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Fandom Hogwarts, World Wizard Tournament


The First Iron Warrior
Harry Potter started his long journey at Hogwarts, and changed the world forever. The lessons taught there have laid the ground work for generations of wizards, great or small all are welcome within these hallowed halls. Harry Potter is now a middle aged man, but Hogwarts lives on. In the next generation we hold all our hopes and dreams, and you have been accepted into Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, Welcome young wizard, welcome home.

Ok guys here is the deal there is a twist.

1. you can have a max of two characters

and the BIG one

2. This will be the first Annual World Wide Wizard Tournament. You will now be allowed to play a character from

Durmstrang Institute (Scandinavia, the Balkans, Germany, and East Europe)

Beauxbatons Academy of Magic (France, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, and Western Europe)

Mahoutokoro School of Magic (Japan, China, Korea, Mongolia)

Brazilian wizarding school (All of South America)

Salem Witches' Institute (US and Canada)

3. I am also wanting characters that are somewhat unique, either being rare that people like you are born, or to even being illegal. It will work into what I have planned and will also be playing the role of Headmaster Nott.
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