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Hoping for new partners


Queen of the Underworld!
I have lots of plot ideas, and always looking for others as well, I just need someone who wants to write with me! I consider myself a moderately skilled roleplayer, usually writing anywhere from 1-3 paragraphs at a time, though I can do more when given enough information to go off of. Basically, I'll mirror my partner! So, here's some of my ideas if you're interested. If you have any ideas of your own that you'd like to pass by me, I'd love to hear them.

Just a tidbit, I only play females. I have tried playing male characters, and I seem to struggle with it. Perhaps if the plot is right I can try a male. We'll see!

My Protector

1. A young vampire princess, (though not your typical princess as she's a stubborn girl who only wishes to be free from the confines of being royal,) meets her protector as she becomes of age. (he can be human or supernatural) Obviously, she makes things rather difficult for him. What sort of trouble will they find? Will they find love or hatred for one another? Will she ever accept her status?

Long live the King

2. In ancient times, a medieval kingdom is in grave danger. Only the best have been sent to lead troops into battle, and find victory for the King. Within this group, there's quarrels, fights, love, and lust. Will their personal emotions affect the outcome of war? Can they remain focused to defeat their enemy?

3.To love or hate?

It had been years since humans discovered the existence of werewolves. Hunting parties were working to kill off the last of the species, causing werewolves to go into hiding. A young werewolf girl was out searching for food one day when she was captured by the humans. Since she was female, they decided to keep her as a "pet." The group was made up of all men, and didn't treat her well. She was treated like a dog, and a toy when in human form. There was one, however, who showed her compassion. Does he set her free? Run away with her? Do they fall in love? Does she resent him at all because of what his group has done to her?

4.I am your angel (the roles can be reversed)

An angel has been sent down from heaven to watch over a selected guy on earth. She is granted temporary humanity to help him straighten out his life and get him on the right path. They grow close, but how close? Do they fall in love? Does she reveal her deep, dark secret? What happens when her time on earth runs out?

5.A whole new world

After the third world war, nothing was the same. All cities were destroyed, the world in ruins. People were now living in factions, and there weren't many left. Women were quickly losing all their rights as men worked to rebuild. Their main goals were to rebuild the cities and population. Women were becoming prisoners, forced to breed and take care of the children. There was one man who took pity on the women, and cared for them more than the other men felt they deserved. He started to become attached to one in particular. How does he handle it??

6. Arranged Marriage

(the title is a bit self explanatory! But this can be played with supernatural creatures or human. I just happen to really like supernatural and fantasy themes!)

-A prince and princess from two different worlds, one having a deep dark secret. They've never met, and the union is to ensure peace between the two lands.

Always welcoming new ideas as well!

7. Under the Sea

A mermaid with a hole in her heart has been granted her wish to travel upon land and find her true love. However, there's a catch. The spell only works for 24 hours at a time, and her legs will vanish and be replaced with a tail, whether she's reached the water or not. The spell requires a magical herb only found on the bottom of the sea, and she only has enough to cast it 7 times. It gives her only 7 days total to find love, and in order to keep her legs, has to find her true love and wed him. What happens when she meets the man of her dreams, but constantly has to disappear before he finds out her secret? Can love happen in just 7 days? Can a man love a mermaid?

8. The Mysterious West

Taking place in the earlier days of the wild west, a sweet young southern bell lived a peaceful life with her mother. However, things quickly change when an outlaw moves into town, taking up an interest in the young woman. (Outlaw can be human or a supernatural being) His name has been whispered in many saloons around the west, and he's known to be dangerous and deadly, and never taking no for an answer.
1, 3, 6, and 7 all look interesting but I only play female roles so I dunno how good of a partner I'd be for you...
Oh wow this kind of blew up since yesterday! LOL I'm so glad to see the interests pouring in!


StartingOver said:
Number one sounds fun! Does the lead have to be male though?
Well, I suppose it doesn't have to be, though the plot has always been pictured as a male/female pairing. Mostly because there's a chance for romance in this story, and my female characters are always straight.


Nadrina said:
1, 3, 6, and 7 all look interesting but I only play female roles so I dunno how good of a partner I'd be for you...
Well, I do usually only play females because my male characters just... I don't know. I've never been good at them before! However, if you're patient with me, I might be able to try a male role. I could use the practice. We'll have to hash out the details.


Dethbycoffee said:
I'm totally interested in #3!! :)
Yay that's one I have never been able to rp out yet! I've been really wanting to try that one. Shoot me a pm if you'd like to work out details!
Hey, if your still looking for partners I love the sound of your plots, especially 1, 3 and 7! :]
Laura said:
Hey, if your still looking for partners I love the sound of your plots, especially 1, 3 and 7! :]
Sure I'm still looking!!! Shoot me a PM if you're still interested
I'm looking forward to do either the "To love or hate?" or the "I am your angel." plot lines. :3
Telios said:
I'm looking forward to do either the "To love or hate?" or the "I am your angel." plot lines. :3
My apologies for not replying sooner! I've been a bit busy. I'd be happy to do one of those with you! Shoot me a PM if you're still interested.


Cecy said:
Love 4 and 5!
I haven't had much success with the concept of 5, but I'm eager to find a partner that will make it work with me! If you are still interested, PM me.


[QUOTE="Dawson Cross]Theme's of 1 & 3 I've done a few times, so if you are still looking, I wouldn't mind ether of those. ^_^

Sure I'm still looking! I think I'm up for #1!
FieryAngel said:
My apologies for not replying sooner! I've been a bit busy. I'd be happy to do one of those with you! Shoot me a PM if you're still interested.

I haven't had much success with the concept of 5, but I'm eager to find a partner that will make it work with me! If you are still interested, PM me.


Sure I'm still looking! I think I'm up for #1!
Are you wanting it to be an Pm Rp? If so just message me ^_^

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