• This section is for roleplays only.
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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Hogwarts: The Aftermath (Character Sheet)


Sexual Orientation*:
Blood status*:
House* (you can sort yourself or ask me to sort your character):
Appearance*: (realistic picture please)
Extras*: (tattoos, scars, birthmarks, etc)

In Depth

Personality*: (at least 1 paragraph)
Favorite class:
Least favorite class:
Backstory*: (At least 1 paragraph).
Patronus: (They don't have to be able to make a patronus)


Best friends:
Romantic interests:


Personality*: (Paragraph not necessary)

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Persia Trust

"Dark Trust"



--Sexual Orientation--

--Blood status--


Year One

10" Holly Wood, Dragon Heartstring, Fairly Flexible


"It sucks, doesn't it? Feeling like you're not good enough."
"You don't know about anyone else's situations... so don't go around assuming things."
"My feelings? Oh, don't worry about those, no one else does."


-=In Depth=-

Persia is a brutally honest girl who isn't afraid of telling you the truth. She's gory and grim, but she's also a sweet and innocent flower.
She's intelligent and clever. She's well known for having the best poker face in the world. You never know what she's thinking. She usually keeps to herself at times. She's also shy, but don't let that fool you. She usually thinks about the negative side rather than the positive side of things. She's also alarmingly calm... like a lake. She will never break a promise or vow. She keeps her word. She's very sarcastic and cold at times. Even though she's shy, she's also pretty bold.


Too Honest


Uneven Objects


--Favorite class--
Defense Against Dark Arts

--Least favorite class--

Persia Trust was born into a family of muggles. She was born with a condition called "chromesthesia". That means she is able to see sounds as colors (Chromesthesia - Wikipedia). It's kind of annoying, in Persia's point of view. It gets in her way and it blinds her eyes, because she sees colors 24/7. Anyway, her parents had her as an "accident" and abandoned her. They left her in front of an orphanage. The person in charge of the orphanage saw her, and kept her.

All through her life, in the orphanage and in school, she's been bullied because of her condition. They called her "freak", "monster", etc. No one wanted to be her friend, so she just kept to herself.

Then one summer day, she received her Hogwarts letter, indicating that she's a witch. Persia kept her letter hidden, afraid of what others may think of it, and ran away, so she can fulfill her role as a witch at Hogwarts.



Yuuki Trust - Father - Unknown
Ava Trust - Mother - Unknown

Daniel Lewis
Benjamin Selwyn

--Best friends--

--Romantic interests--


Err... everyone...? No... just all of her bullies.

Arabella Coven
Connor Bright

((If you want me to change anything, let me know))​
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Persia Trust

"Dark Trust"



--Sexual Orientation--

--Blood status--


Year One

10" Holly Wood, Dragon Heartstring, Fairly Flexible


(I chose a digital art... hope that's alright. If not, tell me. I couldn't find a right image for an eleven year old.. but oh well.)

"It sucks, doesn't it? Feeling like you're not good enough."
"You don't know about anyone else's situations... so don't go around assuming things."
"My feelings? Oh, don't worry about those, no one else does."


-=In Depth=-

Persia is a brutally honest girl who isn't afraid of telling you the truth. She's gory and grim, but she's also a sweet and innocent flower.
She's intelligent and clever. She's well known for having the best poker face in the world. You never know what she's thinking. She usually keeps to herself at times. She's also shy, but don't let that fool you. She usually thinks about the negative side rather than the positive side of things. She's also alarmingly calm... like a lake. She will never break a promise or vow. She keeps her word. She's very sarcastic and cold at times. Even though she's shy, she's also pretty bold.


Too Honest


Uneven Objects


--Favorite class--
Defense Against Dark Arts

--Least favorite class--

Persia Trust was born into a family of muggles. She was born with a condition called "chromesthesia". That means she is able to see sounds as colors (Chromesthesia - Wikipedia). It's kind of annoying, in Persia's point of view. It gets in her way and it blinds her eyes, because she sees colors 24/7. Anyway, her parents had her as an "accident" and abandoned her. They left her in front of an orphanage. The person in charge of the orphanage saw her, and kept her.

All through her life, in the orphanage and in school, she's been bullied because of her condition. They called her "freak", "monster", etc. No one wanted to be her friend, so she just kept to herself.

Then one summer day, she received her Hogwarts letter, indicating that she's a witch. Persia kept her letter hidden, afraid of what others may think of it, and ran away, so she can fulfill her role as a witch at Hogwarts.



Yuuki Trust - Father - Unknown
Ava Trust - Mother - Unknown


--Best friends--

--Romantic interests--


Err... everyone...? No... just all of her bullies.

((If you want me to change anything, let me know))​

Everything seems fine! Although, I would really appreciate if you could use a real-life faceclaim. If you need any help looking for the right FC, I can help you.
faceclaim directory
You should check out this page. It's super useful when it comes to finding face claims.
Everything seems fine! Although, I would really appreciate if you could use a real-life faceclaim. If you need any help looking for the right FC, I can help you.
faceclaim directory
You should check out this page. It's super useful when it comes to finding face claims.

Alright! Just changed the image. o3o

Michael Rosen Harriott







Sexual Orientation:


Blood status:

Pure Blood




Fifth Year


Pine 12 1/2 inches, reasonably springy, phoenix tail feather




In Depth

An eccentric young man who always want to try new things, by new things he literally tried many different interpretation to magic, he's somewhat of a young scientist always pondering and wondering what magic exactly is, he kept making new deductions and using his advanced knowledge of quantum mechanics, transdisciplinary chemistry, biology, high energy physics and calculus to try different new applications of magic in his muggle life. Although all that time spent studying the physical world during his childhood and not knowing about magic at all made him cold, sarcastic and regard human life in experimentation an acceptable cost.
Highly advanced knowledge of muggle science.

Genius level intellect.

Deep understanding of magical concepts that rivaled his Professors'.

Skeptical to new spells.


Potions, Care of Magical Creatures, drawing, writing anything involving soft motor control.

Weak immune system, frequently ill and physically unimposing.
Greasy food.

Any mainstream songs.

Smell of grass and flowers.


Arrogance (Only he can be arrogant in his eyes).

Disturbed when he's pondering about an issue.

Quidditch and Quidditch players.
Experimentation of spells and magical objects.

Proposing new postulates on magic.

Sleeping in class.
Favorite class:
Transfiguration and Charms

Least Favourite class:

Other than those two
Michael was born in a small cottage in unknown parts of London, his mother died during childbirth and his father died when he was just 2 due to a lung cancer and the sorrows of losing his wife. Spending three years in the orphanage he always read a copy of "Fundamentals of Physics" and like others he didn't understand a single word of it, only after being taught basic arithmetic he finally taught himself trigonometry from a copy of Euclid's Elements, calculus from Newton's notes and finally he found the wisdom behind it. After writing a science fair article on QED he was adopted and spent the rest of his childhood mastering quantum mechanics, all living a happy life, until a certain letter came for him.
The rest will be revealed in story


Unknown biological father
Unknown biological mother
Dr. Michelle Harriott (Adoptive mother)

Alexandrine Le Paradís

Jason Salvator

Best Friends:

Romantic Interests:
Stephanie, A childhood crush when he was 8, died in a car crash.


Connor Bright

Benjamin Selwyn
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Name: Margaret Estella Avery
Nickname: Maggie/Mags/Marge/Margie
Age: 16
Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual
Blood status: pure-blood
House: Slytherin
Year: 6th
Wand: laurel wood, 12 3/4", dragon heartstring, rigid flexibility
Appearance: reddish-brown hair, brown eyes, 5' 11" tall, slim build (face claim: Karen Gillan)

Extras: barely noticable freckles across the bridge of her nose, dark mark on her left forearm, grazing scar across her right shoulder

In Depth

Though her trust is hard to gain, she is fiercely loyal to those that earn it. And, like most of her house, she is not 'evil', she purely prefers to guard her kind heart with walls of sarcasm and biting remarks. Margaret tends to be an accepting and thoughtful person, though she will only stake her heart on something if she's completely sure she will come out of the 'battle' unscathed- part of the main reason she feels shame about the mark on her arm she was forced to take. Never one to take defeat lightly, Margaret will find ways to win at something, as long as those methods do not go below her dignity. Her dignity and morals are very important to the young snake, and one of the only times she will lash out is when someone accuses her of abandoning them, or brings up low moments when she has. Not one to loose her head, she prefers to think something through before taking action, whether it be something for pleasure or sacrifice. Lastly, though she is prideful, Margaret is willing to admit when she is wrong, no matter how it pains her.
Strengths: ambitious, thoughtful, creative, self-confident, cunning, kind
Weaknesses: cunning, blunt, prideful, reserved, sarcastic
Likes: purple, the library, cats, mornings, chai tea, sweets
Dislikes: arrogance, too-hot days, bad marks, scratchy clothing, spiders
Hobbies: reading, painting, pranking idiots who fall asleep in class
Favorite class: potions
Least favorite class: divination
Backstory: Daughter of the Avery family, one of the Sacred 28 families of the wizarding world, Margaret grew up surrounded by the same pure-blood attitude as many others of her high status - such as the Malfoys, Blacks, and Parkinsons - which led her to be a bit of a brat like the children of those families. This lasted through about her fifth year, as she spent much of her time gossiping about the stupid gryffindors and such, when her father first approached her about joining the death eaters. Margaret initially refused, as she had spent a lot of her time around students such as her ravenclaw friends; she may have felt superior to those of mixed or muggle blood, but she felt no malice towards them. Then, the choice was taken out of her hands when You-Know-Who threatened her, her brothers and sisters, and her mother unless at least one of her father's children joined. Being the eldest, he of course meant her. The next eldest of her siblings was a third year at the time, and there was no way she was letting him being dragged into the mess that was the death eaters.
Patronus: lynx
-Her family is originally from Scotland, on her mother's side, so she has a slight accent that becomes more prevalent when she is upset
-She has a fluffy black cat named Callisto
Theme Song:
Diamond Heart - Lady Gaga


Family: father- Evan Adrian Avery, mother- Colleen Marie Avery-Abbott, sisters- Elaine Lily Avery, Marleen Alya Avery, brothers- Elliot Grayson Avery, Joshua Michael Avery
Friends: Arabella Coven
Best friends: to be determined
Acquaintances: Benjamin Selwyn, Daniel Lewis, Jason Salvator
Romantic interests: to be determined
Rivals: to be determined



**Edit as of 29/12/17: I've added a theme song... because... why not... Also yes she still has a cat I will figure out how to bring him up later lol
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Arabella Coven




Sexual Orientation:
Bisexual, but has a preference for girls.

Blood status:


6th year.

13 inches, blackthorn wood and dragon heartstring.

She has a long scar on her left thigh, a scar on her cheek, and the scar of her dark mark in her forearm.

In Depth

Upon meeting Arabella, one would think they'd stumbled upon royalty. She holds herself as a queen, with an ego as big as Hogwarts itself. Her confidence makes her quite popular with the ladies (and the occasional man), and she's known for being a massive flirt. However, she is not one for relationships. She prefers having an affair with no strings attached than find an actual partner. In all honestly, she's afraid of growing attached to others. Arabella is a clever and persuasive girl who likes to achieve great things and never gives up once she was a clear goal and a strong motivation. She firmly believes brains are more important than strength, something she learned from her countless fights with siblings while growing up. With this in mind, it's important to know Arabella likes manipulating people. She likes having power, knowing she can control others by just pulling a few strings in their minds and likes messing with people just for a few laughs. Being a good liar really helps with her desire to control others, being a good actress and being able to change her entire demeanour when she had to pretend to be someone else has gotten her out of thousands of troubles. A damsel in distress? She pretend to be one. A psychopathic witch threatening to burn down the world? Same thing. She's incredibly proud of her intelligence and ability to make up elaborate plans in just a few seconds. The girl has a unquenchable thirst for knowledge and her curiosity is one of her strongest characteristics. She's an eccentric girl who doesn't mind standing up for her beliefs.

Arabella is incredibly loyal to the ones she cares for and turns aggressive when someone hurts the ones she cares for in any way. When it comes to revenge, she's an expert. Her plans are elaborate, delicate and well thought out, and she doesn't like it when the person she was supposed to hurt leaves without any injuries. She doesn't like to act recklessly, but she finds it impossible to control her temper. The girl holds a sharp tongue, and likes to throw one or two well-thought insults every now and then. Sometimes this leads to trouble, but it's worth it. It's important to know that Belladonna is cocky and slightly arrogant, especially when she does something right.

She is by no means a serious person and tries to bring humour to every situation. Her humour is not what most people would call light-hearted and not everyone appreciates it. But for what it's worth, her dark humour has served its moments during though times when all seemed lost, especially during the war. She does care more about herself than she cares about others, and her help is exclusive. She will only help those who could become allies or share her beliefs. The others...they're on their own. She is by no means scared of adventures. In fact, she's rather fond of them.

+ Good duelist
+ Exceptional liar and manipulator
+ Quick learner
+ Her intellect

- Not physically strong, nor agile
- Uncontrollable temper
- Afraid of heights
- Extremely possessive and obsessive
- Cowardly


- Magic, especially the dark arts.
- Learning

- Reading

- Writing

- Sweets

- Wizard chess

- Potions

- Being ignored.
- Heights

- Dementors

- The full moon

- Giving up

- Betrayal

- Sports


- She's in the duelling club

- Loves reading

- She doesn't have the best voice, but she loves singing.

Favorite class:
Charms and potions

Least favorite class:
Care of Magical Creatures

Born into a pureblood family, Arabella grew up with the powerful "Magic is Might" and "For the Greater Good" mottos brought to the world by the most powerful wizards of the century. Her parents were devoted supporters of Lord Voldemort who were known for being some of the Dark Lord's most powerful supporters. With respect from the Ministry of Magic himself and a place in the Dark Lord's inner circle, the heads of the Coven family couldn't be more successful. When their lord fell in the hands of Harry Potter, they claimed to be spies for the Ministry and blamed others for their crimes. They were pardoned and able to have three children; Leon, Isabella and Arabella. But, as luck would have it, Mr. and Mrs. Coven were betrayed by some of their oldest friends, who told the Minister about their crimes and how they'd blamed others for their actions. The Ministry quickly took action and sent the two of them to Azkaban, leaving their children with their aunt and uncle.

Arabella and her siblings were raised by their uncles, who shared the same beliefs as their parents and made sure to brainwash the children with the same beliefs. They were taught to despise anyone who wasn't a pureblood or half blood wizard, for they were the leaders of their world. Anyone else was just there to steal their magic, take their world away from them with their filthy, greedy hands. They told them about their parents, feeding them stories about their role as Voldemort supporters and brave sacrifice when they chose to go to Azkaban to show their undying loyalty. This life filled with luxury and hate towards others turned Arabella into a spoiled and arrogant child who thought she was better the specks of dirt they called mudbloods.

When she turned 11, Arabella was sorted into Slytherin along with her brother and sister and quickly became popular amongst her fellow purebloods. She found a large group of friends who shared the same pureblood ideals and stuck with them until the very end. She excelled at most of the classes and made sure to stay in the professor's good graces in order to get out of trouble whenever the need rose. In their eyes, she was an obedient and respectful young lady who did what she was told and knew better than to start any trouble. When in reality she considered herself to be the criminal mastermind behind her friend's antics.

Her perfect world crashed when her fourth year rolled around and her parents were freed from Azkaban along with the other Death Eaters. What should've been a wonderful and heartwarming reunion quickly turned into a nightmare. You see, Arabella and her siblings grew up thinking their parents were powerful, aristocratic figures. Ones who wanted their children to be critical thinkers, masterminds behind the Dark Lord's operations and the future of the pureblood society. What they got was two demented idiots who'd left their sanity behind in Azkaban. It seemed like Mr. and Mrs. Coben couldn't take the prison and forgot their complete identity. The children were displeased, but didn't turn their backs on the people who'd brought them into the world.

Their parents, while completely insane and unable to stop themselves from having conversations with the walls, were still loyal Dark Lord supporters. However, their insanity made them a liability to the Voldemort's inner circle and they were forced to leave his ranks. They didn't give up. They decided to offer their children to the Dark Lord to fill their places. He agreed, as long as they were properly trained. He told them to make sure their children were able to cast unforgivable curses, and they did not take this slightly.

Since Arabella was still in her third year and hadn't covered the subject of unforgivable curses in Hogwarts, it was up to her siblings to train with their parents and serve the Dark Lord. Leon, the oldest brother, had no problems when it came to curses and was given the dark mark in less than a month. Isabella, however, wasn't so lucky. Despite the hate in her heart, she couldn't harm a fly. So, seeing how weak their daughter was, her crazed parents decided to give her harder tasks in order to turn her into the warrior the Dark Lord deserved. So, when the full moon came around, they sent her to a werewolf pack with only her wand to defend herself. Arabella received news of her sister's death a day later. The news hit her like a bullet, and her grief turned into anger. At the whole werewolf race for being monsters, at her parents for thinking she would be able to curse those creatures while filled with feared, and at the Dark Lord for letting the Covens sacrifice their children without a second thought.

She spent her fourth year thinking how to avenge her sister. From plans to kill her parents, to plans to blow up every single muggle she encountered in her memory. She used a Hogsmeade visit to sneak away from the school and have her brother take her to the gang that killed her sister. Her revenge plan was still under development, but she wanted to gain the pack's trust in order to betray them later on. Being backstabbed was always more painful than being stabbed in the front, after all. She didn't get far, considering her brother had told the Dark Lord about her plan, and he sent his death eaters to retrieve her. They found her helplessly sending spell after spell at the wolves. The death eaters took her back to her family's manor, where the Dark Lord awaited.

She'd expected him to be furious. Instead, he greeted her with a smile and a proposal. He said that while her actions had been reckless and stupid, he was impressed with her eagerness to kill an entire pack of werewolves to avenge her sister. He ordered her parents to train her in the dark arts so she could become one of his death eaters. Arabella wasn't too keen on joining the Dark Lord. While she shared his ideas for pureblood supremacy, she couldn't forget how he had been one of the causes for her sister's death. Noticing her reluctance, and knowing it would be harder to make her a loyal follower if he threatened, he convinced her to join by saying that if she trained on the dark arts, he would allow her to kill the wolf gang that had killed her sister.
At first, being a death eater seemed like a dream come true. She got to learn about the dark arts, listen to the older death eaters go on and on about how purebloods are superior, and most importantly, gained the respect of the Dark Lord. Who saw her potential and decided to let her join the Death Eaters in their missions, at first just as an observant, and then an active participant.

The horrors of being a death eater dawned upon her when she was forced to carry out horrific tortures upon innocent people. She could barely mutter the cruciatus curse as her victims looked up at her in pure horror and agony, begging her to end their suffering with just their terrified expressions. What astonished the most wasn't her weak victims, however. It was the ones who instead of pain, showed nothing but anger and disdain when they saw her. Most of them were muggle-borns, the ones she'd considered weak for so long. During her time as a death eater, she often wondered what she would do if placed in the situation the muggle borns found themselves in. And no matter how much she tried to lie to herself and tried to convince herself of being stronger than the ones she used to consider as inferior, deep down she knew she would never be as brave as them. And so, her newfound respect for the people the death eaters targeted, began.

She fought the first half of the Battle of Hogwarts with the other Death Eaters, her heart breaking every time she watched a former classmate of hers fall after being hit with a killing curse. But when the fighting came to an end, and Harry Potter headed to the forbidden forest, she hid inside the castle to watch the students of Hogwarts. Bloody and filled with grief, but still eager to fight against Voldemort. For the first time in her life, Arabella felt ashamed for her actions. She felt disgusted, for letting her revenge plans turn her into a monster like her crazed parents. When Voldemort returned, she fled the battle, not wanting to see what she thought would be the massacre of the students she'd spent the past 5 years living with. But no matter the outcome of the battle, she bowed to never help the Death Eaters ever again.
Sorry, I got really carried away with this.

She can't make one. But if she could, it would be a black panther.


Family: Veronica Coven (mother - in Azkaban), Stephen Coven (father - deceased), Leon Coven (brother, whereabouts unknown), Isabella Coven (sister - deceased), Anna Coven (aunt, alive), Charles Coven (uncle, alive).

Friends:Margaret Estella Avery, Michael Michael Rosen Harriott

Best friends:

Romantic interests:




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Michael Rosen Harriott







Sexual Orientation:


Blood status:

Pure Blood



Third Year


Pine 12 1/2 inches, reasonably springy, phoenix tail feather




In Depth

An eccentric young man who always want to try new things, by new things he literally tried many different interpretation to magic, he's somewhat of a young scientist always pondering and wondering what magic exactly is, he kept making new deductions and using his advanced knowledge of quantum mechanics, transdisciplinary chemistry, biology, high energy physics and calculus to try different new applications of magic in his muggle life. Although all that time spent studying the physical world during his childhood and not knowing about magic at all made him cold, sarcastic and regard human life in experimentation an acceptable cost.
Highly advanced knowledge of muggle science.

Genius level intellect.

Deep understanding of magical concepts (Almost professor level if allowed?).

Skeptical to new spells.


Potions, Care of Magical Creatures, drawing, writing anything involving soft motor control.

Weak immune system, frequently ill and physically unimposing.
Greasy food.

Any mainstream songs.

Smell of grass and flowers.


Arrogance (Only he can be arrogant in his eyes).

Disturbed when he's pondering about an issue.

Quidditch and Quidditch players.
Experimentation of spells and magical objects.

Proposing new postulates on magic.

Sleeping in class.
Favorite class:
Transfiguration and Charms

Least Favourite class:

Other than those two
Michael was born in a small cottage in unknown parts of London, his mother died during childbirth and his father died when he was just 2 due to a lung cancer and the sorrows of losing his wife. Spending three years in the orphanage he always read a copy of "Fundamentals of Physics" and like others he didn't understand a single word of it, only after being taught basic arithmetic he finally taught himself calculus from a copy of Euclid's Elements and finally he found the wisdom behind it. After writing a science fair article on QED he was adopted and spent the rest of his childhood mastering quantum mechanics, all living a happy life, until a certain letter came for him.
The rest will be revealed in story


Unknown biological father
Unknown biological mother
Dr. Michelle Harriott (Adoptive mother)


Best Friends:


Romantic Interests:
Stephanie, A childhood crush when he was 8, died in a car crash.


I think that's about it, I need help sorting him
I'm gonna drop a little secret; I'm a sucker for genius characters. You're accepted! I definitely see him as a Ravenclaw.
Name: Margaret Estella Avery
Nickname: Maggie/Mags/Marge/Margie
Age: 17
Gender: female
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual
Blood status: pure-blood
House: Slytherin
Year: 7th
Wand: laurel wood, 12 3/4", dragon heartstring, rigid flexibility
Appearance: reddish-brown hair, brown eyes, 5' 11" tall, slim build (face claim: Karen Gillan)

Extras: barely noticable freckles across the bridge of her nose, dark mark on her left forearm, grazing scar across her right shoulder

In Depth

Though her trust is hard to gain, she is fiercely loyal to those that earn it. And, like most of her house, she is not 'evil', she purely prefers to guard her kind heart with walls of sarcasm and biting remarks. Margaret tends to be an accepting and thoughtful person, though she will only stake her heart on something if she's completely sure she will come out of the 'battle' unscathed- part of the main reason she feels shame about the mark on her arm she was forced to take. Never one to take defeat lightly, Margaret will find ways to win at something, as long as those methods do not go below her dignity. Her dignity and morals are very important to the young snake, and one of the only times she will lash out is when someone accuses her of abandoning them, or brings up low moments when she has. Not one to loose her head, she prefers to think something through before taking action, whether it be something for pleasure or sacrifice. Lastly, though she is prideful, Margaret is willing to admit when she is wrong, no matter how it pains her.
Strengths: ambitious, thoughtful, creative, self-confident, cunning, kind
Weaknesses: cunning, blunt, prideful, reserved, sarcastic
Likes: purple, the library, cats, mornings, chai tea, sweets
Dislikes: arrogance, too-hot days, bad marks, scratchy clothing, spiders
Hobbies: reading, painting, pranking idiots who fall asleep in class
Favorite class: potions
Least favorite class: divination
Backstory: Daughter of the Avery family, one of the Sacred 28 families of the wizarding world, Margaret grew up surrounded by the same pure-blood attitude as many others of her high status - such as the Malfoys, Blacks, and Parkinsons - which led her to be a bit of a brat like the children of those families. This lasted through about her fifth year, as she spent much of her time gossiping about the stupid gryffindors and such, when her father first approached her about joining the death eaters. Margaret initially refused, as she had spent a lot of her time around students such as her ravenclaw friends; she may have felt superior to those of mixed or muggle blood, but she felt no malice towards them. Then, the choice was taken out of her hands when You-Know-Who threatened her, her brothers and sisters, and her mother unless at least one of her father's children joined. Being the eldest, he of course meant her. The next eldest of her siblings was a third year at the time, and there was no way she was letting him being dragged into the mess that was the death eaters.
Patronus: lynx


Family: father- Evan Adrian Avery, mother- Colleen Marie Avery-Abbott, sisters- Elaine Lily Avery, Marleen Alya Avery, brothers- Elliot Grayson Avery, Joshua Michael Avery
Friends: to be determined
Best friends: to be determined (pm me)
Romantic interests: to be determined
Rivals: to be determined

(if anything needs fixing let me know hun!)
Looks good! You're in!
Arabella Coven




Sexual Orientation:
Bisexual, but has a preference for girls.

Blood status:


6th year.

13 inches, blackthorn wood and dragon heartstring.

She has a long scar on her left thigh, a scar on her cheek, and the scar of her dark mark in her forearm.

In Depth

Upon meeting Arabella, one would think they'd stumbled upon royalty. She holds herself as a queen, with an ego as big as Hogwarts itself. Her confidence makes her quite popular with the ladies (and the occasional man), and she's known for being a massive flirt. However, she is not one for relationships. She prefers having an affair with no strings attached than find an actual partner. In all honestly, she's afraid of growing attached to others. Arabella is a clever and persuasive girl who likes to achieve great things and never gives up once she was a clear goal and a strong motivation. She firmly believes brains are more important than strength, something she learned from her countless fights with siblings while growing up. With this in mind, it's important to know Arabella likes manipulating people. She likes having power, knowing she can control others by just pulling a few strings in their minds and likes messing with people just for a few laughs. Being a good liar really helps with her desire to control others, being a good actress and being able to change her entire demeanour when she had to pretend to be someone else has gotten her out of thousands of troubles. A damsel in distress? She pretend to be one. A psychopathic witch threatening to burn down the world? Same thing. She's incredibly proud of her intelligence and ability to make up elaborate plans in just a few seconds. The girl has a unquenchable thirst for knowledge and her curiosity is one of her strongest characteristics. She's an eccentric girl who doesn't mind standing up for her beliefs.

Arabella is incredibly loyal to the ones she cares for and turns aggressive when someone hurts the ones she cares for in any way. When it comes to revenge, she's an expert. Her plans are elaborate, delicate and well thought out, and she doesn't like it when the person she was supposed to hurt leaves without any injuries. She doesn't like to act recklessly, but she finds it impossible to control her temper. The girl holds a sharp tongue, and likes to throw one or two well-thought insults every now and then. Sometimes this leads to trouble, but it's worth it. It's important to know that Belladonna is cocky and slightly arrogant, especially when she does something right.

She is by no means a serious person and tries to bring humour to every situation. Her humour is not what most people would call light-hearted and not everyone appreciates it. But for what it's worth, her dark humour has served its moments during though times when all seemed lost, especially during the war. She does care more about herself than she cares about others, and her help is exclusive. She will only help those who could become allies or share her beliefs. The others...they're on their own. She is by no means scared of adventures. In fact, she's rather fond of them.

+ Good duelist
+ Exceptional liar and manipulator
+ Quick learner
+ Her intellect

- Not physically strong, nor agile
- Uncontrollable temper
- Afraid of heights
- Extremely possessive and obsessive
- Cowardly


- Magic, especially the dark arts.
- Learning

- Reading

- Writing

- Sweets

- Wizard chess

- Potions

- Being ignored.
- Heights

- Dementors

- The full moon

- Giving up

- Betrayal

- Sports


- She's in the duelling club

- Loves reading

- She doesn't have the best voice, but she loves singing.

Favorite class:
Charms and potions

Least favorite class:
Care of Magical Creatures

Born into a pureblood family, Arabella grew up with the powerful "Magic is Might" and "For the Greater Good" mottos brought to the world by the most powerful wizards of the century. Her parents were devoted supporters of Lord Voldemort who were known for being some of the Dark Lord's most powerful supporters. With respect from the Ministry of Magic himself and a place in the Dark Lord's inner circle, the heads of the Coven family couldn't be more successful. When their lord fell in the hands of Harry Potter, they claimed to be spies for the Ministry and blamed others for their crimes. They were pardoned and able to have three children; Leon, Isabella and Arabella. But, as luck would have it, Mr. and Mrs. Coven were betrayed by some of their oldest friends, who told the Minister about their crimes and how they'd blamed others for their actions. The Ministry quickly took action and sent the two of them to Azkaban, leaving their children with their aunt and uncle.

Arabella and her siblings were raised by their uncles, who shared the same beliefs as their parents and made sure to brainwash the children with the same beliefs. They were taught to despise anyone who wasn't a pureblood or half blood wizard, for they were the leaders of their world. Anyone else was just there to steal their magic, take their world away from them with their filthy, greedy hands. They told them about their parents, feeding them stories about their role as Voldemort supporters and brave sacrifice when they chose to go to Azkaban to show their undying loyalty. This life filled with luxury and hate towards others turned Arabella into a spoiled and arrogant child who thought she was better the specks of dirt they called mudbloods.

When she turned 11, Arabella was sorted into Slytherin along with her brother and sister and quickly became popular amongst her fellow purebloods. She found a large group of friends who shared the same pureblood ideals and stuck with them until the very end. She excelled at most of the classes and made sure to stay in the professor's good graces in order to get out of trouble whenever the need rose. In their eyes, she was an obedient and respectful young lady who did what she was told and knew better than to start any trouble. When in reality she considered herself to be the criminal mastermind behind her friend's antics.

Her perfect world crashed when her fourth year rolled around and her parents were freed from Azkaban along with the other Death Eaters. What should've been a wonderful and heartwarming reunion quickly turned into a nightmare. You see, Arabella and her siblings grew up thinking their parents were powerful, aristocratic figures. Ones who wanted their children to be critical thinkers, masterminds behind the Dark Lord's operations and the future of the pureblood society. What they got was two demented idiots who'd left their sanity behind in Azkaban. It seemed like Mr. and Mrs. Coben couldn't take the prison and forgot their complete identity. The children were displeased, but didn't turn their backs on the people who'd brought them into the world.

Their parents, while completely insane and unable to stop themselves from having conversations with the walls, were still loyal Dark Lord supporters. However, their insanity made them a liability to the Voldemort's inner circle and they were forced to leave his ranks. They didn't give up. They decided to offer their children to the Dark Lord to fill their places. He agreed, as long as they were properly trained. He told them to make sure their children were able to cast unforgivable curses, and they did not take this slightly.

Since Arabella was still in her third year and hadn't covered the subject of unforgivable curses in Hogwarts, it was up to her siblings to train with their parents and serve the Dark Lord. Leon, the oldest brother, had no problems when it came to curses and was given the dark mark in less than a month. Isabella, however, wasn't so lucky. Despite the hate in her heart, she couldn't harm a fly. So, seeing how weak their daughter was, her crazed parents decided to give her harder tasks in order to turn her into the warrior the Dark Lord deserved. So, when the full moon came around, they sent her to a werewolf pack with only her wand to defend herself. Arabella received news of her sister's death a day later. The news hit her like a bullet, and her grief turned into anger. At the whole werewolf race for being monsters, at her parents for thinking she would be able to curse those creatures while filled with feared, and at the Dark Lord for letting the Covens sacrifice their children without a second thought.

She spent her fourth year thinking how to avenge her sister. From plans to kill her parents, to plans to blow up every single muggle she encountered in her memory. She used a Hogsmeade visit to sneak away from the school and have her brother take her to the gang that killed her sister. Her revenge plan was still under development, but she wanted to gain the pack's trust in order to betray them later on. Being backstabbed was always more painful than being stabbed in the front, after all. She didn't get far, considering her brother had told the Dark Lord about her plan, and he sent his death eaters to retrieve her. They found her helplessly sending spell after spell at the wolves. The death eaters took her back to her family's manor, where the Dark Lord awaited.

She'd expected him to be furious. Instead, he greeted her with a smile and a proposal. He said that while her actions had been reckless and stupid, he was impressed with her eagerness to kill an entire pack of werewolves to avenge her sister. He ordered her parents to train her in the dark arts so she could become one of his death eaters. Arabella wasn't too keen on joining the Dark Lord. While she shared his ideas for pureblood supremacy, she couldn't forget how he had been one of the causes for her sister's death. Noticing her reluctance, and knowing it would be harder to make her a loyal follower if he threatened, he convinced her to join by saying that if she trained on the dark arts, he would allow her to kill the wolf gang that had killed her sister.
At first, being a death eater seemed like a dream come true. She got to learn about the dark arts, listen to the older death eaters go on and on about how purebloods are superior, and most importantly, gained the respect of the Dark Lord. Who saw her potential and decided to let her join the Death Eaters in their missions, at first just as an observant, and then an active participant.

The horrors of being a death eater dawned upon her when she was forced to carry out horrific tortures upon innocent people. She could barely mutter the cruciatus curse as her victims looked up at her in pure horror and agony, begging her to end their suffering with just their terrified expressions. What astonished the most wasn't her weak victims, however. It was the ones who instead of pain, showed nothing but anger and disdain when they saw her. Most of them were muggle-borns, the ones she'd considered weak for so long. During her time as a death eater, she often wondered what she would do if placed in the situation the muggle borns found themselves in. And no matter how much she tried to lie to herself and tried to convince herself of being stronger than the ones she used to consider as inferior, deep down she knew she would never be as brave as them. And so, her newfound respect for the people the death eaters targeted, began.

She fought the first half of the Battle of Hogwarts with the other Death Eaters, her heart breaking every time she watched a former classmate of hers fall after being hit with a killing curse. But when the fighting came to an end, and Harry Potter headed to the forbidden forest, she hid inside the castle to watch the students of Hogwarts. Bloody and filled with grief, but still eager to fight against Voldemort. For the first time in her life, Arabella felt ashamed for her actions. She felt disgusted, for letting her revenge plans turn her into a monster like her crazed parents. When Voldemort returned, she fled the battle, not wanting to see what she thought would be the massacre of the students she'd spent the past 5 years living with. But no matter the outcome of the battle, she bowed to never help the Death Eaters ever again.
Sorry, I got really carried away with this.

She can't make one. But if she could, it would be a black panther.


Family: Veronica Coven (mother - in Azkaban), Stephen Coven (father - deceased), Leon Coven (brother, whereabouts unknown), Isabella Coven (sister - deceased), Anna Coven (aunt, alive), Charles Coven (uncle, alive).


Best friends:

Romantic interests:


View attachment 381083
It's so long.... so detailed...so...so beautiful! You're in!
Daniel Lewis




Sexual Orientation:

Blood status:
Muggle Born


6th year

12 inches, holly wood and unicorn hair

Extras: He's got a long scar on his back and a few more on his chest.

In Depth

Daniel is perhaps the friendliest person anyone could ever meet. Helpful, loyal and honest, he is what most people in Hogwarts think of when they think of Hufflepuff. He's an incredibly kind soul who is always ready to help those in need and always tries to extend his good heart to everyone. His got a very warm heart thats always open, causing him to be both caring and incredibly naive to the cruel ways of people. He is an incredibly innocent soul who thinks everyone can be good and kind. Or at least, he was until the war began. After witnessing the cruelty Voldemort and his death eaters were capable of, he's not so sure about the "kindness in everyone" idea.

Daniel is also brave and ready to stand up for his beliefs, no matter the consequences. It is not easy to keep him quiet and away from saying what he truly believes in. This is not to say he's a troublemaker. Quite the opposite. He'll usually follow the rules if he finds them reasonable and tries not to cause unnecessary trouble.

- Really good in a broom
- Good reflexes
- Charismatic
- Good with animals

- Naive
- Too trusting of others
- He's claustrophobic
- Potions
- Not a very good student

- Writing
- Candy
- Quidditch (he's in the Hufflepuff team as a chaser)
- Music

- Death Eaters
- Hypocrisy
- Arrogance
- Spiders

- He plays the guitar
- Loves writing

Favorite class:
History of Magic and Care of Magical Creatures

Least favorite class:

Daniel will always be grateful of being born in a wonderful family and being given a great childhood. He was born in a muggle family as the oldest of two children. He had a relatively normal childhood with loving parents and an annoying but fun younger sister . When he was eleven and his letter arrived, his parents were weary to let him go off on his own to become a wizard at such a young age, but they let him go anyways.
He was sorted into Hufflepuff and spend no time fitting in with the other students. Thanks to his kind and outgoing personality, he quickly became popular amongst his peers. When the war arrived, he tried to stay out of it until Severus Snape became headmaster and the Carrows brought a new age of suffering to Hogwarts. Furious at the death eaters for torturing the students, Daniel began protesting against the Carrows and the new headmaster. Breaking the rules, helping students, and doing everything he could to anger the death eaters made him popular amongst death eaters as another teenager with dreams of revolution. To end with his resistance, some death eaters marched up to where his parents and sister were hiding, and murdered his sister to teach him a lesson. While heartbroken over the news, Daniel knew he couldn't stop fighting. He fought in the battle of Hogwarts with his fellow classmates and professors and cheered when Voldemort was killed.

A rabbit.


Family: Maya Lewis, mother. John Lewis, father.
Violet Lewis, deceased younger sister.

Friends: Pm me if interested.

Best friends: Benjamin Selwyn, Connor Bright

Romantic interests: Pm me if interested.

Rivals: Pm me if interested.

He's a Hufflepuff prefect.
Last edited:
Name*: Connor Bright
Nickname: Con, Bright
Age*: 17
Gender*: Male
Sexual Orientation*: Bisexual, but prefers men
Blood status*: Pure Blood
House*: Ravenclaw
Year*: 7th year
Wand*: Fir wood with phoenix feather core, 14 1/2 ", hard flexibility
Spencer Boldman.jpg
Extras*: He has not extras

In Depth

Connor is a very smart individual, and spend a lot of his time living up to the name of the Bright Family. He is very caring although sometimes it takes him a bit to catch on to other peoples feelings and emotions. Based on his upbringing he has a very hard time helping those, his father has instilled in his mind that those who can't succeed on their own don't deserve the help of those who are. But slowly over time he has started to break those word and work to help his friends around him. After participating in the battle of Hogwarts, Connor saw a major shift in his personality, his care for people intensified, while at the same time so did his skepticism of everything, He slowly has moved away even though he still gets a little freaked out when certain things happen every now and again

-Intellect, he is able to recall information quickly
-Family Name, might not seem like a strength, but it comes with its perks
-Well versed in charms and defense magic
-His friends, He feels stronger when they are around

-He can be too trusting

-His pet owl, Hal

-Being made to feel inferior
-Special Treatment

-Learning about Magic
-like to go for runs,

Favorite class:

Least favorite class:

Connor grew up in a very happy household, his family was always encouraging them to do their best, but act with the air of prestige of the Bright names. They were always having a good time, his siblings and them, they were all fairly close in age, Connor is the second oldest with his younger twin sibling a year below him and his older brother is two years older then him. His father always encouraged them to put there mind to anything and they will master it. But don't let it be forgotten that Connor's dad was hard on them as they entered Hogwarts. He was focused on making sure they were studying and doing all of their work, not slacking off. But he was always making sure they were okay. It was nice and like all of his family before them he made it into his destined Ravenclaw house. No member of the Bright family, blood or married in, had come from another house.

-Deerhound, the same patronus as those in his family old enough to cast.


- Travis Bright (Dad)
- Terra Bright (mom)
-Bray Bright ( oldest brother)
-Jenna Bright (younger Sister)
-Fallen Bright ( younger brother)

-Alexandrine Le Paradis
-Jason Salvator
-Persia Trust (frenemies)

Best friends:
-Daniel Lewis
-Benjamin Selwyn

Romantic interests:
-PM Me

-Michael Rosen Harriott
-Persia Trust (frenemies)

He is a Ravenclaw prefect​
Last edited:
Name*: Connor Bright
Nickname: Con, Bright
Age*: 17
Gender*: Male
Sexual Orientation*: Bisexual, but prefers men
Blood status*: Pure Blood
House*: Ravenclaw
Year*: 7th year
Wand*: Fir wood with phoenix feather core, 14 1/2 ", hard flexibility
View attachment 381087
Extras*: He has not extras

In Depth

Connor is a very smart individual, and spend a lot of his time living up to the name of the Bright Family. He is very caring although sometimes it takes him a bit to catch on to other peoples feelings and emotions. Based on his upbringing he has a very hard time helping those, his father has instilled in his mind that those who can't succeed on their own don't deserve the help of those who are. But slowly over time he has started to break those word and work to help his friends around him.

-Intellect, he is able to recall information quickly
-Family Name, might not seem like a strength, but it comes with its perks
-Well versed in charms and defense magic
-His friends, He feels stronger when they are around

-He can be too trusting

-His pet owl, Hal

-Being made to feel inferior
-Special Treatment

-Learning about Magic
-like to go for runs,

Favorite class:

Least favorite class:

Connor grew up in a very happy household, his family was always encouraging them to do their best, but act with the air of prestige of the Bright names. They were always having a good time, his siblings and them, they were all fairly close in age, Connor is the second oldest with his younger twin sibling a year below him and his older brother is two years older then him. His father always encouraged them to put there mind to anything and they will master it. But don't let it be forgotten that Connor's dad was hard on them as they entered Hogwarts. He was focused on making sure they were studying and doing all of their work, not slacking off. But he was always making sure they were okay. It was nice and like all of his family before them he made it into his destined Ravenclaw house. No member of the Bright family, blood or married in, had come from another house.

-Deerhound, the same patronus as those in his family old enough to cast.


- Travis Bright (Dad)
- Terra Bright (mom)
-Bray Bright ( oldest brother)
-Jenna Bright (younger Sister)
-Fallen Bright ( younger brother)

-PM Me

Best friends:
-PM Me

Romantic interests:
-PM Me

-PM Me

(( let me now if i need to change anything))​
Looks good! You're in.
Name: Benjamin Selwyn
Nickname: Ben, Benny- (only by those close to him)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Blood status: Half-Blood
House: Gryfinndor
Year: 7th
Wand: 13 2/4" Black Walnut, Dragon Heartstrings Core, Rigid

Extras: One scar along his right forearm. and several along his back.

In Depth

Personality: Loyalty personified is the perfect way to describe Benjamin. He is the perfect example of a Gryfinndor in itself, being kind to all who approach him even those in houses such as Slytherin. Ben has always been the one to stand up in order to protect his friends ad his beliefs. He could also be seen as cliquish since he has a tightly knit circle of friends that he only seems to accept socially, he is also a fierce wizard when it comes to protecting his friends and loved ones even if it means laying down his own life or putting himself in danger just to ensure their safety. Benjamin also tends to be a bit too honest with people which gains him as many friends as it does enemies. Though through all of that he is very humble and often sells himself short of what he really is and often strays from his true potential.
Strengths: Knowledgeable with charms, Quick thinking, Exceptional reflexes, Discerning
Weaknesses: Self-doubting, Often blames himself, Too Impulsive
Likes: Charms, Cats, Honesty, Quidditch, and Dueling, Chocolate Frog Cards, Writing.
Dislikes: Liars, Death Eaters, The Ministry of Magic, Snakes, Transfiguration
Hobbies: Dueling Club, Making Music, Practicing Charms
Favorite class: Charms
Least favorite class: Herbology
Other: He has a cat named Karma
The odd one out. That's how you could describe Benjamin, as he was growing up, he was the result of an affair between his pure-blood father and a muggle woman back before he remarried to another pure-blood resulting in him being the only half-blood out of three children, while his parents were supporters of pure blood supremacy they naturally alienated him despite being the first born. Growing up in an environment like that only pushed Ben to move away from those beliefs while his sisters chose to follow their parents to work under the Ministry while Benjamin strayed from that path in order to find his own truth.

During his first year at Hogwarts he was sorted into Gryfinndor while Two years later both his half sisters were sorted into Slytherin house, casing an even bigger divide between them all, as the years went by Ben progressed as a wizard quite well and ended up surpassing his siblings and his parents expectations despite their blood beliefs which he was proud to achieve in hopes of bringing his family back together again and dropping these silly ideals.

During his second year he met Sabrina Hawthorne a pure-blood Ravenclaw witch whom he'd become fairly close with and ended up becoming his long term girlfriend up until their 6th year when the attack on Hogwarts occurred, the death eaters took the two of them hostage along with a few first years from each house, in an attempt to get students to join their ranks or die in that very spot. A few students broke down and said yes just out of fear from dying, others because they wanted power. Sabrina however put up a fight and naturally they tortured her, two of the unforgivable curses on her until using Dementors to kill her in front of him. Which broke whatever spirit he had left and sent him on a rampage, taking out the obviously inexperienced death eaters. He's suppressed the rest of that night from his memories but he ended up burying his closest friends and Girlfriend the next day.

Ever since that day he's shut himself off from almost everyone except those he considers friends or those who suffered the same loss as him, but Ben did gain an unhealthy hatred for most death eater and those associated with them which he doubts will ever leave him for quite some time.
Patronus: Lion


Lucian Selwyn (Father: Alive) Katherine Selwyn (Step-mother: Alive)
Hannah Selwyn (Sister: Whereabouts unknown) Marissa Selwyn (Sister: Deceased)
Annabelle Withers (Mother: Whereabouts unknown)

Friends: (Estranged)-Alexandrine Le Paradís, Persia Trust, Margaret Estella Avery-(Acquaintance)
Best friends: Daniel Lewis, Connor Bright
Romantic interests: Pm if interested
Rivals: Arabella Coven, Jason Salvator
Extra: He's a Gryfinndor Prefect
Last edited:
Name: Benjamin Selwyn
Nickname: Ben, Benny- (only by those close to him)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Blood status: Half-Blood
House: Gryfinndor
Year: 7th
Wand: 13 2/4" Black Walnut, Dragon Heartstrings Core, Rigid

Extras: One scar along his right forearm. and several along his back.

In Depth

Personality: Loyalty personified is the perfect way to describe Benjamin. He is the perfect example of a Gryfinndor in itself, being kind to all who approach him even those in houses such as Slytherin. Ben has always been the one to stand up in order to protect his friends ad his beliefs. He could also be seen as cliquish since he has a tightly knit circle of friends that he only seems to accept socially, he is also a fierce wizard when it comes to protecting his friends and loved ones even if it means laying down his own life or putting himself in danger just to ensure their safety. Benjamin also tends to be a bit too honest with people which gains him as many friends as it does enemies. Though through all of that he is very humble and often sells himself short of what he really is and often strays from his true potential.
Strengths: Knowledgeable with charms, Quick thinking, Exceptional reflexes, Discerning
Weaknesses: Self-doubting, Often blames himself, Too Impulsive
Likes: Charms, Cats, Honesty, Quidditch, and Dueling, Chocolate Frog Cards, Writing.
Dislikes: Liars, Death Eaters, The Ministry of Magic, Snakes, Transfiguration
Hobbies: Dueling, Making Music, Practicing Charms
Favorite class: Charms
Least favorite class: Herbology
The odd one out. That's how you could describe Benjamin, as he was growing up, he was the result of an affair between his pure-blood father and a muggle woman back before he remarried to another pure-blood resulting in him being the only half-blood out of three children, while his parents were supporters of pure blood supremacy they naturally alienated him despite being the first born. Growing up in an environment like that only pushed Ben to move away from those beliefs while his sisters chose to follow their parents to work under the Ministry while Benjamin strayed from that path in order to find his own truth.

During his first year at Hogwarts he was sorted into Gryfinndor while Two years later both his half sisters were sorted into Slytherin house, casing an even bigger divide between them all, as the years went by Ben progressed as a wizard quite well and ended up surpassing his siblings and his parents expectations despite their blood beliefs which he was proud to achieve in hopes of bringing his family back together again and dropping these silly ideals.

During his second year he met Sabrina Hawthorne a pure-blood Ravenclaw witch whom he'd become fairly close with and ended up becoming his long term girlfriend up until their 6th year when the attack on Hogwarts occurred, the death eaters took the two of them hostage along with a few first years from each house, in an attempt to get students to join their ranks or die in that very spot. A few students broke down and said yes just out of fear from dying, others because they wanted power. Sabrina however put up a fight and naturally they tortured her, two of the unforgivable curses on her until using Dementors to kill her in front of him. Which broke whatever spirit he had left and sent him on a rampage, taking out the obviously inexperienced death eaters. He's suppressed the rest of that night from his memories but he ended up burying his closest friends and Girlfriend the next day.

Ever since that day he's shut himself off from almost everyone except those he considers friends or those who suffered the same loss as him, but Ben did gain an unhealthy hatred for most death eater and those associated with them which he doubts will ever leave him for quite some time.
Patronus: Lion


Lucian Selwyn (Father: Alive) Katherine Selwyn (Step-mother: Alive)
Hannah Selwyn (Sister: Whereabouts unknown) Marissa Selwyn (Sister: Deceased)
Annabelle Withers (Mother: Whereabouts unknown)

Friends: Pm if interested
Best friends: Pm if Interested
Romantic interests: Pm if interested
Rivals: Pm if interested
How very interesting, I do love a good tragedy. Accepted!

Alexandrine Le Paradís




Sexual Orientation:
(Prefers men)

Blood status:



Reed, Phoenix feather core, 11 3/4”, hard flexibility.

She’s got a long scar running along the outside of her right thigh, a few small scars on the palm of her hands, a large scar across her left forearm, and a few small ones on her waist. She has ear piercings, a belly button piercing, and a tattoo of a raven on her back.

Alexandrine has a look that says ‘stay away’. She generally keeps to herself, but most who know her will love her. She’s bold and brave with a sharp tongue that fiends off most people, wether friend or foe and can be seen as quite blunt in this. She’s very smart and clever, playing every scenario in her head before she acts. Of course, she’s also very negative and pessimistic on the outside as well, and by all means can be a destroyer of dreams.
But wether it be friends or family she’s loyal till the end and would sacrifice all to save them, even if she’s rare to express any heartfelt emotions. She’s very deep and thoughtful, curious and observant and you can guarantee she’s got a sharp eye on everyone.

+ Understanding
+ Deep
+ Quick-thinker
+ Patient
+ Loyal
+ Reserved
+ Bold
+ Smart
+ Protective

- People bringing up her past
- Doesn’t trust easily
- Has a tendency to overthink
- Nosey
- Dislikes most people
- Comes off as uncaring
- Self-conscious
- Self-doubting

~ Writing
~ Books
~ Exploring
~ Animals
~ No shallow people
~ Quidditch

- Death Eaters
- The Ministry Of Magic
- Slytherin House
- Arrogance
- Loud people
- Liars

Reading, listening to music, walking, writing in her journal, and drawing.

Favorite class:
Care of Magical Creatures

Least favorite class:
History of Magic

Alex was the result of a short relationship existing of her pure-blooded father and muggle mother. The second he found out of the pregnancy, he was gone. Alexandrine lived happily as a child, it just being her and her mother, whom embraced Alexandrine’s gifts with an open arms. Until she met another man. The relationship grew serious, and then he moved in. He instantly expressed a distaste for Alexandrine, but only when her mother wasn’t looking. He hated the thought of magic, and shamed her for it. Alex tried to tell her mother, but her mother did not see it herself, so she refused to believe it at all. Slowly, she became more and more quiet.

Her mother married him, and together they had two twins, both boys. Cass, and Mason. The boys took an instant liking to her, only being two years younger than Alex. The family cherished the boys, and she was able to look past her jealously as they too, watched Alex suffer at hands of her father. Betrayed by her mother, and abused by her step-father, her two brothers were the only things she cherished dearly. She’d do anything for them. After countless pleadings, she, and her brothers, were allowed to attend Hogwarts.

The moment she stepped foot in Hogwarts she loved it. Finally feeling as if she belonged somewhere. She made a plenty amount of friends. And finally her brothers joined her when they came of age. Because of her brothers being muggles, a select few began to bully them, but not for long, anyone to mess with her brothers would often get a beating by Alex, whom was very practiced at dueling, able to get a quicker grasp on casting than most. She always looked out for them. In her fifth year she took a liking to a Slytherin boy by the name of Michael. His charms broke Alex’s defenseive barriars before she could blink. He never interacted with her brothers however, and though it always seemed strange he way he acted around then, she brushed it off.

Alexandrine fell deeply for him, and the relationship lasted for nearly almost two years until her 6th year. Everything changed. When battle struck Hogwarts and war raged against Voldemort, Michael took her by the hand, gently and claimed he saw Cass and Mason earlier. She followed him, eager to make sure her brothers were safe. Instead he led her down countless hallways and Alex grew suddenly wary but it was too late. Against her angry cries and curses he dragged her into a rather empty room, where some other Death Eaters had taken their own hostages to try and convert them, but most failed by now. Some students were already dead when they arrived. Others had joined of fear it seemed. It was Michaels turn now. He pleaded for Alexandrine to join them, but she refused, feeling betrayed and horrified she had loved someone with such terrible ideals and morals.

Michael, terrified of disappointing the Dark Lord, and angry that he did not get her to join, became vengeful. Michael and his accomplices attacked her, she fended them off for what seemed like ages, but she couldn’t hold them back, eventually deflecting their countless spells tired her and just as she sunk to her knees, weakened and beaten, Cass and Mason found her admist the chaos, bursting into the empty chamber with a look of triumph in their bright eyes that quickly faded to alarm at seeing Alexandrine in a heap, and as she looked up to the door, her eyes widened and she screamed in warning, yelling for them to go. Michael fired the torturing curse at her to silence her. With Alexandrine helpless, and in the middle of her torturing from an unforgivable curse, her brothers were no match for them. They were killed off like flies as each killing curse hit them squarely in the chest and they slumped to the floor. She watched them die in her torture, as if in slow motion, she watched the light leave their eyes before they even hit the ground. Michael’s accomplices left but he stayed. He needed to stall. Find a way to explain how he failed to gain more over to the Dark Lord’s side. She was tortured some more before Michael took his leave. As his footsteps faded her eyes closed and everything went black.

Her friends found her shortly after the battle was over, all of them exhausted and changed, but none such as Alexandrine. They found her unconscious, covered in bruises and scars, a limp hand outstretched to the bodies of Mason and Cass. A few death eaters lie dead next to her, their deaths a mystery. After Alexandrine made a recovery in the infirmiry, she buried her brothers alone. She didn’t speak a word to anyone for months. Sometimes disappearing for weeks on end from her classes. She’s never been the same since, isolating herself away from her friends, and now barely able to glance in a mirror without feeling anything but shame. Instead her heart only churns with something dark and empty. Her hatred for the Death Eaters runs deep, and some day she hopes to reunite with Michael once again.

To finish what he started.

Meredith Paradís (Mother, alive)
Renè Paradís (Step-father, alive)
Mason Paradís (Half-brother, deceased)
Mason Paradís (Half-brother, deceased)
Jack Walker (Biological father, unknown)

PM me!
• Benjamin Selwyn (Estranged)
• Connor Bright
• Michael Harriott (Loves him like a lil brother)
• Barry Elliot Noble (Estranged)

(Hated/disliked acquaintances):
PM me!
• Arabella Coven
• Michael Peters (NPC)

(Significant Other):
PM me!

Voice claim:
Anne Hathaway

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Alexandrine Le Paradís




Sexual Orientation:
(Prefers men)

Blood status:



Reed, Phoenix feather core, 11 3/4”, hard flexibility.

She’s got a long scar running along the outside of her right thigh, along with ear piercings, a belly button piercing, and a tattoo of a raven on her back.

Alexandrine has a look that says ‘stay away’. She generally keeps to herself, but most who know her will love her. She’s bold and brave with a sharp tongue that fiends off most people, wether friend or foe and can be seen as quite blunt in this. She’s very smart and clever, playing every scenario in her head before she acts. Of course, she’s also very negative and pessimistic on the outside as well, and by all means can be a destroyer of dreams.
But wether it be friends or family she’s loyal till the end and would sacrifice all to save them, even if she’s rare to express any heartfelt emotions. She’s very deep and thoughtful, curious and observant and you can guarantee she’s got a sharp eye on everyone.

+ Understanding
+ Deep
+ Quick-thinker
+ Patient
+ Loyal
+ Reserved
+ Bold
+ Smart
+ Protective

- People bringing up her past
- Doesn’t trust easily
- Has a tendency to overthink
- Nosey
- Dislikes most people
- Can even be a bit competitor at times
- Comes off as uncaring
- Self-conscious
- Self-doubting

~ Writing
~ Books
~ Exploring
~ Animals
~ No shallow people
~ Quidditch

- Death Eaters
- The Ministry Of Magic
- Slytherin House
- Arrogance
- Loud people
- Liars

Reading, listening to music, walking, writing in her journal, and drawing.

Favorite class:
Care of Magical Creatures

Least favorite class:
History of Magic

Alex was the result of a short relationship existing of her pure-blooded father and muggle mother. The second he found out of the pregnancy, he was gone. Alexandrine lived happily as a child, it just being her and her mother, whom embraced Alexandrine’s gifts with an open arms. Until she met another man. The relationship grew serious, and then he moved in. He instantly expressed a distaste for Alexandrine, but only when her mother wasn’t looking. He hated the thought of magic, and shamed her for it. Alex tried to tell her mother, but her mother did not see it herself, so she refused to believe it at all. Slowly, she became more and more quiet.

Her mother married him, and together they had two twins, both boys. Cass, and Mason. The boys took an instant liking to her, only being two years younger than Alex. The family cherished the boys, and she was able to look past her jealously as they too, watched Alex suffer at hands of her father. Betrayed by her mother, and abused by her step-father, her two brothers were the only things she cherished dearly. She’d do anything for them. After countless pleadings, she, and her brothers, were allowed to attend Hogwarts.

The moment she stepped foot in Hogwarts she loved it. Finally feeling as if she belonged somewhere. She made a plenty amount of friends. And finally her brothers joined her when they came of age. Because of her brothers being muggles, a select few began to bully them, but not for long, anyone to mess with her brothers would often get a beating by Alex, whom was very practiced at dueling, able to get a quicker grasp on casting than most. She always looked out for them. In her fifth year she took a liking to a Slytherin boy by the name of Michael. His charms broke Alex’s defenseive barriars before she could blink. He never interacted with her brothers however, and though it always seemed strange he way he acted around then, she brushed it off.

Alexandrine fell deeply for him, and the relationship lasted for nearly almost two years until her 6th year. Everything changed. Michael revealed himself to be a death eater as battle struck at Hogwarts. He pleaded for Alexandrine to join them, but when she refused, Michael and his accomplices attacked her, she fended them off for what seemed like ages, but she couldn’t hold them back, just as she sunk to her knees, weakened and beaten, Cass and Mason finally found her admits the chaos. But there were too many. With Alexandrine helpless, and in the middle of her torturing from an unforgivable curse, her brothers were no match for them. She watched them die.

Her friends found her shortly after the battle was over, unconscious. A few death eaters lie dead next to her, but the majority were already gone. After Alexandrine made a recovery, she buried her brothers. She’s never been the same since.

Meredith Paradís (Mother, alive)
Renè Paradís (Step-father, alive)
Mason Paradís (Half-brother, deceased)
Mason Paradís (Half-brother, deceased)
Jack Walker (Biological father, unknown)

PM me!

PM me!

(Significant Other):
PM me!

Voice claim:
Anne Hathaway


I like the goth vibe. Accepted!
Jason Salvator




--Sexual Orientation--

--Blood status--


Year Six

12" Rosewood, Unicorn hair

(pErCy jAcKsOn~)


"I'm going to go take a hot shower. It's like a normal shower, but with me in it."
"I don't throw shade... I shed the light."

"Your energy introduces you before you even speak."


-=In Depth=-

Jason Salvator is very snarky and sarcastic. He can be confident and cocky at times. He's also a very kind gentlemen. He's a huge flirt to the girls. Like the girls say... he's "eyecandy" to them. Jason is quick and sharp to understand and notice everything around him. He's determined and a bit narcissistic. He's bold and brave. Even though he doesn't have book smarts, he sure does have street smarts. He's a mischievous guy as well. Because he was born in a rich and proper household, he always has a calm and relaxed expression on his face. His posture is nice and straight. However, he isn't really patient about things. Overall, he's outgoing and friendly... however... he's also a Yandere (someone who is crazy about someone else... and tends to do violent acts).




Weak People
Bitter Sweets and Food

Listening to music
Out Exploring and Discovering new things
*Cough* Lying *Cough*

--Favorite class--
Defense Against Dark Arts

--Least favorite class--
History of Magic

Jason Salvator was born into a very rich and wealthy family. His father owned a very famous fashion company, "SALVATOR COOPERATION". He has two brothers and one sister. Matt Salvator is the eldest, Geonia Salvator is the second eldest, and Tyler Salvator is the youngest. When Jason was only ten, all four found out that their parents are part of a terrorist group that was planning on attacking the country.

All four participated on killing their parents.

No one felt any guilt.

Matt inherited the company. Jason lived well, hiding the fact that they killed people. He was an energetic and flirty person, even when he was young. He was "eye candy" for the girls.

When he was eleven, he received his Hogwarts letter, revealing that he's a wizard. His siblings were shocked by this fact, but allowed him to go, since they thought it was cool having a wizard in the family.

When Jason arrived, he was simply amazed. He was sorted into Slytherin, which confused a lot of people, since purebloods were mostly in Slytherin and Jason was a muggleborn or like others call it, "mudblood". Jason was fascinated with all of this witchcraft and wizardry. He would usually cause mischief and such during his years. He would even break curfew at times and not get caught. He's simply dying for an adventure, since nothing really interesting happened yet.

Tortoiseshell Cat


Amelia Salvator - Mother - Deceased
Jax Salvator - Father - Deceased
Matt Salvator - Brother - Alive
Geonia Salvator - Sister - Alive
Tyler Salvator - Brother - Alive

Connor Bright

--Best friends--

--Romantic interests--

Benjamin Selwyn


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Jason Salvator




--Sexual Orientation--

--Blood status--


Year Six

12" Rosewood, Unicorn hair

(pErCy jAcKsOn~)


"I'm going to go take a hot shower. It's like a normal shower, but with me in it."
"I don't throw shade... I shed the light."

"Your energy introduces you before you even speak."


-=In Depth=-

Jason Salvator is very snarky and sarcastic. He can be confident and cocky at times. He's also a very kind gentlemen. He's a huge flirt to the girls. Like the girls say... he's "eyecandy" to them. Jason is quick and sharp to understand and notice everything around him. He's determined and a bit narcissistic. He's bold and brave. Even though he doesn't have book smarts, he sure does have street smarts. He's a mischievous guy as well. Because he was born in a rich and proper household, he always has a calm and relaxed expression on his face. His posture is nice and straight. However, he isn't really patient about things. Overall, he's outgoing and friendly... however... he's also a Yandere (someone who is crazy about someone else... and tends to do violent acts).




Weak People
Bitter Sweets and Food

Listening to music
Out Exploring and Discovering new things
*Cough* Lying *Cough*

--Favorite class--
Defense Against Dark Arts

--Least favorite class--
History of Magic

Jason Salvator was born into a very rich and wealthy family. His father owned a very famous fashion company, "SALVATOR COOPERATION". He has two brothers and one sister. Matt Salvator is the eldest, Geonia Salvator is the second eldest, and Tyler Salvator is the youngest. When Jason was only ten, all four found out that their parents are part of a terrorist group that was planning on attacking the country.

All four participated on killing their parents.

No one felt any guilt.

Matt inherited the company. Jason lived well, hiding the fact that they killed people. He was an energetic and flirty person, even when he was young. He was "eye candy" for the girls.

When he was eleven, he received his Hogwarts letter, revealing that he's a wizard. His siblings were shocked by this fact, but allowed him to go, since they thought it was cool having a wizard in the family.

When Jason arrived, he was simply amazed. He was sorted into Slytherin, which confused a lot of people, since purebloods were mostly in Slytherin and Jason was a muggleborn or like others call it, "mudblood". Jason was fascinated with all of this witchcraft and wizardry. He would usually cause mischief and such during his years. He would even break curfew at times and not get caught. He's simply dying for an adventure, since nothing really interesting happened yet.

Tortoiseshell Cat


Amelia Salvator - Mother - Deceased
Jax Salvator - Father - Deceased
Matt Salvator - Brother - Alive
Geonia Salvator - Sister - Alive
Tyler Salvator - Brother - Alive


--Best friends--

--Romantic interests--


Lol, "cue Yandere Simulator" references. Accepted!
Name*: Victoria Mcallister
Nickname: open to others to give her one
Age*: 15
Gender*: female
Sexual Orientation*: Bisexual
Blood status*: Half Giant
House* (you can sort yourself or ask me to sort your character): (give me one)
Year*: 6th
Wand*: 16' oak, unicorn tail feather

Extras*: none unlike pictured. Stands 8ft 9in

In Depth

Personality*: Victoria is a quite girl at first sight keeping to herself and those select few who seem to manage to get close to her. To those that do manage, she can be humorous and caring with a mother hen like manner to them, if a little awkward. She is very much a Tomboy in style and interest and feels more friendly with boys than girls though is attracted to the latter. Her experience in the second wizarding war though her left her scarred, suffering from some ptsd since recalling the dead and injured she saw.
Strengths*: good with puzzles, greater than average physical strength and endurance due to her giant blood, creative, good with healing
Weaknesses*: explosive temper, inexperienced outside wizarding world, Divination
Likes: Quiddich, healing, cooking, charm, every flavour beans, dueling
Dislikes: violence, comments about her half giant status, blood elitism
Hobbies: singing, cooking, helping in the infirmary
Favorite class: Potions, Herbalogy
Least favorite class: Care of magical creatures, divination
Backstory*: Victoria always knew she different, as tall as ten years old as a baby and as tall as a teenager as toddler. Her family never showed such traits even her firey red hair werent shared by any of her parents. She questioned this a few times during her lifetime but recieved no straight answer, once being told all was due of a spell misfire. She frustrated by this but in the end she didnt have any real reason to persue it, her current family was of rich pureblood descent loving and treated her as her own. It wasnt until her time at hogwarts than she began to suspect her true lineage, some looked at her with suspicion especially from the slytherins. However despite a loner first couple of years,she made a few friends and her time as a succefull keeper earned her a few fans and her size seemed to increasing mean more little.
She continued to grew though and soon was too big and heavy to continue to ride a broom let alone play Quiddich. It was devistating for her as it was her dream to turn profesional until than. When a pigheaded attempt to try to fly despite the issues of her weight lead her to the infirmary, she chatted with madam pomfrey and was inspired to be a healer. She began helping the infirmary in her spare time. The rise of Voldermort and the start of the second wizarding war reinsurged hatred for half bloods like and she was treated with suspicion by other and distaste by death eaters. When the later took over Hogwarts she was treated terribly for her half blood status. She fought back though joining the reformed DA and staying behind to fight and aid in the infirmary even defending the sick during the fight in the battle of hogwarts despite her teachers insistance to leave. She fought well her half giant blood helping her greatly though she was seriously injured during the fighting. She was never the same since than the fighting leaving a mark on her. She was laying in bet when her parents finally told her something about her past.
Patronus: unknown (not sure of the animal)

  • unknown giantess mother ,
  • unknown wizard father.
  • Malcom Mcallister: Adoptive Father
  • Nora Mcallister: Adoptive Mother
  • Ashley: Adoptive younger sister
  • Moira: Pet Cat
Friends: Daniel Lewis
Best friends: pm me
Romantic interests:pm me
Rivals: Arabella Coven
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Thomas Silias Flach


Name: Thomas Silias Falch
Nickname: Tommy
Age: 18. Thomas was born on the 14th of March, 1999.
Birthplace: Lillehammer (Norway)
Gender: Male
Spoken Languages: Norwegian, English, some Swedish.
Blood status: Muggle-Born
Sexual Orientation: Bi, at least that is what he tells people.
Year: Seventh
House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Made from Rowan with a Phonix Feather core. It is 12¾ inches, slightly bendy and perfectly straight. Tommy has found that the wand will outright refuse to work and act up if he is casting spells haphazardly. The wand requires a focused head and determination.


Tall, pale and skinny. Tommy often finds himself being on of the tallest guys in his age range, as he stands at somewhere close to 6'3. Unlike stereotypical picture of a Norwegian, Tommy has brown eyes and dark brown hair with a few lighter wisps here and there.
Height: 192 cm.
Weight: 76 kg.
Hair Color: Dark brown.
Eye Color: Bistre brown.
Scars: He has a scar just above his right eyebrow.



Personality and backstory

Tommy has a curiosity for anything and everything, which has lead him to know a bit about everything, but not a lot about anything. There is one exception to this. Charms, but that can be chalked up to tons of homework and a natural affinity. Tommy can spend countless hours buried in books, not paying much attention to the world around him.

Likes and Dislikes:

+ Reading
+ Coffee, the darker the better.
+ Sleep
+ Pearl

- Quidditch.
- Being cold.
- Purists.
- Flying on brooms.

Strengths and Weaknesses:

+ Apparation.
+ Defensive Charms.
+ Quick learner.
+ Loyal.
+ Determined.

- Insomnia.
- Healing Magic.
- Stubborn.
- Easily flustered.

Fvorite class:
Care of magical creatures.

Least favorite:

A dragonfly

Thomas was born on the 14th of March to Marie Elisabet Flach and Stefan Flach, a couple of caring and loving muggles. The last know wizard or witch in the family was his great-great-grandma, Henriette, a woman remembered for being energetic, kind and a bit insane. Tommy remembers being told stories about her as a child. Stories about how she claimed magic was real and how what strange things her mother could do, but nobody believed her, and she was said to be crazy with a twisted world view. However, her ramblings made for great children stories, and Tommy loved hearing them. But as he has gotten older he has learned that the stories were more facts than fiction.

Thomas was five the first time he used magic. It was nothing big or controlled, but in a fit, he sent a plate flying straight across the room. The event baffled his parents, they tried their best to find a logical explanation, but they couldn't wrap their head around it and choose to ignore it instead. But it wasn't long before they witnessed more strange events, all related to their son. Toys floated around mid-air, things changed color, and car radio often went crazy if Tommy got upset in the car. In the start, Maire and Stefan considered the possibility of them going crazy as they seemed to be experiencing things much like the things in Henriette's stories, but that rose more questions, what if she wasn't crazy? For six years Marie and Stefan lived in this limbo. Seeing and experiencing things they couldn't explain away, unsure what they should believe and what they should ignore. But while this was going on, Tommy was enjoying life.

For him, life was good, and he grew up just like any other kid. Going to school, doing homework, playing football (not by choice), making friends, getting into petty fights, and he was the best paper plane maker in his class; they just flew better than the others. At home, he had two loving parents that did their best to take care of him and provide the things he needed. He had no complaints, and they were the center of his world, or, they used to be.

Just after Thomas turned 8, he was "blessed" (his grandma's words) with a sister. Ann-Sofie quickly became Tommy's favorite person ever (his words). He spent most of his time playing with her, and the two became inseparable quite quickly. Their parents saw many of them same traits in them, but there was one thing that separated them. Ann-Sofie never showed any signs of being a witch, but she did enjoy it when Tommy made the paper planes fly.

Anyways, back to those six years of limbo. Six years after Tommy showing the first signs of magical abilities, a letter arrived, a letter and a stranger with a lot of answers. He was able to comfort the Flach's by proving to them that they weren't crazy and that neither was Henriette. Magic was real, and their son was a wizard. After that, things moved quickly. Preparations for getting Tommy ready for Hogwarts started already the next day, with the purchase of supplies, a pet, some books, and most importantly, a wand.

Thomas's first year at Hogwarts went by in a flash, in fact, most of them have. He has gotten placed into Ravenclaw, found that he hates broom with a burning passion (the damned things don't listen) and that he excels at defensive charms. During his 3rd year, he ended up taking both Care of Magical Creatures and Alchemy as elective classes, and during his 6th year he ended up taking the operation class and aced it. But this, brings us to now, his last year at Hogwarts. Let's hope it's a good one.


Mother: Marie Elisabet Falch (47)
Father: Stefan Falch (52)
Sister: Ann-Sofie Falch (12)
Pearl the purple Pigmy Puff.

Best friends:
Romantic interests:

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Name: Bertrand Ryker
Nickname: Blue
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Sapiosexual
Blood status: Muggleborn
House: Ravenclaw
Year: 7th, transferred from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic the previous year
Wand: Black Walnut wood with a Unicorn hair core 10 ¾" and Unyielding flexibility

Extras: He hates the school uniform Hogwarts insists they wear, and takes any and all opportunities to change out of it, and into his suits - often forgoing the formality of a tie, but would never be caught without a pocket square and cufflinks. He also always - when permitted - wears his favourite hyper-reflective sunglasses, his nickname owed to them and his penchant for the colour - be it dark navy to cornflower blue - he loves and wears it often.

In Depth

Personality: Bertrand has been called blasé in the past. Whether in a negative light, referring to his rather apathetic approach to experiences or people he has interacted with often in the past, or his rather sophisticated and worldly insights - honed by years of travel, study and experimentation. As such, it is clear even to casual acquaintances that he has a keen mind for anything new and complex, sometimes to levels, others might find slightly off-putting. When encountering something new, he will not stop until he has mastered it in all its aspects - often ignoring his 'friends' and 'family' for weeks until he feels he is secure in his understanding. Sometimes he might use this information to further other goals - often to remarkable levels of success, but more often than not his studies have no motivation behind it. This does not mean he is not capable of creating and then tending to complex psycho-social webs of influence. If he wants something that is outside his reach, it is not inconceivable that he might consider the entire situation mathematically, seeing people as variables and contexts as calculations that need balancing. When sorted it produced a bit of a hat stall, as these two aspects of his personality - hyper inquisitiveness and undiluted ambition - drew him towards Ravenclaw and Slytherin. The hat decided that, since the latter was often in service of the former - he should be placed in Ravenclaw. Something that he agrees with. Secretly, he fears that eventually, he will run out of people who interest him and that he will become desperately lonely. People fascinate him deeply, but the moment he comes to understand them... he begins to become bored with them. This causes great frustration in himself, as he recognises this - and can't seem to help the seemingly inevitable onset of apathy. He craves mental stimulation, as is incapable of understanding anything like romance or eroticism without an intellectual aspect. A long evening next to a fire, a few glasses of fire whiskey and a debate over the subtleties of wand lore has proven to be far more stimulating in the past - and he considers the sex just a bonus.

Strengths: Unwavering Focus, Extraordinarily Retentive Memory, Very Empathetic, Naturally Charming, Calm
Weaknesses: Dismissive of 'Unneeded' Excess, Unconcerned with Fairplay, Unsympathetic to Struggle, Physically Underdeveloped
Likes: Music, Opera, Art, Poetry, Food, Languages, Travel, Debate, Wine, Whiskey, Books, Fashion
Dislikes: Stupidity, Sweat, Dirt, Noise, Crowds, Complaining, Children, Babies, Sleep, Stale Baked Goods, Oxidised Whiskey, Flying on Brooms
Hobbies: Drawing, Writing, Cooking, Reading, Travelling, Studying, Debating
Favorite classes: Transfiguration, Charms* - his favourite, Potions, History of Magic, Astronomy, Arithmancy, Study of Ancient Runes, Alchemy, Ancient Studies, Magical Theory
Least favourite class: Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Divination, Muggle Studies, Care of Magical Creatures, Flying* his least favourite

Backstory: Bertrand was born in London to a brilliant, young Dutch Politician and a French designer - both of whom were muggles. They had met when he served as a liaison in Paris before they married and moved to Britain. There he served within the consulate, while she started developing her brand. When he was nearly two years old they moved to Paris, his father having retired from political life to venture into international political journalism, while his mother became a bit of a local celebrity - the quiet hands behind some of the most revolutionary trends of the last four seasons. By then they had gotten divorced but continued to live together in a studio apartment in the middle of the city - in which they entertained dignitaries, Nobel laureates, movie stars and refugees hunted for novels that overthrew dictators.

As such his babysitters were never 'Jenny' from next door, but more likely Professor Emeritus of Philosophy from a local university or a senior curator from The Louvre. He rarely ate mashed up boiled vegetables, rather being spoilt on gourmet puree straight from multi-Michelin star restaurants. He did not drool while watching the Tellytubbies but rather sat quietly in his mother's lap while entranced by the Bolshoi Ballet at the Palais Garnier. His life was never 'normal' as it were, and from an early age he was exposed and stimulated every moment of his waking life.

When he turned eight - his mother and father's girlfriend noticed that he was laying in his bed, reading a book that seemed to be turning the pages on its own. She noted this to her lovers, and they started inquiring about it. It did not take long for the French Ministary for Magic to inform them that their brilliant young boy was a wizard. His parents - along with his various uncles and aunts who stayed over every now and then - all took it in stride, all fascinated by this development. If he was spoilt for attention before, he was now positively rotten with it as they all doted on him, teaching him as much as possible -while learning as much as they were permitted to about the magical world - in order to prepare him for his future as a wizard. He travelled all over the world with his uncles and aunts for seminars and festivals - sometimes with his mother for fashion weeks or his father to war zones for interviews. When he eventually left for Beauxbatons, he left a group of weeping and waving people on a platform - all wishing him the best.

For his sixth year, his father learned of an opportunity in Britain and wished to move back there. Since he was in 'boarding school' it should not have affected him, since he could still live with his mother. She had decided that she wanted to leave with her ex-husband as well, and buy a flat with him - since she liked staying with him, and also wished to extend her brand into the British market. He had been happy to stay behind anyway, but having learned of Hogwarts, and having become slightly bored with his current school - he decided to move with them, and do his final year there.

He wishes to learn as much about as much as possible, and hopefully become a brilliant socialite in the future, someone who lazes about in parties and seminars all over the world - writing intriguing and revolutionary critiques and observations while debating and experiencing the best of what society has to offer. He has no interest in actually getting a job - but if he had to choose, it would most likely be freelance journalist and critic.

Patronus: Magpie


Family: He loves his mother and father, but does not know his grandparents on either side. He also loves to spend time with their temporary lovers - as they are often very interesting and informed people. He considers them his uncles or aunts - rather than parents. Sometimes, if they have children, he tends to stay away from them - unless they prove to be truly exceptional. He also considers the various dignitaries, politicians, famous artists, scientists, writers, musicians and models that tend to hang around his home to be friends of the family, and tends to be cordial towards them for the sake of his parents and their ambitions.

Friends: He does not have any people he considers to be friends. The few people he considered acquaintances at his former school has been left behind with little thought - as they had become rather boring and predictable. He rarely thinks about them anymore.

Best friends: He does not have a best friend, but he does exchange owls and e-mails with a few professors from his former school and his familial circle. These are the only people he really has consistent contact with.

Romantic interests: He has a string of short-term - no longer than two/three weeks - 'girlfriends' and 'boyfriends' which he barely recalls anymore. He also never actually used the terms for the relationships, and the relationships were often 'defined' by the other party more than by him. He has sometimes found himself having 'crushes' on long since dead people, often while reading some brilliant piece of literature or philosophy from a long-dead romantic, he will despair for a few days at not having had the chance to meet them in person. This extends to modern intellectuals as well - and often, when asked about his 'ideal' partner, he would name a few names that rose a few brows - as these people were often fifty or sixty years his elder. He has come to ignore these, as most people can't understand that he really does not care about the physical aspect of romance or lust. Peer-reviewed, publically accredited journals and rewards for intellectual excellence overshadow taut muscles and tanned shoulders any day of the week.

Theme: Since he is Sapio, he is attracted to Intelligence, and since he believes that he is almost always the most intelligent person in the room... well, I think this fits quite well. He will only ever like other people who mirror him and can rise to his level. It fit's his narcissism quite well.

Rivals: N/A
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