Other How do you start out in making your OC?


New Member
I want to know other people's methods to understand more how one's method can affect how IC the OC can be, and what makes them OOC. ^_^

I usually start with their physical attributes and just let them develop after I start writing.
If I don't have a plot to go by (because I like to create and store some characters) I tend to find pictures and end up basing them off of that. I start to imagine what the character would be like based on what they look like, what's around them in the pic or what they're doing.

If I have a plot I'll start with a backstory, something that fits the idea, then build up from there - though this can be a bit tough as I then spend an age trying to find the perfect FC. -.-'
Personally I never make a character after the rp plot. I like to develop my characters independently and store them as I keep developing them.
As for their creation it really depends. Sometimes I start out from what I would like them to be able to do (ex. Necromancer), sometimes I take inspiration from a fictional character I like or from a picture.
The last character I developed was based off the lampades of Greek mythology.
I'm a little weird or different but I like to base my characters off of my friends, or different versions of myself from different points in my life or what I think I would be like had I acted differently and made different choices in life. This is one of the only ways I can make my characters seem real with emotion.
It all depends on different and varying factors, such as whether or not the plot is fleshed out first, whether or not I already have an idea of the character beforehand or not. But I tend to follow a basic premise that involves me sitting down, with pen and paper, and really thinking about who they are as an individual. This can start off with a vague, foggy concept like "loner" or "talkative," but from there I break it down for how they got to be that way, and more importantly, why. This intertwines backstory into personality smoothly and efficiently, and from there I just build upon what I already have and keep brainstorming, keep imagining what their thought process is like and who they are as an individual, and jotting down notes.

Nothing special, but, it works for me.
I usually come up with RPs in my dream or when I play out stories in my head. Just kind of... a spur of imagination and I flesh it out in one day cause I am impatient :')

But yeah, so basically I start creating my RPs based on characters I want to rp.
"Okay, who would be perfect for this roleplay? Okay, i wanna be a big guy, who's from a rich family, but has fallen into obscurity and irrelevance, yeah ,yeah... He's just the right amount of edgy and well-educated, with a lot of ambition and a lofty goal, and a srnse of heroism! Yeah, yeah!

... For the umpteenth time..."
I personally have a bunch of stored characters that I create for stories I randomly come up with throughout my days. I tailor them to an RP I want to join, changing them to fit the plot and setting, but I usually keep their names and appearances.

Though, how I made the stored characters at first is have a bunch of pictures of possible character appearances, then put personalities and names to them. So far I have an uncontrollable army of characters that barely see the light of day...

Does that even make sense?
"Okay, who would be perfect for this roleplay? Okay, i wanna be a big guy, who's from a rich family, but has fallen into obscurity and irrelevance, yeah ,yeah... He's just the right amount of edgy and well-educated, with a lot of ambition and a lofty goal, and a srnse of heroism! Yeah, yeah!

... For the umpteenth time..."
I like to take photos of rappers or people with bucket hats and then base them off the rapper or go off the persons appearence.

Then I'll work on a backstory that isn't cliche and doesn't make me want to laugh.
I look at the rp and any options they give me for fantasy race or fighting class, etc. Then i think what kind of traits I want them to have. I'll get a rough, one sentence idea in my head and then sleep on it, the sleeping on it part is kind of unintentional. If I still think the idea's good by the next day, I'll go for it if there aren't a bunch of characters like that already. Then I'll come up with a new premise, and I may or may not sleep on it again. After that, I'll actually make the character. I start with a few basic personality traits and then add to the backstory. Flesh out personality, flesh out backstory, it keeps going till they're intertwined. Sometimes I end up with someone I have not clue how to play, so I add one small thing from myself into the mix. Depending on any lore in the rp, I'll also add abilities. If they were generated by the character in the backstory, in it goes. The basic info (name, gender, age, appearance, etc) is either in that one-sentence sleep-on-it idea or is one of the last things I come up with. If the piece of info is vital to the character, it'll be in that sentence. If not, I'll slap it in at the end and try to integrate it as best I can. Then I consider them done unless the gm deletes my post and tells me it sucks in the ooc or they politely tell me in a pm that x ability is op, or x thing isn't allowed in lore, and give suggestions on how to fix it.

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