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How much gore can be in the details of roleplay?

Dark Half

New Member
Hello there, I would like a mod to answer this question please. I enjoy combat roleplay, but I also understand this site is PG rated, can you please inform me just how much description based on gore is allowed? By gore, I mean the affects of injuries such as a bisected arm (are we allowed to describe the inner damage? Or simply say it's bleeding?)

Many thanks.

EDIT: I am also aware it's stated in the site rules. But I feel this is vague, what exactly is considered extreme gore in roleplay?
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Our site isn't really "pg" or "pg13" or any specific rating like that, so thinking about our rules in terms of that could lead to misunderstandings. there's things we allow that couldn't be included in those ratings and vice versa.

Basically for written gore, you'll probably be fine. The rule was originally created in response to a thread written by people who professionally wrote gore, so most of our users wouldn't even be able to write gore that breaks this rule. What exactly do you mean by describing inner damage? You can say someone's bones are cracking, and that someone's bleeding, and that it's painful, or that x muscles were injured so that they cannot move their arm in x ways, etc.

Use common sense and describe just what's needed. I know that that's vague too, but gore for the sake of extreme gore is something we'd like to avoid.

Just for the sake of other people though, you should probably include an easily seen warning in a post or in your rp stating that there will be written gore of some sort (like, at the top of the overview or the specific post). If it's not your rp, check with the gm to make sure it's okay first as you should respect their rules too.

Images of gore is a entire different matter, you didn't ask so I won't go into that unless you want me to. ^^
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Ghost said:
Our site isn't really "pg" or "pg13" or any specific rating like that, so thinking about our rules in terms of that could lead to misunderstandings. there's things we allow that couldn't be included in those ratings and vice versa.
Basically for written gore, you'll probably be fine. The rule was originally created in response to a thread written by people who professionally wrote gore, so most of our users wouldn't even be able to write gore that breaks this rule. What exactly do you mean by describing inner damage? You can say someone's bones are cracking, and that someone's bleeding, and that it's painful, or that x muscles were injured so that they cannot move their arm in x ways, etc.

Use common sense and describe just what's needed. I know that that's vague too, but gore for the sake of extreme gore is something we'd like to avoid.

Just for the sake of other people though, you should probably include an easily seen warning in a post or in your rp stating that there will be written gore of some sort (like, at the top of the overview or the specific post). If it's not your rp, check with the gm to make sure it's okay first as you should respect their rules too.

Images of gore is a entire different matter, you didn't ask so I won't go into that unless you want me to. ^^
Thank you for the response ghost. By what I mean of describing inner damage, I like to go into details on the visual aspect of the damage that has been done to the muscles, the exposure of bones along with their extent of damage, and include other senses there if it fits the scenario (Example, biting a chunk of someone's flesh off, and describing the taste along with the smell.)

Things also get zesty if the digestive track is the target. I imagine the most I can say about that is the blood and organs being ruptured...but not what else comes out of them due to it being an uncomfortable image. Am I right on that?
Not sure if this'll help you, but I think that thinking over what's needed for someone to properly understand the situation and write a response to that could help you decide what details to include and what not to include. If someone breaks their arm and the bone is sticking out, it's fine to describe the damage (e.g, "the bone was snapped in half and pierced through the skin, exposed") since the other players in the rp would need to know that the bone is sticking out to respond properly.

Thinking of stuff in terms of statements might help too. Like stating that a bone is sticking out vs describing it. Not sure if that makes sense, lol.

Neither of those things are a hard rule that we use to base our decision on in terms of if something is rule-breaking or not, but might be a guideline you could follow to help you stay within the rules if you're like me and are less sensitive to gore and therefore aren't sure if something would be too much for other people.

Describing what comes out of a ruptured digestive track other than blood and tissue would probably make most people uncomfortable in addition to not being necessary, so I'd avoid that. Saying blood tastes/smells like iron/etc is probably fine.
Ghost said:
Not sure if this'll help you, but I think that thinking over what's needed for someone to properly understand the situation and write a response to that could help you decide what details to include and what not to include. If someone breaks their arm and the bone is sticking out, it's fine to describe the damage (e.g, "the bone was snapped in half and pierced through the skin, exposed") since the other players in the rp would need to know that the bone is sticking out to respond properly.
Thinking of stuff in terms of statements might help too. Like stating that a bone is sticking out vs describing it. Not sure if that makes sense, lol.

Neither of those things are a hard rule that we use to base our decision on in terms of if something is rule-breaking or not, but might be a guideline you could follow to help you stay within the rules if you're like me and are less sensitive to gore and therefore aren't sure if something would be too much for other people.

Describing what comes out of a ruptured digestive track other than blood and tissue would probably make most people uncomfortable in addition to not being necessary, so I'd avoid that. Saying blood tastes/smells like iron/etc is probably fine.
Alrighty, thank you for your help, Ghost. I appreciate it. ^^
No problem dude, good luck with your roleplaying :)

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