How's a brief reintroduction?

Daric J Fender

The Clown Prince of Crime
So honestly I've been here a bit. But since I've discovered a few things lately, I felt this would help to state what I am capable of as an rp partner.
First, I have a Stephen King level writing ability, so it seems.
I recently had someone tell me, "I don't really enjoy the rp. It's a bit too gruesome. Some of what is rped actually makes me a bit sick. Its a little too descriptive."
And this is without anything sexual! And no foul language!

Look, I'm not good, I'm not even great, but I can bring your nightmares to life through my writing if I play your antagonist.

I can also play an anti hero. I can adjust to a character. I can. Just be careful what you ask of me.
I remember you, you and that avatar of whatever it was before lol, welcome. I'm kinda curious about the writing in question that was gruesome.
I remember you, you and that avatar of whatever it was before lol, welcome. I'm kinda curious about the writing in question that was gruesome.

Poof. I remember one scene in which my Demon presented the angel with a choice. He held a slimy rat in one hand and a banana in the other.
He said that not everything is as it seems in Hell, but that nothing could be taken for granted. One thing that is taken for granted is the idea that Demons always lie. It's a stereotype.
Well I had the scene planned. If she chose the banana, it would have actually been a banana. If you chose the slimy rodent, it would definetly be sucky.
The idea was to test her. See if she could reason her way through. That while yes, what you see could be trickery, it wasn't always guarenteed. You have to go against your gut instinct--as far as it relates to demons.
It played out like this:

He smiled and held out his other hand. in it was a squirming slimy looking rat. "Which will you choose? Remember, nothing in Hell is as it seems, nothing can be taken for granted. One of these is real food, something to ease your fear. One of these is not. Think this through."

Her wings fluttered, and she turns away from both the offerings. Not saying a word.

"Choose." He said.

"I will not." Her voice is tired.

"And why is that?"

"I'm not going to eat anything I don't trust."

"You do not trust this, because you see the dark side." He said. "You see the dark side, and I am not willing to say that there is no dark side. That is only part of why you mistrust me. And yet, you trust in something that does not show his darker side."

She lowered her head. "I'm going to go for a flight..." She begins heading for the exit.

"No you are not." The door closed before she could leave. "I am here to teach you what it means, to be a Demon. We are not just a blight, God put us here for a reason, and I am willing to gaurantee you never questioned why."

"I am an angel, not a demon!" She fights to keep her temper under control.

"But we Demons were once angels." He said. "We are not that different." By then he stood and spoke calmly.

She stiffened, her eyes widening. "You're lying! This is another trick!"

"You heard of Lucifer, am I right?"

She shakes her head. "No."

He seated himself. "Lucifer saw humanity and was jealous. Jealous, because he, having been God's favorite, was no longer after the creation of Man and Woman. But he with held his prejudice. One day however, he saw humanity's potential for corruption, and spoke out about it. God cast him and his followers down from Heaven, and the darkness of Hell twisted them."

Looking away, Telia ran her hand over her wings. And then she freezes. There, on her left wing, was a single black feather.

"You were not the first." He said. "I dare you to tell me I'm lying. Or repeat what your lover said. That no word of truth has ever crossed our lips."

She plucked the feather off her wing, staring at it. "What is happening to me?"

He stood up and looked at it. "Are you asking for truth?" He asked looking down at her.

"I'm not asking you to lie!" She snapped.

"Asking me to tell the truth means you trust me in some way to do so." He said. He didn't react to her in the least. just stood there, cold and quiet.

"Just tell me why my feather turned black!"

"Because something in you has changed." He said. "And only you can figure that out. but if you want me to tell the truth, you must make a choice." He held out his hands, one with the rat, the other with the banana.

She turned away again, her expression bitter. Was he right? Could something already have broken within her?

"I'm waiting. If you don't choose, I will do it for you."

She swallowed. "The... rat." She says heavily.

He smiled and handed it to her.

Cautiously, warily, she takes a bite. Eyes glued to the demon in front of her.

It made a bloody mess, the inside was like thick, sticky liquid chalk.
He laughed as he took her head in his hand and forced it all down her throat.
"I TOLD YOU!" He said. "NOT to take things for granted! You assume EVERYTHING is going to be a lie! And that is your weakness little angel, that is your WEAKNESS! You're WEAK, PATHETIC, and so STUPID!"

She gagged, thrashing wildly as he forced it down. Immediately after he lets go, she turns, immediately throwing it back up.

He bent down and looked into her eyes. "Tell me I'm wrong." He peeled the banana to reveal the white fruit inside.
I knew there'd be someone who could appreciate it. It's difficult to find others of like mind in need of an rp partner.
I knew there'd be someone who could appreciate it. It's difficult to find others of like mind in need of an rp partner.
It's really good for me writting is sometimes very hard because i can't get my flow going so i end up doing semi, but i can do up to multi par if the mood or and conditions are right. You are right both in groups and one x one people seem to go poof on me but such as life.

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