howdy hey!


hey friends! you can call me lys. I've been roleplaying on and off for a long time now (started on neopets in the early 2000's) mostly on forums like invisionfree, proboards, and jcink. it's been a couple of years since I held steady with roleplaying but I keep coming back to it so I figured I'd try something a little different to see if it sticks.

since I'll probably link to this in a search thread, here's a little more background info about me:

I'm in my mid-20's, and I do pretty exhausting, irregular shift work. I also try to have some degree of a social life so I'm sadly not at my computer every day.

I guess I'm a detailed roleplayer - my posts tend to be somewhere in between 3 and 6 paragraphs long. ooc I type casually but ic I'm good pls believe me lol. over the years I've mostly roleplayed on fantasy or slice of life themed forums, but I'm open to trying (or at least considering) new things, too. I pretty much exclusively roleplay with ocs, and in original settings, or ones loosely based on something else.

anyway! thank you for reading this much, and hope to see you around on RPN!
Hi Lys! Welcome to RPN!

I'm quite an old roleplayer myself (not been active in a while) so it's always great to have someone new who has a lot of experience!

Looking forward to seeing you around and possibly do some RP's, I could learn a lot from you ~ (steal your knowledge muahahaha)
Mitsuko Mitsuko thank you for the welcome!! <3 it's nice to see someone's in the same boat as me too. ahaha I'm not sure how much knowledge I really have to steal to be honest loll, I'm sure I could take a few pointers from you though!
Welcome to RPN!! I am the Mechanist! The hero of the commonwealth and of RPN!! There are Tons of RP's to join, and even more people to RP with, myself included ^D^ We've got all kinds ranging from modern to medieval to futuristic. I myself am prone to fantasy, medieval or futuristic rp's, and I am a sucker for romance and a good love story. Trust me when I say we almost have it all!! Feel free to help yourself to the cookies and punch at the table.
Welcome fren, from the local panda/otter/octopus enthusiast!
Hopefully you find everything you're looking for! I myself can usually be found lurking around the fantasy forums, general chat areas, and (of course) the discord chat :3
If you're looking for partners I'd suggest checking out our Searching for Partners (or group) threads ^-^
Feel free to come say hi any time if you have any questions ^D^

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