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Realistic or Modern Home for the homeless

"O-ok. No going inside, got it." He replied softly. He took another quick look around before he turned back to her.

"Alright, I'll start counting, you go hide." He said as he covered his eyes with his hands. He began to slowly count, adding the word Mississippi to the end of each number.


Seeing her lack of response, Johnathan felt a bit helpless. He couldn't even be angry or upset as was his default coping mechanism because she wasn't doing anything wrong. She just seemed really withdrawn for some reason. She seemed... partially afraid of him, or at least hesitant.

"Really, the food here's pretty good..." he said as kindly as he could. He started glancing around for any of the other caretakers who might be better suited for this task. Maybe they'd know what to do. Still, he gently pat her hand to try and show he wanted to help. How much good it did was anyone's guess though.

"Right..."She said, her word dieing out at the end, as he started counting. She smiled, then ran off, poking around for a place to hide. She tried out behind the slide, or a tree that was near, but those felt off. She ran to the building, passing the door and going to the corner of the building. That was slightly better but it still felt off.

There was a almost shed, she didn`t get what it was for, but it hit her as an okay place. Unable to tell how much time was left, she ran from the building to the shed, which was facing with the front towards Austin and the back away. She slipped around to the back, hiding in between some boxes that were there. she pulled a few together, trying to make it look not suspicious, and placed one above her head and she crouched down. Now encased in a pile of boxes, she tried to be silent.

@Thesquaidsy --I`m gonna stop tagging ya soon probably.

--Kinda just adding on to the unknown make of the house... If unwanted there, let me know.--

I looked down at my hands after pulling the dark blue sleeve back down over my arm, not reacting to his comment on the quality of the food. I noticed him glancing around, and felt slightly hurt once he had done that. I knew he was looking for someone to help him with the situation; with me.

I turned my face away slightly, fighting to keep my expression schooled and under control, not wanting to show him just how hurt I felt. I ended up looking at the food for a moment. I sighed softly, and looked back at him, slowly meeting his eyes.

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"20." Austin said a bit louder than usual as he turned around and inspected the outside. He didn't know where to begin so he decided the best thing to do would be to start outside and spiral inward while checking spots along the way.

As he searched he passed by a boy and girl talking in the grass and then by a shed with a lot of boxes along one wall. He searched for a little while, double checking and even thought that she might be moving as he looked. After a bit longer he started to get annoyed and thought about just quitting. He was about to go inside when he remembered how nice she was to him. He didnt want to just leave and possibly hurt her feelings, so he sighed and turned around to begin again. He thought a bit more and it came to him! She was inside that small shed! It wasnt inside the house so it made perfect sense. He quickly walked right for it and stopped just outside the door for a second before opening it wide.

He was wrong and that mad him angrier than before. He balled his fists and walked around to the back of the shed where he saw the boxes and knocked them over in his frustration.

@Sayomi- alright
Izzy heard the sound of footsteps, and guessed Austin had just passed. She stopped a laugh, though a bit of one slipped trough her hand. She could hear the shed being opened and shifted her position, trying to not knock over the pile. she became still again and silent again soon. This was actually quite fun, though her legs were growing numb.

She stifled a gasp as she heard the boxed being knocked over. He hadn`t seen her yet, and she remained frozen. She glanced at him, from a crack and noticed his hands had been balled, now being used in the way of fists. She tired to stay silent, but it wasn`t really working. she waited, watching, still, and a quiet as possible. Meanwhile, she debated upon standing up or not. It probably wouldn`t be long before she was found.
After knocking over the boxes Austin felt a little bit better and took a deep breath to calm his nerves. He was about to walk off when he figured he should probably restack thr boxes he had knocked over.

As he picked up the first box Austin saw a little opening in the boxes and wondered why they had been stacked so oddly. But when he looked into the opening he saw Izzy, he stepped back and quietly said, "Found you. G-good hiding spot by the way." He stood back and waited for her to get up.

The slightly in over his head caretaker met the smaller girl's eyes and decided to just try and go with the situation. This was his job, so he needed to knuckle down and work at it. Besides, he wasn't so cold as to be unaffected by a hungry child.

He nodded towards the food. "Come on, have a bite to eat. It won't hurt." He gently guided her hand back to the fork, trying not to hurt her. Johnathan rubbed the back of his head slightly awkwardly with his free hand but didn't look away this time. His smile was as strained as ever though.

(@HonestlySurviving )
Izzy smiled, and moved the box from above her head. She stood up and looked to Austin. "That was fun."She commented, but it was now his turn to hide. She moved, attempting to get out of the box pile, and eventually, she stood free of it. She looked to Austin and smiled.

That had been a good game, and now it was her turn to find him. She turned, and began walking from behind the shed, stopping at the corner and waiting for Austin. Looking around, she could see that there were still few kids outside, most probably busy elsewhere.
Austin looked around for a moment and then saw a hiding spot that he liked. It was in a small spot underneath the playground that had a small bench he could lay under.

He turned to Izzy and said, "A-alright. I'll go and hide when you start counting." He kept looking at the ground. He was actually having a bit of fun now even though he got frustrated earlier. Izzy was nice and was the only person who's really talked to him all day so he was a bit thankful and was even a little glad that he had been pulled away from his books.

I gently drew my hand away from his, meeting his eyes and shaking my head. I didn't want to eat. At this point, I hadn't eaten in so long, I wasn't even hungry anymore. I pushed the plate a little farther away to make my point that I had no desire to eat, wondering if he would soon get annoyed with me like most adults did. They did not like the fact that I did not eat, and they liked even less the fact that I would not talk.

I slowly put my hand back in my lap, waiting for his reaction, swinging my legs ever so slightly as I sat there. Practically everyone was done eating now, and we were almost alone in the big room, but I didn't mind much.

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Izzy stopped again, having walked away from the shed slightly. She looked to Austin, then glanced around and turned to face him. "Alright then. Good luck on hiding."She said, with a smile.

She nodded, then closed her eyes and covered her ears. She began to count, putting Mississippi after each number. She called quietly to begin, then decided she would gradually get louder as the numbers get larger.

((@Thesquaidsy ))
Roxie had stormed out of the yellin and cussing up a storm. She had her suite case, guitar and skateboard. 'There is know way I'm staying here any longer.' She thought to her self. She got in the black convertible. Her mom came outside yelling. "You know what fine leave your a pathetic excuse for a daughter anyway! What can't you be more like your sister!"Roxie rolled down her window and said "Because she is a fake a*s b***ch! And I can't stand her!" "Just get out of here!" Her mom yelled out then she went back in the house. Roxie sat there in the car silently for a min then she started the car and drove off. She had heard of a place who took in kids who were homeless. "Guess they'd take me" she said to her self.

She finally made it. She pulled up and sat in the car for a min. "Bet they are one those happy smilie places" she said in a mocking tone. She got out of the car and got her bags from the front seat. Roxie walked up to the door. " Hope they will take me" she then she realized what she was wearing. She looked at her bikini top she had on and her tattoos. She shrugged her shoulders. Like she actually cared what they thought about her clothes and tattoos. She also has red streaks in her hair. She knocked on the door waiting for somone to answer.

This is what she is wearing

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Johnathan frowned at the gesture, a slight frustrated growl escaping his lips. She really needed to eat but he had a feeling force would only make things worse. Maybe he could plead with her. Maybe if he started asking her some simple questions he could get her to take a few little bites if nothing else.

"Okay, that's alright but a lot of work went into that food. Don't you want to show the person who made it how much you appreciate it, maybe with say five more bites?" He rubbed the back of his head before trying his unintentionally threatenign smile again. "Hey, we haven't introduced ourselves yet. I'm Johnathan. What's your name?" Step one was to open some communication, he'd go from there.
As Izzy counted Austin quickly ran over to his predetermined hiding dpot and got into position. It was a bit uncomfortable but nothing too bad.

Now he just had to focus on staying still and silent. He hoped Izzy wouldn't find him under the playground too quickly but he wouldn't put it past her.
She looked somewhat relieved "thanks for offering but I will be fine as long as I have some help" she said politely and smiled, she walked out of the dining room and saw someone was on the other side of the glass door. She smiled at her and opened the door "welcome.. come in.. Please state your name and age or just wright it down on that clipboard there" she said politely as she gestured to the clipboard that still lay on the desk, she noticed the bikini and tattoos "if you would like, there's a change of clothes in the bedrooms that might be to your liking if you want to change.." she said noticing her mostly black and red swimsuit. She liked the way the girl's hair matched her swimsuit, she found it a bit entertaining to look at the girl's tattoos. Some of them looked confusing and some looked amazing, while others looked small but they were all very detailed.


Freddy didn't finish but one half of a pancake, he wasn't used to eating soo much. It would take a while to finish the whole plate, he was soo used to it being incredibly freezing. That he found it a bit uncomfortable, even though it was soo hot in his jacket. He refused to take it off, he loved the memories it held and the way it looked.

His eyes had turned cold and emotionless since he lost both his parents, he knew that this place would only bring temporary pleasure. He knew, nothing would ever be the same. Even though this place has a feeling of a loving family to it, he knew that no one would be able to take the place of his real family. Nothing could change that fact, not even them.

Stay differnt and remember that i will always love you.
A woman came to the door and let her in. She walked over to sign in. So far the place didn't seem to annoying. The lady made a comment about her changing clothes. She knew that was going to happen. She looked at her with a fake smile and said "No I'm good." Then turned backed around and rolled her eyes.

She finished filling it out. She took a look around. 'I wonder what kind of people stay here.' She looked backed at her and said "so where's my room?" She looked at the clipboard again to take a look at who was here. Well a least she's not the oldest. She turned back around waiting for a answer.

I watched him for a moment. I knew this game. He'd try to guilt trip me into eating first, then he'd start begging me to eat, then he'd start firmly telling me to eat, and then he would either get annoyed and storm off or tell me I could just sit here until I ate. That's what everyone did when I didn't eat.

I blinked when he asked my name, then held out the opposite wrist. On it dangled a very loose bracelet with my name on it in small beads.

Tell it to the angels

You're already dead
"There's bedrooms near the playroom that has a name hanging from the door nob. Just find yours" Avenel said with a smile, she turned to the girl that wasn't eating and watched to see how Johnathan would handle this. It's not like she doesn't trust the workers she hired but she was a bit curious to see how they would handle the kids. She looked away, she had too much to do for this. She walked over to the half eaten pancakes that was abandoned by Freddy and chuckled slightly. She picked the plate up and headed to Jonathan "you know.. it's alright if they won't be able to eat all of it. It takes a while before someone gets used to this much food.." she said smiling kindly, she patted Emily's head and took her plate.

She walked to the trash and threw all of the food that was still on the plates away, then put the plates in the dishwasher. She did this with every plate, then when the plates were in the dishwasher. She closed it and started it, she then cleaned off all the sheets that had some food accidentally spilled on it. When she was done, she went to get Freddy for a bath.


Freddy was still in the playroom when Anny came to get him, she picked him up. He had accidentally dropped his teddy and almost cried but Anny patted his head "it's alright, you'll have it back after your bath" she said, she took him to the bathroom and went in.

Setting him down she sat other thighs, she started the bath and smiled at him. He didn't know how to change or take a bath, so he let her do it for him as he walked out. His clothes fit him loose and they looked soo cute, he was glad they didn't make him look girly.

Stay differnt and remember that i will always love you.

I nodded my thanks to her, looking down at my folded hands, waiting for Johnathan to say something, worried that he would be angry with me. I bit my lip, still looking at my suddenly interesting hands. I swung my feet as I waited nervously, hoping he wouldn't say something more about my weight.
Johnathan bit his tongue and counted slowly to ten in his head. Pushing the issue wouldn't help. He couldn't force her to eat and he couldn't go against his boss' ideas either. Best to let this one play out.

"Thanks for telling me your name, Emily," he said, standing up and glancing around. "If you feel hungry, come and find me and I'll get you something to eat." The last assurance was the best he could do for the moment. He smiled tensely before turning to leave with a nod of the head. He headed for the door, deciding to grab some fresh air for a minute to unwind.
Reynardine giggled, smiling at her. "Okay! I'll hide good!" He said to her, running off. He looked for good hiding places, but he found it hard to look for one. He tried to hide behind a curtain, but it was too obvious, under the table doesn't work as well. He really had no clue where to hide, and he didn't want to go outside because she might get angry. He saw an open door and, without thinking to look inside first, he ran in, closing the door.
She headed to her room looking around at everything. She stop to look at her cell seeing all friends had texted her. No calls from her family not that she cared.

She finally made it to her room. She saw another room next to her's. "Wonder who stays there?" She walked in her room. It was smaller than her old room but she didn't mind. She unpacked and then sat on her bed and started texting her friends.

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Eve counted loudly enough to be heard, hearing the indecision as they thought on a hiding place, imagining the countless hiding places that would be discarded as useless. She smiled to herself, enjoying the company of the little ones. She finished counting and looked about, immediately dismissing the table and curtains.

"Oh dear. I fear you've hidden to greatly for me" she said loudly, making a hmmm noise, "not here...or here...maybe behind the door!" She reached the door and gently turned the knob, nudging it slowly open a centre meter

I stood slowly and followed him. I stayed slightly behind him as he walked, like a shadow, not wanting to be alone. I was tired of being alone...

I hugged my arms slightly as we walked outside. It wasn't all that cold, but it was windy, and I had always been freezing.

Tell it to the angels

You're already dead

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