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Fantasy I Have a Plot (mxm) CLOSED


New Member
Welcome to my thread! Please read everything before proceeding.

-I write in 3rd person, past tense (I prefer my partner does the same, otherwise the writing styles clash).

-I don’t consider myself a super advanced writer, but I really do try, and I want someone that does the same.
-I want someone that is literate and well written, able to write at least a paragraph. Occasional grammatical errors are fine, I am guilty of it myself!

-Generally, I write a few paragraphs, but this can change in length depending on what I have to work with. If I am describing a new scene or actions, I will write a lot more. I LOVE setting scenes, describing characters and how they’re feeling.

-Though not completely necessary, I prefer my partner be over 18 (compulsory if there is going to be NSFW).

-I’d like someone that can post every couple of days. If you’re not able to post for an extended period of time, tell me. I tend to have fluctuations in energy for RP so my posting speed can vary. If I am not going to post for more than a few days, I will tell you.

-If you’re not enjoying our roleplay and we’re pretty deep in (over a month), tell me, don’t just vanish. I’ve had people disappear on me too many times. Honestly, I’d rather you tell me it isn’t working out over just vanishing. If you vanish in the first few weeks of planning/roleplay, there won’t be any hard feelings. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out! It only really bothers me if I have invested a lot of my time/ideas into the story, and it is abruptly cut short. TLDR; Don’t worry about telling me if you vanish when we’re just starting, but if we have been roleplaying for over a month, please do.

-I am on AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) so due to our more than likely time differences, chances are I will only get one post in a day. Sometimes we may be on at the same time, and I will post a few times.

-I can’t play any characters that I haven’t created. I just can’t get in that headspace. I also don’t want to play with characters from any fandoms.

-I can do multiple characters, but I much prefer there be two mains (my character, and yours), and a few side characters pertaining to the plot. I have never doubled, so no idea if I would even like it.

-I wanna talk OOC! I find actively discussing our characters and where we’re going with our RP really helps keep me invested in the RP. I also like to get to better know my partner, this doesn’t mean I am going to make you tell me every little detail about you, but I would like to eventually consider you a friend! I like to keep the RP on the site, Docs or email, and OOC chat on Discord.

-Though romance isn’t needed, I feel all the roleplays I’m interested in have potential for romance, it really depends on how our characters get along.

-I draw a lot of my characters, but I more often than not use real face claims for them, and just draw them for fun.

-Instant romance is a no-go for me, I find it just feels unnatural.

Apologies for that wall of text, I just like to be very clear about myself and what I expect from my partner.

I will likely add more plots when I am up to it, but this is what I have right now, and what I am craving.

Plot idea: The Apiary (modern fantasy) (mxm)

This plot is based off of a short story I am writing. I got really attached to one of the side characters, and now I want to use him in a RP!

This is in a world where mythical creatures exist, but they disguise themselves as human beings to avoid scrutiny. Non-humans are called magi, and are heavily monitored because humans are afraid of them. Without their consent, magi are put into classifications. This includes their level of danger from 1-10. There is safe: 1-2, cautious: 3-5, and hazardous: 6-10.

A shady organisation has kidnapped magi that don’t have any friends or family that would realise they are gone, and kept them in asylum-like facilities “for their own safety”. Magi are treated beyond terribly in these facilities, and most won’t ever be free.

Abhorrent experiments are done on them, and they are both abused mentally and physically. Very few escape, and if they do, there is no doubt they will be permanently scarred from their stay.

It's pretty vague right now, but I have a lot of information if you are interested in the story, and a pre-existing character I will be using.
Please PM me if you're interested in writing this story with me!

This story is closed for now! Sorry to everyone I didn't get back to, it received a lot more attention than I thought, and I couldn't reply to everyone.
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Hey, hey, hey!

I love the wall of text. Honestly, I agree with every point you hit in there. It's been a real long time and I miss developing characters that I can really become invested in, and it'd be real fun to get to know people over RP again. Basically, I'd love to take you up on your partner offer!

I'm real new here, though, and I can't even PM people yet, so I totally understand if you might not be up for it. If you don't mind that, though, I'm all for chatting it up over Skype or Discord or something.
Heya, I'm 100% interested! I'd love to RP with you, but I'm too new to send PMs yet. I can give you my discord or email, if you'd like?

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