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Fantasy I am Not INSANE

Thanks Lily and also you're a lifesaver for putting those bbcodes in your signature! I suck at it but like it so I'm always looking for some.
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So many male characters..

@poutysunshine is correct. I plan on either getting started sometime today, or at the latest the 26th of this month.
An Adequate Captain] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/25253-lilyannagaming/ said:
@LilyannaGaming[/URL] Hey quick question, will Rocky (the dog) also get a super power of sort? xD
Sadly no. It would be interesting though.
Damn oh well he will just become a normal pet then once my character gets his power, since he won't need a guiding dog anymore.
[QUOTE="An Adequate Captain]Damn oh well he will just become a normal pet then once my character gets his power, since he won't need a guiding dog anymore.

I might allow this to change. I am not sure, because it will disturb th- Wait. I said to much.

Just keep in mind, i may change my mind.
SassyAndroidSera said:
@Sea241 our characters are aboulamania twins :)
I know haha. I had started my cs before you posted yours and I laughed when I finished. I figured no one else knew about aboulamania
By the way, if anyone wants to interact with my character will either have to approach him or make a noise, since well he is blind and all, just putting it out there.
SassyAndroidSera said:
@An Adequate Captain i can have my Charachter start talking to her dead friend Naomi
Its fine we can also wait until some one else comes along and then my character hears your conversation, up to you. I am not in a hurry to make a second post so soon before most made their first.
[QUOTE="An Adequate Captain]Its fine we can also wait until some one else comes along and then my character hears your conversation, up to you. I am not in a hurry to make a second post so soon before most made their first.

I made a general noise, so she's open to interaction from anyone

The asylum just started accepting patients. Remember it was closed due to an 'un-Natrual ' fire. So Candace would have just arrived or such.
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