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Fandom hogwarts - last hope



Old soul
Mikey Bouchard
The first day of September was a remarkably warm one, given the season and the cooler weather of the day before. It was one of those days where you would practically swear it was summer - the sun never faltered in its heated gaze, and the wind didn't provide much apart from a lazy reprieve from all that heat.

Apart from the weather however, there was nothing particularly out of the ordinary about the day, not unless you happened to be at Kings Cross Railway. Unfortunately enough, very few people frequented that particular railway these days. And why would they, when there was now a much faster and trendier alternative in the SmartRail station just up the street?

Fortunately for the old Railway, the wizarding community cared very little for these new muggle advances. Hogwarts' main means of transportation had always been the Hogwarts Express at Kings Cross Railway, and nothing was going to change that. So today was fated to be the very best day in business for King's Cross Railway as wizard family's alike strutted in without a care in the world, all dressed in the very clothing they'd otherwise treat with cold contempt.

And the Bouchard family was just one of the many families that peppered the railway station, ignoring the awe-stricken looks of the few Kings Cross employees.

"Are you absolutely sure you packed every bit of your stuff?" came an anxious, distinctly feminine voice. Mikey Bouchard didn't even turn in his haste to keep up with his older brothers comparably longer strides. "Yea mom, I have everything. You've asked that question like, five times."

"I know, just - " his mom broke off, emotion flooding her words.

Mikey paused in his steps, though the first emotion he registered was annoyance. His mother had been sobbing since his Hogwarts letter had arrived. She had whined to every relative who would listen that her "last" baby was finally leaving the nest, sobbed her way through every breakfast, lunch, dinner.

He hadn't felt like there was anything wrong with how much he wanted to go; was it a crime to be so excited to leave home and everything behind?

"Mom," Mikey's brother, Malachi slowed, turning to envelop their mother in a bear hug. He was a little taller now, a little bigger, so their petite mother's frame was almost engulfed by his. Seeing how easy the smile pushed to his brothers lips was enough to break Mikey from his only somewhat annoyed stupor - he joined the group hug at the edges, faintly seeing his father's awkward face in the background.

"I'm sorry boys." his mother huffed out, crossing her arms like a petulant child as they separated. "you just have no idea how lonely home is going to get without you." she met Mikey's eyes, a faintly amused smile playing at the corner of her lips though her eyes were wet. "There's nothing wrong with wanting to leave honey, just know how much I'll miss you."

Mikey instinctively covered his head with his hands at his mother's words, cursing himself for leaving his thoughts so open that she could just pluck them out like the legilimens she was. He really should be used to it by now, be better at blocking his thoughts from hers, but it wasn't something that came easy for him.

"Mom..." he whined, watching her face wrinkle with distress.

"You would keep your own mother out - "

"Portia, we're here." his father spoke the words so quietly they all went silent just to hear them. His father had been quiet the whole trip - keeping his emotions out of the equation and his thoughts shrouded.

They all looked up, and there it was, the wall between Platforms 9 and 10. Students were already crossing through, letters in hand as they waved excited good-byes to their parents.

Surges of home-sickness suddenly hit Mikey square between the ribs. It was like it was finally setting in - he wasn't going to see or even be home for a long time. His lips flapped open then shut as he scoured his brain for something meaningful to say to match this moment. But he couldn't find anything that hadn't already been said these last few weeks. He met his mother's eyes and she smiled at him, eyes thick with understanding as she took a couple of steps back. Mikey instantly understood from the gesture that she was done saying her good-byes.

"We can't follow from this point, boys," their father's eyes flitted from his to Malachi's, "take care of your brother. Make sure he's safe."

Malachi rolled his eyes, his smile never faltering as he kept his words light-hearted. His hands distractedly searched through his pockets for his letter, before he slipped it out. "Awww, he'll be fine. And its not like he can lean on me in every class, da. I'm a second-year, he's a greenie."

Those words had barely registered in Mikey's brain before his brother was waving his hand impatiently in a rushed good-bye and plunging through the platform. His every instinct urged him to follow his brother, don't let him leave you behind!, but his heart said to stay near his parents, at least for a little bit longer.

"Mom, dad," he shuffled from side to side as his words flowed with an unsure sort of sadness, "I'm gonna miss you and - "

"Just go, boy." his father burst out, and though his words were spoken harshly his eyes were full of love and mirth as he scooped Mikey into a brief hug. His father wasn't normally the touchy, emotional sort, so it meant a lot for those few seconds of unfettered affection to happen. "Okay, okay. I'm going."

With one last wave, he plucked his letter from his pocket and plunged through.

"Malachi! Wait for me!"
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It was as expected, the weather was sweltering, heat beat down upon them as they made their way to King's Cross Railway where the fabled Platform 9 and three quarters was still stationed. Her mother was out in front alongside her brother, Xavier, who had chosen this moment to accompany her onto the platform. Her mother, Mrs. Temple, was a lean dark haired woman with a stern gaze and even mightier temper. Karlie could almost see her sniff in disdain at the gathered kids as they passed through the wall guarding the wizarding world from the world of the demented muggles. All except mudbloods. Karlie clenched her letter in her sweaty palms, the only thing that guaranteed entrance to the train that would of course take her to Hogwarts.

"So, snickledums, how does it feel to finally being going to what was it called again? Hoggarts? Hogiefart? Shithole? Oh, yes, Hogwarts. Careful you might dirty your hands with some of the vermin they let in!" Her brother chortled and then laughed at his idea of a joke. Karlie rolled her eyes and didn't say a word, all the while suppressing the urge to kick him. Instead she watched as a young boy almost gleefully and nervously, threw himself at the wall, almost as if expecting a crash.

"Well, this is it," her mother said, looking down at Karlie with her piercing eyes, "I suppose this is where I say my goodbyes. I must apologize for your father not coming to see you off. He has urgent business at the Ministry of Magic."

Her father always had urgent business at the Ministry of Magic, Karlie scarcely even noticed now and she was fine with that, she and her father had grown distant anyway.

"So, um, good bye Karlie," her mother said awkwardly, not used to showing this much affection to her youngest and quite frankly forgettable daughter. "Remember what I told you."

She did. Do not dirty herself. Keep away from vermin.


She was just about to rush toward the wall when suddenly the wind got knocked out of her as her brother slammed his huge fist into her gut. She gasped, the only sound that came out of her mouth as she fell to the floor.

"Say something, you worm! Your mother is saying goodbye to you."

"Xavier ...." her mother warned but made no effort to help her in any way, already her eyes were misting over, as if she were forgetting she even existed at this very moment. Xavier grinned lavishly and then grabbed her by her hair, pulling her up, ignoring the grunts of pain that came out of her mouth. "We spent countless galleons on you, you little shit, so don't screw this up, you got that!" She nodded but her brother only pulled harder. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you! You are supposed to say, "Yes, sir!" Go on, say it!" She kept silent even as the sharp pain of her hair being pulled intensified. "SAY IT, YOU LITTLE SHIT!" She didn't say a word, instead she spit in his face.

"Ugh!" He yelled, letting go of her as he wiped spit away from his face, "you stupid! I'm glad we are rid of you, you dumb little fu--"

"Xavier, that is enough!" Her mother finally intervened, but only because of the foul language. A symbol of purity her mother was. He let go and Karlie grasped her head for a moment, feeling the pain residing. She had only a moment to recover and return to what she was doing when Xavier kicked her one final time before turning toward his mother and stating simply. "Time to go mother. I think we have said our goodbyes." Her mother nodded, not even chatising him on his behavior and walked away. Leaving her alone on the platform.

Stupid wanker.

For any mundane child, there would be a moment of brief panic at the mere thought of being alone but to Karlie, the separation of her so-called parent and brother was a severe comfort. Now it was just her and Blackfeather. Her owl didn't even hoot or make a fuss while that incident went down. Indeed he was just as silent as she was, which she liked. Like owner, like pet. She petted the owl for a moment and then eyed the wall between the wizarding world and the mundane world and took a moment to savor her isolation before breaking into a full blown run. There was a moment of fear as the wall charged toward her, then just like that, with a cold shiver, it was gone.

She had just a moment to comprehend a large red locomotive looming over her before she slammed right into the back of a young boy, the impact sending them both sprawling to the ground.
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Elizabeth Harrow
"So this is it, huh."

Liza nodded at her brothers quiet assertion, though her eyes stayed focused on the throng of moving bodies - families - all through the railway station. All of this still felt surreal to her, the letters, the decisions, finally breaking the news to her brother's that she would be leaving, the packing.

She'd miss all of them, sure, but somehow this felt more exciting then any family trip she'd ever taken, any time she'd journeyed through the creek with her brothers. It felt like a true beginning, like something real was finally going to happen.

Liza huffed in a short exhilarated breath as she pulled the straps of her bag to rest more comfortably on her shoulder, ventured on ahead a little faster then before.. And stopped when she noticed her brother had stopped moving.

Liza tilted her head questioningly, peering upwards to meet her oldest brothers blue gaze. And all at once those eyes so much like her own had grown virtually unreadable, stoic.

Is this where he was going to come in say something sappy and entirely too emotional? Play out one of the scenes in those love movies her mother loved to sob over? Liza all at once felt awkward, inadequate. She could feel the burn of her face as it begin to redden, from her ears to the tip of her nose.

"Don't let that stuff change you, okay?"


She nodded quickly, but some of the confusion must've seeped into her expression because her brother hastily clarified. "I mean, don't let that advanced hocus-pocus, magic, whatever stuff they want to call it at Hogtarts, or whatever it is, change you, okay?"

Liza felt a smile touch her lips as she resumed the prior nods.

No other words were spoken as Liza made her way to the intersection of platforms 9 and 10, watched for clarity as some kids rushed through, all with seemingly no fear as to the repercussions of hitting a wall head-on. It all finally begin to sink on her, how different this was all going to be, how independent she'd have to become. She hugged her brother then, muttered something like "tell mom and dad I love them". Then, heaving her stuff upwards shut her eyes and plunged through the wall before she lost her nerve.

Darkness then light as Liza's eyes slid open again. She was attempting to excitedly take in her surroundings when she hit something solid. It was already heading down and she had no choice but to follow that course, her bag slipping from her shoulders and a bewildered, embarrassing sound fluttering from her lips as she hit the ground.

Thankfully, the other person shielded much of her landing so Liza wasn't too injured though the chuckles sounding from the children around her was enough to set her cheeks aflame yet again. She righted herself, hastily bounding off of the other girl.

"I'm so sorry, I-I didn't see you there and I didn't expect anyone to be right outside -" the words rushed from her lips before she could run a filter through them, so embarrassed she was by what appeared to be a first impression of her for the rest of the student body. "are you okay, I can help." she bent at the waist in attempt to help pick up the other girls stuff.

In the corner of her vision she saw another boy who appeared to have been caught in the accident, if the fact that he was lying straight on the ground with his stuff strewn in every direction was enough connotation. He looked confused, maybe concussed?
Karlie Temple

Karlie was flustered and worn. She was moments into her new life and already sprawled on the ground in a predictable accident. She strifled a curse as her owl hooted desperately. Slowly she got up, barely hearing or noticing the girl who was picking up her stuff. She felt what felt like a bruise swelling in her torso but either this was because of the accident or Xavier’s punches, she didn't know. There was laughter as some kids looked on and chortled at the accedient. Karlie ignored them and silently picked up her stuff, first righting the flustered Blackfeather’s cage. She ignored everyone, the boy who was sprawled on the ground with her, even the girl helping her. Karlie felt a little lighthearted as she gathered her stuff but only her stuff, she would care less about the boy’s stuff. She would honestly care less about the girl too. Speaking of the girl. Karlie looked at her intently, taking in her appearance and immediately knew that she wasn't one of them. For she didn't recognize her. At all.

So she must be a blood traitor, a filthy half-blood, or worse a deplorable mudblood and she was putting her filthy hands touching her stuff.

She watched, then scoffed and continued collecting her stuff.

JustJazzy JustJazzy
Elizabeth Harrow
Her nervous chatter ceased the moment Liza noticed the girl had yet to acknowledge her. Was she deaf, rude? Maybe the answer was a little bit of both. She tried to give the girl the benefit of doubt in spite of the negative direction her thoughts were tugging her in. Liza was just parting her lips to vocalize that thought albeit humorously when the girl made full eye contact with her, an audible scoff tumbling from her lips.

For a moment she only froze, fingers wrapped around one of the girls miscellaneous items so tightly they begin to turn white. Was this stranger, this girl really going to be so rude to someone she’d just met?

Without thinking Liza found herself dropping the item, listening to it crack as it hit the pavement. The sound was almost satisfying, probably would’ve been more so without the dramatic gasps of the audience present around them.

“Sorry about that,” Liza forced her voice to contort into something resembling the honey-sweet tone her mother was always using when she hung up on sale calls. “hope it wasn’t too valuable.”
Karlie Temple

Karlie froze a bit at the sound of something cracking and spun around to see the girl had purposely dropped one of her items. She sighed and just rolled her eyes at the girl, as if she had expected something like this to come from someone like her. Karlie scooped down and picked up the cracked item, looked at it for a moment, then locked eyes with the girl. Then laughed. Yes, definitely a mudblood. Only they would have such a clumsy hands. Probably didn't even know why Karlie was acting the way she was. Of course, she wouldn't. Mudbloods. Bloody ignorant wankers. She hated them.

She didn't bother saying anything, just spun on her heel and walked off with her stuff.

Heh. As if a cracked object and words could actually hurt her. She was beaten everyday. Words were nothing.

Karlie walked into the train and started looking for a compartment to go in. Preferably alone and with someone that she knew.

JustJazzy JustJazzy

Shelley Clearwater

She was unspeakably, undeniably, and horribly nervous as she stared at the vacant wall in between platforms nine and ten.
"Don't worry honey!" Her grandmother's smooth voice came from behind her. She turned to her grandmother, butterflies gnawing at her stomach. "Go on!"

"What if?" she spoke, her voice a whisper, "what if they know?"

Her grandmother smiled warmly down at her and put her hands on her shoulder, leaned in and whispered, "they won't." And she pushed her into the wall.
Shelley screamed as the wall rushed at her and then suddenly she was on the other side of the wall.

She screamed still as she tried to slow her momentum and nearly slammed into a girl (Elizabeth Warren). She stopped just in time, as the cart screeched to a halt.

"Oh um sorry!" She said to the girl, flicking her hair behind her ear. "Nearly ran into you! What's your name?"

JustJazzy JustJazzy
Mikey Brouchard
Mikey grunted, eyes focused on something sky high and blurry as his vision swam with shapes and circles.
Mikey grunted, eyes focused on something sky high and blurry as his vision swam with shapes and circles.

That, had hurt.

It took him maybe five minutes to finally start to extract himself from the ground, rubbing the knot he could feel forming somewhere in the back of his scalp. Whoever had crashed into him was long gone, without even an apology or at least some semblance of concern.

Real nice, subbed in his snarky inner voice as he begin to pick up the few items he’d dropped.

There was just a bag and a backpack and he was good. He'd been fortunate enough to not be carrying anything like paper or books, not to mention anything that could’ve broken.

Speaking of broken..

His eyes fixed on the only other person in his frame of vision, a blonde whose face was contorted with annoyance, hands balled into fists of fire ball rage. Hopefully that rage wasn’t directed towards him? And there was glass strewn in the area around her.

Talk about an embarrassing outburst.

Even so, he kind of felt like they were in the same boat in this odd sort of misfortune. Maybe they could be friends? He was just making to approach her when a not so dignified scream came from the barrier and another girl came flying out, nearly causing yet another collision.

He decided to take that as a sign from the universe to finally just go to the train.

It was much too early for this kind of craziness anyway.

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