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Fandom How To Save The Dragons

Freyr and Freya followed Twilight, Asger looked for a moment and decided that they would be fine. He stayed in the beach with Valhama
Megin pats Freyr's neck gently, before sinking down to the sand again. Venomtooth nudged her arm, but she didn't react- she was fading away quickly. With the combination of aches and pains with being tossed around by dragons, she was run into the ground, and her dragon knew it, and looked worried.
Valhama stretches. "We could get more basil if you want?" She said while looking at Megin.

Twilight walking down the beach with them before jumping on them.
Freyr and Freya wrapped their tails around twilight, then each head nipped at Twilights neck playfully.

Asger looked at Megin, "we should get her back to the village. Let the elders look at her."
Asger got up as well and went with Valhama to help her with Megin.

Freyr and Freya looked At twilight in awe. Then pounced on her.
The large Monstrous Nightmare stared at the two approaching dragon riders, narrowing her yellow eyes, but not moving from her spot. Megin moaned and appeared to be trying to get up again but was failing miserably.
Valhama carefully helps her up. "Don't worry we gotcha... Forest Feather! Fly ahead please." She said as the Timberjack nodded and flapped his wings before taking off.
Asger went and helped Valhama with Megin. "Should we call our love birds back over here or ride hers?" He looked at the Dragon watching over Megin
Valhama shakes head. "She's in no condition to fly. We're walking. Besides, let them have their time." She said while walking with him and supporting Megin between them.
"I'm too young to be a grand parent!" Asger grinned and tried to take some of the weight off of Valhama as they walked with Megin.
"Really? With who?" He raised a brow, "I haven't seen the others interact with other dragons!" Asger looked over at Valhama.
Valhama shrugs. "Just cuz you haven't seen it, doesn't mean they have..." She said while watching him and helping get Megin back to the village and to the elder's hut.
"Well I understand that, I just figured I'd see it more. I just think I've been distracted by my own partner a little." Asger smiled at valhama
".... Was probably Venomtooth..." Megin muttered, her legs twitching feebly as she tried to walk herself, "They did show up to the beach one after the other..." She added as an after thought.
Valhama shrugs slightly while helping carry her. "Probably. They did leave together just now." She said as they eventually made it to the edge of the village and started making there way to the elder's home.
"... I'm fine, just... Just take me home... I can deal with myself..." She said, trying to stand up. Venomtooth was waiting beside the bakery, determined to see her into bed before going back to the hollow and catching some fish for herself.
Asger frowned as they walked, but didn't say anything as they walked Megin to the elders hit, and brought her inside.
"Wouldnt take me down." Asger shrugged, "heck, I've never been hurt in a forest before, especially a forest fire!" Asger laughed.

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