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Fandom How To Save The Dragons

Allon put his arm out to catch the girl should she falter, but after seeing the recovery; he reeled it back in order to allow them to walk side by side. "I don't tend to leave my home, maybe once a week at most. Living within the community is a luxury I do not have anymore....". Allon stopped in his wake when Dusk Storm landed near him, placing himself in between the dragon and Megin. At first he paid no attention, but both Gloom and Mist stopped Allon from walking by, sensing Dusk's urgency. "What is it Dusk? Where's Valara?" (@Soul OMU )
Dusk looked rather distressed but didn't whine nor show his worry. He gave a small roar and flapped his wings a bit and made a bit of a face since Beserkers have crazy faces and then shook his head when he asked where Valara was and pointed his snout to the other riders returning.(@Huntrey)
Allon followed Dusk's snout to the sky, seeing the riders approaching back to Berk. He couldn't see who was on the dragons, but Dusk was alone so that only meant... "Valara.". Allon took Megin's hand and began running through the forest, hoping Dusk and Venomtooth would follow too. Both Mist and Gloom sensed the distress and flew ahead to the cabin in the woods. The house was set up in a big circle, the circle following the smithing pattern that Allon used. There were five points in the circle, besides the gate. It was all centered around a dirt field, from which was enough space for two to three dragons to sleep. First to your left as you entered was a smelter, then a molding station, a cooling station, an anvil, and a grinding stone. He would never depart the knowledge of his process to anyone else, but they would not learn his secrets by watching so he would indulge them in the base functions. (@Soul OMU )
Dusk quickly took off after Mist and Gloom in the air, he could only hope that they hurried and that Valara was alright... He knew just how horrible Beserkers were since he had faced their abuse and torment before.

Valara slowly started to come too and tugged at the restraints holding her back and bit her lip as she looked forward at her captors. The chief of the Beserkers grinned darkly. "Well well... looks like she's finally awake boys. Pretty little thing aint she." he said as the others laughed darkly and she hissed slightly and moved back slightly. (@Huntrey)
Alder was still flying above the ocean, doing tricks. He then jumped off without a flight suit. Plummeting at a high speed, it looked as if he was going to drown. But, Volt flew below him and caught Alder.

I am a dolphin.
Allon wasn't in the mood for fighting, but Valara was obviously distressed. He didn't know her, but he would be lost in misery if something he could have prevented happened. After throwing Megin on his back Allon began to run full speed, not wanting to be too late. It wasn't until a few minutes later that he reached his house, his two dragons already waiting in the ring. On the ground in front of them was pieces of miscellaneous armor, not built for a human in the least. There was two sets, but upon reaching it Allon only used one. "I'm sorry Gloom, I think Mist will be better for this." Gloom sulked, but hearing the severity of Allon's voice made her understand. Allon suited the spiny dragons with plates identical to his. It was built to go in between her spines, something that took another ten minutes to put on her. When it was done, however, she was armored up and ready to go. The only other thing on the ground was a greatsword, hand prints running down the blade in an intricate design. "Only this time Mist. Heri Ferano, aseriga...." The man prayed before finally taking the sword in his hand. He left Megin at his place and took off on Mist, hoping Dusk would lead. (@Soul OMU )
Dusk gave Gloom a short nip before taking off into the sky swiftly, he allowed his wings to unravel from his body before taking off towards the ocean, flying swiftly, his eyes now narrowed into slits as he looked from side to side to try and hear for her. Dusk could only hope they wouldn't be too late to save whatever was left...

Valara spat blood out onto the ground as she glared, she wasn't going to cry out and give them satisfaction of her pain. The leader growled slightly and slapped her hard across the face again, he was getting annoyed and fast, he grinned darkly as an idea came to mind and sliced her clothes slightly. (@Huntrey)
Asger walked out of his home and restock the quivers on the necks of Freyr and Freya and looked in the distance to see a group of dragons and their riders. Except one dragon didn't have a rider. "Thats Valara's dragon." He jumped onto the back of the Zippleback, "Find Twilight." with a mission now in their heads, the duo took off, Freyr called out to Twilight, hoping for a response.
Twilight currently with Valhama at there home which is by the cliffside, eating some fish while Valhama is inside looking for Valara or a sign of her. "Val? You here...?" she asked while looking around the empty house, hoping that she's okay. (@DrCompton)
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Gloom retreated to Venomtooth, worried for her owners safety. Allon on the other hand was trailing behind Dusk on Mist, sword sheathed behind his back. People would realize soon that Valara was gone, and as such Allon commanded her to leave a thick smoke trail. "How much farther Dusk!?".
Dusk gave a slightly roar and continued to fly faster and further away from Berk and towards the giant iceberg like nest and towards sharper looking islands.
Mist weaved in and out of the sharp iceberg spears, avoiding the edges that could tear them apart. The iceberg that with no doubt contained Valara was within a few feet, and when Mist landed Allon could see within a group of men surrounding a girl. They landed softly, and within moments Mist was pumping smoke into the room, hoping to cause confusion.
Valara pretty beaten and bruised, biting the inside of her cheek, has many slashes on her skin and is missing quite a bit of clothes. The Beserker leader snarled a bit as the room filled with smoke. "What is this?" he snapped and slashed around wildly. Dusk snarled a bit and growled slightly wanting nothing but to fry them into char but knew he couldn't until his rider was safe.
Megin watched Allon fly off on the back of the Smokebreath, and tilted her head to the side. He had left with sudden urgency, and she had no idea why. "Should we, uhhh... F-follow?" She asked Venomtooth, who shrugged at her and watched Allon fly off, just as confused as her rider.
Allon dismounted Mist, unsheathing the greatsword as he did such. The sword was held in his right hand, causing the bandage to clog with blood, as his left hand was left unequipped. Killing the Berserkers was probably the only thing that could stop them, but with Valara being there it was a little hard. He should have brough Megan, for this was maybe a dozen men, with swords and axes to rival his makes. The cave was now filled to the brim with smoke, something that the men weren't used to, but Allon was. He approached the men in the thick fog, only letting his presence known by slashing the nearest one through the chest. 
(@Soul OMU @explosiveKitten )
Dusk currently slinking through the smoke and slamming and Beserkers who get in his way as he tries to locate Valara. Valara closed her eyes tightly due to the smoke and coughed slightly while trying to figure out what was going on as the Beserkers headed towards the front of the cave, yelling to start a fight. Dusk lashes out at them and roars which sparking them with his tail and wings.
Alder saw the trail of smoke that Mist had left and flew Volt towards the ice berg ad came in. He got off of Volt and took out his dagger, where as she released her sweet scent. It was smoky so he couldn't see, so he slashed and cut through one of their jerkins. (Just fixing it so it seems more realistic. -Soul)

I am a dolphin.
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Allon turned around, seeing a man he didn't recognize and through reaction plunged his greatsword into his arm. With the quick slash into the man he kicked him away, turning his attention back to Valara. @Dolphan of Lyfe
Alder tripped and fell on the ground, clutching his arm. "Why did you do that?" He asked, groaning. He then realized that he didn't know him and that the man thought he was a berserker. Not long after, his own arm was red with blood, and he was groaning in pain.


I am a dolphin.
".... That's it, lets go." Megin declared, climbing onto Venom's neck and holding onto her horns, like normal. The Monstrous Nightmare looked happy to take off after him, and before long, they were soaring over the trees. "Alright, where'd he go?" She asked herself, and then Venomtooth roared and pointed to a particular cave with smoke pouring out, and the sounds of battle could be heard from where they hovered. "..... That looks about right, doesn't it?"
Allon didn't turn to the could be berserker, instead he allowed Mist to barrel into the chief. This knocked against the wall and left Valara exposed to Allon's eyes. Upon seeing her bruised and bloody, not to mention significantly less cloths, a protective rage came over him. Instead of allowing the man to live, Allon put his sword against his neck, pinning him to the wall. "Are you the leader!?" The chief frantically began to apologize and plead for his life, but upon hearing him say he was the chief Allon gave a sign. He ran his thumb across his neck, a universal symbol for death. The man closed his eyes, begging for something merciful, but when he opened them again he was soaring upwards in the mouth of Mist. When the entire iceberg field could be seen, Mist dropped him. It was a certain death, the water could catch him, but so could the spikes. When he was carried away and safely out of his sight, Allon turned back to Valara. "Valara, are you okay?". (@Soul OMU )
"Bitch. I'm good. Just ask her," Alder said in a tired tone. He lost a lot of blood, and couldn't get up. So, Volt took him and threw him on her back, growling at the man who stabbed Alder, releasing a much more powerful sweet scent.


I am a dolphin.
Dusk quickly looked at Valara and let Allon take care of her as he faced Alder and his dragon and roared loudly at them, lightning sparking off his body while Valara panted slightly, she had lost quite a bit of blood. "Y-Yeah... I'm fine." (@Huntrey)
"Tomoni Baka." Allon gave a quick remark to the idiot, not caring for him or his dragon. When he did a quick look over of Valara it was obvious she needed some help. "Mist!" The dragon quickly flew in, placing herself behind Dusk. Allon lifted Valara up, both of his hands bloody from the day and his sword sheathed with a fresh coat of maroon. Allon cradled Valara on top of Mist, "Let's go Dusk, she's hurt!".
Dusk turned his attention from Volt to Allon before his pupils return wide again as he flapped his wings as he took off out of the cave, checking back on them to make sure Valara was okay. Valara slowly losing consciousness. "...Thank... -ou..." She mumbled as some blood leaked out of her mouth. (@Huntrey)

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