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Fantasy I am Not INSANE

Should i post this in Modern Interest Checks to?

  • Yes- It has some modern/Realistic touch. But its not the main focus.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No- It's more focused in the Fantasy setting.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

q r o w

Body in Abyss, Heart in Paradise.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

I Am Not



Intro: Welcome to Peaceful Meadows Mental Hospital. We are here to ensure your (*cough* The public's *Cough*) Safety and here to help you. (AKA: Give you a bunch of meds.) You are just as....Important and our at the top of our concern. We have turned this once abandon building into a new rehabilitation (Prison) center for your time. We hope to see you on the.....Other side!


Don't be a dick, bitch , or bastard. I will turn you down.

I have the right to turn you down. Usually i give a reason. But if i feel like your reasons are obvious, i will leave it as it is.

This is not first come first serve. I will pick most suiting and detailed characters.

Three characters max, per person.

PLEASE, Not wait. This required. READ UP ON YOUR illness. I rather not have a unsocial person with a crave for attention disorder. (Yes, I have seen it happen.)

At Least six sentences per post.

Double Check Spelling and Grammar. I understand not everyone is perfect.

Swearing is allowed. Clearly.

RpN rules apply.

No erotic content. No cannibals either, i don't want Killer Croc here. I done pissed him off enough.

Have Fun!

Post at least once every two days.


So basically to sum up the story:

Some kids who have mental complications get sent to Peaceful Meadows Mental Hospital , which was named after the field it is on. Well little did these kids and teens know- The Asylum was built untop an ancient ground. With the kids already facing their mental illness and desires....can they handle the powers the hidden tomb is giving them? Our story will start with these patients appearing in the asylum and living there normally until they start to realize there powers. They come together to plot an escape and succeed. That's when my character will get her power- The ability to talk with the tomb...Will these character's be able to handle the pressure of saving the world? And staying out the governments grasp?


1983- The Tomb was Found on the land now know as Peaceful Meadows. Out of fear of what they saw, the men covered everything back up and made flat land from the holes they dug.

1999- Peaceful Meadows Mental Hospital Closes, due to un-natural fire damage.

2015- Peaceful Meadows MH- reopens, new staff, and full of buried secrets.

2016- Our Characters are thrown into PMMH, and they deal with the looming threat of staff and cameras. As well having to deal with their mental illnesses. Though, can they deal with what happens three days later?

(Currently in EDITING)

The Roles



Mentally 'Ill' girl. Simple, you have an illness and have been out into peaceful meadows mental hospital. Or Asylum. You are also female. Spots are currently unlimited.



You are a mentally 'Ill' boy/male who has been sent to PeaceFul MeadowS mental asylum. Spots are currently unlimited.




Your a Guard. Male or Female over 21. Your job is to simply watch and make sure no one tries to hurt others and try to escape. Accepting 1 more. Your character will end up losing all interaction once the kids escape.

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Day One: Welcome to the Asylum.

Location: Peaceful Meadows Asylum

Time: 8:00 am/ Opening Hours.

Main Event of The day: Opening Ceremony/ Meet and Greet.

Powers: Inactive.

Month: November

Season: Fall

Weather: Light wind, Clear Sky's.

Day: The 5th.

Roleplay Status: Open, started.

Rules for Asylum:
Schedule and Rules

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Location- Entrance

Time- 8:00 am

Mood- Upset/Betrayed.

Interaction and Tags- N/A

OOC: It has been started.

Raven hummed silently as she watched the wood and farm scenery blow by out the car window. A faint smile on her face as she got lost in her thoughts. The car started to slow and she looked up sleepily. "Mother, I thought you said we where heading to a new school. This one is two hours from home?" Raven questioned politely, not wanting to upset her mother. Her Mother kept a stone cold face, not answering her. Raven started to get frustrated. She sighed and turned out the window as they pulled up to the building. Her mother parked the car, getting out to get Raven's bags. Raven dropped her smile, and went back into her cold shell as her mother hugged her. She gave one last look as she got into the car and sped off. Ignoring her mother's actions, Raven shivered from the light breeze. She looked around as the smell of country was overwhelming. 'Who puts a school in the middle of the country?' She questioned her self as she stood at the door of the asylum. That's when she noticed the sign. Her eyes flashed in anger, and realized her mother's betrayal. she sat down and leaned aganist the pillar. She let her bags fall, trying to process what happened. Tears stung her eyes, threatening to spill. She took a shaky breath. Standing wobbly, she opened the door frustrated. She looked around confused on where to go as she stood in the entrance hall way. Her bags, limply being held in her hands. She paced, glad to be out the wind. She could still hear the Russel of the November autumn leaves. She could still remember the color of them flying by in blurs from the car. She sighed, and started looking for somewhere to go. She ended up heading for the dining room.

Rocky had his head on Alex's lap as he petted him in the car, he didn't like going to the asylum but he realized why he was going, even though he doubted they are going to help him in anyway. Alex's only wish was that they would let him have a keyboard or a piano, if he couldn't even play he would really go crazy and might stay there permanently. He wondered how the asylum looked like, he sighed as he knew he will probably never know. Rocky as if sensing Alex's thoughts licked his face and got Alex to smile, at least they let him have Rocky with him which he was grateful for.

The car stopped and his father helped him out of the car, rocky excited about the new place wiggled his tail uncontrollably though he was well trained and never moved. "Are you sure you don't want us to escort you in?" his father asked worried sick by his tone, Alex shook his head. Honestly he had no idea how he going to find anything there but he wanted his parents gone as soon as possible, he waited on the side walk as his parents drove off then he petted Rocky once more. Stopping the music that he was playing through his sunglasses he started walking and Rocky stopped him after two steps, realizing he was walking towards the road he turned around and walked the opposite direction. He could hear distance voices nothing near him so he sighed once again, he tapped Rocky's rear leg and Rocky led him to a nearby bench. "I should have brought a sign saying 'I am blind please show me the way'" he said quietly to himself and Rocky as he sat there starting the music through his bone conducting sunglasses again.


Violet bit her nails as she sat in the back of the car. She didn't want to go... Wherever she was going. She glanced over at her friend Naomi, who shrugged at her. Her mothers knuckles were unusually tight as she gripped the steering wheel. All her mother had said WA S that she would meet "others who understand her". What did that mean? Violet didn't want to know. In her other hand she gripped the fox teddy that Naomi's mother had given her a while ago. She had been crying at the time. That was when Naomi started living with them. Violet had never understood why but she was glad, because they got along so well, and Naomi never forced Violet to choose between stuff. Naomi visited her mum sometimes though, as she was gone all the time. She was there when she wanted to be.

Violets mother pulled up to a drive. There was a big building at the end. Violet shivered. She didn't have a good feeling. There were a couple of other cars driving in or out. Her mother helped Violet unload her things. "Mum... You forgot...Naomi's things..." She said to her. Her mum looked at her with concern and said: "Her things... were...Sent on ahead!" Naomi nodded, and Violet breathed a sigh of relief. She waved to her mother as she drove off. A tear dropped down Violets face. She didn't like meeting new people.

She took a deep breath and walked up to the gates towing her case. She gasped and turned round,her face dropping. An...Asylum? What? Well.. She was more than a little shy... But she wasn't mentally ill... Right? She stood at the doorway, just staring at the sign. She accidentally dropped her case in surprise, making a large crashing sound. She winced. She looked to Naomi for help, but she must have gone inside already.

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Noisy... Too noisy...

Half lidded eyes scanned the blurred environment with struggling focus. Two blurs of men in white, against the shiny metal of the inside of the truck.

"Mean men..."

The strait jacket ruffled as arms lifted up to squeeze an old beaten brown teddy bear that hung with limp lifelessness in the patient's arms, the boy whispering these words into it's deaf ear through the muzzle on his pale sickly face.

"I don't like the mean men..."

The vehicle pulled to a halting stop, the two blurry figures jumping immediately to their feet and grasping the sides of the strait jacket's dull white cloth so as not to directly touch the patient, leading him out of the back of the truck and quickly yanking him back before he stumbled over his own bare feet. A woman left from the passenger's seat, ordering the men to keep him far away from anyone else.

"Even sedated I don't trust him around staff."

The two complied, seeming to understand completely as they kept the bound boy off to the side, the patient's eyes weary and tired from the medication. The nurse waited for some form of personnel to come out to claim the new transfer patient so she could explain how to deal with him, the boy they called Red.
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Jade sighed as she stared out of the window, the rolling fields a blur of gold and green. Her aunt had explained to Jade that she couldn't care for her, Jade needed help. It was after Jade's suicide attempt that her aunt had had enough. She had already lost a sister, she didn't want to lose a niece.

Jade went over the schedule in her hands one last time. She would go to a meet and great, which made her happy. Jade couldn't deal with being alone. Though she didn't know if anyone would understand her, or even like her. She shook the thoughts away, opening her lunch box with her trinkets. There was the pen a street vendor gave her, a weird flower she found in her aunts back yard, as well as other little things. Jade wondered what other things she could collect her. Her collection made her happy, and she was glad she could keep it with her.

After an unceremonious good bye with her aunt Jade followed one of the staff to the cafeteria. Having been told of her illness Jade was brought to a table where she took a seat at the end of the table.
Rocky reacted first to the noise and Alex soon after, stopping the music he turned his head towards the sound. "Hello, is some one there?" Alex stood up in order to greet who ever it was that made the noise, hoping he could show him around. after walking through the place once he should be able to make a map in his head, he became quite good at it as it was his only way to get to places. Rocky just wiggled his tail like he almost always did, its what Alex liked about him he was always happy no matter what, even in a mental asylum. Alex picked up his bad and threw it over his shoulder, deciding to move closer towards the source of the sound not yet knowing if it was made by a person or not. Being afraid of looking stupid is something he got over pretty fast, being blind you will do stupid stuff nothing he could do to change that.


A guy and a dog had clearly heard the noise. "Is anyone there?" The guy asked. She was right in front of him. Couldn't he see her? Her eyes once again found the sign and she understood. She glanced around, but Naomi wasn't back yet. Should she respond? Or was that weird? But was it rude to ignore the guy? But she shouldn't just stand here... Ok. Deep breaths. She could respond, she just had to talk to him. He was walking towards her.

Looking down with red cheeks she towed her case over. "Sorry... I d-dropped my case..." She stuttered quietly. She bit her nails. She hadn't really spoken to someone in a while... It was disconcerting. She looked down at his dog and smiled slightly.

"Ah a person!"Alex declared like he just found a treasure, "I heard a sound so I came over, if it was made by birds or something I would have looked very stupid right now." Alex joked, she seemed nervous from the way she talked so he tried to calm her down a bit. "Any way I have no idea where I am suppose to go, I just arrived and as you can see...I can't. Any chance you can help me out?" Alex asked trying not to scare her too much, this is an asylum after all, god knows what kind of people are in here with him. Alex just realized his blindness might be an even worse weakness in here, most people would be able to tell if they should stay away from someone by looking at them, he couldn't.


Avery sat in the back seat of the car humming a bit as he looked at the window, continuously glancing from the window to the police smiling a bit. He had dark bags under his eyes and looked exhausted, but he kept asking the police the same question. "Where are we going?" He asked for probably the twentieth time since they had gotten in the car. All he remembered was being asked these weird questions and then they said they were taking him somewhere. They finally pulled to a stop in front of a building and opened the car door for him making him feel almost like a prince. "Well thank you my good sirs." He said bowing deeply to them before going to the trunk and grabbing his bags, there wasn't much in it, most of them were costume accessories such as eye patches or fake ninja shuriken. He walked up to the building reading the sign "a mental asylum? I'm not crazy... Did they bring me to the wrong place?" He looked behind him and saw that the police car had already left. "Well that's rude! They didn't even say goodbye..." He said waving at the place the police car used to be until it drove away. He soon picked his bags up off the ground and walked inside looking for a place to play. He eventually found himself in a dining hall and was about to turn around but decided against it seeing he was a little thirsty having not had a drink for a few days. He saw a girl who wasn't looking so happy and walked over to her smiling as he looked up at her. "Ah wow! She's so tall!" He thought as he began to speak "Hi, my name's Avery, Captain of the Blue Lagoona." He said remembering that it was the day to be a pirate captain.

Emma sighed and slumped in the car. Yes, she would get to meet new people but she's not crazy. She was just a bad kid, she shouldn't be in a place that helped people with actual problems. Her eyes drifted from admiring the scenery that they pasted to her parents, they had to know this wasn't what she needed. Emma noticed how tired they looked and momentarily her heart twisted. She knew in the back of her mind she put that tiredness into them but she was just trying to deal with everything. She had changed that day and they didn't seem to understand that she wasn't a little girl anymore. She admired the trees and fields that seemed to go on forever. It was all so beautiful and Emma wished she could admire it up close and not behind the windows of a car. She knew good and well that where she was going wouldn't be this pretty but at least she'd be away from school. They pulled infront of the building and she met her mother's eyes in the review mirror. Emma nodded at her mothers silent plead to go without a outburst. She got out of the car as her parents did heading to the trunk to grab her bags. She hugged them both and smiled, wiping a tear from her mother's cheek. She understood her mom thought this is what she had to do. They got back in car and she stepped a few feet away with her bags. Here we go, she thought to herself as she headed into the door of her new home.
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The long trip from home was quiet between Jericho and his older brother Jermiah. Jericho wasn't sure what to think other then his two "companions" that would be accompanying him inside. He wasn't sure what to think nor did he have any expectations on the people he would meet. All he could do now is gaze out the car window and enjoy his last few minutes of freedom while he can, and even while being here his parents sent him with many different text books to keep up his studies. He released a heavy sigh as they pulled into the driveway that was almost empty of other cars.

His brother had started to say something but Jericho had already got out not wanting to talk about anything about this place. He was still so confused on how events turned out like this. Why were there two other parts of hin that not even he could understand? And couldn't he keeo then other control? He quickly snatched his things from the back of his brother's car. He had two backpacks and and a plastic trash bag that he had his text books in. He tried to put a smile on his face for his brother to let him know he has himself under control, but after one bad night he basically gets labeled as mentally ill. He began to walk off leaving bis brother behind as he entered the asylum.

It was at this point he had no idea where he was going or even where his room was. He didn't want to wait up on his brother so he could baby him the entire time as much as he loved his older brother, but he was gonna have to learn how to do thingd himself. He eventually made started walking down the hallways in an attempt to find out where everything was in hopes of finding his room.


Jeremiah felt bad the entire trip after picking up his brother. The entire time he lived with him he had always been a good kid. A great kid in fact. Best grades, always willing to help those in need. Then one day he just goes crazy and does stuff that threw him in a asylum. "It just doesn't make sense" he said under his breath wondering if this was all just a dream and his brother was back at home watching Steven Universe or whatever cartoons he always loved to watch.

They eventually pulled into the driveway, but before Jeremiah could say anything Jericho was already out of the car and grabbing his stuff from the back seat. Jeremiah sighed as he stepped out of his vehicle already dressed in his guard outfit and his gear under his seat.

Jeremiah began to start putting on his equipment like his pistol in his holester and his ID card on his shirt. When he had finish putting everything on he had noticed Jericho had already left. He let out a heavy sigh as he made a slow jog towards the building and opened the door to see no sign of Jericho.

He quickly thought of a place he would go and decided he was probably trying to find his room. He began walking towards the living quarters in hopes of finally getting a pep talk with Jericho as it seemed he was pushing him away.


Violet giggled very quietly, but shook her head. Realising he probably couldn't see it she then said "I'm new and have no idea where to go... Naomi has disappeared and all.." She told him. Hopefully she would find wherever she was supposed to be before long..."Others are arriving now. Should we f-follow them?" She asked him because there was no way she was going to make that choice. Even thinking about it made her lungs constrict. She placed a hand in her chest and took a deep breath. It was all ok.

Loads of people were arriving, most older than her. Some of them looked really intimidating and she didn't want to get on their bad side. She would probably avoid them if she could. They were right near the entrance doors so people were walking past to get inside.

Alex made a bow and gestured towards the entrance with his hands "After you milady." he said jokely, in the end Alex couldn't really stop with his jokes he was sarcastic and never serious. He petted Rocky a bit as he was nervous to just follow a stranger around, who knows where she might lead him to. He could hear plenty of voices and footsteps now, so he guessed it was starting to get busy, he wondered how every one looked. He wondered how every one looked at him, though he was used to the sensation of having every one glare at him, though he never could prove with he always felt it.


Violet followed some other people, regularly checking behind her to make sure he wasn't lost. She realised she didn't know his name. "Umm... What's your name?" She asked, loudly for her. It was getting more crowded, so hopefully that was where they were supposed to be going. She stopped, trying to ascertain where they were supposed to be. She had to jump to see over some people's heads. She hated being short. She turned round to see Naomi next to her, pointing in the direction of a doorway.

"There's a big doorway here... I think we're supposed to go there." She told him. Glancing inside, there was a big cafeteria place, with tables. Was there a certain table she was supposed to sit at? "There's a dining room in here." She looked around for someone to ask where to sit. She couldn't just sit somewhere. What if she chose the wrong place and had to move? Or if she sat next to someone big and intimidating? Or someone who could kill her? Was she just supposed to pick a seat? Her feet started to freeze to their floor as she looked wildly for someone to ask.

Alex shook his head, "I guess I am still nervous." he told himself as she asked his name "I am Ales, and this guy is Rocky. Nice to meet you." Petting rocky as he said his name with a smile, Rocky responded with a tail wiggle like he always does. "And how should I call you?" He asked as he let Rocky lead him after her, he doesn't know how he was trained to know when someone is leading them but he knew and would stop as soon as the one leading them stops.

The doorway she warned him about was generating a lot of noise, mostly voices talking and foot steps which made him a little disoriented. Using sound was his only way to orient himself when ever he was in a crowd he would feel like a baby, since there sound coming from almost every possible direction. He noticed they were not moving, he guessed the girl was very shy and got scared of the crowd, that or she entered and Rocky didn't follow her and now he was lost, though he was sure it was the former, Rocky never disappointed him before and he doubted he will start now. "Hey whats wrong? Where are we exactly?" He asked still unsure where she led him to, it was crowded so he was sure it was the right place but what was it?


Mikado Ryuugamine

"Hah..." Mikado sighed to herself as she watched the world go by through the window of the car, resting her cheek on the tinted glass, and idly noticed her breath fogged the fragile material. This was the day she was moving over from Aurora Valley Psychiatric Institution to Peaceful Meadow Mental Hospital, and needless to say, she was rather upset about the sudden move. 'All of my hard work, for nothing!' She thought bitterly, remembering the large amount of effort she had put in to tricking her previous doctors into thinking that she was perfectly sane, but much to her frustration, she had been transferred to another asylum before her work could come into fruition.

Mikado did not let her true feelings show on her face, however, simply smiling softly as she usually would when in the presence of others, and in this case, it was the driver, Alfred F. Jones, and her escort, Matthew P. Williams.
'What a pain.' She thought to herself as she discretely glared daggers at the American and the Canadian through the reflection on the window. Her sharp gaze faded, however, when she noticed Matthew turn to look at her. Looking over to him, she smiled cheerfully, her eyes gleaming brightly, though to anyone smart enough to look past that, it was as fake as it could get.

"Is there something wrong, Matthew-san?" Mikado asked with an innocent tilt of the head, her long black hair, marred by gray streaks, falling forward to partially cover her face. "We're already here, Mikado." Matthew replied with his usual soft and mellow voice, offering her a small smile as he opened the door of the car, leading Mikado out of the vehicle by the hand, the Japanese girl landing safely on the ground with a thud.

'So, this is where I'm gonna be staying for the rest of my goddamn life, huh?'
Mikado thought as she looked up at the large, homely building. You can't judge a book by it's cover, though. 'Well, if everything goes according to plan, I won't be here for too long.' Turning around, Mikado had just enough time to see Matthew setting down her luggage from the car's trunk with relative ease, and with the man being a former hockey player, it wasn't all that surprising. You would need much strength in order to play that brutal sport properly, after all, especially if you were Canadian.

"Thank you for escorting me here, Matthew-san, and you too, Alfred-san."
Mikado thanked them gratefully, bowing low in order to show her appreciation to them. "No problemo, duddette!" Alfred waved off her thanks with a bright grin, being the usual cheerful moron that he was. Though admittedly, he was quite nice, though Mikado would never voice that aloud. "It's fine, Mikado, goodbye." Matthew stated as he got into the car once more, but not before giving her a smile along with a wave before they drove off.


Violet took deep breaths in and put trying to calm herself. "It's... A dining room... Go sit... I just need a minute...Oh I forgot...I'm Violet." She gasped. It was irrational she knew ,but where was she supposed to sit? A tiny part of her brain was telling her to stop being stupid and go and take a seat, but the rest of her brain was telling her that she couldnt make a choice out if this many seats! Her hands were shaking and her feet felt rooted to the ground. She grasped the teddy her knuckles white. The tiny rational part of her brain was face palming but the rest of her was struggling to work properly.

Nobody had noticed, but this was an asylum. Nobody would notice one person freaking out, or particularly be bothered about her seating dilemma. Naomi was standing at the side of her, reaching for her. The sight of Naomi calmed hr a bit, and her hands stopped shaking. She was still hyperventilating and frozen to the spot, but...

@An Adequate Captain

Anyone who realises she's having a melt down
Jade looked up from her people watching, realizing someone was having a meltdown. That wouldn't normally bother her, but the way the meltdown was happening, it seemed so familiar. Jade left her seat and walked over to the girl. She knew why this was familiar. Jade had had these types of meltdowns.

"Hey, it's alright," Jade began. "You can sit next to me," she explained, placing a hand gently on the girls shoulder. Jade guessed that was what was going on in her head. Plus she heard her mention something about the dinning room. She would have done the same thing if someone hadn't shown her a seat. It always amused Jade that she could help others, but not herself.

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Alex nodded awkwardly he had no real idea what to do, she clearly had a problem with crowds she couldn't even move, he could just order Rocky to find him a seat but leaving her to freak out alone after she helped him did not sound so good. Alex moved forward a bit to where he thought she was trying to pad her shoulder, though not knowing how short she was he ended up padding her head. It took Alex a second to get over the awkwardness of it and he took his hand off but before he could say something another voice emerge he could tell she was close and talking to Violet, it kinda felt awkward for him as he felt a bit out of the loop. Though if he didn't say anything and just followed them it might get even awkwarder if they there wasn't enough seats for two people, but then again he had no idea what was going on with Violet he couldn't see her reaction. In the end he just stood there, letting them talk and waiting for an opportunity to talk that won't be as awkward.
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Violet tensed even more as a girl walked over to her. She told her that she could sit with her, and Violet nodded, relaxing. The choice had been made, and it would all be ok. "Alex, I'm going to sit with...umm..." She glanced up at the girl "this person if that's ok." She told him. Hopefully he could find a seat on his own. Violet was glad that there were people in this place that would understand somewhat how she felt in certain situations.

At her 2nd school, when Naomi came to live with them, people always laughed at her when she froze up or passed out. Sometimes they even laughed at Naomi. They didn't understand how she felt when presented with a situation like that, and she had felt so helpless about it.

Hopefully, though this place was sure to be terrible, people would be more accepting. She would have to be the same. There would be people here with serious conditions, more than just overdeveloped indecisiveness. Naomi had assured her she wasn't crazy before, which solved the matter, right?

"Oh, um thanks." She smiled at the girl nervously. "I'm Violet, and this is my friend Naomi. She's lived with me for a while. Can she sit with us?" She asked. Naomi gave a little wave.

@An Adequate Captain


Just wanted to make sure you know, Naomi is dead. And no, she is not a ghost, she is a result of a traumatic death of a friend and only exists to Violet.
Alex was no lost, he had no idea what just happen it seemed like he was basically kicked out which to be honest did hurt him a bit. He guessed the cafeteria must be packed and there was just not enough room, but he could never really know and that possibility at least made some sense and hurt a lot less than "I just don't really want to sit with you.". Alex smiled the kind of smile you put when you get hurt and but don't want to show it, "Alright no problem... I will just find somewhere to sit." Alex cursed at the awkwardness of it all, he was quite used to awkward since he got blind but this was too much even for him. Before Alex tapped Rocky's rear leg though he heard Violet introduce her friend, one he never heard talk, or walk near them. Ignoring it wanting nothing to do with Violet after that awkward encounter and quite hurtful, he let Rocky lead him on.
"I'm Jade," she said, leading violet over to where she was previously sitting. When Jade was introduced to "Naomi" she just nodded. Jade decided it wasn't her place to break the news to Violet. "You can sit with us too," she said, looking towards the guy with Violet. Judging by his service dog, Jade assumed he was disabled in some way, so he may need some help. "So, I'm guessing you have Aboulomania," Jade asked Violet, trying to break the ice.


Violet blushed. "Is it that obvious?" She asked Jade. Most people hadn't really heard of Aboulomania before, and it was nice to know that this person at least understood a little of what that entailed. It kind of sucked, not being able to make your own choices, but at the same time it was easier in some respects.

Alex looked a bit put out. Violet put her nail to her teeth, before stopping and pulling it away. She was trying to break that habit."Sorry Alex... I just panicked and didn't know what to do and couldn't move and then... I'm sorry that was really rude..." She said. She felt really bad now. She had just assumed that because he was older, he would be ok and know what to do,when actually he couldn't even see.


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