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Fandom How To Save The Dragons

Megin stared as Allon was leaving, and in an instant she decided to follow him. "Hey, I uhh.. I've never seen you around..." She said, following him, Venomtooth close behind, interacting with the Night Fury, "I mean, I don't get out much, but still.."
Valhama shivering slightly, unconscious from slightly swallowing some water, coughs up some of the water as she leans over so she doesn't get it on her or him and groans slightly. "Ugh... What... Urf..." she said as she slowly faded back into unconsciousness.
Megin stared as Allon was leaving, and in an instant she decided to follow him. "Hey, I uhh.. I've never seen you around..." She said, following him, Venomtooth close behind, interacting with the Night Fury, "I mean, I don't get out much, but still.."
"Well sweetheart, at least you're not dead." He rubbed her arms some more. After a few minutes he left the wing hut and looked at Freyr and Freya, "good job you two... You did amazing. He held up his fists and they booped his fist with their noses
Valhama shivers slightly while being unconscious again. Twilight Glide swimming under the water, getting the Bewilderbeast to go back to the nest. Dusk Storm currently flying around looking for Valara, roaring slightly, seems a bit distressed, the Beserker ships start to leave after the assault. (@DrCompton)
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Allon turned his head to her, a little puzzled by her decision, but after a moment of contemplation he decided it could do no harm. He continued his walk, letting her stalk behind him. "I don't live here, my place is a little ways into the forest." He noted why she hasn't seen him around, or why anyone hasn't seen him. She probably owned some of his armor or some piece of metal she owned was his, but the only mark that could tell that was a red hand print somewhere along it. "I would think you would know me though, I practically make every tool, weapon, or armor for Berk... guess I need to be more social." He was beginning to talk to himself, not focusing on her or Gloom playing with Venomtooth. She was being cautious, nipping at him to test his reflexes and such. Mist was walking along Allon, leaving a smoke trail out her mouth, the heat brushing along the two humans. (@explosiveKitten )
"R-really?" She squeaked, stumbling and tripping over a rock, but maintaining her standing position, and rushed so she was walking beside him, "I've been all over those woods, and I've never seen you before, haha... Those woods are like my second home, I spend so much time out there.." She said, being honest there. She did spend most of her time out there, so much that some of the animals have gotten used to her. Of course if she approached they'd run off, but they really weren't too scared of her. Her dragon? Yes. Definitely. Venomtooth kept her eyes on Gloom, twisting her long neck around just for that reason.

(@Huntrey )
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Asger looked around for a bit, still shivering from his wet clothes, he looked at Valhama, he knew he should take her clothes off, but he had a feeling she would murder him. He sighed and walked back over, "So guys, just.. be ready to save me." He did what he had to do, laying her clothes next to the fire for her, then quickly walked back out, taking off his shirt but leaving his pants on. The dragon wings covered her completely once he was out from behind, all he could do now was wait for her to wake up. He knew Freyr and Freya would warn him if her condition worsened.
Valhama still unconscious, mumbling slightly as she shifts slightly. "Twilight..." She said worried while curling up and shivering a bit, hair damp. Twilight Glide looking around for Valhama, worried, notices Dusk flying around without Valara.
Freyr and Freya looked at each other, then Freyr called out for Twilight, Asger turned to them, "What the hell guys? What if the others are around too?" He frowned and the dragons looked at him, then Freya called out. "Fine, Fine. Just be ready." Then the two called out together, hoping to catch Twilight's attention.
Freyr looked down, then at Asger and huffed. Asger looked at Freyr and frowned, "She is going to kill me Freyr." He walked back into the wings and held her again, rubbing her arms, "Come on at least wake up for me Girl." He kept her close to the fire and rubbed her arms, he looked up at Freyr and Freya the whole time, thinking about dead kittens and other things.
Twilight Glide makes her way over and opens her wings largely for them, watching them closely. Valhama's eyelids fluttered slightly as she coughed a bit. "Ugh..." (@DrCompton)

Dusk flying to Berk, looking for Allon, worried about Valara, doesn't know where she is. (@Huntrey)
When Twilight arrived, Freyr and Freya pulled them wings away to show Valhama to her, Asger looked down at Valhama. "Hey there girl. You awake Finally, also, just know I did what I had to do to keep you from dying, and you can ask my dragon, all Ive done is rub your arms and hold you to keep you warm, so no killing me."
Valhama blinks and glares at him slightly before wrapping her arms around her and punches his shoulder hard. "Don't look at me! Honestly!" She said while blushing a bit and going to Twilight.
"Ow! Hey!" He frowned and looked away, "Your clothes are by the fire, Im not sure if they're dry or not. You would have died if I didnt take them off, I tried to stay outside of the wings, but you were still shivering and groaning I had to do something Im sorry." He was blushing a little, he scratched the back of his head, "I didnt undress you just because you were knocked out. Im sorry."
Valhama huffs slightly while blushing a bit, covering herself as she wraps up in Twilight's wings. "...Thank you..." She said softly while looking away.

Dusk lands near Allon and claws at the ground slightly. (@Huntrey)
"Well, Im glad all I received is a punch.. I hard warned Freyr and Freya to make sure you didn't kill me for undressing you." Asger replied, while still looking toward the dragon. "You need to put your clothes on, I think your sister and the others are fighting the men who attacked you, they may need our help. Unless you dont think you can." He turned and looked toward Twilight, "And I dont mean that as a challenge, if you go in to weak, then you may just put your sister in more damage. But I can go look for them for you."
Valhama quickly grabs her clothes and pulls them on, cringing a bit since they are still a bit damp but shakes it off. "I'm fine, Now let's go." she said as she quickly mounted Twilight Glide's back and Twilight Glide took off into the air, looking around for the ships but could not find them since they had disappeared, the others were nowhere to be found either.
Asger jumped onto Freya and Freyr and took off after Valhama and Twilight. "I don't see them. Maybe they went home?" He looked at Valhama as he flew next to her
Valhama holding on as she looks around. "Yeah maybe..." She said as she urged Twilight to do a quick lap before circling back towards Berk. Twilight Glide flying, looking around.
Asger followed Valhama and Twilight, with the two heads looking in each direction. "Are you alright?" Asger was concerned she blamed herself for the attack, "Im sorry I left you, I didnt realize where we were." He frowned, "I should have been here with you earlier."
Valhama sighs softly. "I'm fine and it's alright. I should have been more cautious and aware of my surroundings... I can't believe I let them sneak up on me like that..." She said as she held on tighter. Twilight Glide snorted slightly as she flew.

Dusk storm currently clawing the ground and grunting a bit at Allon, worried about his rider since he has no idea where she is and thinks he can help. (@Huntrey)
Asger frowned, he knew better than to poke at someone with her type of pride that had just been beaten, and he wasn't sure what to say that would make her feel better, he wasn't good at this kind of stuff, so instead, he just flew down toward the village and jumped off Freyr and Freya. He sighed and walked toward his house restock his quiver for the spears.

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