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Realistic or Modern Home for the homeless

Austin stood outside the house for a little while, thinking about ehether he should turn around and run away or if he should just hope for the best and enter. He thought about his chances if he ran since he had read a few survival books, thinking of how he could keep wsrm at nights without a fire or how to gather essential foods to survive.

After staring at his feet for a while he thought better since he figured a bed of any sort would be better than curling up on cement to preserve body heat. He picked up his bag and took a second to breath before he walked through the front door and waited inside for someone to show him around.
"Sure."Christen replied to the red haired girl then helped her arrange the hair pieces in her hair. "What`s your name?"She asked as she worked. She then looked to the boy who had just entered. "Theres a clipboard on the desk there. Put your name and age please." She called to him, then finished adding the pieces to the girls hair. She stepped back, waiting for the girl reply.

Piper looked to Reynardine around the girl. "Hid-e and see-ek?"She asked, waiting for his reply. She knew of the game, but hadn`t played it, sincew there had never been other kids around. She looked up to the girl who was holding them. "Eve-e"She said, pointing to Eve`s head then giggling a bit for no reason.
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He giggled as he was carried up. He wrapped his arms around her neck, burrowing his face in it. "Reynardine!" He said, pointing at himself. He heard Piper say her name, and he giggled as well. "Eevee!" He said as well, giggling.

Hide and seek. It was a game he knows of, but his caretaker always seems to find him. But Piper here might be able to help him, so he decided to agree. "Okay!" He said, planting a kiss on Eve's cheek.
Austin did as he was told and wrote his name and age on the clipboard. After that he just stood there again. He looked around at the place and took in his new surroundings.

After a minute he decided to sit down and continue on the book he was reading. He opened his bag and pulled out a thick book titled, "Encyclopedia of discovery: Skywatching" he opened to the page he was on and began thinking about how it must be amazing to be a star, just floating around in the cosmos. He got sucked into the text on the page and blocked out everything else.
Hi guys I am going on a trip for 5 days and I don't know if I will have wifi if you need me just play my character but please don't make her be crazy or make her talk thanks
Izzy smiled to the lady and replied to her question, as the lady finished helping with her hair. "Name`s Izzy."She said simply, then headed over to the boy who had just entered. She stood over him, tilting her head as she looked down, trying to read the book he was holding. "Is that interesting?"She asked, giving up on trying to read upside down and instead sitting down next to the boy.

Able to see the word now, she could tell it was something about the sky or the stars or something. Frankly, she didn`t care what the book said. She was only interested in learning the name of the boy, and seeing if they could be friends. She remembered a little late not to get overly close, and she scooted away a bit, putting space between them again.

((Izzy reminds me of my little sister >.>))

((@Thesquaidsy ))
Sol lost his temper then, realizing how nice it was here, except for the fact that people just left him without telling him why they had helped, why be so selfless to all these people that had done nothing for them, it confused him, but he would try to accept it. Maybe it would all turn out better in the end, only time would show.

Making the wheelchair turn around he looked around, everyone was busy, and there was really no one his age, no one to talk to, and he disliked adult's, for some reason whenever he talked to a person older than eighteen he started to freak out. Never figure out why, the only way he wouldnt freak out is if he knew them before or if they became his friends before truly sending him on his way.
Austin looked at the girl who was sitting next to him and quietly replied, "Y-yeah. It's a very good book." He wasn't sure what this girl wanted but he was slightly relieved when she scooted away a bit. "My name's Austin."

He began to look back to his book, trying to end the conversation there since he didn't want to get to know anyone since he's probably going to be moved out of here soon anyways.
Izzy puffed out her cheeks at the boy, who she now knew is called Austin, turned back to the book, apparently trying to drive her off. She, on the other hand, would refuse to move, and leaned a little to read along with him. "Hmm."Was all she said, though the book was beginning to perk a bit of interest, but not a lot.

She looked away from the book slightly, to see that the other boy, who was currently in a wheelchair, had come out. She smiled slightly and waved, then returned to reading along, still trying to not overcrowd Austin. Due to her stubborn nature, she would continue to refuse to leave him alone, now that she had set out to become this boy`s friend.

(( :P Yup, just like my sister irl))
Austin started to get a bit annoyed that this girl hadn't left yet but after a few minutes he saw she was reading with him and got an idea. He closed the book and held it out to her. "If you want you can read it at your own pace. I read kinda fast and if it interests you I can just read another book until youre done.

He was hoping she would take it so that she would leave him alone for a bit and he figured that it couldn't hurt to be just a little friendly while he was here.
Avenel walks back out of the kitchen, the food having taken a while to cook. She sighed with relief as she took one last glance to the tables that she had set up, everyone had a chair.

She had a copy of her list that she wrote down on a different piece of paper, she scanned the list. Walking from one name tag to the next that had set above everyone's plates, the tables were small and square. Chairs set by each of the tables that had been arranged in groups of four.

Different size chairs, tables and food proportions depended on what age they were. The caretakers food was a little more apart from the kids than the kids were from each other. There.. everything was finally ready.. All we needed now was the.. "KIDS!!" She shouted sweetly, a bit chipper.
Izzy scowled at Austin, then ignored the book he held out, having heard Anny`s call. She made a decision, and stood, moving away from Austin, towards the kitchen. 'I`m not gonna give up. He`s not getting rid of me that easily.' She said mentally as she walked. She stopped by the boy in the wheelchair, whose name she still did not know.

"Hey, you got a name?"She asked, as he, hopefully, already knew hers. Instead of continuing on, she waited there for an answer. She also decided to look around, not really having stopped to do so yet.

((@neverin ))
"names sol, and I believe you to be izzy, if I am correct than it is a pleasure to meet you... I think......." He stopped himself from talking for a while, trying to get rid of the awkward feeling he had running down his back, why was it whenever he talked to people he started to get the chill's, always happened.

"we better go eat, but that might take some time" Sol sighed as he tried to get up, his knee's weak he fell back to the floor unable to get back up, was it his fault that he was like this, was it his fault that he was useless. He whisked this thought out of his mind and got up trying to move again, he wouldnt give up.
Austin felt kind of hurt as Izzy walked away but quickly shrugged it off as he heard a woman call out for all the children. He stood up and put his book back in his bag.

Since he didn't know where to put his bag he carried it with him as he headed towards the voice. He hoped that he'd soon be able to read in peace.
(Hey, I just read everything. Sorry I haven't replied, I have strep throat and another virus on top of that. How would you like me to jump in?)

Tell it to the angels

You're already dead
Halwned slowly walked into the front building looking up at the desk which stood taller then he was. Halwned got a book out and sat at a table in view of the desk and started to read a chapter book, he flipped the pages to where he was last at noticing that he forgot the boom mark he had drawn.

He sighed as he continued reading before putting the book on its pages and started drawing another one, the picture had a angle split in the middle by the end of the page on one side and a demon on the other. He continued drawing for awhile trying to make it look perfect.
(Idc.. make your characters go to eat. Rebel and stay put..ect. I'm in the midst of thinking. So when I know what to do, then I'll edit this..)

Freddy was still asleep, the covers had been kicked away from his body. He had fallen to the floor with a small thud, the fall woke him up but he had not been completely awake yet. At smelling the food, his stomach growled. He had forgotten the last time he ate, he wasn't even sure what page he had fallen asleep to. Picking his teddy up by one of it's arms, he didn't pay attention to witch and frankly didn't care, he dragged it on the ground.

Also dragging his feet, he followed the smell of the fresh food and came across the kitchen. He sat in one of the small tables that had his name on it before realizing that he was there, he saw that he had sat exactly where his name was located. His spiky blonde hair had been smoothed out a bit, having not been fully awake to brush it back to it's usual spike.

Stay different and know that I love you, even when you're alone.
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Hailey walked from the shadows, going towards the home, which was where they, they meaning she and her brother, had decided to go live. She opened the door, pausing there, waiting to hear the footfalls of her twin, Braylon.

Braylon sighed, then followed Hailey from the dark, towards the home. When she stopped at the door, blocking the path in, he got annoyed. "Move, stupid." He said, then shoved her back, pushing into the home. He then followed her inside.

Hailey stumbled slightly, regaining her balance after her brother shoved her in. She spun and moved to the side, waiting for him to walk, sticking out her foot and tripping him as he moved past. She laughed, then moved on into the home. She stopped in an open room, with a desk and another kid drawing. She could hear voices from another room as well.

Braylon growled, looking up slightly as his sister moved on ahead, after tripping him. He got up, and followed her down the hall. Reacher the same room, he smacked the back of her head before looking around. His gaze lingered slightly on the drawing boy, before traveling to the direction of the voices. There was a clipboard on the desk as well, with a bunch of names. He moved to it, putting down, 'Braylon 15' not putting his last name down.

Hailey scowled at Braylon, then followed him to the desk. She waited for him to finish writing, then stole the writing object away and wrote down, 'Hailey 15' also ignoring the last name part. There was no reason for them to know that. After finishing, she spun, grabbed Braylon precious hat, and ran off, towards the voices. She stopped in the doorway of what seemed to be a dining room, and stood there, staring at the people.

Braylon shouted as Hailey took his hat, then went after her. He didn`t notice she had stopped, instead running full speed into her, knocking her to the ground and landing on the ground himself. They were now inside the room, with people. He got up quickly and grabbed Hailey, pulling her up again. He simply stared around, and noticed Hailey doing the same.

((Loong butt post))
"Yup. Nice to meet you, Sol."She replied, then watched him try to get up. She bit her lip, knowing he probably wanted to do it himself. She looked to a commotion in the desk-room and saw a young boy, and a set of twins enter. The boy simply began other activities, while the twins were rough and tumble. They signed up on the sheet then came tearing off this way. She stood closer to Sol wheelchair, sticking out her arms to the sides, to prevent the twins from hitting him.

When the two passed, she lowered her arms and stepped away again. She continued to watch, debating silently on trying to help him. -short-
Austin walked into the room wwhere he heard the woman call from and saw the tables all set and waiting to be filled. He saw there were names on all the tables and found one with his name. He sat down and brought out his skywatching book.

He read for a bit before he noticed the other kid in the room. A small, blonde boy. Austin figured he was just gonna be another faded memory eventually and went back to his book. He didnt like thinking this way about the world, but its become his way to make sure he doesnt get hurt.

All he really needed was his books and he could be happy. As long as he always had something to read he could block out the realities of this world and make it through life. After a bit longer he decided he should take a break and closed his book. He didnt know if anyone else was gonna try and read over his shoulder and figured he coukd avoid more confrontation that way. He looked down at his feet and started thinking about the stars again.
CrimsonEclipse said:
He giggled as he was carried up. He wrapped his arms around her neck, burrowing his face in it. "Reynardine!" He said, pointing at himself. He heard Piper say her name, and he giggled as well. "Eevee!" He said as well, giggling.
Hide and seek. It was a game he knows of, but his caretaker always seems to find him. But Piper here might be able to help him, so he decided to agree. "Okay!" He said, planting a kiss on Eve's cheek.

Eve smiled, "you both have interesting names" she said brightly, as she headed downstairs, carrying them both, and smiled as Reynardine mispronounced her name once more, reminded of the little brown evolutionary pokemon as he did.

Once oitside, she put them both down "okay. I'll count to ten, go find a good hiding spot, but don't go too far okay? I don't want to loose you guys!"
Avenel chuckles amusingly as she sees Freddy's bed hair, it wasn't as bad as most. In fact, it was kinda cute. Still, it was weird seeing Freddy without his spiky hair. She turned to watch as some more come tumbling or walking in, she smiled. Walking over to the first tables, she lifted the lid off of the serving plates one by one and put the on a cart that she took with her so she wouldn't have to carry all of them.


Freddy found himself waking up to the sweet smell of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and hash browns. He realized were he was, he looked at his teddy that he still held. He put it on the floor ever so carefully, he took the fork and tried to stab the pancake to eat it. When that didn't work, he tried moving the fork backwards and forwards to try to separate them into pieces. Fail. He was about to cry when Anny came up to him and helped him out.

Taking the fork from his hands she grabbed the knife and cut the pancakes into pieces that seemed big enough to fit into Freddy's mouth, when she finished with Freddy. She moved around the room, just in case anyone else needed help. He smiled slightly as he took the fork and stabbed it into the bite sized pieces, he tried eating it again. Success! Freddy gave sort of a purr as he ate the meal.
Johnathan approached both Braylon and Hailey, glaring at their antics. "Knock it off. At your age, you should be setting a better example for the younger kids!" He adjusted his shirt's collar irritably in that moment, the nervous tic calming him slightly. He resisted the urge to take a deep breath, trying to keep his stare level.

Kids bickering pointlessly was such an irritating sound. If he could force them to knock it off somewhat early in their tenure there, then it would be less of a headache down the line. He just had to make sure to rein in his temper and calmly make the kids aware that younger kids tended to mimic older ones. If they did this in front of the entire house... who knows the anarchy that could follow? Or at the very least, the irritating noise.
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