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Fantasy Hymn of the Shroud Characters [Invitation Only]



Insubordinate and Churlish

Baron of Midfell and High Baron of the country Rosheim. The second son of his family, he is a just and fair man, but has a strong and unforgiving arm when dealt wrong. He is often found assisting in the work that takes place in his kingdom and is also a veteran, having fought for nearly sixteen years before becoming high baron at the death of his older brother. His wife is Jonnhet, and they have been together almost since before they can remember.

Where Barstein is hard and somewhat course, Jonnhet is soft and immediately likable. She has known Barstein almost all her life, and is often his voice of reason in nearly every aspect of his life. Not wanting his daughter married into the difficulties and dangers of the royal family, her father wanted nothing to do with Barstein, but they were already very close, and she would not take no for an answer. She has been acting strangely lately, ever since the people of Valkys have begun attacking each other out of nowhere.

Baron of Vestra, Verker lived most of his life as a farmer, but when his successor died without an heir and the kingdom was thrown into upheaval, Verker proved himself strong and able and just in the civil battles that ensued, and he was voted into the position. At first uncomfortable in the luxuries of royal life, he quickly learned to enjoy it, and had been somewhat poisoned by his wife into living a lavish lifestyle that resulted in excessive taxation. He has recently recovered his senses and is working to restore his relationship with his people.

The wife of Baron Verker, she is vain and pernicious, and succeeded in persuading her husband to raise taxation on their people in order for them to live more richly. Verker eventually regained his conscience and she is unhappy with his decision to return things back to the way they used to be. She loves her husband, but isn't good at showing it, and lets her vanity and pride get in the way of what's right.

A gentle giant and Baron of Elvann, the Riverforest Kingdom. His strength is astounding, but his peaceful nature is even more respected and revered. He strives to maintain harmony in his kingdom, though that is sometimes difficult with the werecreatures that hide in the mists of the forests. he and his wife Jørnsul lead hunting parties often, and the kingdom is known for much merrymaking and festivities.

She and her husband Sølvblad are quite a fearsome pair. Hunters by nature and kind by principle, they work to rid their kingdom of the evils that lurk in the shadows. Jørnsul is quite a bit more hot-tempered than her husband, but his calm demeanor is often instrumental in bringing her rage down to a manageable level.

Riktårn is the Baron of Sorygge, and not one well-liked by his people. Miners and stonemasons, Riktårn often overworks them in order to bring more wealth into the country, and has also been known to make deceptive deals. After the death of his wife nine years ago, he estranged himself from his daughter Villgra and almost everyone else, but in the past few years he has been trying to build a better relationship with her. So far, his attempts are unsuccessful.

She is Riktårn's daughter, but nothing like him. She is disgusted by his deceit and untrustworthy ways, and hasn't quite forgiven him for neglecting her as a child. She sees the loneliness he suffers from, but still wants so badly to run away and live an honorable life; however she is afraid of what the people will do to her if she is discovered before she can reach the kingdom borders. She has hidden herself outside the castle walls and has heard how people talk of her family.

Vanndra is the Baroness of Halvøst, and is a fearsome and talented fisherman. Her late husband was killed by a notorious sea monster he had tried to rid his kingdom of, and now she rides the waves, sun or storm, destroying all serpents she comes across, searching for the one that will make her vengeance complete.

The Young Baron, Vorak of Svartre, or the Dead Lands. His father Tielgun was younger brother to Barstein, and at the death of their older brother the previous High Baron, Barstein sent Tielgun to rule over the lands of Svartre, which had been without a ruler, but was in dire need of unity. Barstein thought it would be good for his little brother to see responsibility and have a chance at turning around the success of Svartre, but Tielgun thought differently, and instead of trying to make the land prosper, he wallowed in anger and self-pity while the people suffered. At his death, Vorak took the throne and carries his father's anger, but also a desire to help his people. Nobody has heard from him since the strange attacks have been taking place.
Iksandar "Ember-Speaker" Brennach

Vanndra's Guardian

Full Name: Iksander Brennach
Titles: Loyal Retainer of Halvost; Master of Vektav Clan; Ember-Speaker of Innsjost
Nickname: Ike

Age: 119 Winters
Height: 4 foot, 8 inches
Build: Heartily Stocky

Iksander carries the dwarven physique with tenacity and purpose. His eyes are sharp and keen, his beard well-kept, combed or braided, and his muscles are toned and trained for practicality, not show. While shorter by nature than men or elves, the stoutness of his body and the weight of his step belies the tremendous strength he possesses. Able to lift a load that would make an ordinary man stagger, his constitution enables him to withstand straining exertion for periods of time long beyond what humans are capable of. While not necessarily quick, Iksander moves with what he refers to as ferocious grace, once in motion he is a force to be reckoned with. This carries the implications of needing to fuel such a dauntless machine, but Iksander also possesses the dwarven inclination to feasting and drinking, even to excess on occasion, which as impressive feat for a dwarf to accomplish at all. His techniques in combat are simple and straightforward, his weapons plain and unadorned, but no less effective for their simplicity. He values results in all instances, and one does not need extravagant weapons to win a war.

Faithful Protector of Halvost
Outwardly gruff and care-worn, Iksander uses few words as possible to say as much as he needs. Not one for off-hand conversation, he hardly seems of the inclination to be involved in politics at all. However, he observes much and seeks to gain knowledge and understanding from his experiences. He possesses the unfailing devotion and loyalty of the dwarven race, directed solely towards Vanndra, his queen, for whom he would willingly lay down his life in an instant. Wracked with guilt over the loss of his lady's husband, the Baron Halvost, whom he was sworn to protect, Iksander has doubly dedicated himself to the prosperity and happiness of her reign, giving his wisdom and strength to her every whim as she commands without hesitation. He does have a lighter and more humorous side which surfaces on occasion, most often in a tavern with a warm fire and a cold brew, but these moments are interspersed through longer stretches of serious contemplation and stoic action. In battle, he is a ruthless hunter with dauntless determination who will subdue and defeat his quarry without fail, though while in court, he is a shrewd and skeptical councilor who advises caution against potential threats and for whom the smallest slight against his liege is a personal offense which must be avenged.

Iksander's family dwelt withing the Halvost mountains from ages long past, having formed alliances with the human kingdoms there trading supplies and goods for metal and stone. His own father was a military adviser to several generations of soldiers of the Innsjost castle garrison. Iksander grew up with loyalty and courage instilled in his heart, proving multiple times his bravery and prowess in battle for his country. He steadily rose the ranks of the Innsjost military, eventually taking his father's place as the Captain of the Guard, second only to the young Baron Hroland himself in matters of security and protection of the province. He grew exceptionally close to the man, eventually becoming as inseparable as family, and the difference in age and experience left Iksander feeling as if he were like an uncle to the upstanding Hroland, and by extension, his free-spirited wife, Vanndra.

But tragedy seeks even the most noble of men, and the baron was slain by monsters at sea while on a diplomatic voyage. Iksander was at his side when the attack came, and while the two fought valiantly, Hroland knew they would not prevail and ordered all to abandon the ship. The lifeboats were filled in the midst of the squalling winds, supplies and goods were left on the doomed vessel, and the crew took to the oars in defeat. Iksander lead one of the boats, watching their ship's white sails fall into the waves behind them, and seeing Baron Hroland leading the other some distance across the waves. They signaled and praised their fortune to have their lives, and they were not far from home, only half of a day's rowing. The celebrations came too soon, and Iksander watched as one moment Hroland standing on the prow of his boat looking towards home shores on the horizon, and the next a scaled body arched out of the water and crashed down, dragging the crew screaming after it as the serpents tainted the pure seawater red. It was only a moment, but it was burned into Iksander's mind forever after, and a raging guilt filled his soul for his helplessness.

When he returned, his heart broke when he solemnly delivered the news to the expectant Vanndra. Where she had been expecting a valiant sailing ship, a ragged and battered rowboat returned instead. Her husband claimed by the sea and its demons, Vanndra took the throne and began her crusade against the monsters. Iksander submitted himself to punishment for his failure to protect the Baron, but Vanndra instead restored him to her side. In that forgiveness, Iksander found a new fire in his heart, one of revenge and passion and devotion. He swore a sacred oath to Vanndra, an ancient dwarven ritual that bound him eternally to her service, that his life was forfeit to himself and belonged to her while he still drew breath. It was with this fury and purpose that he established the Helvete Vrede, a guild of warriors, rangers, and wardens each selected for their prowess in hunting and slaying the evil creatures and wild monsters which plagued the land, tasked with patrolling the villages and protecting the innocent lives of their people. Now Iksander stands by Vanndra's throne, vowing to protect her life with his own, to see her live a long and prosperous reign, and to avenge Hroland's memory.

Talents and Skills:
Mikhel Rask


Age: 38
Gender: Male
Race: Half human/half dwarf
Class: Healer (herbalist)​

Bio: Being a mixed race really made life difficult when Mikhel was younger. Not that anybody cared about his “impure” heritage, no, not that. It was simply because he was determined to be a warrior just like his father and grandfather, but, well, he didn’t have the same strength. He had the strength of a man, yes, and that was impressive enough, but to wield the dwarven greataxe with such ease? To move rocks and boulders twice his size with the force of his hands? It was just not possible, no matter how hard he tried. And he did try, even though his father didn’t push him. His father: always a dwarf who knew limitations. He didn’t want Mikhel to waste his life becoming something he wasn’t. Eventually he coaxed his son into following the path his true skills would lead him, and that was medicine. It soon became satisfying to Mikhel to be able to treat the dwarven soldiers so that they would be able to live to fight another day, and his family was proud.

He hadn’t seen his home in the high mountains of Ufrallen for years though, and often wondered how his family fared. After the baron had begun taxing the mountain dwarves and requiring their service in his army, his father and mother had told Mikhel to leave and go elsewhere, to make his way in more favorable living conditions. Being old and attached to home, they would stay there, and make do. So Mikhel followed their advice and traveled to Halvøst. After starting up his own private practice of sorts, he was recruited by the Helvete Vrede, a private association that assisted the baroness in ridding the waters of sea monsters, and eventually, other threats. Where his skills were once used for treating injured warriors and wielding minor weapons when necessary, he now plays an integral part in determining the cause of the mysterious sicknesses and attacks that have been plaguing Halvøst.
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Baroness Vanndra

Name: Vanndra
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Baroness​

Bio: Vanndra is the oldest daughter of a fishing merchant from the eastern coast of Innsjost, born and raised. The woman is fierce - not in personality, but in spirit and determination - and it has been so all her life. The daughter of a poor fisherman, she learned quickly the ways of wind and water, and is as easy upon a boat in the sea as she is in the rivers and lakes of the forests. Since her father needed to sell all his catches in order to keep them warm in the winters, Vanndra became a skilled fisherman and put the food on the table. She had never learned much by way of baking or nurturing, as her mother was taken by a lengthy fever when she was young, but it was simple enough to keep house for her and her father, and she could steal away to the shore whenever she wanted. She grew in stealth and beauty, many men wanting her because she seemed dangerous and wild, but never staying interested for long. She wasn’t much of a proper wife, anyhow. She wouldn’t be bothered by it for long though, for she always had a feeling she’d find her soul at the sea.

He was young, but weathered. Toned but slim. He could outfit a ship in almost no time at all and sailed the waters almost every day. She hated to admit that she stared; that she often went out of her way to find him. She would come to find that he had been watching her too-hoping she would sneak to the edge of the heathers and pretend she was searching for shoals or signs of bad weather. He had seen her skills upon the waves, and would soon approach her. Hroland was his name. Had she known who he was, she might have walked away, without looking back, but she was already taken, and wanted him.

So she had him, even though he was to be Baron and she was naught but a fishing-woman.

Each of them loved like they lived: fearlessly, openly, often with wild abandon, and as they grew and learned together, eventually as Baron and Baroness, their love for the people of Innsjost came second only to each other. Their bold natures and instinctive behaviors led them to be known as the great protectors of the kingdom, and slayers of all dangers that made their presence known in their lands - or seas.

Serpents of the seas were a common threat to fisherman, soldier and traveler alike, and the pair spent much of their time upon the waves, securing the safety of all who should set foot in a ship. But it was not to last, and a part of Vanndra’s heart would die with her husband, killed on his beloved sea by one of the creatures he spent his life exterminating. She had been hunting nokken. No body had been recovered. A curse on her lips and revenge in her half-heart, she sits upon the throne alone, baring her teeth at each and every monster that steps within her borders.

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