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I Came All This Way, For You (Open, Mature)

Catherine Walters

All about da wuv

  • At least one paragraph or more
  • Good grammar

Sorry if I don't know what an America high school is like, I'm mashing up American with Australian based on facts I know and experience.


It is just a simplistic vampire x human, m x f role play based in a high school of some sorts. Both characters are teachers and he was recently hired. Vampires have a stereotypical cliche mating system where their mate is predestined at their birth and or turning. She happens to be his mate which he has been searching for for his whole lifetime. He 'woos' her over by just... being himself. She develops reciprocated feelings for him over time etc.



Alison is a 24 year old working as a English, Maths and Science teacher in some random made up place. She lives alone in a two bedroom apartment and has been looking for a roommate for some time. Once your character has finally arrived and taken up a job there you both work in the same staff room and on occasion in neighbouring classes. You know she's your mate from tingly mate and lovey stuff, you can make up how. And they talk and make friendship and develop other feelings.

My Turn:

A loud alarm blared in her ear as her alarm clock struck 6:00am. She let out a small groan as he blindly whacked at the clock until it stopped. A sigh escaped her as she sat herself up, opening her tired eyes, “Another week with stupidity.” A yawn escaped her parted lips as she stood, stretching out her small five-foot-two body. Her hair was slightly damp from the shower she had the night before, but by the time she was out the door it would be fluffy, golden and dry. She waddled over to the wardrobe where she stripped out of her love heart pyjamas into a fresh set of black clothes, a shirt and a pair of jeans. A glance over at her messy bed made her pause for a brief moment before shrugging and walking out into the main room, which was the living room, a small carpeted area on one side of the room, the kitchen and dining room. With a flick of a finger she turned her kettle on, pulling out a medium-sized teacup, a spoon and a teabag. She added two teaspoons of sugar from the beige jar that sat on the counter before roaming over to her desk, which sat the monitor of her computer and books and pens. She pulled a pink folder, containing papers and documents, from the desk, stuffing it into her black backpack that rested against the side of the desk.

As the kettle stopped boiling, she turned on the TV and changed it to the morning news. As the female news reporter sat at her desk, rambling on about politics and other unimportant stuff, she pulled a carton of milk from the fridge, poured the hot water and let the teabag sit for a little bit, stirring it slowly to turned the water to a dark brown. She watched the television from over in the kitchen, it being loud enough for her to hear. As she squeezed the bag against the edge of the mug, placing the bag on a small glass plate the reported moved onto more important things.

“Last night, yet another women of the age of 30 years old, Tera Ming was brutally murdered and dumped at the top of Valten’s Park. Reporters say the murder is tied with the Hannah Morris and Julia Harks cases, although that is to remain unseen for now…” She turned the television off before pouring milk into the mug, slowly taking a sip.

"This town's getting worse by the day," she muttered as she down the rest of her tea. She moved to the bathroom where she brushed her hair out until it was smooth, shiny and knot-free. Then she brushed her teeth before stuffing her keys and phone into her pocket and hurrying out the front door with her bag on her back, locking it behind her.

It was a small walk from her apartment to the school, it was only a medium-sized town containing around 5000 people. She walked into the large building which held most of the classes and to her staff room on the right. She sat at her desk, pulling out her folder where she flicked through it to make sure it was all there.
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