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Fandom Hoofbeat: Leverage

Thorn of Discord

L'homme qui est different
My rubric for a Chara

I. Name and/or Title

II. Gender, species, Age

III. Occupation, legal or otherwise

IV. Relations (Create one with another player and/or notable NPC)

V. Physical Description (image optional)

VI. Personality

VII. What fruit are they

VIII. Ongoing story

IX. Strengths and Weaknesses

X. Anything extra you want to add
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Here's a filled out one, make yours look like this please

I. Melpomene

II. Female, Unicorn, 20-ish

III. Conmare (Conwoman), also an assisting editor of Hooflock Daily

IV. Romantically committed to Automne, and ringleader of the Team

V. Melpomene is a youthful, thin mare of tall stature. She has blue eyes, a jet black flowing mane and pure a white coat. She lacks a cutie mark, and keeps her tail long as well. Her voice carries an Argent accent, to match the dignified manner in which she carries herself.

Aha! Found my pic ^_^

VI. Melpomene has the ENFJ personality type; She's leaderly, charismatic, and socially adept, inspiring others to improve the world for the simple reason that it's the right thing to do. She's a resilient and confident mare that has spent her life being tested by fire, doesn't believe anything is impossible, and holds herself and others to the highest level of morals. Not to say she's perfect; She avoids colts out of fear, is trying to kick alcoholism, and can be very touchy when it comes to physical contact. It's unwise to draw her ire, as 'Hell hath no fury like a mare scorned', but she's relatively amiable and laid back.

VII. Definitely a banana

VIII. Melpomene works day and night, literally, to support her Automne, and Automne’s sister, Hiver. Together, the three of them operate a newspaper, The Hooflock Daily, which is how Automne pursues her dream of cleaning up the city. Melpomene also does this, but she uses more...personal tactics, like seduction and robbery, with just a hint of malice.


+Unrivaled charismatic gifts

+An expert in espionage tactics

-Athletically inept and incapable of physical combat

-Has a 5th grade level education

X. Melpomene wears a family crest necklace constantly
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I. Link

Male, Jackolope, 17

III. Thief, expert level

IV. None but is open for one

V. A small dark blue Jackolope with black broken antlers. He has black striped on his back and spots similar to a cheetah on his sides and his face. He has a large spot on his left eye. His eyes are two different colors, one is red and the other is gold. He is often seen carrying a small satchel.

VI. Link isn't one to trust easily, in fact he refuses to let others in for he fears that they would hurt him. He doesn't talk much and prefers to listen than to talk. He enjoys the nighttime and cold weather it makes him feel calm. He tends to be a hothead and often known for his short temper.

VII. Lemon since he tends to be sour

VIII. He lives in the slums of the Waterfront District, to be more exact underground in the sewer. He lives a life of crime, he steals food and little trinkets that he likes or deems important.

IX. + fast when on all fours

+ can lockpick any door

- He can't jump very high or very far despite being built like a rabbit

- He can't carry heavy objects

X. N/A

I. Darkcloud

Male, Dragon, 10

III. Shop Delivery boy, and a student

IV. None

V. A black dragon that is two tail lengths tall (two feet). He has bright pale blue sightless eyes. He has a small thunderbolt shaped tail, and large bat like wings. He has horns that look more like fins and on the sides of his head he has spikes like a bearded dragon.

VI. He is a fun loving kid who loves to learn. He gets excited easily and enjoys the outdoors. Despite not being able to see he loves to read and watch movies.

VII. Oranges, he loves oranges a lot

VIII. Darkcloud currently attends school due to him still being young. He lives with a elder Griffin named Hawke who works as a herbalist. He, Darkcloud hopes to grow older and stronger and one day run the herbal remedies shop due to his knowledge of herbs and their healing natures.

IX. + Loves learning

+ Loves meeting new folsk

- blind and physically weak

- Has a small habit of shaking his head

X. He makes deliveries to homes that order from the shop.
@Ashs Pikachu

These charas look great, though Question IV doesn't necessarily need to mean romantic relationships, (it could mean chara x and chara y were dodgeball rivals in the fourth grade or something).

So Link is master theif and Darkcloud an expert in herbal remedies? (I also assume Darkcloud lives in The Commonwealth?)
Oh I didn't know that (I actually like that idea, about relations including rivals etc), but I'll still leave them open in case friendships or rivalry forms in the RP :D .

Yeah Darkcloud lives in the Commonwealth :3
@Ashs Pikachu

That's a pretty good idea, I'll have to make a note of that. Well, I think both these charas are great and I'll make sure to include them :D

I would like to wait to see if anyone else is interested but I'll probably start within the week. I hope :/

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