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Fantasy +However You Please, My Dear+


No Longer An Active Account

Since 2085, the beautiful land of Hie Wei has thrived. The gorgeous, small village town of Jejune is home to many beautiful creatures, and it is a place of peace. All are welcome, and all are free to roam everywhere. The only place known to be off-limits is the Southern Forest, which, according to the Royal Elder Hahn, is filled with dark magic, and most people who go in and manage to come back out alive are never right in the head. They lose themselves in the darkness, and they can never be found again. The residents of Jejune clear away from it, and any houses built near the Southern Forest are considered unlucky, and not to be visited.

Story Time:

"Gather around, for I shall tell a story."

"Once upon a time, in the thriving land of Hie Wei, there was a village. This village, Jejune, was bright, cheerful, and doom never seemed to settle. The Southern Forest was indeed the only dark part of all of Jejune, and the darkness was said to swallow men, women, and children alike who ventured into its depths."

"There was a secret inside of the Forest, and only one has survived to tell the tale. It all began something like this..."

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