to express themselves through movement or music; singing, dancing, painting, running – anything! It was quite impressive considering she gave birth to both boys in her late thirties. She and Soo-Jin met when they were in their early thirties and married and started their family very late compared to most families. Sehun misses the way that his Umma would try and embarrass both the boys while out shopping by randomly dancing or singing as loud as she could.

[div class=h1]
brother, 27 - ryu sejun
[/div]Se-Jun is his little brother who currently lives in Sydney, Australia. The pair of them are very polar opposite which often resulted in a lot of fighting as they grew up. Se-Jun makes a living by being a full-time Twitch streamer and Youtuber. He films everything he does and makes a lot of content for Australian tourism for Koreans. At the end of a long, hard day, Sehun likes to lie down and watch his little brother’s newest video.

[div class=h1]
ex-girlfriend, 31 - song yi-joo
[/div] We don't need to say much about her. She was his first and only love and heart break. Sehun has created many masterpieces inspired by their relationship and the heart ache he felt afterwards. [/div] [/div]
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coded by weldherwings
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Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity
[/div] [div class=BoxHome][/div] [div class=BoxBasics][/div] [div class=BoxPersona][/div] [div class=BoxBackground][/div] [div class=BoxOther][/div] [div class=Pic2][/div] [div class=tabs] [div class="tab HomeTab"]
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[/div] [/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentHome"][div class=HomeTab][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentBasics" style="display: none;"][div class=BasicsTab][div class=TextBox_One][div class=Text]Full name: Park Hye-Sun Age 26 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Date of Birth: October 22nd Languages: Korean, English Hair color: Light Brown Eye color: Hazel Height: 175 cm Weight: 49 kg Build: Mesomorph Faceclaim: Lee Sung Kyung [/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentPersona" style="display: none;"][div class=PersonaTab][div class=TextBox_Two][div class=Text]Vices: Overly Idealistic:Hye-Sun can be caught off guard as she finds that, through circumstance or nature, or simple misunderstanding, people fight against her and defy the principles she has adopted, however well-intentioned she may be. She is more likely to feel pity for this opposition than anger, and can earn a reputation of naïveté. Too Selfless:Hye-Sun can bury herself in her hopeful promises, feeling others’ problems as her own and striving hard to meet her word. If she isn't careful, she can spread herself too thin, and be left unable to help anyone. Too Sensitive: While receptive to criticism, seeing it as a tool for leading a better team, it’s easy for Hye-Sun to take it a little too much to heart. Her sensitivity to others means that she sometimes feels problems that aren’t her own and tries to fix things she can’t fix, worrying if she is doing enough. Virtues: Tolerant:Hye-Sun is a true team player, and she recognizes that that means listening to other peoples’ opinions, even when it contradicts hers. Hye-Sun admits that he doesn't have all the answers and she is often receptive to dissent, so long as it remains constructive. Charismatic: Charm and popularity are qualities that describe Hye-Sun, she instinctively knows how to capture an audience, and pick up on mood and motivation in ways that allow them to communicate with reason, emotion, passion, restraint whatever the situation calls for. Altruistic: Hye-Sun has an unyielding desire to do good in and for her community. Warm and selfless, Hye-Sun genuinely believes that if she can just bring people together, she can do a world of good. Likes: Puppies, chocolates, romantic movies, night sky, flowers, baking. Dislikes: Black coffee, thunderstorms, horror movies, inactivity [/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentBackground" style="display: none;"][div class=BackgroundTab][div class=TextBox_Three][div class=Text]Her Childhood: Park Hye-Sun was born in Gwangju in the province of Gyeonggi since she was a child she always knew to help others, it was something that her parents taught her even if they weren't the richest they were always trying to help their community somehow. Her family were the owners of a small bakery that was well known around their neighborhood and some people in the city. Since she was child Hye-Sun always knew what was to hard work for something, spending her time in the family business made her happy, but she couldn't spend the rest of her life working there when she grew up. The lost of her parents dream:Hye-Sun always knew she had a special love to every subject that was related to biology and she was always curious to know everything that happened every time she visited the doctor, this made her realize that she wanted to become a doctor she loved helping others and be able to impact someone's life that way made her want to achieve that dream. When she told her parents she wanted to become a doctor, they were supportive of her plan even if they were sad that their daughter wouldn't continue with the family business, but being a middle-class family it was obvious they would struggle to pay her tuition. It wasn't until she was already studying that Hye-Sun realized that her parents got a second job in order to pay for her education. And when things got economically bad in the family, they decided to sell the bakery, something she still believes it's her fault for taking away the dream of her parents. A new beginning: After she graduated and became a doctor Hye-Sun was ready to start a new adventure she moved to Seoul for her new job, was she scared of living in an unknown city, the answer was yes, but she was ready to start her new life and write her own story, with the hope that she can impact someone's life one day. [/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContentOther" style="display: none;"][div class=OtherTab][div class=TextBox_Four][div class=Text]Relations: Ha Ji-Yun | Mother | Former owner of Park's Bakery | Alive | Still lives in Gwangju Park Tae-Woo | Father | Former owner of Park's Bakery | Alive | Still lives in Gwangju [/div][/div][/div][/div][/div]
code by Stardust Galaxy | Picture Hovers
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