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Realistic or Modern Honolulu Home for Displaced Youth. (OOC)

This is so exciting, I know I've said it like 80 times but man I can't wait to start this. Love the concept and the characters we have here so far, and I'm looking forward to my first real group rp.
hi! I posted on the character sheet thread. I hope it's alright that I join in! :)
Yea I think it's alright! We've kinda been laying dormant for now but I'd be totally down to have you join in! :D
I'm not really in charge of this rp, but the guy who kinda ran this has been gone for a while. I'm sure we can continue on. Pls, I love your new character doedeer doedeer :D
Ah don't worry. In fact, I'm pretty new to the RP scene myself.

I just got my post up in response to yours! Glad to have you here!
Looking forward to this continued interaction between the two characters :D
Hopefully the others join in soon ^--^ I don't wanna flood it too much since I interrupted a group setting haha
Yea don't worry about it, you're all good. I don't know where the original guy who created and hosted this rp is tho. I don't think he has been seen in 10 days so I guess I've kinda taken over in his absence haha. Anyway, yea I guess we can just wait a little while for the other two to join in. Might be a while though, I don't know when or if the others will return. And don't worry about it, you didn't really interrupt. Plus it's still technically open. :)

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