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Realistic or Modern Hush Cryptid Hunters *MAIN*(OPEN)

The Hunt

The wendigo ran as fast as it could. Thoughts racing through it's mind."What am I feeling?...What is that thing?"

Explosions of fire and brimstone blew up the nearby trees slowing it down even further. It felt as if it was going to vomit its stomach was in knots. It was breathing heavily."What is this?..."

As it ran it heard the click of a land mine under its foot. Time seemed to slow down as the wendigo thought to itself."No matter...it is just another landmine...I have dealt with these before. I will just regenerate and keep running."

Then the explosion went off, but something was different. When the impact hit it roared in pain as it fell to the ground."Silver shrapnel...can't move...no it comes I must...".

The landmine was full of silver shrapnel and the landmines created a huge fire wall. As the Wendigo tried to crawl away it turned around.

The thing chasing him could be heard heavy footsteeps. 2 faint blue lights pierced through the darkness of the night sky and fire wall. A taller young man wearing a gas mask. The fire seemed to want to consume him, but failed over and over just surrounding the outer edges of his body.

He took heavy footsteeps as his boots hit the earth with malicious intent. A portion of the fire wrapped around his wrists and disappeared into his hands.

The Wendigo then spoke."What are you?!' It cried out.

The man titled his head walking foward not a sound. Then he brought his hands together and created a small ball of fire in his left hand.

The Wendigo tried to attack the man, but a sawed off shotgun with silver pellets swiftly blew its right arm off. It cried in more agony, but it tried it again and lost the other arm.

The beast roared in pain as the man kicked him face up. Gun on his back the man put his boot on the wiendigo chest.

It stared up at him. The wiendigo knew what it was feeling for the first time. The thing its prey felt. This wasn't anger, fury, hunger, pleasure...it was..fear.

Quiet saw the look on the beasts face of pure terror.

It cried out the same question."What are you?!"

Quiet simply brought his finger up to where his mouth would be and said only one single word ."Hush....".

Then he brought his hand back and burned the beast into a fine ash. The wiendigos scream roared out through the night.

Quiet got in to his Black Muamba and turned on his radio listening to "Bat Country".
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As he listened to the solo something crossed his mind."Oh yeah I have new recruits for my team...I think I was supposed to be there to greet them..." He took off his gas mask and smoked a cigarette."Who gives a shit they will just be wiped out like last time...or get transferred back to prison...".
The Pissed Off Inspector
(This is the post anyones new character will react to)​
The inspector paces back and forth in the wharehouse. It was dirty with dust and cobwebs in the corners like it was abandoned excuse for the lights illuminating it. Only a few tables and chairs, a kitchen that wasn't even being used as Quiet would always just get take out or pizza. The makeshift living room with a PC hooked up to a tv, a few consoles, beer, weed, cigarette ash, and on closer examination god damn porn magazines wide open just hanging out titties for the world to see. The only thing clean was the empty bedrooms and pool table.

The bedrooms were only clean because the damn inspector had to clean them and nobody lived in them and oh god Quiets room whatever those stains where the inspector did not want to know.

"Dirty ass pyro...always wasting my fucking time...fucking can't clean for shit..." The inspector kept repeating this in anger as he was just suppose to drop off the new recruits and give him a bill from a job that he royally fucked up. He checked his watch."Fucking 1 am where is this fucktard?! Not even her to meet his 4th god damn team?! Hell I see why people would rather go back to prison then live with this slobe! How was he in a S team?!"

The inspector than looked at the recruits they probably thought he was crazy."Sorry about that he should be hear shortly...".

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