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Fandom Hunter X Hunter: World Missions


Hue Master


  • Finding the Hunter Exams
    A young male would be running around Mures Port. One can hear his breath as he runs past crowds of people. He would be wearing typical street clothes as well as carrying a bandaged pole on his back.

    "Excuse do you know where I can find the docks?" He asks a wide strange with a beard. "Hmm... you'd best head off thataway sonny boy." The stranger points west of him. "Just follow this path and you'll reach the docks."

    The young male nodded and with a smile he says, "Thanks!" He then runs off to head to the docks.

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NAME: Daijzah Xavier Occidere
AGE: 14
LOCATION: Mures Port
MOOD : Annoyed
Code: crucialstar

WITH: No one

The Assassin
Taking out the phone that she had bought, to help her out however she willed it, she pressed the screen to begin her playlist, as she put it back into her pocket, and grabbed the headphones that dangled so freely by her side, and placing them in her ears. She turned the music up, to a set volume so she would break her ear drums, but could still hear the music as clearly as if it was being played live right next to her.

coding; allrightsreserved crucialstar
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Age: 19 // Locale: Mures Port
He knelt on one of the orange roofs, his dark eyes scanning Mures Port. It was a bright, summery day. Sea gulls and doves swooped and glided around arched bridges and the giant ticking clock. Monumental white clouds scrolled by the great blue. The strong sun beamed down on the cobblestone roads, the drifting sailboats that cast off, and the water that sparkled back with heaven.

Draga coughed into a fist several times before practicing a Gorja breathing exercise. He entered a serene state of mind. He took in the soothing sights of Mures Port, eventually discovering the docks.

"Ah, there it be," he muttered, coughing some more.

Naomi was finding the town to be a nice place with many different people. She stood at the edge of a building watching the crowds of people it one of the many things that she liked, of high places. She stood up and looked around for the docks seeing them from a bit away she smiled. "Aha there you are!" Naomi then took off jumping from building to building she vaulted over the edge of the building. Landing in an alleyway she stretched stepping into the crowd. Most would find it hard to know where they were going in the large crowd. With Naomi though it wasn't hard at all since she could see over everyone. It was one of the times she was happy to be so tall most times it just made her a target of people's stares.
Zardock Sat on the edge of the Dock, looking in the distance. He loved the smell of the sea. It was so calming and inviting. Reaching down in his travel satchel, he took a piece of sweet bread from home and ate it. He then brought out a picture of him and his sister when they were younger. Both of them, smiling in childhood bliss. He smirked a bit before putting it back in his pocket. Soon, He thought. Soon I'll brink you back awake. He looked around and looked at the surly sea captain near his boat, and all of the people lining up to get on. He figured they must be the hunter applicants, because he ad never seen such unfit people so eager to get on a rickety looking boat like that.
Roleplay Interest Check

  • Finding the Hunter Exams
    The young male would eventually reach the port and smiled with glee. "I sure love the ocean sea. The air definitely has that salty smell to it." He would then spot a young male nearby who definitely didn't look like the others around. Wondering if he was here to take the Hunter Exams, the male approached him.

    "Hey there. Are you here for the Hunter Exams as well?"

    Lux___Wolf Lux___Wolf



Age: 19 // Locale: Mures Port
He followed Naomi, undetected, jumping behind her from roof to roof. They all gather to the docks for the Hunter Exams, it seems. The surly captain and his surly ship.

Draga coughed into a fist, being close enough to Zardock sitting at the edge. A young man spoke, but he wasn't sure to which he was asking. Most likely, both?

"Yes, that I am," Draga nodded. "I'm Draga. And you are?"



  • Finding the Hunter Exams
    "Kite Kessler. Nice to meet ya Draga!" He would find it great to be able to make some social contact. The Hunter Exams is notorious for having an extremely small margin for those that pass. It would certainly be great to meet people to take away the pressure.

    Lux___Wolf Lux___Wolf


Amelia Stenthon
Name: Amelia Stenthon
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Location: Mures port
interaction: everyone at the docks

With an apple in one hand, stirring her bike with the other, Amelia arrived at the docks, barely able to stop the bicycle without falling into the water. A sigh escaped her lips as she tried to steady her breathing then got off the bike and checked her canvas and painting brushes which lay peacefully in the basket of the bike. Ater a moment, the firey eyed girl looked around taking in the faces of the people there. ''Great! I'm not late!'' her excitment clearly visible in her voice as she looked from person to another wondering if that was everybody.

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Naomi felt the looks from some of the others at the docks as she stood above the others. It was like she was a walking talking land mark. She didn't have that much of a problem with it since it was so often. Looking over the crowd she notice some seemed pretty tough. Others seemed like they'd never been in a fight their whole life. It made her wonder if some people had wandered into the exam by accident which when she truly thought about it didn't make sense. It wasn't like the hunters exam was a secret by any means of the word it was more likely some of them were just idiots. The strangest of the ones she had seen so far, was a girl with painting brushes and a canvas. She decided to approach the girl curious of her reason for being here. "Hello there I am Naomi it's nice to meet you."
Aur0ra Aur0ra

Amelia Stenthon
Name: Amelia Stenthon
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Location: Mures port
interaction: Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi

Amelia smiled at the girl who approached her, she was happy to find some one to talk to amidst all the crowds. ''I'm Amelia, nice to meet you too Naomi'' she tucked her hands in her dress' pockets: ''a lot of people are here today ha, i wonder if some have experience with the exam'' some sort of nervousness showed in her eyes. The family of Stenthon had four generations of hunters and now that Amelia had turned eighteen, it was her turn to prove herself to her family, though she didn't look strong, she had a wide understanding and control over NEN''is it your first time attending as well?" she asked her new friend excitedly trying to brush the nervousness away. .

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She nodded her head smiling at the question. "Yeah it is my first time here. My big bro says with my Amazon strength I should have no trouble. He's real funny." Naomi laughed unaware of the insult she had been told by her brother. She always was so dense when it came to his hatred for her. Naomi looked at Amelia and saw nothing more than a small frail painter. Even so her gut told her not to look down on this girl. There was something about her a strange feeling Naomi got looking at her that just made her...excited. She looked out at the ocean and smiled. "Something tells me I'm gonna have a lot of fun here."
Aur0ra Aur0ra

Amelia Stenthon
Name: Amelia Stenthon
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Location: Mures port
interaction: Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi

''Yeah, Yeah i really hope it' will be fun'' Amelia stretched her arms putting them behind her head while a smile showed on her face, she looked at everybody else: ''I wonder when wer're leaving'' she asked mainly to herself, happy thay she made a friend

Naomi looked around at some of the others at the port. Her excitement was getting bigger by the second as she too had to ask. "Yeah I wanna take off right now. Not to mention I gotta wonder what they'll have us do?" Her mind began racing for answers to her question, would they battle one another? Go through a seriers of test, be pushed to their limits the number of things was endless. Each idea only made her more glad she choose to come here.
Aur0ra Aur0ra


Age: 19 // Locale: Mures Port
Kite Kessler. Being tall, Draga didn't mean to look down so much. He avoided eyeing him up and down, as he usually did with unfriendly people who could be the Phantom Troupe, but this one seems cheery and not nearly creepy enough.

He tried not to allow himself to feel joy, as it would give away his emerald eyes. Mumbling the same courtesy back, his dark eyes glanced around the docks. One of these boats, he was sure, would take them to their destination. The Hunter Exam.

Draga coughed lightly into a closed fist and practiced a Gorja breathing technique to enter a serene state.

"So, are you entering the Hunter Exam?"

"Do you know which boat?"

YoungX YoungX

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