Hiya! (=^w^=) Newbie here!


Merciful Doll
Hi there, I'm new to this website. Well, to say, I'm Merci (I meant for it to be "Mercy" but that was already taken, so just call me by the nickname Merci, pretty please.) and I've been creating stories, roleplays, poems, & mini songs (for myself) for about 2 years now and I'm hoping to find some new people to share my thoughts with here. But anyways, I'm excited to see what everyone will say about my ideas for roleplays (of various types) and I'm glad to be here and I so hope everyone feels the same. I'm so anxious to create a Roleplay ^^!

(>.> Sorry just trying to get over the fact I have to make 10 posts before I can make a signature.)

*cough* Now that I've gotten that out of my system, welcome! Can't claim to have as much general knowledge about the forum as before since it just went through a big redesign, but do let me know if I can assist in any way.

The post limit is unfortunate, yeah. Luckily it doesn't take too long to unlock all of the features.
Welcome! *throws confetti around* I also write stories, poetry and songs. Luckily, we have a Creativity section for you to post that sort of stuff. If you ever want me to read some of your work, just tag me in it.
Welcome! I am new to the forum as well ! It seems like a great site! So far everyone seems delightful! I hope you have a great experience too!

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