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Fandom Homestuck: Another Session ACT 2

SA: Yeah I know!

SA: This makes me wonder...

SA: Is there more to my mom than I thought?

SA: I mean as far as I know she's just a makeup saleswoman!

SA: Hm...
GG: Oh Of Course Dear.

GG: Wait!

GG: What Did I Just Type?

GG: Uh Anyway Which Planet Are You Two On Anyway?


You suppose a message like this would make any other troll blush or suspect flushed intentions coming their way, but you simply fail at giving any shits about the matter. Oh well.

DT: We are in my planet, Land of Caves and Tomes.


GN: Also, I don't even know where I am, I'm assuming it's Phossz, it smells like cobalt annoyance here.

GN: I'm just wandering around the session right now, as per my planet is basically done.

GN: I'm just letting the events run their own course. It's best off.

GN: So tell me Cerico. What other sh*t can you predict for me.

CD: i ca♫ p♪edict that stayi♫g ♫ea♪ phossz a♫y lo♫ge♪ will o♫ly e♫d i♫ te♪♪ible disaste♪

CD: you should p♪obably leave him alo♫e a♫yways; he's helpi♫g ♪oslow with the f♪og clo♫i♫g

CD: it's delicate wo♪k, fo♪ su♪e

CD: maki♫g a ♫ew u♫ive♪se a♫d what♫ot.

You clutch at your horns with slight anxiety. It isn't like you to get so worked up, not like you at all, but this girl is really pushing it. Can't she see that everyone's LIVES are at stake? Doesn't she care about anyone but herself?

You decide a meditation session is in order to calm the storm raging inside your mind. Not like you have anything else to do on your planet, seeing as you already managed to put all of the spirits to rest. You crouch down on the most buoyant log you can find, retrieving your JADE FATEWHISPERER from your captchalogue deck by whistling a short sequence of notes, as per the requirements of your modus. Gently placing your fingertips over the holes in the flute, you raise the instrument to your lips and begin to play.

GN: I understand that.

GN: Really, I want our universe 2 be pristine.

GN: I don't want 2 see PHOSSZ anyway.

GN: Bluh.

GN: But what am I gonna do all this time?

GN: Sit around and 2widdle my thumbs?

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===> ???

-Kupala is still passed out. However, she seems to be stuck in some sort of dream state that looks very familiar, as if you've been there before. Maybe in the past??? Anyway, IT doesn't seem to be much to do- oh look, a rabbit hole...

What will you do?-

===> Go down the Rabbit Hole.

- You assume control of Dream Kupala (or DKT) and go down the rabbit hole into an Alternian version of "Alice in Wonderland" sort of world.-

-[Vid play: Kupala is seen falling down the rabbit hole in her Derse clothes, the walls going from black to multiple painting of many places, namely the Lands of other trolls. She lands on a small platform and watches what was probably a Grey Rabbit looking similar to a certain green blood run by, spouting something about being late. This is interesting, as such a BEAST is rarely if ever seen in your home forest unless you stay very quiet. The Vid ends by scrolling up to a door that the rabbit ran out and zooming in on it.]-

===> DKT: Explore.

-You follow the rabbit through the door, entering what looked like some room filled with... bones. Everything is made with bones, save for the doors. Its... macabre, but you like it for some reason. Reminder of how much you kill to defend the forest, like some sort of hostile "LORAX." The rabbit runs out a small door on the other side of the room, but its way too small for you to fit through. The knob on the door seems to resemble some one you don't know, but recognize from its dopey tired face. A forest dweller you've seen on more than one occasion just lumbering through and dragging anything that attacked him to his hive. You never bugged him.-


DKT: Drat. Door, Open And Allow Me Passage.

Door: | :) > -Yawn- M3o:3.... No no... You'r3 much too big... :3hy so loud too?

DKT: Let Me Through Or I'll Tear You Of The Wall.

Door: | :) > :3hy not try a bottl3? N3o:3 shoo and b3 qui3t, its tim3 for my nap. -sleeps-

-That was completely pointless. You turn around and spy two bottles on the table behind you, which has a Red Bottle and a Blue Bottle. One shrinks you down, the other will make the shrunk you bigger.

Time to decide.-

===> Drink the Red Bottle

===> Drink the Blue Bottle

Meanwhile, in another universe...


-Four Prospitans(?) are standing around a poker table, one tall, one small, one big and burly, and one only medium in size. This group is called the MIDDAY GANG.-
GG: A-Alright I'll Be There Soon.

Way to embarrass yourself! Ugh this doesn't matter right now, just head out to his planet already!

MM: makeup saleswoman?

MM: More like weaponry dealer.

MM: (That sounds like so much fun!)

SA: I know it's weird!

SA: But I guess it's also a good thing since now I have an actual weapon to use.

SA: Better go find my quest bed...

SA: I'm still a bit nervous about this.
-... Apparently its too early to be a member of the Midday Gang. Oh well.-

===> DKT: Red Bottle.

-You drink the red bottle and... you find yourself growing. IN fact, you grow so big that you are unable to fit in the room, and it doesn't break. Must be underground. You end up dying from being crushed due to your size.-

<=== Let's try that again...

===> DKT: Blue bottle.

-You drink the blue bottle and are now small enough to fit in someone's pocket. You look around and find a hole in the wall behind the bed, and squeeze yourself through it to a lush garden with someone on trial by a large bodied LEGISLACERATOR that looks sort of like someone from another Session none too dissimilar from this one. You hide and watch the trial, while outside your dream world you thrash a little from the red bottle nightmare and calm down from the blue one, grabbing onto Frioto a little bit too hard.-

You look down at your flush crush, confused by how greatly she was suddenly gripping your arm, and started to make quiet pained noises, as your can't actually produce "ow". Damn, this girl has the grip of a high blood! You try to pry her hand off without breaking her fingers with your highest of blood strength, to little success.
MM: Nah, they seem to have receded to back of my mind.

MM: I think they're plotting back there.

MM: god knows what they do.

MM: who cares as long as they don't f*** with my head anymore.
SA: Aw man. :/

SA: It would've been great if that was what happened.


Wait what?!

You are now VEINEA HATHOR and it's about time! You haven't gotten much screeentime in a while! Your planet the LAND OF FANTASY AND RADIANCE is quite awesome! Hold up! It looks like she's on! OMG OMG OMG OMG! Your Matesprit, it's definitely her!

carelessPixie [CP] began trolling propheticallyInane [PI]

CP: babe!!! :D

CP: yo+u made it into+ the game ho+rray!~

@Swift Beurezu
===> Do the cloning thing.

Th&e cl0ni^*ng thin-((type)(span/)





==//=> ρя๏ȼ€€ď.

Those two fools will have their chance for the spotlight another day...but right now, you're running the show. You are once again CREYVEN HOIVOON, and you do believe it is time to get down to business.

Tracking the ninja down to this planet was wiggler's play, all that is left is to follow the tracks. For a ninja, this one is far too easy to find. The scent trail of her game client's source code is as plain as the sky itself. You hope her trail isn't too straightforward, you decide that you'd like to take a small look around this particular environment before you get your hands dirty.

You then reconsider, on the grounds that the longer you stay here, the more obvious your presence will be. It'd be better to hurry it along and get it over with.

===> Hurry it along and get it over with.

You follow the trail until it intensifies, and then you lay low and creep slowly so as to not alert her to your presence. You also modify your graphics model, assuming a color scheme that allows you to blend in a little bit more with your surroundings.

Ah, there she is, blissfully unaware...don't worry, child, it'll all be over soon...

The same ninja stops suddenly, staring straight ahead of her and not moving a muscle. Heavy armor plates crawled along her skin as she requipped her TUNNELBEAST BONE ARMOR. She remained still, then whipped around to look around. Now her biggest secret is revealed to the worst person to reveal it to.

This girl has only one eye. On the right side of her face where it would normally be, but the left side was smooth gray skin. She looked somewhat unnerved, but eventually turned and kept walking, looking down at a small device in hand.

GN: You're acting ridiculous, Cerico.

GN: Pfft.

GN: Like anyone could kill me? HA!

GN: They're dead before they know who hit them.
ąǥǥя€$$ =#==&/>

This girl is hilarious. That silly third-rate alchemized armor won't protect her in the slightest. And her lack of depth perception will do her no favors, for sure.

You creep a little bit closer. She's right there, maybe ten feet in front of you. So tempting, so beautiful, so alluring, so...


You can't contain yourself any longer. Reverting back to your default color palette, you emerge from your stealthiness.

Time to get this party $ţąяţ€ď.

Get this party $ţąяţ€ď. ===>

[The video clip opens with Creyven standing before Corazo, sneering devilishy as his character model glitches and adjusts itself all twitchy-like. He steps towards her casually, stopping about four feet away. His eyes widen in sudden murderous insanity (think Gamzee) and he lunges towards her, his sharp teeth bared and his hands glowing with Cresten's inherited psionic powers. One hand has the white energy, the other has the black. The video closes with him traveling through the air towards Corazo.]


Oh god. You are now, once more, Cerico Dentri, and you have just forseen a most troubling series of events. You quickly whip out your RESONATOP, unlocking the security with a complex riff on your guitar and looking up a close confidant of yours. The catastrophe shown to you in this vision will require outside assistance to avoid because...because the vision is about YOU.

composedDeviance [CD] began trolling dominionsTide [DT]
[The video pops back to life midway through Cerico's conversation, white slicing diagonally through the screen. Corazo has turned on Creyven and sprang up, twisting in the air as she soared, the camera slowing as she twisted through the air, thn sped back up once her feet hit the ground. The green blooded troll faced her attacker and snarled as she jabbed a finger at him, shouting, "I thought I smelled mustard! You fake! You think you can trick me into thinking your Cresten? You're a fool." She remarked, snarling.

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Vincat> Receive Message

Well, look at that. Your quadrant managed to notice you in your overly dramatic entrance. And unlike any of the other possible notices, that actually made you pretty happy. Not like in a bug noticed you, because not many cared about that sort of thing.

PI: Well, at least SSSSSSoMeoNe noticed me. That's pretty SWEET.

PI: Hey there, BaBE
===> Glitch out.

-You are-are-are [ERROR: REPEATING VALUES] the gl[ERROR: ILLEGIBLE]. This \// [ERROR: CODE UNSTABLE. VIRUS DETECTED. PLEASE CONSULT YOUR NEAREST HORRORTERROR OR MASTER HACKER TO REMOVE THE VIRUS IN A PASSIVE MANNER.] you are likely going to have to play coy and give a certain Emporor-to-be a "hand" with his lady friend.-

=<=>^v <===> T|=\PORTIZ|=!



- ... You are still in your current location staring at the green flashing "ERROR: TRANSSESSIONAL TRAVEL NOT UNLOCKED! PLEASE CONTINUE PLAYING TO UNLOCK." Well, ain't this a kick in the glitchbutt.-

===> Okay, then be Kupala.

-You are now DREAM KUPALA again, continuing to watch this trial. Apparently... YOU- only this time the other YOU is dressed in some sort of weird BLOODSTAINED "WEDDING" DRESS which was soaked in the blood of your flush crush, Urstov, and everyone else's blood. Everyone EXCEPT CRESTEN'S. Weird. Oh wait, it seems the "Judge" is about to speak!-

===> Listen


===> Judge: COIN TOSS OF TH3 JUDG3

-The coin goes flip flip flip flip flip aaaaaaaaaaaaand..... It lands on the scratched side, which means OFF WITH YOUR HEAD. Which also means the Judge already has a blade rushing at the OTHER YOU's neck.-


-You slide in all Troll Ace Attorney style and shout objection, your DREAM WHIP smacking away the blade. You then give the judge a thorough drubbing of your innocence and this whole process of back and forth banter allows the OTHER YOU to slip off without being noticed before finally you get fed up and decapitate the Judge.-

===> ODK

- You are now Other Dream Kupala, or- to prevent confusion- BRIDE KUPALA. Dream worlds, am I right? ANYWAY, you were in trouble for charges of insanity, 13 counts murder, association with a horrorterror, communing with plants, numerous counts of executing numerous trolls in the lumber industry, being addicting to psychadelic mushrooms, OH AND KILLING AN EMPORER, THE OLDEST EMPEROR'S HEIR, AND THE YOUNGEST EMPEROR'S HEIR (Frioto). Yikes. Which... especially the last... is punishable by execution. However, as you are a dream representation of your actual dream self (DREAM PARADOX), this all is normal and is a POSSIBLE FUTURE. POssible, but right now there are more pressing matters. You are NOW A FUGITIVE. Your interests... well you don't needd this, you are yet again still KUPALA, just clean, not withdrawing, and with a guilty conscience of your murdering your friends and team mates. Now what?-
[Creyven snarls and glitches, summoning an aura that seems to be a combination of glitchy static, game code, and Cresten's black-and-white psychic powers. He rockets through the air towards Corazo, mustard-colored words appearing by his face that say "GAME OVER". The screen goes black right before the two trolls collide.]

DT: The tides welcome the company of the serenader, who oft strays near the shore and casts his gifts of sagely song and advice into the cold waters

DT: To what do I owe the pleasure?

CD: u♪stov, today it is i who ♪equi♪es you♪ help.

DT: } :o

CD: yes, dist♪essi♫g i♫deed

CD: i have commu♫ed o♫ce mo♪e with the g♪eat spi♪its, a♫d they have show♫ me a te♪♪ible fate

CD: a♫d it is my ow♫

DT: How troubling this is,

The Serenader's own fate fortold,

Bad omens warn to danger coming

This Tide's dark blood runs cold.

CD: bad ome♫s...da♫ge♪...yes, you a♪e ♪ight, it ca♫♫ot be a good sig♫

CD: my visio♫ depicted me, co♫sumed by co♪♪uptio♫ a♫d ♪age, ma♫ipulati♫g Co♪azo and Phossz to my will, a♫d drivi♫g ou♪ pa♪ty apa♪t a♫d doomi♫g ou♪ sessio♫

CD: which is why I came to you, because I figu♪ed you would be the o♫ly othe♪ pe♪so♫ who would be able to u♫de♪sta♫d this type of situatio♫ a♫d give advice acco♪di♫gly

DT: Has this musician considered these mental resonations of his are to warn him of his interactions with aforementioned dark, brooding entities

CD: the ho♪♪o♪te♪♪o♪s?

CD: they a♪e da♫ge♪ous, yes, but i always make su♪e to avoid thei♪ i♫flue♫ce

DT: Perhaps you should just be careful for awhile

CD: hmm...ag♪eed.

CD: tha♫ks fo♪ you♪ help
PI: Well, at least SSSSSSoMeoNe noticed me. That's pretty SWEET.

PI: Hey there, BaBE

CP: o+mgggg

CP: swo+o+o+on

CP: where have u been anyway



[/run/ programfiles/outcomes/defeat]



===> h๏ώ ȼ๏µℓď ţhɨ$ hąρρ€ɲ

How? H//ow?

You limp slowly down the cave passage, tapping into the game's code to repair your programs as much as possible. That girl really did a number on you...but at least you gave her some nice scars as well. Her power was unnatural, inconceivable...not to mention, the ridiculous emotions of your host player restricted you from killing her outright. That alone was enough to secure the fight to its standstill outcome.

A tie. How revolting. Insulting.

You WILL ki//ll that wretched ninja. She will pay. Oh, yes, she wi// P4Y.

But first, you need more power. You can't get your revenge in this restricting troll host body, you'll have to go around and acquire some more SOURCE CODE until you have enough processing power to manifest without a host.

You highly doubt your DY5FUNCTI0NAL GL!TCHING COMP4TR/OT will manage to accomplish much, aside from maybe causing the game to crash a few times and distract everyone with his grossly corrupted data files. Oh well. All the more time bought for Creyven to make his move.

===> ǥ๏ $๏µяȼ€ ȼ๏ď€ hµɲţɨɲǥ

In a flash of ones and zeroes, you're gone.

This was unacceptable. Inconceivable. How could you come to a tie with that... That glitch? That... You limp back to your mountain home, with your left hand pressed against a huge gash on your ribcage- your olive green blood oozing between your fingers. It dripped from a gash on your forehead, leaving a trail on the ground. You felt lightheaded. You felt horrible. You felt... Disappointed. Not only did you fail yourself, you feel like you failed Cresten. You couldn't kill his imposter... You ended in a tie. A TIE! That had never happened before! You've never been beat, much less by a mistake of some game you NEVER WANTED TO PLAY! You can feel this RAGE inside you rising up, threatening to boil over. You try to calm yourself, but you can't. You force your anger into a compact square in the back of your mind, and continue to limp home, trying to figure out how your going to deal with these injuries... They're severe enough that you can't heal them on your own... You'll need help. And quick, before you bleed out.

greenNinja [GN] began trolling gaianGarden [GG]

GN: Now I understand if you're busy, but uhh..

GN: Terain... I'm bleeding out...

GN: I need help and I can't fix it myself..

GN: Help...
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===>ODK: Look around.

-You are in the LOATHE-US FOREST of your actual self's DREAMSCAPE, seeing as how Prospit and Derse are likely destroyed. Its a lot like the forest from ALICE IN WONDERLAND, except brighter, more jagged, similar to the woods of Alternia. There is still that large smoking catapillar on the mushroom, except this time... ITs looking sick. Maybe its because YOUR PERCEPTION is different than YOUR REALITY'S PERCEPTION. Or... The mushrooms your real self was addicted to is making everything seem all nice and clean, but you know what the truth is. You've always known. ITs mostly because you're the CONSCIENCE OF THE THINKPAN. Or something like that.-

===> Go back.

-That is out of the question. You would be decapitated by that... THING... before you managed to pull your reality self away and smack some sense into her.-

===> Explore.

-No, the catapillar is sick. You must help it.-

===> Be the actual Dream Kupala

-After your verbal and literal lashing of the catapillar, you wander after your DREAMSELF, finding her strangling the catapillar with the whipkind you had. IN reality, to her she was actually helping it clear its throat so she could sedate it, but YOU saw it as her trying to kill it. -

===> ???STRIFE???

-You decide to STRIFE with her to prove what a fallacy this is! While you both are equally matched, you have the mobility check as she is in a dress, you are in your light weight armored suit. However, you both end up tangling each other up for a moment at the wrist, only for you to tear her left hand off and leave more lash marks on her. In retalliation, she... stops, and smacks you. While not needed, it brings everything into perspective. A terrifying forest. A sick catapillar, a dead JUDGE. And a trail of blood leading into the forest. Oddly, your dreamself- the other one that is- has her hand back already. That's dreams for you.-

===> Kupalas: Journey deeper into the LOATHE-US FOREST to the depths of the thinkpan.

-As an unlikely companionship, you both head deeper into this forest, following the blood trail.-

(guess who's blood it is)
Corazo ===> No! Don't go towards that light!

It's too late for you. You're bleeding so heavily, lost so much blood... You feel the world fading away around you.. When suddenly you feel yourself being lifted up, hundreds of little hands lifting you into the air, and ushering your body out of the house.

Quickly! The crusader fades! you barely manage to pick out through the fuzz and ringing in your ears as you listen to your dying heart, I'm getting covered in blood, Sire!

It matters not! You can wash yourself later, GLUB! the voices continue as your vision fades to black, your heart beats slower.

The summit! Quick everyone! Full speed!


And right when you finally die, your corpse is thrown down.

===> Rise up.

[The video begins with the normal Spirograph loading screen, covered in olive green blood, but then it's wiped by a yellow and green scaly hands, and once the screen is cleared, the actual video begins- Yellow and green salamanders are gathered around a cocoon like construction, pure white light pouring from the top and the various holes in it, blinding many of the salamanders and making them begin GLUBBING nervously. Inside, a corpse begins to rise from her bed, arms falling to face the earth, being enveloped in light, her clothes changing, becoming a rich pink, changing, shifting... Olive green fairy wings sprouted from her back, then the light shredded through it, like thy had been torn through many times, becoming similar to that of bear claws. The body rose above, and out the top of the cocoon. The last bit of the video is the young troll opening her eye, and then a very familiar green ===> appeared on the screen.]
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GG: Are You Still Alive?!


Things have just gotten worse for you. First Kupala's gonna go crazy unless you can find a cure and now your moirail is gonna bleed to death?! What a tight situation you're in. You're not quite sure where the gate closest to you will lead you but hopefully somewhere where you can fix this huge pile of s**t mess. A few of the blue creatures of your planet lift you up and from there you jump through the portal to reach the next planet. Good thing you brought your ax with you. Never know when you may need it wherever it is you are right now.

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