Other How do you create your characters?

I usually get inspired by my favorite characters from books, tv series, movies... also from people I know but usually, they end up being totally different than the actual person :D
The most important thing is to be able to play the character so usually I make one and then to be sure I can play them I do some writing exercises from their point of view.
When creating a character I first think of what I want their personality to be. If I like it, I try to match their personality with an appearance, and their name depends on both! It's kinda like a fun step-by-step process.
Something that I do is first give the character their design, I end up choosing something from my own personality and my own traits to give to them, such as my optimism, my nervousness with strangers in real life, my love for learning or anything like that. I end up adding more traits and fears and what they're good and bad at, as well as possible hobbies and THEN I think up of their backstory. Either that or I create the character with a specific trait in mind and develop off of that.
I normally pick a picture first and do a backstory based on their appearance. I usually make them have some sort of loss or trauma to match my own so that I can connect to the character easier

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