How do you find roleplays?


Hey there everybody! As a noobie, this is more of a request for advice than anything, but feel free to share how you stumbled (or gracefully landed) upon quality roleplays! I'm still not entirely sure how to find and join a roleplay I like, the popular ones are pretty full and can be several hundred posts in, the new ones rarely take off and there are so many new threads every day! How do you go about joining a new rp, what are the best ways to join one compatible for me?

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First of all it can be good to know whether someone is actually active/dedicated enough to stick around the roleplay for its entirety, make it a MUST if you have too because some people just drop out. With that being said people create Interest checks for certain roleplays they are sub forums to whatever kind of roleplay you want to join be it fandom, futuristic, modern, or 1 x 1. If you find an interest check that actually interests you, your next step would be to post whether you want to join that roleplay. Then you would have to wait for the GM of the roleplay to actually make the roleplay if enough people join, remember to be patient because it may take awhile for people to take interest on some roleplays. If they finish creating the roleplay then they will hopefully notify you that it has been made and you can begin creating your character sheet
It's honestly luck and knowing the right people. I do mostly 1x1s so I can't speak to groups.

But it's just reaching out and making friends and just seeing whenever they are open or starting roleplays.

Also sometimes it's just luck and sifting through the forums.

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