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Realistic or Modern I Hate You More!

Nenma Takashi

Terribly Terrible
At a certain college there are two students who almost everyone is familiar with. The reason why isn't something grand like they are pro players on a sports team, or incredibly smart, nor are they even very social. No none of those are the reason. These two are known simply for how much they seem to loathe one another. Everyday without fail these two butt heads over the simplest of things. One time the two of them had gotten into a shouting match over the fact that one of them had picked up a penny the other was sure belong to them. They also are known for the ludicrous pranks they pull on one another. One so pranks resulted in one of them getting stuck in a trash can and almost taken away by a garbage truck. Even now the two can be heard shouting at one another just outside the campus. "I hate you!" "Yeah we'll I hate you more!"

Of course their down right petty hatred for one another isn't what it seems. As anyone in the dorms will tell you, it's incredible how well the two can hide their true emotions. As it turns out both of them are madly in love with the other and are also too damn stubborn to admit it. It seems their shouting and prank wars are the escalation of what started off as simple flirting. Truly the whole college has one thought each time they see these two fighting.
Hello! I'd like to try this out with you! Did you have a gender pairing in mind for it though? I'm fine with anything but was just a bit curious huehue

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