High Sorceress Sinead Morganach




Name: Sinead Morganach

Age: 214

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 126 lbs

Race: Elf

Role: Court Magician


- Nature Magic

- Arcane Magic

- Unarmed


- Insomniac

- Mistrustful

- Hypervigilant


- Druidic robes

- Silk Regalia (on formal events; earthy colors)

- Knife (concealed)

- Mithril necklace

- Wooden smoking pipe

- A small assortment of potions

History: Sinead Morganach was born into a more progressive generation of the traditionalist elven tribes, but was brought up in more or less the same way as her ancestors did for thousands of years. From a young age, she'd been shown to have a certain aptitude for magic somewhat beyond that of the other children, though by no means a prodigy. Her mother, one of the shamans for the clan, instructed her in controlling and refining her powers, mostly in the form of Nature Magic. Sinead had been passionate and eager on the subject of magic, and as a young adult, she left the tribe to study Arcane Magic in Ureth. She would live there for a good part of her life, left in relative peace with her studies. She strove to remain in contact with her clan, sending letters, gifts, and visiting occasionally. By the time the Mad King came to power, she'd been an rather well-known scholar in the city.

When the Mad King ordered the extermination of the elves in Tiroth, Sinead had been cunning enough to evade purging for a time, but her survival would not be guaranteed out on her own. Later that year, she joined the rebel forces as a battlemage under the banner of Prince  The war had changed Sinead drastically throughout its course. While she was once gentle and kind, she became distant and morose after witnessing the atrocities committed by herself, her comrades, and the enemy. Sinead's clan had been eradicated entirely by the Sicari, and she was not permitted time to mourn their passing until the war ended.

Thirty-five years ago, Markath Tiroth took his father's throne, putting a long-awaited end to the war. Sinead ultimately decided to stay in the human cities, as if she had a choice. Though she was disheartened by the horrors of war, Sinead came out of it a hardened, yet wiser and more realistic woman. Before long, she was approached by an aspiring lord, an ambitious Antoine Redgrave, who invited her into his court. To her surprise, she actually found herself enjoying her time there, finding White Hawk castle to be majestically beautiful. The rest of the household was agreeable enough, and Sinead was more than happy to provide assistance whenever possible.

Personality: At a glance, Sinead embodies the image of a graceful and proper noblewoman, but if needed, she can become as hard as any war general. She is a strong, iron-willed woman, firm in her resolve and unyielding in her beliefs. A commanding presence lingers about her, and not without good reason, given her position at court. There are, however,  a few habits and traits that have stayed with her since the war, such as the ever-present restlessness, a tendency to keep her back to the wall whenever possible, and the occasional night terror. Though outwardly polite and courteous, Sinead rarely comes to trust others. In her experience, trust is not something that should be given out freely lest she wants to find herself in a tricky situation. She does care deeply for others beneath her tough exterior, and never thinks twice before thrusting herself into the middle of a conflict to aid her comrades, even at the expense of her own well-being. While she holds a great deal of respect for the Redgraves and serves the Duke dutifully, her true loyalties lie with her people, the elves, and she devotes herself to preserving what remains of their culture.

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