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Fantasy I am Not INSANE

Should i post this in Modern Interest Checks to?

  • Yes- It has some modern/Realistic touch. But its not the main focus.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No- It's more focused in the Fantasy setting.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Alex stopped as the new person offered him to join him, it hurt his pride to be honest to be an after thought though being blind he was used to that as well. He tried to shake off his peaty bitterness and let Rocky guide him after them, Violate probably saying his face realized he was a bit offended apologized, which made Alex feel bad for not being able to hold his emotions in. By now he realized the Violate was probably a kid a few years young than him, so he doubted that it was intentional. "Its fine, thank you." He had no idea what Aboulomaina even means, but everyone here got something wrong with them or else they wouldn't be here. Alex followed them around quietly, they both seemed to have much more in common with each other and he preferred to let them talk it out. He started the music on his phone again, the good thing about his sunglasses were that no one can tell he was listing to music.

"Jeremiah are you there?" the sudden voice made Jeremiah nearly jump out if his pants until he realized it was his radio. "Son of a bitch" he slowly whispered to himself still a bit shaken from the sudden noise.

He unstrapped his radio and held it to his mouth "Yes I'm here. Is there something wrong?" he asked waiting impatiently as he could not find his brother wherever he might be. The voice finally came back on for what felt like hours "there seemed to be a little meltdown in the dining area. She seems fine now, but you need to check on her"

He sighed as he said "I'll be there in a sec". He tried to think possively as to where his brother might be, and maybe he thought he would also be in the dining room. He did a slow jog the entire time until he made only to find three people together. He had already read their files and info on why they were here so he had to be careful not to say or do anything to upset them.

"Is everyone here alright?" he said concerned as he made his way to the three adolescent teenagers.

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Jade smiled and looked at Violet. "It was easy for me to recognize, since I have it too," she explained. Jade was happy that there was someone like her here. She was afraid she would be that one weirdo who no one wanted to talk to. But Violet understood what she was going through. That made Jade feel better about the whole situation. She bet her aunt would be exataic to know there was someone else like her.

Jade settled back into her seat, smiling. She felt kind of bad that the guy with Violet, Alex Jade thought she heard, seemed like a third wheel. It was just odd that Jade would meet someone like her. She watched as a guard came over. She decided to let Violet tell him what happened.
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Violet looked at Jade, shocked. She had never met anyone like her in that sense before. "You have it too? Awesome! Well... Not awesome really, but it's cool that we can understand each other." She was really happy about this. He parents had been right, she was meeting people like her.

A man who looked like he was staff of some kind approached them. He asked if everything was OK, and Violet blushed, realising he would know about her melt down. "Oh um,my each I'm ok now. I just had a little problem with where to sit, but thanks to Jade and Naomi I'm ok. It probably won't happen again... Today." She told him, adding on today as an afterthought. "Wait. I'm in a new situation, so actually maybe it will happen again today, but as long as I'm with people who understand I should be good." She smiled at the guard, hoping she wouldn't have to be treated or anything for her meltdown.

Naomi smiled at her and stuck her tongue out. Violet giggled. "I'm lucky to have you Naomi" she told her. Naomi somewhat helped calm her in certain situations, and she was glad she had been allowed to come.

Alex smiled as it seemed they both found someone to talk to, it was nice though he really felt like a third wheel now. Sighing as he listen to music he petted Rocky, at this point a person would find an excuse to leave, but Alex was kinda stuck as he didn't know where to leave to. Alex turned around instinctively as he heard a voice from behind him and by mistake pulled Rocky with him, Rocky didn't protest or whine but he felt bad for doing so anyway so he petted him and whispered a sorry. He paused the music not knowing who said that or why, after Violet answered he realized he must be staff of some sort, and also that there probably cameras every where and they saw her breakdown. Alex felt bad for both of the girls, he had no idea what their condition evolved but it couldn't be fun if it meant having those breakdowns. Though now a bit sick of being quietly the third wheel he spoke up "So what is Aboulomaina anyway?" He asked curiously.


Location- Dining Hall

Time- 8:30 am

Mood- Upset/Betrayed/annoyed.

Interaction and Tags- Avery/ @JayKuro

OOC: Sorry for being slow

Raven looked down at the little boy who came to greet her. ' A pirate? a bit childish. ' she thought sighing slowly. "Raven. -" she stopped herself abruptly not wanting to curse in front of him. She did not know how young he was. He could be..thirteen or fifteen for all she knew. So instead she just faked a smile and placed her bags on a chair and sat down. Watching the boy curiously. "it's nice to meet you...captian." She said, giving a faint wave.

Mrs. Gia

Mood: Annoyed

Time: 8:30 am

Tags: @Cherrywitch

Gia huffed as her heels clacked as she walked outside to gather the new transfer. The immature men being left behind in the medical. Sighing, she made her way down the long hallway and out the entrance. she turned and opened the door. Her right arm held her clipboard close to her chest, and she held her head with authority. She walked straight to the transfer truck and stood beside the other lady nurse as she obsered the ways the guards treated the sedated patient. She scoffed at them and two of the guards from the asylum walked up behind her. "My guards will take it from here." she said, her voice sounded like it was laced with sweet poison. She turned to the lady nurse. "You may leave." She said. The guards walked next to the arrival and grabbed gently, yet firm and ready to defend if needed. Gia began to walk back towards the building.



Mood: playful

Time: 8:31 am

Tags: @SassyAndroidSera


Tianna took a raspy breath before coughing again. Her age and illness was not a good mix. Her personal helper came and gave her a glass of water. She took it gratefully and had a dainty sip. she thought about today and merely chocked on her water at the thought of having to make the annoucment. scoffing, she asked the assistant if they could pass the annoucer as she called it. She put it to her mouth and took a shaky breath. Pressing the button, she managed to make a normal tone. "All new arrivals and new staff as well as old must head to the dining room for this mornings..welcoming. " She said letting go of the button. she sighed and sat back in her chair.

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"Why thank you Raven, it's nice to see you too!" Avert said happy that someone called him captain without him having to ask. He dropped his bags finding no need to carrying the, and slid them under the table. He looked around for a few minutes a curious expression on his face before he found what he was looking for. He skipped over to the drinks and got himself some fruit punch walking back over to Raven before sitting down. He sniffed it a few times to see if it was drugged or poisoned never wanting to experience that again, before he slowly too a sip. He drank for a moment quenching his thirst before he looked back up at Raven "how old are you exactly?" He asked because he couldn't tell, to him she was really tall so of course he was thinking around the age of eighteen or nineteen.


Mikado Ryuugamine

By this time, Mikado was already wandering the halls of the asylum, luggage in hand, idly wondering where to go from there. 'This is just getting annoying.' She thought as she passed by what seemed to be the exact same corridor she had been going through for the past few minutes. Heaving a sigh, she decided to stop and rest for a while, as her legs were already aching from all that walking. That is, until she heard the announcement coming from a nearby speaker, which is when she came to the decision, that even though her legs felt as though it was going through torture, she was going to keep walking, and find out wherever the hell the dining room was. 'And hopefully it won't take very long.'

Looks like luck was on her side this time, as Mikado was then approached by an older man, who seemed to be one of the nurses at the institute. As for his offer, the Japanese woman instantly accepted, if only to keep her meek and timid personality up. "If you wouldn't mind me asking." Mikado stated politely, flashing him a soft smile in gratefulness. Turning to the other girl, who seemed to be older than herself, as well as a new patient, she decided to speak for her as well. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind your help as well, right?"

@LilyannaGaming @poutysunshine
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Brooke sat in the backseat of the of the orphanage's van as they drove to the asylum. All the other children were crowded in too to say goodbye. Brooke knew where they were taking her. They told her so she wouldn't get angry at them. She didn't care. She didn't really care about much of anything. When they parked, one the caretakers got out, and so did Brooke. All the other children waved and shouted goodbyes, so she waved in their general direction, adding a smile to make them happy. The children thought she was very special. She was only at the orphanage for two days before already leaving. That was a new record.

Brooke was guided by the caretaker to the building, but then she was on her own. The speaker above said for everyone to meet in the dining room, wherever that was. She could hear many voices in one direction so she decided to head that way. Extending her arms out, she miraculously managed to get through the hallways without bumping into the walls at all. Since she could heard the voices much louder, she knew she was in the right place.

Now she just had to find a seat. Groping around she found a chair so she pulled it out and sat down in it, not realizing she had intruded in on a conversation.

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Avery looked over and saw someone sit down. He took another sip of his drink and waited for her to say something. He then realized that she probably couldn't see because of the bandana over her eyes. "Hi, I'm Avery, and you are?" He asked politely as he looked at the bandanna where her eyelids should be. 'Maybe she doesn't like showing her eyes or something' he thought as he didn't extend his hand towards her thinking that she probably wouldn't be able to see it.

He took another sip of the drink humming a bit knowing only a little how blind people worked. He was guessing the person they were talking to bad to make some kind of noise so that they knew they were still there. He smiled as he swallowed the cold liquid glad he had it, as it tasted very good, although he could barely keep his eyes open he knew he was going to splash some cold water on his face to help. He was not about to go to sleep, he didn't want to see the recalling nightmares, he shuddered just thinking about it.

@LilyannaGaming @Puggie
"Hey, watch—!" Shouted one of the guards, but it was too late.

The dark eyes widened to owlish, frightened orbs as the new guards touched him, the boy letting out a blood curdling scream and jolting forward to head butt them in the forehead. One of the old aslyum's guards grabbed him back so fast it made the poor child dizzy, Red stumbling over his own feet from the sedatives and landing roughly on his bottom with a quiet sob.

The nurse shot the woman a sharp look. "If you had let me explain..." A hand flew out to gesture towards the boy, he tensing up and hugging his teddy bear tight to his chest. "This is patient 1107 in our books, Reason Trellk. He's a level red danger to staff, and has to be contained. He has no issues with other patients, but personnel have been badly injured by him. They sent him here to see if you can do any better." The nurse scowled.

A new clipboard was thrust at the woman's chest. "This is his paperwork. Right off the bat, a couple of tips. One, he hates to be touched, and two... Whatever you do, never take away his teddy bear. Don't ask why, just don't."

The old guards hesitantly let go of the boy completely now and returned to the truck, the nurse getting in and muttering to the driver: "poor bastards. They just opened and they get him."

Red turned forced exhausted eyes up to the woman with a dog like whimper, pulling his knees closer to him and standing weakly on his feet, trembling all over. He pulled his teddy bear up closer to his muzzle, whispering into its ear. "I don't like this place, Mr.Teddy..." He squeezed the stuff animal into a fitting bear hug, dark sleepless eyes trailing back up with fear.

The boy shot up after feeling a bump in the road. Or what he was assuming was a bump he honestly didn't even know anymore all he really could see was the darkness of the cell like room he was in. After all it was just a car with one of his known friends driving. That friend you may ask was none other than some of the mental wardens from a different mental institute transferring him after seeing he was to "unfit" to stay in that one. Scotty wasn't very surprised about this really he did threaten to stab other people who were signed up there multiple times. He never would go through with it at least not that they knew of and he planned on keeping it that way but it didn't matter know as his knew found home was in sight. When he got out and the other warden drove off Rook was left with one thing do as he heard over the speaker and made his way to the lunchroom. Where he grabbed a random table and sat down on top of it rubbing his rook piece that was attached to a chain across his neck. (I'm getting off for tonight >.< so sorry if you wanted to response to me)


Violet turned to Alex, wondering what was the best way to explain it. She glanced over at Jade, but she hadn't answered him so... "Umm, well Aboulamania is a problem that affects our decision making. It basically means, when forced to make a choice, fine completely unable to. Sometimes we can become paralysed, or run away. I'm getting a bit better though." She told him. "For example, say you have to choose a box of cereal. That decision should be easy right? Then imagine one of those boxes have a bomb in it. If you pick the wrong one you could destroy everything. Do you see how impossible that choice is to make now? That's how every choice feels, no matter how difficult." That was the first analogy she thought of, and ten best way she could explain it.

She bit her lip. What about Alex? "Why are you here Alex?"'She knew he was blind, but it couldn't just be that right? That wasnt a psychological problem.

@An Adequate Captain @Sea241

This was the best description and analogy I could think of from what I know.
Alex nodded as Violet explained, he found it very odd to be unable to make simple decisions like what cereal to eat or where to sit. But the brain works in mysterious and fucked up ways, he should know that he still has no idea what exactly he saw that the part in the brain controlling his vision just noped out."Wow that must be though, I am sorry. Well if any of you get stuck I will be happy to help." It sounded weird for him that in oreder to help them, he would have to make basically all the decisions for them, but it must be better than them getting a break down.

Alex petted Rocky as Violet asked about his reasons to being here."Well I wasn't always blind, I have Conversion disorder which happens when a part of your brain 'shuts down' after some kind of traumatic experience. For me it was my vision, and usually it takes a few months before it slowly returns but for me it was a couple of years ago already so I am a rare case and they have no idea how to treat me so they sent here." Alex was sent down through a bad memory lane as he recalled his ex girlfriend, then shaking the thoughts away as he heard the woman make an announcement to gather in the dinning room. "Well looks like you led us to the right place, thank you." He thanked Violet for leading him as he realized he didn't do it yet.
Emmalyn had so focused where she was going and only was her attention dragged to the elsewhere when a nurse and girl spoke. She couldn't help but smile at the nurse with his bright attitude and the girl's politeness. "Sure since I have no idea as to where I need to go." She laughed at her comment and observed the two people in front of her. The nurse was late twenties and earlier thirties where the girl seemed to be closer to her age. The girl features though looked much younger than hers and Emma enjoyed the overall cuteness of the girl. Emma picked up a piece of the girl's hair running her fingers over the white tips. "It's so pretty! Did you do it yourself?" She assumed the girl had bleached her hair to get the affect. She didn't give thought the girl probably wasn't fond of a girl in an asylum playing with her hair or the fact that she was in here for a reason that involved getting violent or something when someone touched her.

@LilyannaGaming @Maiza Avaro
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Brooke looked over to where to voice came from. It sounded like a boy. "Hey Avery, I'm Brooke. How's it going?" She looked straight forward again, though all she could see was black. Just the way she liked it. "So what do you think of this place." She added a smile to make her seem more friendly.



Time: 8:37 am

Mood: Migrane.

Tags: @Cherrywitch

She noticed his reaction to the guards and scoffed at the woman. "Ma'am. It was not in Miss Tianna's order's to listen to you give patients info. Her orders where to escort him inside. I did not tell my guards to touch him. They brought it upon themselves." She gave a scowl of her own, and huffed when the woman left. Looking at the new clipboard. She watched the truck disappear down the road quietly. She turned to the boy and sighed. "Can you do me a favor? Please just walk with me and my guards will not touch you. I am sure you taught them their lesson dear. Do you like to be called red? can you just nod for me if you do?" She was trying to be nice and not upset the boy. She stayed her own distance, and showed a smile that reached her eyes. "You can do that. Right?" She ad to say, wih all her past she never seen a patient who was violent. Maybe she could get him to ease up? or... No. She was not becoming a therapist over getting the boy to get use to people.

Kyle, your friendly nurse

Time: 8:37

Mood: Playful

Tags: Emmalyn// @poutysunshine Mikado// @Maiza Avaro

Kyle laughed a little to himself. "Of course i wouldn't mind. Not all of us staff here are mean." He said, before looking up to the girl who seemed to finally speak up. "It is down this way." He said, watching the girl inquire about the other's hair. "Well, if i may introduce myself really quickly before we must get the heck to the dining room before madam Tianna does." he stopped and cracked a wide grin. His playful tone fitting. "Then i am Kyle. Your friendly nurse."

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Mood: Betrayed/Observant

time: 8:38 am

Interaction: Avery // @JayKuro Brooke// @Puggie

Location: Dining room.

She gave a slight smile as she watched him. "I am seventeen." she said, giving a curious look an why he would ask or care. "How about you" She watched as he got up to get a drink and observe it for poisons. 'at least he is smart.' she thought, getting caught in a whirlwind of memories she kept trying to shove down, only to lose every thought when a girl, not that far from her age sat down, intrunding the small converation. She watched as the boy started to talk with her and she slipped away into her mind.

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Another whimper escaped from the boy, seeming untrusting of the woman as he cuddled his teddy bear even tighter against his thin chest. He gave two nods to her question, shifting his weight from one foot to the other in discomfort as his darkened eyes darted between the woman and the two guards. Red resembled a wild animal in many ways, frightened and on edge, waiting to pounce if he felt threatened. Still, he complied with Ms. Gia and followed obediently, keeping his head down and muttering every so often into his teddy bear's ear. When she smiled, Red tensed up more, shaking like a leaf as he buried his muzzled face into Mr.Teddy's neck. As usual, Red was completely silent to the humans around him, keeping his exhausted eyes glued to his bare feet.

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"Ah wow, you're really seventeen?!" He asked shocked almost choking on his drink for a second. "I'm fifteen, but I can't wait till I'm sixteen!" He said as he turned to face Brooke who was looking ahead at nothing. "It's not the nicest place, but it's not like I have anywhere else to go." He said as he glanced back at Raven seeing her pupils were a little dilapidated and unfocused.

"Are you still with us?" He asked waving a hand in front of her face for a moment before he stopped and took another drink. He was thinking of a few more questions to ask that wouldn't get too personal in case they asked him the same thing. 'What do people even talk about in an asylum?!' He thought the question soon popping up in his mind, as he was now tempted to ask someone who had been here for a while what they usually talked about. Or if they even talked at all.

@LilyannaGaming @Puggie

Mikado Ryuugamine

"Ah, no, it's completely natural." Mikado politely corrected the girl with a meek smile, shying away from her touch like the timid girl she supposedly was. While it may not seem like it, though, Mikado was inwardly seething with cold fury at her for so carelessly making contact with a mental patient, whom she didn't even know was violent or not. "It's something I inherited from my father." She clarified the reason for the rather strange and unique coloring of her hair, threading her hands through her bi-colored locks absentmindedly.

'What an imbecile.' Mikado thought as she inwardly rolled her eyes at the girl's idiocy. 'Yet oh-so-easy to manipulate.' She let a twisted smirk spread across her features for a fraction of a second, her eyes narrowing to reveal something cold and ruthless, before they both disappeared as fast as they appeared, returning to normal. However, she mentally scolded herself for showing that side of her, regardless of how fast she regained herself, as someone could have noticed her little slip up. And that would have been very dangerous to her plans.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Kyle-san" Mikado stated with a small smile at the man, who had introduced himself to the two girls, noting within her mind to keep an eye on him. 'He could be useful someday.' She thought as she gave him a one over, though she made sure that he didn't notice her doing so, since it would raise suspicion. At least in her paranoid mind, it would be. "My name is Ryuu- I mean, Mikado Ryuugamine." Mikado introduced herself, acting quite embarrassed about her accidentally swapping her names, even blushing slightly for added effect, if only to avoid suspicion. "And you, Kotokunibito-san?" She asked the other girl with a tilt of her head, her hair following her movement.

@LilyannaGaming @poutysunshine


Brooke turned her head to the source of the second voice. "Hello, were you here the entire time?" She listened as Avery had spoke of the place in a slightly negative way. Why would anyone ever want to be here anyway? She thought to herself. She had to agree with him. "Yeah, I mean, who would want to be here? 'Normal' people just go ahead and toss people who they think are crazy into these kinds of places instead of just letting them do what they want to do in the life that they want. What you say is true though. For me, it's this or nothing."

Emmalyn smiled broadly at the nurse and the girl. She took a slight step back as the girl moved away herself, Emma wouldn't want to make any uncomfortable on her first day. "It's beautiful." The nurse was extremely nice and she hoped she'd work with him. She figured he was joking around when he said not all the nurses were mean and they all were like him. The girl's tendency to scrutinize everything lead to her noticing the look that passed over the young girl's face but she brushed it off. Emma knew she must have just been seeing things and shouldn't be so quick to judge a simple facial expression. Who knew what she had the girl had been through, she'd make sure not to touch her and be extra kind. "I'm Emmalyn but you can just call me Emma!" She found the girl extremely adorable and hoped they could be friends. The nurse Kyle, Mikado, and herself headed to where they needed to go. She sighed softly under her breath and hoped her stay here would be short so she could just head to her friends home, she could use some alcohol.

@LilyannaGaming @Maiza Avaro
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Mikado Ryuugamine

"T-Thank you." Mikado stuttered out, a light pink dusting across her cheeks at the rare compliment to her hair. Inside, however, she was cursing herself. 'She saw my little slip up.' She thought as she reevaluated the older girl with a discrete, yet critical eye. 'Maybe she's not an imbecile like I first thought.' Her mind suggested to her before Mikado immediately rejected it. That little soft side of hers will never reveal itself. Not on her watch, anyway. "It's nice to meet you too, Emma-san." Mikado stated with a bright, seemingly genuine smile spread across her lips which didn't quite reach her eyes as she offered her a low bow.

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