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Fantasy Highwind orphanage cs

Name karumi
Age 13
History she not born like other hybrids she was born on a test tube she hates the pain she hates the orphanage she wants to run away she is a shark hybrid she was transferred to a different orphanage as they were trying to keep her away from her mother she just got transferred to this orphanage she has a twin sister named Espren
Personality shy timid scared hyperactive sad at times
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Name: Airion
History : at around when he was 7 eh was separated from his sister. He was turned into a panther hybrid but didn't look like one.he was experimented on to make the effect specimen. Due to this he is strong and imposing he is also fast due to being a panther hope. The scientist made him able to temporarily mind contrail and create whatever he wants by manipulating things aka making weapons or conjuring fire.he has super strength.

Personality: gentle but brave, he is determined and strong willed especially when it comes to his sister,

Looks, his the stereotypical hottie. He has slick black hair, baby blue eyes, dazzling white teeth, smooth skin and a very masculine build

Other: mind controlling for to long will hurt him, if he is wearing his anti power collar and tries to use force he could collapse
Name: Sevastopol Sevastopolvich
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Heterogeneous
Age: 16
History: Being born in Russia his family immigrated to America but in a freak accident his family died and he ended up in the orphanage recently but after a while of living in there he started to find the other kids to have weird powers he started to distance himself for fear of being experimented on and now usually hides in the library. He is trying to find anything on the Hybrids and to reverse or survive it.
Personality: Secluded, Suspicious, Kind and Cunning
Name: Espen
Age: 13
History: her and sister lived with their mother misako until they were catured, seperated from their mother, and they where then put into the orphanage, and experimanted on and made into shark hybrids
Personality: Calm, secluded, ONLY Violent when threatened, rebellious sometimes, shy, generous, polite, passionate about topics she is interested in, apologetic, very intelligent, and eloquent,
Other: most people think she is dangerous but she honsetly is quite calm unless it comes to defending her family

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Name: Azayaka Yuki
Sex: female
Sexuality: straight
Age: 15
History: Aza has always been a weak child. She lived in the clouds with her family for a long time. Her parents died when she was young and she lived with her Annabella and her boyfriend Matt. They loved her (: she got bullied a lot in school for being blind. She isn’t only able to see colors, and fuzzy outlines of things. Also, people and or objects have to be within a 3tf radius of her in order for her to register them. One day he bullies pushed her off her cloud and she fell down the the land. Her sister was unable to save her and she hasn’t lived here ever since. Since the air in the clouds is more pure than the air on the land it slowly poisens her causing her to have coughing fits which can result in various negitive affects including death. She is very shy and kind + caring once you get to know her. She possesses ice powers (she can make anything out of ice)9ABA5E78-52F8-4A69-A7AE-6C8933BB0687.jpeg9ABA5E78-52F8-4A69-A7AE-6C8933BB0687.jpeg
Name: Hazel
Age: 23
Personality: fierce, brutal , likes to stay away from others
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