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Fandom How To Save The Dragons

Asger waved bye to Megin and went after Valhama, "so what now?" He was walking beside her, he looked toward her and smiled.
"Do you want your clothes back?!" She shouted, but they were already out the door, and she was left standing- or more like laying- with the elder in their house. She then sighed and rolled over on her stomach and said, "I got whacked by a branch... Help.."
Allon was growing tiresome of this, her low self esteem was getting the better of the conversation. "Your sister should be honored to have you, even if you lack these skills. She is lacking the mindset of being friendly and yet you had enough heart to trust a complete stranger with your life. Skills go far Valara, but a true heart will go farther.". (@Soul OMU )
Valara looks at him slightly through her bangs. "...do you really mean that?" She said softly while watching him, twirling a strand of her hair slightly.
Allon smiles, his words had finally reached her. "I do. I believe your heart could have anything it wanted.". With this Mist blew smoke, an obvious gesture of happiness.
Valara bites her lip and sighs. "I doubt that..." She said softly while hiding behind her bangs once more. Dusk watching his rider carefully and pushes her slightly. Valara stumbles a bit towards Allon.
Allon leans out to catch her, putting his hands around her waist to stabilize the clumsy girl. "What does your heart desire that it has set to receive?" Allon asked after a few moments holding her. Surprising enough this time around she didn't look away at his bare body.
Valara blinks slightly as she stabilizes herself but putting her hands on his shoulders. "I..." She started before biting her lip and shaking her head. "Uhm nothing... It's not important."
Mist leans forward, pushing Allon slowly into Valara's arms. After the short jolt of movement she moved over with Dusk to watch, an obvious grin on her face as smoke leaked from her cheeks. Allon's hands didn't move, but stayed tense, lifting Valara up to his eye level. She was light and Allon maintained this, "Valara, I'll help you get it. I want to prove to you that a heart is important, not just in my village, but in yours also.".
Valara blushes slightly while biting her lip and glancing at him before glancing away. "...I... It's not that easy..." She said softly while biting her lip again.
Allon shook his head, "Valara life isn't easy, sometimes you just need to take a chance.". He finally looked at her, his face permeated with an expression of hope. Allon desired for her to be happy, no matter the stakes.
Valara bites her lip more, looking away. "I-i can't risk... I can't lose their friendship if I mess up... And I know I will..." She said softly while looking away.
Allon sighed, "A friend shouldn't run away just for you trying something. Who is it that you're afraid to lose?".
Allon places the girl down gently, "Valara your lip, were you trying to hold something back?". Allon looked the rest her over, her slim yet robust figure showed her nervousness. Allon lifted his hand up, running it along her lip, taking much of the blood away. He does this again, her lips, then lets his hand trail down her chin in an attempt to remove it.
Valara looks to the side slightly without moving. "U-Uhm no not at all..." She said before glancing up at him as he wiped the blood away. "...y-you don't have to do that you know..." She said while licking the wound slighty.
Allon shook his head, "You seem incapable of handling your heart, that is why you bleed now.". Old tradition, for those stark with ailments were ailments were having a conflict. A heart is connected with ties with other people, and when blood leaked beside battle wounds, then the heart was hurt.
Allon stood, walking away from her and towards his armor. "Then I'll leave, I can't help if you don't want any help Valara.". He shook his head, tired of this back and forth, and confused of why he felt so guilty. With his armor back on he whistled, calling Mist over, beside her saddened looks. "Bye Valara..." He saddled Mist.
Valara sighs softly and stays still. "...bye..." She said very weakly and softly before turning and head into the floor, muttering to herself. "Your so stupid Val... Like anything was going to happen..." She whispered to herself while wandering deeper in the forest.
Allon lifted off the ground, Mist reluctantly flying low enough to see Valara disappear in the woods. Gloom looks out from the woods, walking over next to Dusk to watch her leave also. With this Allon leaves, taking Mist with him back to the house.
Valara walking, hits herself slightly in the forehead for being so stupid. Tornado following her quietly and calmly to make sure she doesn't get hurt or lost. Dusk huffs slightly and looks a bit disappointed and worried for his rider before looking at Gloom.
Mist leaves, taking Allon home in an aspirated pace. Allon immediately heads to bed, his stomach too covered in guilt to begin to work. Mist waits by the door either for Gloom or a sign of her. Gllom looks to Dusk, her head low at the outcome of the meeting.
Valara and Tornado going deeper into the forest, heading back to the hidden cave under the cliff. Dusk gives a slight puff of smoke, lightly nips her ear to try and cheer her up.
Gloom shakes her head, then nudges him before heading off into the forest where Valara was. Allon attempts to sleep, but after a moment his forge calls to him. He begins to create a sword, an image already forming within his mind.

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