Other How many players?

How many players do you guys believe is enough to start an RP? For me personally, five, but I wanna hear what others think!
It depends on the story really.

If you are telling a story where the characters are going to be divided up into opposing teams than you will need enough players to fill out at least two teams.
Ex. I used to do a x-men gifted school roleplay where students completed tasks in teams. So I would wait until I had eight players ( two teams filled ) to start the roleplay.

I also used to do fandom roleplays where I'd wait until I had the plot significant canons filled out before starting.
Ex. I did a roleplay based on Batman so I had to have three robins and batman filled before the story could start.

I mean if you are doing a sandbox style or non character driven plot than I would say five is a good enough number. I'd probably wait for six but that's just because I like even numbers.
I agree that, with a sandbox style rp where there are no specific roles to fill, five is a fine number, however as rae2nerdy rae2nerdy mentioned, I would also personally wait for six or so. Not only do I like even numbers, it can also help with nobody feeling excluded if everyone ends up pairing off (which in my experience, usually happens to some extent or another), and it helps account for anyone who might flake off before the roleplay starts.
I keep the rule get twice as many people as I need, half will probably drop. There's still a limit though...

A big part of the question is how many co-GM's do I have to help me balance out the people?
5 or 6 players is ideal I think. Less than that becomes kinda dry, but more makes events and conversations kinda hard to follow.
Personally, four, after that, I think you need to developed a system where people an post without being rushed. Every solution I've seen has slowed down the RP that leads people to lose interest.
To be honest, one to one hundred. I mean, maybe not one hundred... but what I’m saying is, you can have an RP with one other person or many people. Personally, I think one to two is fine, but if you like bigger groups, four to five. And if you’re insane, more than ten. I think after six it will get too disorganized, though.

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