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Multiple Settings Hopefully there are some original ideas here


Junior Member
1. Iraq War RP: 2006 the Army Chief of staff finally breaks threw to the BUSH administration that "more" troops are needed. Not less. Currently the 250,000 men on the ground are not capable of policing, governing, rebuilding, and fighting in two countries. In November those much needed soldiers are pushed to the front lines.

My role will be playing every member of a Active duty tank platoon with the 1st Calvary Division.

My intent is to have an RP partner experience a rotation with these men in Mosel Iraq at the time. Positions are avaliable bellow

Female roles at the time could be-
Eplosive Ordenance Disposal (EOD think hurtlocker job)
Combat Journalist (could be in army or out)

Male Roles-
Combat engineer

Another Idea I had was a Vampire RP idea. YC is someone of a storied family history or nobility. Somewhere in your home, property, locked away somewhere is a spot passed down from generation to generation. Spoken of a place that could not be entered of spoken of. Inside is MC. Wrapped in magical scrip and bound in heavy chains is a dry husk of a dead man.

The story can start from any means and any time and place. But what has to happen is YC's blood lands on MC. This frees me and binds me to YC. But this doea not stop MC from the destruction he will wreak on the world of man. However, YC does have some control over my character. 1) I can do you no physical Harm. 2) I am bound to you so I have to prevent physical harm. 3) I can not limit of affect YC free will. 4) You now have 3 tattoos on your right Arm (like in Fate stay the knight) each will vanish if you force me to grant your request. But if you ask me all 3 your tattoos will disappear and all 3 rules binding me to you vanish. 5) my binding to you produces a book explaining our contract.

The idea is to evolve the story into one of monsters demons and constantly trying to remain in control. (Very much based on the anime Hellsing).

And my third story is just a slice of life story of a Soldier returned home from deployment who is going threw what happens to the mind and body when you return.
Indeed the vampire rp is interesting . It reminds me of hellsing a bit at the start . I like it !
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I'd be interested in the vampire one and the soldier returning home... both sound very interesting.
Sure. Just PM me what you were thinking as a character or character you would like to play as in those RPs and we can kinda go from there
1. Iraq War RP: 2006 the Army Chief of staff finally breaks threw to the BUSH administration that "more" troops are needed. Not less. Currently the 250,000 men on the ground are not capable of policing, governing, rebuilding, and fighting in two countries. In November those much needed soldiers are pushed to the front lines.

My role will be playing every member of a Active duty tank platoon with the 1st Calvary Division.

My intent is to have an RP partner experience a rotation with these men in Mosel Iraq at the time. Positions are avaliable bellow

Female roles at the time could be-
Eplosive Ordenance Disposal (EOD think hurtlocker job)
Combat Journalist (could be in army or out)

Male Roles-
Combat engineer

Another Idea I had was a Vampire RP idea. YC is someone of a storied family history or nobility. Somewhere in your home, property, locked away somewhere is a spot passed down from generation to generation. Spoken of a place that could not be entered of spoken of. Inside is MC. Wrapped in magical scrip and bound in heavy chains is a dry husk of a dead man.

The story can start from any means and any time and place. But what has to happen is YC's blood lands on MC. This frees me and binds me to YC. But this doea not stop MC from the destruction he will wreak on the world of man. However, YC does have some control over my character. 1) I can do you no physical Harm. 2) I am bound to you so I have to prevent physical harm. 3) I can not limit of affect YC free will. 4) You now have 3 tattoos on your right Arm (like in Fate stay the knight) each will vanish if you force me to grant your request. But if you ask me all 3 your tattoos will disappear and all 3 rules binding me to you vanish. 5) my binding to you produces a book explaining our contract.

The idea is to evolve the story into one of monsters demons and constantly trying to remain in control. (Very much based on the anime Hellsing).

And my third story is just a slice of life story of a Soldier returned home from deployment who is going threw what happens to the mind and body when you return.

I love the vampire idea!!! and I have an idea for the soldier one :)

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