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Fantasy Hound under the dark water


Deliciously insightful one
(*heavily borrowed ideas from fallen london*)

Welcome stranger!
You must be daze and confused as to why you are here.
Worry not!
Nothing had happened to you, but death and a new life!
We have hospitable citizen
At least, if you don't meddle in their business
And we have plenty of carnivals!
Don't anger the masters
four masters on their throne
Don't reveal what you know
And you should be fine
Welcome stranger!
Fret not!
This world under dark waters always welcome you with open arms!

(some names took from fallen london, welcome to change)

Celo Hill Port
First stop for the new inhabitants where they gain consciousness
It's a one way trip, you may not return to where you came from.

We have many names
Underworld, Hell, Heaven
Home of the Dead, New World, Atlantis,
But just so we agree
We call it Neath

London Hall
It's call a hall
But it's really a plaza
It's call London
But it never really see light
It's London Hall
Place to dance
Place to talk
Place to gaze upon the faraway shadows
of buildings and giants
Did we mentioned
that some of them moves?
You will find the quiet and the wise,
up on ladybones road.
It's filled with curious kind,
detectives, policemen
and the gossip bunch around the hangman's arc;
You will find the art and the beauty,
in the halls of Veilgarden,
there they dance and sing
and raise cups all night long
the poets and artist ruled their greased seats;
You will find the cunning and the bold,
around watchmaker's hill,
you'd better watch your bones,
fore they feed it to the rats,
rats who spoke and murder and tapdance;
you will find the trickery and the shadow,
deep in the heart of spites,
Thieves, urchins, merchants of gold,
thousands of hush in the underneath's night.


Notice Board

If you have seen them, please send letters to below address
xxxxx, northbat street
(rough writtings of other names and address)

Helpers Hiring
Looking for helpers,
Experience dealing with sailor
Not scared of drownies

Annual meetings at Hell Embassy
XXX street and XXX street will be unavailable
from XXX to XXX

Looking for newcomer to rent a room
Friendly house lady wish to find someone to rent,
Spacious room with a soft bed
Preferably clean and sane
If you are interested please contact Mrs. Lemon
At 4505 bucklepee street
Near the London Hall

Have you seen this man?
One eye missing, he has my letters
Rewards for those who return the letters without reading them.

(strange green liquid)

( llSunflowerll llSunflowerll )​
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Kristina sat in her room writing in a small notebook she had found tucked away on a bookshelf in her flat. There was writing in it from someone before but it was sctatchy and difficult to make out. The note was also pretty old looking so she figured it would be fine if it's borrowed it. She needed to get down all these strange feelings that had been going through her head and all the strange happenings. She had woken up on a dock like wooden platform had held her and a few other people above a dangerous looking river. No one said a word to each as they all walked off the dock and into the London Hall. One of the others looked to the notice board while the rest just walked on down streets probably just as confused as she was. She walked to the notice board and read it very carefully, a lot of it just being confusing and hard to read but near the end she found something that seemed like a good idea.

That is when Kristina met Mrs. Lemon. She was nice and let Kristina have a place to stay. She couldn't remember if it was better or worse than other places she had been but it was nice. The next few days were just Mrs. Lemon and Kristina chatting with each other and Kristina finding her way around London Hall.

The notebook only had a few pages left when she down writing in it and the writing tool she found stopped working so she decided to do something else. She thought about helping Mrs. Lemon clean a bit but the flat was never really messy. Getting lost in thoughts she didn't realize the footsteps outside her room or the sound of something being set down. Her head was ripped from the clouds though when there was quick sharp knock on her door. “Yes?” She called out and patiently waited for an answer. “Mrs. Lemon?” She followed with when no one answered her. Again there was no answer so she stood up and walked to her door. Carefully opening it she noticed a strange yet beautiful box setting right there on the floor. She lifted off the ground so she could get a better a look at it. It wasn't too heavy but it also didn't feel empty. She brought it out into the living room and sat on the small couch just looking at the box until Mrs. Lemon came in.
“Excuse me. Mrs. Lemon, do you know anything about this box?” Kristina asked showing her the box.
“Hmm. I would take it to the detective. He should be able to tell you something.” She said running a finger along the box.
“The detective?”
“Yes, he lives down in Spites. Though if you do go down there be careful. It's not the best of neighborhoods.”
Kristina nodded and went back into her room to think about what she should do. The box was very beautiful and ornate but was it worth going down into a dangerous neighborhood to see what it was all about. She slipped on her heels and put on a coat that Mrs. Lemon let her have. She tucked the box under the coat and left the flat starting down to Spites. Something about the box was making her want to know more about it.

It took her awhile but she had finally made it to Spites and started looking for the address that Mrs. Lemon gave her before she left. She kept her head down and made sure not to stare at anyone while she walked down the uneven sidewalk. Heels were not the best choice but it was really the only shoes she had available to her. As she took a quick glance behind she noticed someone quickly catching up to her wearing long trench coat and large boots. She quicken her pace seeing that she was getting close to the address. She knocked on the door and waited for the detective as she kept glancing back to the man but he just walked right past her probably realizing that she was out of his range.
"This is just impossible! " Miss Anderson stood at the door, looking down at the detective who was flat on the sofa. The room was filled with bitter smoke, which made her frowned deeply and twisted that beautiful face. Her neatly cut bob hair and expensive shirt and skirt didn't quite match the old and messy room. Still, this was her work place, at least until this moment when she completely lost her temper.

Putting the coat which she was holding on her shoulder, she glared at the detective. "I have to go home, Mr. Hale. Goodluck finding an asistant. Unlike you I have a home to go back to. "

"Yes yes. Can you show the woman in please? She's outside. " Dorian Hale remained unmoved on the sofa, his leather shoes rested on the arm while his head rested on one of the cushions. Despite him appearing as if he was glued there, his voice was clear and casual. No signs on his face that indicated his asistant just quit on him.

With a scary expression Miss Anderson quickly went outside, turn the handle for the main door, and with a professional bow and gesture invited Kristina in. Without seeing Dorian again she stepped outside after telling Kristina goodluck. The tapping of Miss Anderson's heels dissappeared in the dark alley.

And so the detecitve waited. He knew this woman will bring something here, and must be something interesting considering she was a newcomer. Her care for the outside street and the way she moved and dressed gave it away. So, the matter of fact that someone who just arrived came to him, with a possession (a noise that was not from her steps), made him so very excited. In fact, he might even get up to greet. Might.

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