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Realistic or Modern Home for the homeless

((Soo sorry for lateness.. Didnt have a comp))

Izzy shouted. "20!" Then began walking around, looking for Austin. She headed to the building first, checking around the corners. As he was not there, she turned, checking the inside of the shed. After that, she headed towards the playground. She looked behind the slide, then turned, scratching her head.

She looked around, then poked her head into the small house like thing. Having ruled that out, she stood fully up. She turned around, then looked under the climbing object. She stepped back, as he was not there either. She puffed out her cheeks and turned around. There was a small bench which she hadn`t checked yet, and she started over towards it.

Thesquaidsy said:
As Izzy counted Austin quickly ran over to his predetermined hiding dpot and got into position. It was a bit uncomfortable but nothing too bad.
Now he just had to focus on staying still and silent. He hoped Izzy wouldn't find him under the playground too quickly but he wouldn't put it past her.
Piper laughed, then frowned as Reynardine took off. The older girl counted, then left to find him. she sighed, then went to explore. She looked at the doors, then found one that had a sign showing her name. "My.. R-room.."She said, then pushed the door open. She stepped inside, then looked around.

After exploring, checking out the closet, she climbed onto the bed, pulling out her bunny. "Hi Frost. Eve-e and Reynardine-e are playing. Do you want to play-y?"She talked to the bunny, her conversation hear-able through the partially open door.

((Not posting on Christen. Nothing to post))
Gillie said:
Tim nodded as he sat up and looked across at her. "I think everyone has there own story." He said as he sat there "I'm Tim by the way." He said and he began to extend a hand to shake hers but he didn't know if she would accept it, did kids these days even shake hands still. It had been a while since he really talked to another kid around his age.
"And besides I think we have plenty of time here. So I think you have more than enough time to tell your story and if you want I can tell you mine." He said with a smile before laying back down in the grass for a moment and then sitting up again and taking the last few bites of his apple. "There is breakfast inside if your hungry." He said to her.

Hailey shook Tim`s hand. "I`m Hailey."She said, glancing around to see two other kids playing Hide and Seek. "I`m not really hungry."She replied. She didn`t say anything more.

Braylon stood overhearing the ladies conversation. He returned to their stuff, grabbing the bags. Then, he set off through the hallways, looking for Hailey`s room. He found it, then opened it, dropping her stuff in the middle. He then turned, left, and shut the door. He moved on, looking for his own room.
Johnathan stood against the door, leaning against it almost lazily as he took in a deep breath. Glancing up at the sky, he felt himself relaxing slightly. No point in stressing, things would probably work out eventually.

He caught sight of Emily out of the corner of his eye but decided she didn't look like she wanted to talk at the moment. He was content to just stay there for a little bit and unwind as the kids ran about nearby. Kids without energy might have been easy to handle but they were worrying.
Tim lay there in the grass after getting rid of his apple core, turning his head to look at Hailey and he just shrugged. "That's fine." He said and gave her a friendly smile. He watched one kid search for another while they played hide and seek. "I know I'm practically a stranger but I won't judge. You can tell me why your brother is like that to you if you want. Maybe I could talk to him for you?" He suggested

Tim then went to lay back down in the grass as he looking up at the nearly cloudless blue sky and just watched the clouds roll past. "I love doing this." He said practically thinking to himself at the moment as he got distracted and began to space out a little, distracting him from his own dark past that troubled his mind.

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I stood to the left side of the door he was leaning on. I looked around me slowly, hugging my frail arms to my chest. Kids were running about and screaming with shrill laughter, laughing breathlessly as they bolted endlessly from one area to another. I seemed to shrink into myself, as if hiding from the fun. I knew nobody would ask to play with me, and even if they did, I wouldn't respond.

I glanced over at Mr. Jonathan and watched him for a moment. I smiled hesitantly at him when he glanced my way, still making myself seem smaller than I was, which wasn't hard as I was engulfed in a huge sweatshirt.

Tell it to the angels

You're already dead
Johnathan wondered if she was cold for a moment but dismissed the notion. She was already sinking into one sweatshirt, a second layer wouldn't do much. Might even make her trip if she wasn't careful.

Her smile was hesitant but seemed sincere enough. Well, there was a start at any rate. He felt his lips curling up ever so slightly. Things hadn't gone completely wrong yet.
Austin sat there trying to keep as quiet ad possible as not to be found. He thought about how different this place was from others. At the other houses none of the other kids would try and talk to him, they'd avoid him like the plague actually.

He heard footsteps coming toward him and he had a feeling hr knew it was Izzy. He curled up and got extra small to make it harder to be seen. He was having fun.


I didn't know what to do after that, so I looked back out at the running and screaming children. I hugged my arms close to my shivering slightly under the large sweatshirt, though I knew no one would be able to tell because of how large the clothes were on me. I bit my lip and took a deep breath, feeling a little awkward.

Something about everything around us reminded me of what I used to watch at parks. I always watched while other people have fun while I stood to the side and watched quietly. No one ever invited me to play with them, or even noticed me. I looked down at my feet, not sure what to do with myself at all.
Johnathan said nothing for a while but glanced down at the quiet girl. She didn't seem to want to move but she was shaking slightly. He wasn't sure why though.

"Do you want to go play with the other kids?" he asked after a moment passed. "I can make sure they play nice." Discipline was so much easier than reason sometimes, he'd almost welcome the oppurtunity, disgusting as the thought was.

I glanced up at him, then shook my head, looking back down at my feet, my shoulders hunched slightly, as if to ward off a blow. I waited another moment to look at him, as I could still feel his stare on me. He seemed to be at a loss for what to do with me, and I didn't know how to help him... I took a deep breath, and looked around for something to draw with. I liked to draw when I had nothing else to do.

I didn't see anything right off hand, so I just looked back down at my feet, chewing on my lip. Mr. Johnathan seemed very nice, but I didn't know how to act around him, and he didn't seem to know how to act around me either.
Johnathan slides down into a sitting position relaxedly. Seeing the child glancing around, he tilts his head.

"What are you looking for? Can I get something for you?" the question will probably be answered negatively but he'll try.

I shook my head and slowly sat beside him, hugging my knees to my chest. I rested my head on my jean covered knees, studying his features for a while. He was very rough around the edges, but he was kinda like a teddy bear. One of the older ones that had gone through a lot, sure, but still like a teddy bear.

I waited for him to say something more, watching him for any signs that he was upset at me. I'd be upset at me, so I couldn't imagine why he wouldn't be. I started messing with my hair, a nervous habit I had.
Johnathan sighs, having struck out again. Jeez, he was bad at this. The other caretakers probably would have already sorted this out much to his annoyance.

He glances at Emily, and starts fishing for ideas. "Do you like any sports? Drawing? Music..." he starts listing off ideas, waiting for her to give a sign that she'd heard him saying something.

I hesitantly nodded when he said 'drawing', giving a small smile. I glanced back down a moment later, chewing on my lip more. I didn't know how to react to what he said very well, and I knew he was at a loss with me... I waited for him to say something more, hoping he would like me enough not to hate me like the other adults.

At that thought, I remembered how often I heard how much I was hated, how I wasn't good enough, etc. from my parents. I visibly flinched from it.
"Drawing? You like to draw?" Johnathan blinks in surprise that his idea actually worked. He gets up for a minute. "Wait here..."

He comes back shortly afterwards, carrying a pencil and a sketching pad. "Will these do?" If he could get her to start writing and drawing, they could actually communicate. Two for the price of one.

I nodded at his question and looked down when he told me to wait. I blinked in surprise when he came back with an actual sketch pad. I'd always drawn on napkins or used pieces of paper because my mom told me not to waste paper.

I looked at him with wide eyes and slowly nodded, staring at him for another moment. I couldn't believe that he was being so kind to me. I swallowed, looking down again, holding back tears.

Johnathan froze up at the sight of tears, his hands twitching uselessly as he glanced about. Oh, he was in trouble now... This could look no way but bad.

"Hey, sorry, sorry. Don't cry, come on," his gruff voice made it sound like an order and his eyes had taken on a slightly manic look. The one bit of progress was vanishing before his eyes. "Come on, don't be sad..."

I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly, crying into his shoulder. I hardly noticed that I was probably ruining his shirt with my tears, extremely touched that he had done something so kind for me. I sniffled and cried a little harder.

After a moment, I pulled away slowly, wiping my eyes with a shaking hand. I hugged my knees to my chest tightly and sniffled.

The largest of the orphanage's help freezes up somewhat when she hugged him. He awkwardly patted her back, unsure what exactly what was happening. He just sat there and hoped this was a sign she was feeling better.

He watched as she pulled back, hardly noticing the wet splotch on his shirt. He gives her a moment to calm down before speaking again. "So, feeling a little better now? Want to show me something you've drawn?"

I pulled a napkin out of my sweatshirt pocket and gave him the small drawing of a park I went to very often by myself, and the kids that were playing that day. I didn't think it was that great of a drawing, but it was all I had.

I waited for his reaction, wiping my eyes a bit more, sniffling softly. I kept wondering why he was being so nice to me, why he cared at all. I took a deep breath and bit my lip as he studied the drawing.

Johnathan examines the napkin carefully. He briefly wondered why it was on such a simple piece of paper rather than a page, they weren't that pricy. Still, the drawing, despite being a little rough was actually quite good. He recognised everything in it and it was good enough that he was sure it would impress others.

He smiled at it despite his inexperience. "Not bad. You have a little eye for this." He glanced at Emily with a smile, offering a nod. "With a bit of work, you might even be able to make a job out of this."

I looked up in shock, glancing back down at the napkin in his hand. I met his eyes slowly, shaking a bit. No one had ever been so kind to me before... I felt like crying all over again, but I held it in, not wanting to freak him out. Which I had probably already done... I sighed inwardly, feeling as if I were doing everything wrong.

I bit my lip and glanced down, blushing a little bit. I started playing with my hair again, nervous that he would eventually hate me again...

Johnathan smiled slightly at her more relaxed expression. That hadn't gone so badly after all. Johnathan stood up slowly, cracking his back slowly as he did so.

"Hey, could I keep this drawing?" Johnathan asked, not really sure why. He found he really liked it for some reason. He blinked at the little blush but would take it. Embarassment is better to sadness, I suppose.

I nodded and smiled a bit when he asked that question, feeling as if that was what I was supposed to do. I stood up a second later, still shivering slightly from the light breeze that was still going through the area.

I rubbed my arms as I felt the goosebumps grow a bit more. I got chilled very easily because I had no fat on my body, but I tried harder not to react to the cold.

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