Hostage High School


Friendly Neighborhood Sad Boy
I'm here to see if I could actually make this into an RP, or Hosted Project or whatever. See if anyone thinks the idea could work, and if so, any advice on how I could go about executing something like this. Like just anything that y'all think would be necessary.  So here's the premise, or the idea.

Cherrybrim High School was considered a masterpiece of educational architecture. The largest, most diverse, most advanced school in the country. The entire campus had 5 zip codes, and the main building alone had 2 of those.The school was large, and so was the population inside the school. Having over 30,000 students enrolled and attending. Cherrybrim was constantly buzzing. Classes in session at all times. It was a beautiful institution, with smiling students ready to learn all year round. Perfection. Exactly what any parent would dream of as their child's high school experience.

But all that came to a halt, on the first day of school, on Cherrybrim's fifth year. Students filled the halls, as if it was just a normal first day. But the teachers and staff were all gone. And when the morning bells rang, all the exit doors locked from the inside, trapping all students within the main building inside.

Without any explanation, most of the students in Cherrybrim were locked inside the school, and in no time police, swat, and even the military arrived outside the campus. Students were given hope. That these officials would come in and free them. But they didn't. They simply sat outside. Staring at the building. Camped out there. Waiting. No one inside knew why they wouldn't come in. But it was clear to everyone outside why they wouldn't. 

Who ever had organized this whole school lock in, planted bombs all over the school, and if anyone tried to get in, they'd detonate the entire place, with the students in it. No one knew who it was, or why they'd done this, and that only solidified why no one could enter. Calling a bluff would risk the lives of over 20,000 children. Not the blood anyone wanted on their hands. Parents camped outside the school, hoping to see their child make it out, but no one was leaving. The school's electronic lock system stopped anyone else from being able to get out.

This was how it started. It's been a month now, and even more hell has broken loose within the school. Food has become scarce, and students long ago loss their sense of rules and civility. Only one Rule exists here in this school now. Given to them by the one who trapped them there, through the school's intercom. Be in a room by 12:00 am, until 6:00 am the following morning. If you don't make it into a room, all doors will lock, and you will disappear. After a few days, people began finding the bodies of those whom didn't make into a room, outside the school, dead and mutilated. But to the students within the school, the kids who don't make it in, just disappeared. 

Along with this every morning, food is scattered around the school, without explanation, origin, or pattern. Students now rush out in the mornings to collect as much food as they can for themselves. With no contact in or out of the school, students begin to lose their grip, not knowing what is actually going on, and wondering why exactly no one comes to save them. Fights break out, and gangs, and pacts are made to survive, and get food. Territory is fought for, so gangs have enough space to keep all their members safe at nights, and rivalries begin. 

Power struggles erupt throughout the school. Gangs, and groups not only want to survive, but they want power. Without rules to dictate what they can and can't do, people feed into any desire they want. Some people just want to fight. Some people just want to survive. Some people just want power. Whatever they want they'll do anything they need to get it. A society of savagery begins. From things like fight clubs, to sex slave trades, to all out gang wars. The school has fallen apart... 

So I guess this is just a setting, really. But yeah. I don't have an over arching plot, or anything. So that might help. Any thoughts, or ideas, or advice on stuff about this is welcome. Thanks. 
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Sounds interesting, so I'll be stalking.
If what you want is a feedback, than a feedback is what I'll give:

So there's two ways this thing will go, within the limits of my perception, it's either going to be a high-energy action RP, which contains tones from the battle royale, and survival genres.

Or it'll be more of a psychological thriller, with a strong emphasis on character, and struggle, tinged with heavy cynicism, a hellish atmosphere, and a concentrations on the primal 'killer' instincts of humankind.

Hopefully, I'd suppose that the latter's the one most likely to happen, but it all depends on the GM's directions, and their ultimate goal.

But all-in-all, it's a pretty dee-hee-cent base for an RP.
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I think that this is very, very interesting! If you ever do this, definitely count me in.

I also agree with Elephantom as well. How it goes completely depends on the type of roleplay you present it to be c:

If you need any help with anything, I'll be here to help!

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