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Realistic or Modern High School Marching Band


[This first post will not be from my character's point of view, but is just a narration.]

"Welcome to Marching Band!"
The Bear practically shouts into the microphone, sending a scream of sound across the shoddy elementary school band field. One could barely see the lines and hashes, and the band aides forgot to set up the markers- again. So the area of grass The Bear was screaming over was just that, an area of grass.

The Bear is surrounded by his unruly, curly halo of hair. His face is round and reddens easily, like a young child's. And it is already beginning to blotch with the exertion of his yelling facial muscles. Miss B hustles around, her short, honey blonde hair in a medium ponytail. She is almost always chewing gum, but not obnoxiously, and her likeness to Adele is uncanny. She wears her sunglasses and sarcastic remarks at all times as she sprays the hashes with bright orange paint.

The marchers, young and old, are spread out across the entirety of the elementary school's backyard. Some are sitting in small section clumps on the field, watching others arrive. Yet others are making use of the elementary school's playground, the small rock wall, the rusty swing set, and the miniature playground equipment. The high schoolers dwarf it, but they still manage to make use of it. The entire drumline is risking their lives on the swings, swinging to frame-shaking heights and jumping. One already lost his footing and landed horribly, luckily it was into the bed of soft, rubbery, hand-blackening tire chunks. Others are talking and generally goofing around, some on the basketball court, standing amongst the faded remains of Safety Town. Band season is about to begin.

The upperclassmen are planning a surprise for The Bear and Miss B. Tonight they will ask the marchers, very stealthily, to come back and pitch tents on the band field. There's going to be a band campout. The Bear and Miss B won't know- but they've got it approved by staff. Now they are arranging for a small projector and chaperones.

One upperclassman, a junior, to be exact, has a surprise for the others. Unbeknownst to all, her boyfriend, a legendary trombone player, is driving down from college right now. He'll be here for all of band today and tonight's festivities.

The Bear's shouting reaches a new decibel, and Miss B blows her whistle. All of the marchers stumble towards the band field- the season is about to begin.
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Vitez updated High School Marching Band with a new update entry:


We need a few more characters and then we can start. So post a sheet and let's get this roleplay rolling!
Read the rest of this update entry... 
Nikki scans the mass of marchers as she walks onto the band field. She can pick the freshmen out instantly by their deer-in-headlights looks and their tendency to travel in packs. Soon they'll learn that the older marchers aren't so intimidating. By her 2nd day as a freshie she was already intermingling, and she had high expectations for this group. Especially since she was voted section leader this year- she would be doing the job that her boyfriend was doing when she was a freshman. She hopes she will get some female trombones, so she can give them royalty treatment. She knows better than anyone how hard it can be in the trombone section, especially as a female. Although Nikki feels intense, competitive pride for her section, she knows that they harbor their share of creeps & weirdos- mostly disgusting horndogs. Just as she passed The Bear's stepladder, on which he was perched, her phone vibrated in her pocket. As she had been doing her previous years in band, she stealthily checked it.

Let me know when you're here, I can't wait to see you!
I'm here. :)

Without a second thought, Nikki sprints towards the end of the school, past the playground. She is a squad leader and an upperclassman, so she can basically do what she wants without any repercussions. Especially if she brings Drew back with her. Once she reaches the parking lot, she spots his car instantly. She had been in it so many times, she would recognize it anywhere by the license plate. He gets out of the car, and her heart sings. Nikki sneaks up on him and jumps on him from behind, knocking his glasses askew. He is considerably taller, so he can easily bear her weight.

"Hi Drew, I missed you!" she says after she jumps down, the soles of her Converse hitting the asphalt with a soft sound. He turns around, fixing his glasses and smiling.

"You just saw me a few weeks ago, I haven't left for college yet, silly goose. Just for orientation." He laughs a bit as he speaks. She jumps on her tiptoes to kiss him quickly.

"Whatever. But seriously, I have a plan." Her grin is mischievous. Grabbing his hand, she pulls him towards the front doors.

"Woah, woah, Nikki stop!" Drew brings them to a halt in front of the doors, squinting at his reflection. He runs his fingers through his hair once before Nikki can stop him.

"You are so ridiculously vain. You look great. Sexy as hell. Now COME ON! I'm trying to pull a prank here." She attempts pulling him, but fails. Turning towards him, she sees him grinning too.

"Only sexy as hell? That's not good enough, I'm going to be making a first impression." His grin widens when he sees the sassy look on her face. "Only kidding. Let's go poke The Bear!" He starts running, gripping Nikki's hand. By this time, Drew had already figured out her plan- and it was going to be funny. As The Bear is spewing loads of garbage out of his mouth, they will burst through the doors behind him, hand in hand. It will totally steal The Bear's thunder, but it's not so crazy that they'll get in trouble. The Bear will most likely be excited to see Drew anyway.

They sprint through the school, dodging janitors and their equipment. "Here!" Nikki yells as she veers to the right and out a set of doors, Drew right beside her. They attract the entire band's attention, and The Bear stops mid-sentence.

"Ladies, gentlemen, and others, we proudly present the most fabulous trombone duo that has ever walked this earth- Drew and Nikki!" Drew screams as he runs right to the edge of the grass. Nikki is too busy laughing to even comment. They stand hand-in-hand, hunger games tribute-style, in front of the whole band-waiting for the reaction to their fabulous prank.
I drive up in my mini cooper extremely excited for the first day. I knew about nikkis prank she has planned and couldn't stand myself, I was so ready to see the bears reaction. I got out of my car in a cute blink 182 tank and black nike shorts with a black sports bra and walked into the grass, literally just grass. Why did we expect more? I immediately picked out all of the freshman, considering they were all in one giant group of even smaller groups. I waltzed over to the trombone section, after setting my stuff down, being greeted by a huge group hug. We all chatted and mingled and started to figure out what kind of people these fish are. I noticed nikki sprint out of the group and I knew immediately, it was happening. We all spread out into lines onto the grass (I refuse to call it a field) and the bear went into his usual "first-day-of-band" spiel and then two crazies burst through the door and then it was my turn to carry out my end of this glorious prank nikki, might I add a complete genius, thought up. I started a slow clap and eventually theres a rumbling applause, and the bear goes nuts. I took the chance while the bear was distracted and caught up with Nikki and Drew and gave drew a giant bear hug. we all missed drew so the bear cant be too mad for too long.
Kelly who was dressed in a white shirt and neon green sport shorts, had arrived extra early to band rehearsal to practice. She knew no one would be there so she sat down inside the band-hall practicing in the peace and quiet. The time clicked by until it was finally time to head out to the marching field. Kelly placed her concert clarinet away in her locker and grabbed her marching clarinet and camel pack. Since she had a Buffet R-13, she had asked the band director for another horn so her R-13 wouldn't get ruined. Kelly strapped on her camel pack and walked to the field with her clarinet in hand.

On the way to the field she saw Gonzo(NPC), a sousaphone player, making his way towards the marching field also.

"Morning(afternoon?) Kelly Lee! Ready to start this marching season?"

"Oh yes I'm ready to risk getting skin cancer and possibly die of dehydration!"

"Oh Kelly you're too funny."

"Who said I was being funny?"

Kelly didn't really like marching season. If it were her choice she'd only sign up for concert band, but that wasn't possible. She decided to make the best of it anyway. It was a great time to make friends and torture freshmen...I mean welcome freshmen. Yeah...that.

Kelly was barely walking into the marching pad when she saw Nikki and Drew already making a scene, "Great first impression guys!" She yelled out once she got a bit closer.

Kelly sat her clarinet case on the floor and began to stretch a bit before setting off to run around the field. She was going to need all the endurance she could this marching season, so better start building it now instead of later. She wasn't a runner, she could only do at least 2 laps before collapsing in exhaust, so she planned on doing one and then jogging in place till practice started. Work hard have fun later that was her motto.
Both Nikki and Drew simultaneously smile as the applause roars. What a great way to kick off band. Claire, who is a dearest friend to Nikki, comes over and gives Drew a hug.

"Hey Claire, step off my man." She says, laughing. Even though Claire isn't a trombone, she is still a boss ass bitch and Nikki loves her like a sister. The Bear, realizing that it is Drew and Nikki, smiles and shakes his head. What else did he expect, honestly?

Drew's eyes suddenly light up. "I'm going to grab my trombone." He says, pulling Nikki along with him.

"We'll be right back, Miss B, honestly. Drew's just going to grab his instrument so we can serenade you!" Nikki calls over her shoulder. Miss B just shakes her head and smiles, much like The Bear. Nikki and Drew had been known to sneak off during band to "practice". As awful as it sounds to some, and a director's nightmare it should have been, Nikki and Drew is the band's cutest love story so far. And they always got their shit done, so that was a plus for The Bear.

Nikki was a really talented female trombone when she came to Drew as a freshman. Drew was a junior at that point, but he saw a lot of potential in her. He often pulled her aside to practice with him, and they just fell in love. Nikki loved the way Drew played trombone, the way his eyes crossed ever-so-slightly when he concentrated, and how after he pulled the mouthpiece away, the tiniest bit of his tongue peeked out of the corner of his mouth. He was adorable and shy, and she was crazy as all-get-out. And how can she forget the first thing he said to her, "Have you seen the marching band videos on YouTube? If not, look them up, every trombone you can hear is me." They were perfect for each other.

As they turn the corner of the school, Nikki studies Drew really hard for the first time in a long time. He has a soft oval face with adorable chocolate colored eyes, framed by hipster glasses. His hair is doused with hairspray every morning until it reaches perfect waves. His mouth is almost always set in a smile.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is my hair messed up?! Put your sunglasses on so I can check my reflection!" Drew panics a little. He honestly worries too much about his hair. Usually he is pretty relaxed, but events (and his hair) always get him over-stimulated.

"Chillax, your hair is fine." Nikki walks over to his car and grabs his trombone case. Handing it to him, she says, "Here's your instrument you vain nervous wreck." She smiles, making eye contact with him. After a long moment, she speaks again, "Come on, let's get back before Miss B thinks we've gone behind the stage again." Laughing a bit at that memory, she starts walking.

"Don't forget about the time we went in that closet." Drew cringes a little. They weren't caught, but the janitor's closet wasn't exactly spacious, even when they snuck off to just talk alone together. Not to mention the fact that they smelled like mothballs for two days. They joined the other marchers just as The Bear was on the tail end of his speech.

"Find your section leaders now, they'll get all of you started." Nikki got her trombone out of the case as Drew raised his high above the crowd, yelling. It was time to break in the freshmen.
"Fight me Nikki." I replied jokingly. "Don't forget hes not only your loooove but hes one of my bestfriends" Then drew and nikki left and I thought I knew what was going down, so I yelled out "NO FUCKING" while the bear had all of the freshman pulled to the side, so I wouldn't get in too much trouble. I had always loved their relationship because its so darn cute but I was always a little jealous too because I wish I had one like that. The bear called us to get with our sections, so I drifted over there, mingling with some old friends on the way. I hate making first impressions, so today isn't a day I typically enjoy. We got into our section and I immediately picked out the annoying ones. I think im just going to let Annette do the talking.
Nikki thought about Claire's little joke until she saw her again. Letting Drew handle the sorting of the sections (she is not of the patient type) she walks over to Claire.

"Claire, that's so cute, but you really think we'd fuck in an elementary school?" She wrinkles her nose. "That's so wrong. Anyway, how's your section? I think I got one female trombone so that's a plus. Trying to stay away because I can smell the hormones from here." She laughs. Everyone knows some of the guy trombones have a reputation for being extremely horny, and she tried her best to stay away from them. She would protect her female freshmen as much as possible.

And every word Nikki spoke was true. Sure, they'd made out inside closets, classrooms, and behind the stage, but her and Drew never had sex once during band or in the elementary school. And she never would because she has morals, and so does Drew.


After all of the marchers are in their respective sections, Nikki heads back over to Drew.

"Hey trombone freshmen and others, welcome to marching band. The rest of you can do whatever you do, go on the playground or whatever, it's my time to talk to the freshies." Some of the trombones get up and head towards the playground area, where they will probably hurt themselves. Oh well. Their loss.

"Hello freshmen! I'm Drew, I am no longer part of this marching band- I am "dearly departed" for college, as my significant other, Nikki, puts it. Before she can get in another word, I'm going to warn you that band is full of swearing. So get used to it or get the fuck out." Drew smiles, letting the freshmen know that he isn't really a threat. These freshmen are like skittish animals sometimes.

"First off, you shouldn't listen to The Bears garbage. The Bear is the director and everyone calls him The Bear. I don't even remember his real name anymore. The only ones you should listen to are Miss B, me, and your squad leader. Secondly, our band's unofficial motto is 'Don't fuck up.' The marchers say it to each other before we get on the field. There is no praise or happiness here, just 'Don't fuck up.' Thirdly, I am not the most patient person, but I am nice to freshman. If you don't like me, talk to Drew. Fourthly, I will be in charge of protecting the female trombones, you will see why once you meet the rest of our motley crew. Fifthly, this is marching band. There are pranks, jokes, games, and music here. You'll get used to it soon."
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Annette enjoyed the little scene from Drew and Nikki, she had joined in Claire's clapping quickly when she started. Although they weren't best friends or anything, Annette still considered Claire part of her second family because of her role in the mellophones. Claire was one of the oldest in the group. The oldest ones in the group were juniors. They didn't have any seniors in the horns. Annette was excited to see several new members of the mellophones. They were running short before, and now the group was brought up to seven, thanks to the three new faces. She chatted to them in a friendly manner, and explained to them what they were about to experience.
Nikki finished talking to the freshmen, and turned on her heel. Then, a thought occurred to her. Facing the freshmen, she added her last thought. "Oh, and by the way, I don't give a flying fuck about your opinions on PDA, it's going to happen between me and Drew. Not trying to yell at you or anything, but seriously." And for good measure, she quickly kissed Drew before heading over to the mellophones. They're good people.

She wouldn't have talked to the freshmen the way she had if she knew they couldn't handle it. But these ones seemed like a cool, good group, and none of them were dropping their jaws or anything so that was a plus.

"How's it going Annette?"
Annette smiled at Nikki. They didn't talk a ton, but when she was over by the mellophones, they made some casual conversation, "Hey Nikki! It's going good. I was just explaining to the freshman what the training's going to be like." She grinned, "Also, I love the show you and Drew put on!"
Nikki laughs a little bit, "I was explaining to my freshmen what band was going to be like too, but you know me. Drew probably has to fix them now." She listened to what Annette had to say. "Well, honestly, it's Drew and I, what else do you expect?" She smiles.

"You know we're coming back for a campout tonight, right?" She asks a little softer. "Well, everything's set up, we just need people to sleep out. We have a projector, chaperones, mainly so you guys aren't worried about Drew and I having sex, and money for food. It's kind of a sketchy neighborhood so we'll probably have some druggies beyond the fence but they won't bother us here."

Nikki wandered back over to her freshmen. "All of you older trombones come over here and get acquainted. I have a surprise for you guys." She pulls Drew along with her into the school. It's team bonding exercise time, and she has the perfect idea. Nikki walks up to one of the janitors, and asks very sweetly, "If we stayed out of the areas where you guys waxed, do you think my small team and I could play hide and seek in the school?" The gruff janitor nods in reply. "Thank you!" Nikki calls before pulling Drew up a flight of steps.

"What are you doing?" He hisses, looking over his shoulder.

"I haven't gotten any time to talk to you since you came home, so I'm taking this opportunity. Then we'll play hide and seek. I have the perfect spot where no one will ever find us. I'll show you." She knows the pathways of the upstairs as well as she did in 4th grade, and soon she finds the spot.

Down a small branch off the main hallway, there's a door that floats a few feet above the ground. It is a supply room for teachers that no one ever thinks to look in. She opens the door and jumps onto the raised step. It smells of must and mildew, but they sit among the boxes anyway. Nikki settles into her usual spot on Drew's lap.

"We only have a few minutes before they realize we haven't been conversing with the janitors the whole time. So in that time, tell me everything about college and just everything." She loved to hear his voice and listen to him speak and lean against his chest. She would close her eyes and listen to the rhythm of his voice and just be content. Because no matter what anyone said, their relationship wasn't for show or for sex. They had something real, that they treasured.
When Nikki and I were talking I made sure she knew it was just a joke and that I know the basis of their relationship and that she has nothing to worry about. When Annette was talking with the freshman I just sat back and listened to her go, I have an underlying respect for her. She is undenyingly talented, and very kind. She is definitely a typical horn in my eyes, but shes always had a soft spot in my heart. She asked all of us to come introduce ourselves to the fish, and my loving section decided I needed to go first, joy. "Hello everyone im Claire! Im a junior, I can almost promise I will give all of yall a hard time, but just know that its out of section love. And if anybody dead legs you during a performance, I can almost guarantee it was me. I cant wait to get to know yall this next marching season." When I said it, I think they could all tell I hated every minute of it. But I got my point across so at least one wont hate me. I pulled Annette to the side
Nikki's mouth presses up against Drew's, her fingers intertwine in his hair.

"We really should get going," She whispers in his ear. After they stand up, they kiss once more, holding each other. They exit hand in hand, finding their freshmen on the field.

"Hey freshies, we're going to play hide-n-seek in the school in partners. For team building. But before we start, I'm going to tell you something about band camp. Each day there's a theme, Thursday is ghetto day. That day is the most important, mainly because Drew and I look like sex demons and it's awesome. Anyway, let's go hide and seek!" Nikki sprints into the school, pulling Drew with her.

They immediately find the Floating Door and just lay with each other.
Annette grinned at Claire when she pulled her aside, "Thanks for sharing!" She laughed softly. "I know you don't like to, but I appreciate it." She told Claire, smiling. The freshman's reactions were a little surprised, but they seemed to all think Claire was funny, and nice, even if she wasn't thrilled about introductions. "And relax Claire, they're actually pretty easy-going too. I've been chatting with them quite a bit, and they know how to take a joke." She smiled wondering if that was why Claire pulled her aside.
I sighed just thinking about what a pain its going to be having to get to know MORE people. But then I remembered I wouldn't be the personality I am today in this band if it weren't for Drew being so open to talking to a freshman, so I sucked it up. "I really hope youre right Annette." I said just loud enough for her to hear, then walked back over to the section. "Alright you fishies. So heres how it works in this section. Us upperclassman will only help yall out so much, but most of the time its every man for himself, or woman. No hate. But im almost positive Annette our glorious leader would be happy to answer your questions. Don't come to us if you have any because we will most likely give yall a shitty and or smart ass reply. With love of course. Oh yeah, we cuss in band. It happens so I guess get used to it or don't haha Annette you can take it from here." I think this is why Im not a leader.
Annette smiled reassuringly when Claire walked back to the freshmans. She shook her head a little bit from her speech, but with a smile on her face. She muttered to Claire, "Oh Claire, you're a character." She looked at the freshman, who had slightly bewildered but yet amused face expressions, "Okay for one thing, I'm no 'glorious leader' But thanks Claire." She laughed, "And from that awesome pep talk, let's move on!" She started to explain exactly what the first few weeks would be like, and how they were going to be painful and filled with sweat, and all that joyful stuff, but it's fun and very much worth it. "I hope I'm not scaring any of you off..." Annette said softly, still with a smile on her face.
I could tell Annette wasn't too sure about what she was saying since it was the honest truth so I chimed in, attempting to make the situation a bit more comfortable. "I love being sweaty and being in pain and "all that joyful stuff"!!!!! THATS WHAT BAND CAMPS ALL ABOUT!" I yelled out from the back. Then proceeded to chant "Swea-ty, Swea-ty, Swea-ty." Until people joined in, then once it went on long enough I silenced it to allow Annette to collect herself and move on. I love how she appreciates my utter, how would you put it? Crazy, distracted, slightly annoying, loud, joking, don't-give-too-many-fucks self.
Annette laughed again, enjoying the easy banter Claire added in. She looked at her gratefully and cheered, "That's the spirit!" She grinned. "So... Any questions yet?" The freshman started to ask some things and Annette answered most of them easily. Then one of them, Tony, asked, "What was with the entrance about Nikki, and.. What's his name, Drew?" He was asking out of curiosity. Annette looked at Claire, "You might be able to explain that better than me" She said smiling softly.
I bursted out laughing right when the question was asked. Once I gained my composure back I looked at him in the eye and said "Shit happens man, get used to that kind of thing. That definitely will not be the last." Then started giggling to myself again.
Tony gave Annette a confused look about Claire's explanation and Annette shrugged amused, "Let's just say Drew is a graduated trombonist, that is insanely good, and Nikki is also a trombonist, that's a junior, whose insanely good, and they're dating. And Drew just returned to the marching band from college for a while, so they decided to make an entrance. That's the best I can explain." Annette grinned at Claire.
Tony nodded, satisfied with the answer, "I see." He replied smiling softly. Annette laughed a little then looked around, "So when is practice going to start anyway?"
The bear yelled into his mega phone something none of us understood, but just knew that it was time to get going. We all lined up, but of course none of the trombones were there.
Eventually Nikki and Drew emerged from their room and it became a hilarious hide-and-seek tag game. While Nikki chases one of the freshmen, who are infinitely more comfortable with the upperclassmen, her phone vibrates. Glancing at the time she yells, "Shit! Everybody out of the building! Last one out gets mauled by The Bear!" In the panic that ensues, she grabs for Drew's hand and finds it as they sprint towards the field. At least they had a good team bonding day.

When Nikki was a freshmen, Drew did satanic rituals for the bonding activity. Nothing serious, just a version of 'Light as a feather, stiff as a board' Nikki thought it was pretty cool, so she wanted to do something as cool. And she did.

She and Drew lined up behind Claire- waiting for her comment on their tardiness.

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