How Screwed are You?


Messiah of the New Night
The last enemy from the last game you played is hunting you down for unknown reasons.

You must defend yourself with the last weapon you wielded in a game.

Who is after you and how screwed are you? I'll start.

Who is after me.



What I am armed with.


 There really is no winning here.


Red Queen/Blue Rose



Maybe if i knew how to use a sword, then i would have a chance. I MIGHT last with Blue Rose, but i cant charge shot, because i dont have Nero's Devil bringer, so im screwed
Who is after me?

An Iron Giant


What do I have?

The Masamune


Considering that the giant is five times my size and thousands of times heavier, I'd say I'm pretty screwed.
Who is after me?

The Khezu


What do I have?

The Stealth Glaive


Yep. I'm dead. Unless I'm allowed to run away? Which I assume I'm not. XD

I have no clue how to fight IRL, much less how to fight a giant dragon monster who can electrify its prey. Plus, I'd probably freeze to death because of the location in which you fight it. 
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Who is after me?

That super weird and creepy multi-handed monster lady from Evil Within.


What I am armed with?

The Dead Space 1 Plasma Cutter.


Seeing as it's a point and fire weapon with laser-sights for each shot it fires, and it's perfect for dismembering necromorphs...

I'm completely screwed over as it would simply make me run for my life and I wouldn't be able to look at it and fire.

So I'm screwed beyond all belief...
The pursuer boss fight from dark souls II

I am armed with a longsword

I'm actually decent with two-handed weapons in real life, so I may have a chance. Especially since at this point I know the enemy's exact attack pattern.
Eve, otherwise known as God/Mother qualia, from Stella Glow


the body of my singing water element waifu, Lisette, (counts because singing in this game IS AN ACTUAL WEAPON)

i know i'm stupid but, i have my waifu, i think i'll win!

wait... did the aforementioned say i'm going against...god...?

...and i don't have the song stone needed to use her singing powers...

and she runs out of mana so fast...

i-i think...

i think i'm screwed everyone... 
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The last enemy I fought...?



God of Curses

(From Touhou: Scarlet Curiosity)


And let's see...what am I armed with?

An A280 Blaster Rifle,



A Jump Pack,



A Pulse Cannon,



And a way to make the shots in the blaster rifle explosive. Maybe I'm not so screwed after all? 

Despite the high-tech weaponry, I don't think it's going to substantially damage Mishaguji since it's resistant to physical attacks. In that case, the only way I can get out alive is if I make some lucky jumps with the jump pack, and that's assuming I know how to use the equipment I have on me.

tl;dr I'm screwed unless I can get away with the jump pack and find a good place to hide.
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I... I killed Vendrick earlier. I have a +10 Heide Spear, a shield and enough magic to level a building. No Giant Souls though, and no iframes.

I could climb his back.

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