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Fantasy High School for the Insane

(Oh, yeah xD )

Kyon and Piper walk to the nurse's office together. Once they get there, Kyon cleans off Piper's knee, and then bandages it. "That's a big scrape. Does is hurt?" He looks at the wound, then looks at Piper's face. He laughs. "We sure do seem to end up in here a lot. One of us is always getting hurt or sick." Kyon sits beside Piper. At least I have her to trust.

"No, it doesn't hurt that bad now." She lets out a sigh then laughs while looking at Kyon "Yeah we do, but we aren't really the strongest students here so its to be expected. Right?" her head follows him as he sites by her. Rain~Wow Piper you were so annoying that this kid is like a breath of fresh air for me! Piper~Same goes to you Rain. "I'm really sorry that I haven't talked to you in so long" Piper looks at him with a honest face of regret

Kyon keeps a smile on his face. "Don't sweat it." Kyon can see that Piper is genuinely sad. He gives her a warm hug. "I'm still your friend." Kyon releases Piper. "Hey, do you want to get stronger with me? We don't have to be the weakest here." Kyon remembers Cody's offer. His eyes almost glow with excitement. "Now that I think about it, Cody said he'd help me train later. You should come down with me!"

Piper smiles and hugs him back then looks at him once he lets go of her "I would love too! Do you think they would be okay with one extra?" Piper says in an excited voice. She then stands up and turns around looking a Kyon "We should get to the gym then!" Piper grabs Kyon's arm with both of her hands and starts to pull him to the exit. Piper~This is nice. Rain~Yeah I guess, but it would still be nicer if you would let me out every once in a while.

"I'm sure it'd be fine with him." Kyon chuckles. "He's pretty chill." The duo rushes to the gym. On the way there, they pass the lifting room. Oh yeah,I was supposed to lift today... Oh well. When they reach the gym, they notice it's empty. "Looks like we're a bit early. Should we start by ourselves?"

Syth stopped eating for a moment and looked at Cody. How have I been? I guess I was so pissed that they wouldn't let me use weapons besides in the combat class that I turned all my focus on training my martial arts, I wasn't even allowed to use the combat classes weapons on other STUDENTS. That was disappointing. Syth sighed.

"Eh, I guess I've been okay. Mainly just working a ton to be honest" He said casually.

(SO sorry I didn't reply sooner, got side tracked today @Dude )
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"Well do we know what to do? because I only know how to run track..." Piper looks down and notices her clothes "We should probably go change into the gym clothes first" Piper laughs lightly "I'm gonna go change you should too" With that she turned around and ran into the laddies room. Piper~Hey, Uhh Rain do you have any pointers? Rain~Hm well I do but I much rather watch your attempts with out even having one clue what your doing HEHE. Piper~Your laugh is so creepy....

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(I'm back)

After Kyon changes into more suitable clothing, he grabs a pair of wooden swords from the locker room to train with. They are both very strong and sturdy, as well as lightweight. He then heads upstairs and sets the swords on the ground. While he waits for Piper, he stretches carefully to avoid any injuries.

Elizabeth smiled at his gentle caressing. She rested her head lightly on Cody's shoulder as he talked to the male who sat near them. She recognized him from combat class, but past that she couldn't remember much about him. She listened quietly, figuring she'd jump into the conversation if anything interesting came up.

@Dude @Xelvere (Just got back, super tired, but I'll respond when I can!)
Nodding his head lightly in response he adds, "That's cool man, really our only option for our future, huh? I've been doing the same and I would like to think it's working, I feel like I can hold my own now, you know? What kind of proficiency do you have weapon wise?" A few months ago Cody went with a standard sword and street smarts, the two were the only thing he knew. But since then he has trained and become proficient with various weapons, ranged and melee; although he still has a love for his blades hence why he now frequently carries a sheath holding a trench knife with a brass knuckle handle inside, he very well couldn't carry a sword around all the time, could he? Looking over to Syth he's curious of what he's been doing with his training.

@Xelvere @Deadly Darkness

(Welcome back, hope it was awesome! :D No worries of course.)(
Syth grinned.

"Well to be honest I've always been good with knives... And I've spent all my time training mainly working on my martial arts. So far it's all paying off. I suppose I'm not half bad at a few other weapons but I prefer knives" Syth said in response. If only the knives they had in the combat class we're as nice as mine, it still pisses me off they locked them up. I hate that. Oh well, I wonder if I could find a way to get my hands on them sometime? I'll think about that later I suppose. He quickly turned back to Cody.

"What about you? What have you been working on?" He asked.

@Dude @Deadly Darkness
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"Anything and everything really, I've been seeing what we will doing in our future if we make the cutting block. Honestly the way I see it we need to be good at any thing and everything because we're the front line. Also.." Pulling a small switchblade from his back pocket he hands it over to Syth and adds, "It's funny what you can hear when you listen, heard you needed a knife and they were restricting you; try not to lose it." Looking over to Elizabeth he gains a genuine smile and asks, "So you, what would you like to do? I'm all yours, love." Squeezing her hand gently he meant that, these past few months have been nothing but memories and regrets, ones he wants to relive and make up.

@Xelvere @Deadly Darkness
A swarm of ideas and thoughts filled her mind, but none appropriate to say aloud. A blush covered her face as she giggled softly. "I'm up for anything, as long as I'm with you." She smiled before moving his mask partially to kiss his cheek. She then returned her head onto his shoulder. "Anything you want to do." Elizabeth was curious as to what he thought when considering what to do together.

@Dude @Xelvere
"All I want right now is to be hanging out with you, it genuinely does not matter what we do." He replies, still caressing the back of her hand with his thumb. Wondering what she had in mind he looks at her, noticing the blush in her cheeks, which caused him to laugh, "You are very adorable, you know that? Would you enjoy going outside? We could go to our bench, go into the forest, anything really. As I said, as long as it's time spent with you, I'm up for anything."

@Deadly Darkness
Syth was sitting there in silence for several minutes flipping the blade over in his hands admiring every detail. He judged the weight quickly. The blade is wicked cool, although its pretty meh for weight. Not sure if it's throw-able. We'll find out though, other than that its perfect, easy to conceal, super sharp, fancy design. Where did he get this? Syth pulled himself from his constant thoughts about the knife and looked at Cody.

"Thanks for the sweet blade, I owe you one. I think I'll be going though, wouldn't want to be a third wheel" He laughed slightly. "I do have to ask though, any chance you can tell me how the hell you got your hands on this?" He asked quickly as he concealed the knife before a teacher would notice. I'm a little surprised. There's a lot of things I still don't know about this school and I'm frankly not sure but I've suspected students smuggling various items and selling them around campus. I could be wrong but what if I'm right and that's how he got the blade? Either way, I am grateful for the switchblade. I should probably head back to my dorm though.

@Dude @Deadly Darkness
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Piper changed into the gym close that had been folded neatly into the locker the clothes were slightly to big for her but she didn't want to waste any more time going threw each locker to find her size. Piper walked out of the ladies room looking around for Kyon once she spotted him Piper ran up to Kyon and began to stretch with him."Sorry I took so long"

(Actually am so sorry I took so long!!) @Kyon
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Grinning lightly he turns back to Syth and answers with a casual tone, "Someone who thought they would have gutted me with it, they won't be needing it anymore however. I haven't been restricted of any weapons yet, they have cut me some slack now that I've been actually accepting a portion of my fate and training." What actually happened for him to acquire the blade was a little cliche, as one would assume when a government mixed a bunch of our cadets with the "normal" cadets they acted out; surprisingly more so than the crazies. Long story short, one of the said cadets and their friends who were feeling hate tried to take it out on Cody and a couple others he became fond of during his time away. So, Cody did the only thing he knew how to do and defend himself. That was that.

@Xelvere @Deadly Darkness
Her grip tightened on him as he mentioned the attempt at being gutted. She knew that when he went out helping the military that there was always the possibility of danger, but it never felt like an actual threat; it seem real. Listening to him talk about it though made her very aware of what exactly he was doing. "I'm glad you're back safe." She nuzzled her face against his neck. She didn't want to imagine the possibility of him coming back hurt or not coming back at all. "I wouldn't mind going into the forest." She mumbled.

"I'm just glad I'm back here with you, it was nothing though." He reassures her slowly standing up, continuing to hold her hand. He could sense she was worried, but it was all in the recent past to him. For now, all he could think of was Elizabeth's beautiful face as he looks at her with a slight smile still glued onto his face. Walking out with Elizabeth, he slowly turns his head back to the lunch room, once again thinking how happy he was to be home. After getting away from everyone, Cody turns his head and pulls his mask up partially, kissing Elizabeth's temple lightly with a chuckle. "You're looking beautiful." He states, with a warm tone.

@Deadly Darkness

(Showing the love to Elizabeth. ;) )
She followed him out the doors outside. She watched as he glanced back towards the school building, being able to trace a faint smile from the his eyes. Once they were alone Cody lifted his mask and planted a soft kiss on her temple. She let out a soft laugh before wrapping her arms around his neck with a lazy smile. "You're looking quite handsome yourself." Gently Elizabeth removed his mask and pecked his lips. "Did I mention how nice it is to have you back?" She grinned before handing him back his mask.

@Dude (Haha, well it has been some time)
The sound of her laugh caused him to laugh as well, he dearly missed hearing it. Cody kisses back with quite a bit of pent up passion, his hands wrapping around her hips, pulling her against his body. "You might have physically shown it, have I mentioned how glad I am to be back with you?" When she hands him his mask he tosses it aside, having no use for it when he's with just her. "I've been waiting to see you every day, I even had dreams about you. Which at first was odd to me, but now it's just comfort. I just want to apologize again for not being here for you." He adds, still holding her close. It was genuinely weird to Cody, he knew he clearly cared deeply for her but never expected her to enter his dreams, something he can't control, just sit along for the ride. It was cool to him though seeing as it gave him more motivation to do better for himself for her.

@Deadly Darkness
A deep blush covered her face as he pulled her against him and kissed her. Her heart beat jumped as she grew suddenly anxious. It had been some time since she had interacted with others and even longer since she had been this close to someone, but after a moment she reminded herself that it was Cody; he would never hurt her. She smiled hearing that he dreamed of her. In all honesty, without Cody around her dreams were plagued with the memory of that day in the street. She internally shook the thought away and focused back on the extremely attractive male in front of her. She kept her body pressed against his with a smile. "No need to apologize. The important thing is that your back now." She gave him another kiss, though this one longer than the first.

Returning the kiss, he slides his hands up her back and gently pulls off her eye patch; slipping it into one of her pockets. "There we go, beautiful." He says after pulling away from their kiss, grinning lightly. Cody's eyes check out Elizabeth, still believing she is as attractive as ever, which causes Cody to sigh in content genuinely happy to have found such an amazing person, internally and externally. Noticing her blush caused him to laugh lightly, giving her a teasing wink, "You are cute, you know that? You're right though, the important thing is I'm here with you. I'd rather be no where else."

@Deadly Darkness

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