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Fantasy High School for the Insane

The first day at Rosemary high had begun. The school was giant and surrounded by mountains and forest but somewhere in between there is a large fence perfectly circling around the school but because the fence was in the forest the students could not see it this fence was 12ft tall and had guards every 5ft to make sure no students leave the school.

The Headmaster stood in his office facing a window that overlooked the students walking around and talking as they went in to the school where there would be a welcome ceremony that all the students had to attend. He grinned and tapped his foot in excitement "Ooh my precious little students are begging there first day! I wonder if they will be well behaved or not?" The headmaster watched as hundreds of buss's dropped off teens to there new home. "I suppose I should go great all of them and start the ceremony" He walk out of his office and casually strolled to the large gym.

He walked up to the podium and watched as the students walked in and were told where to go and stand. Once all the students were in the gym the teachers walked up behind the Headmaster standing in a row so all the student could see them.The Headmaster slowly moved his head to the microphone began to speak. "Welcome to Rosemary High! You all know why your here at least I hope you do haha, I am the Headmaster of this school my name is Owen Jones. You all will ether call me Mr. Jones or just Headmaster, I do not care as to which you pick. Today you are all allowed to explore the school and meet other students don't forget to find your dorm because that will be where you will live until you graduate!" His voice went from happy to serious. "Remember this isn't like a normal school we all know why you are hear and why your classmates are hear the classes are not normal the teachers are not I am not normal....Nether are you." his voice became happy once again. "Any ways have a wonderful day!" The Head master smiled and walked away. The teachers went on with there business and the students started talking and walking around some were still in the gym and some were outside now.......

@Imagination @CALLA (Lets get started)
Syth stretched as he walked out of the gymnasium. Haha, this place is huge. He thought to himself as he tried to find his way out of the main building to find the dorms. He let out an annoyed sigh as he noticed one of the teachers was eyeing him. They haven't stopped watching me since I got here. AND they took my knives from me "You'll have to keep these in your room and you won't be allowed to take them out" Syth said as he tried to imitate the guard's voice that took his knives. Another student overheard him and gave him a weird look. "Sorry, I didn't mean to say that out loud" He said with a friendly smile. He waved and kept walking as he left the student behind. Maybe if I ever get to use my knives he would be entertaining? Syth thought with a grin. He sighed again and made his way down the hall. I seriously wonder if they will ever stop watching me. But I guess that doesn't matter right now. Where the hell are the dorms? I swear they said it's on the east side of the school. He turned the hall and passed more students as he finally found the main entrance. After walking outside he looked around and noticed the dorm buildings just a little ways away from the school. On second thought, I'm hungry. I'm sure I could find the cafeteria if I tried. He walked back inside the school and found himself looking for the cafeteria.
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Well the Headmaster seems nice. Piper slowly walked to the exit of the gym trying not to look at any one in the eye she looked down only causing her to she bump into a student. "Watch it!" yelled the student. Piper looked up and stuttered "I-I'm so s-sorry! I didn't mean to!" By the time Piper finished speaking the student had already walked away. Oh...They left. Piper thought to her self. Just then Rain chimed and and started to speak to Piper. Rain~ Hey Piper why don't you let me go talk to that brat? It will be fun and I haven't done anything in forever! Piper rolled her eyes and whispered "No Rain you will just get me in trouble" Rain~Ugh you are no fun! You know you can't bottle me up forever soon I'll get out and then we can have some real fun! Piper sighed ignoring Rains comment and went to get some juice out side.
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Tokki held a straight yet grim expression that was plastered on her face. Her head was twitching a bit for some reason and students and staff were starting to notice. She attempted to put her hands on the side of her head to stop it from moving but that didn't work. The same guard kept staring at her for some time now and it was starting to creep her out. She turned her eyes and the guard turned away. "Go away you creep!" she yelled at the guard. She turned away and began looking for the dorm rooms. Where are those damn dorms? she thought. The school grounds was large and it seemed there was almost no way to find anything anywhere.

Evan walked out od the gym and put on his headphones. He turned on Tragedy ft. KIRSCH (Idiginis remix) by DIGY and wandered outside. He looked like a completely normal guy except for the wierd grin he had on his face. "What an interesting school i wonder if i can escape?¿?¿ I dont think it would be too hard... I like this song..." He thought to himself as he left the school and started along a path. the sun shone in his eyes and he had to squint to see.
As Piper sipped her juice she heard someone yell "Get away you creep" Causing Piper to look up worried she saw a young girl running past her the girl looked somewhat younger then Piper maybe one or two years. Piper~ I should really go help her she looks really freaked out! Rain~Why don't you leave her be she'll be fine! Besides no one ever helped your family why should you help others? Piper~ Because its the right thing to do Rain! Piper got up and started to chase after the young girl. "H-hey! do you need help?" Piper gently pulled on the girls arm to slow her down and smiled as nicely as she could. @Imagination
Walking out of the gym kyrie took out her phone and stared at her contacts as she walked through the halls , fazed with her mobile device she accidentally bumped into a boy who seemed to be quit older than her, he had a group right behind him. His eyes were frighting "watch where your going kid" his voice was that of a squeaking bat i put my phone away in my purse and stepped aside " You watch it , you slimy dog. " with that said Kyrie hit his shoulder with hers and walked away scuffing . This place was bigger than expected ,even with that said it seemed more like a prison. sighing she continued walking down the hall i wonder where my room is? noticing a girl run past her saying some thing on the lines of 'get away' kyrie was about to chase after the girl but stopped her self Running in heels I don't thinks so kyrie following the girl she notice another figure seemed to be much older than the girl who ran past kyrie.

should i intervene ? questioning her self her body seemed to move on its own going straight for the two girls "Hi , sorry i noticed her running and was a bit worried."


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Tokki stopped and turned to see a girl that was just a bit taller than her standing behind her and tugging at her arm. Her eyes flashed green at the sight of her. Is this person actually talking to me? she thought. "U-uh.." Tokki pulled her hand away awkwardly and rubbed the stop that she pulled on. "Yea..I think," she said as she turned to look around the campus. Freak... she heard a whisper in her ear. She looked around frantically and there was no one but the girl near her. With the amount of people around it could've been anyone.


Piper smiled at the girl even bigger then before "Why don't we hang out for the day I don't really have anything better to do and you look like you could use a friend" Just then Piper turned to Kyrie "That's actually why I followed her as well, A-ah my name is Piper by the way. what is both of your names?" Piper played with her fingers while looking at the both of them. @CALLA @Imagination
Kyrie smiled and bowed her head "I'm Kyrie Monro , Sophomore, pleasure to meet you." playing with her hair , twirling it around her fingers she examined both girl's, both seamed to be fragile and smaller than she is . Kyrie examined if the girl who had been running from some thing was truly ok, she had no bruises visibly, letting it slide she had an unfazed face not smiling or growing . . .just neutral .


Tokki looked back at the girl and noticed another girl who appeared to have added height from the heels she was wearing. She realized she was staring at her with the most amazed and blank face and she turned around as her face turned red from embarrassment. "U-um.." she said embarrassed yet scared. She didn't really like socializing with people because she was often scared to.


Piper sighed "Well Kyrie would you like to walk around the school with us or get something to eat?" Piper glanced back at Tokki and patted her head lightly "You don't have to tell me your name right now, I know meeting people and making new friends can be hard" @Imagination @CALLA
Noticing that the young girl seemed not very comfortable Kyrie kneeled down to her level . This time putting on a gentle smile and slowly began to speak ,trying not to scare the girl "whats your name? " as she said that Kyrie began to think of other thing's where is my dorm room? i hope i have a decent room mate. coming back to reality waiting for the girls reply.


Turing over to piper she nodded "yes i would much rather go get something to eat i haven't ate anything since coming into this dar- school." Looking back at the young girl she patted her head lightly afraid that she might break it " Your going to have to tell us some time soon or me and piper will start calling you cutie ."


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Tokki nodded at what Piper had said. "T-Tokki..." she mumbled before looking up at the two girls. She was starving after the long trip to campus and she wasn't looking forward to standing outside any longer.


Clair O'Reilly / Survival and Combat teacher

Clair made her way out of the gymnasium in an orderly manner despite the rush some of the students happened to be partaking in. 'well this is it , the start of a whole new way of life huh' she thought to herself. It was her first day on campus with students which made the area seem somewhat smaller however she would have to keep her wits about her from this point on. She turned into the main building and made her way down the hall towards the faculty lounge , she had expected it to be quite a normal walk however she was quickly proven wrong. A young woman , expensively dressed , had accidentally bumped into an older boy. This would have been fine and all if the boy hadn't of been with a rather large group , the girl was sure to be made an example off however she simply brushed him off and passed by uttering 'you watch it , you slimy dog'.

This interested Clair and so she decided to watch for the boys reaction , which was actually quite an entertaining one. He was left with his fists clenched and his mouth wide open , the boys that were accompanying him began to laugh at how easily he was left speechless by a younger 'posh girl'. Clair had seen this all to often back in the military , while it seemed like she was safe for now that most certainly wouldn't be the case in the near future.This was only made evident by the way the boy lashed out at the closest group member with a flurry of jabs.

Clair of course passed no remarks when he turned his view to her , in fact she was just casually passing him by until he spat at her declaring that ' she would be forgetting this instance for her own good '. The boy was literally so close to her that she could feel the heat radiating off him , this was of course his third mistake. He was out , there would be no home run for him oh no no no. Clair had him by the throat before he could react and just seconds after she had him pressed hard against the wall , his face quickly turning from red to blue.

The group that had been with him up to this point quickly began to disperse with a simple gaze from the woman , it would of been quite comical if she didn't have a boy half choked to death in her grasps. She turned her attention back to the boy whom was desperately attempting to free himself , her expression was now stone cold , no look of emotion existed in her eyes however only fear exited in his. Clair spoke quietly and sternly to the boy as he began to lose the ability too fight back "If i have to forget a bout this instance then i want to personally ensure that you will not". With that said Clair released him and he fell to the ground limp and gasping for air , Clair spat on his face and continued on her way as if nothing had happened at all.

( @CALLA mentioned )
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"O-oh okay well then o-off to the cafeteria then." Piper~ That was so cute oh my goodness! Rain~Really Piper ugh it was so gross! I hate those kinds of things! Piper~I honestly don't know how you could be grossed out by something so sweet! Also I don't want you talking for the rest of the day! Let me enjoy it on my own. Rain~Ha! No way in hell! Piper closed her eyes for a few seconds to calm herself down from Rain frustrating her Just then she heard a small voice speak "Hmm Tokki huh? That's a beautiful name" She smiled. "Lets go grab something to eat okay?" @Imagination @CALLA
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Yoshi and Yashi both prepared to go to school, hoping that they aren't late on the first day of school. "Yashi we're leaving~!" Yoshi sweetly reminded Yashi, her sister. Yashi trudged along the hallways and both of them quickly left the door.

Well, they weren't that late. They were probably a few minutes late, just as usual and they walked in, examining the school as they walked. Yoshi was particularly more excited than Yashi is, 'what kind of people will I meet?' Yoshi thought. But Yashi was just her plain self, boring and cold as always.
Going back to her straight face , she played with her hair "That's a lovely name. " Following piper to the cafeteria , she looked through her purse for her mirror finally kyrie found it because of all the small rubs plastered on the front taking it out she opened it making sure her hair was perfect apparently not although trie loves the wind it always tends to mess up her hair great sighing kyrie put her mirror back into her purse , which seemed like it weighed a ton i'll fix it in the cafeteria .


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Tokki nodded and started walking with Piper. Her face was bright red and she felt as uncomfortable as ever though her face was expressionless. As she was walking she spotted a boy about a mile away gasping for air as a mature yet elegant lady passed him by. Her eyes widened as she sprinted toward the lady. Her face was grim yet solid like stone. It was foolish of her to randomly go after a person like that, though she did. It was obvious that she had done something to him. Though she wasn't exactly sure.

@CALLA @CoolKittyCassie @Mr Swiftshots

Noticing Tokki run the other direction she rolled her eyes "Tokki what ar-" kyrie stopped her self noticing the boy from early on the floor gasping for air what is he doing? grabbing piper's hand and rushing after Tokki , frightened he might do something to the girl , kyrie tried to keep her balance while in heels. when she finally reached where Tokki was standing she let go of piper's hand and turned to the boy on the floor " you shouldn't be laying on the floor , you'll get it dirty. get up."


@Mr Swiftshots
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"Tokki! W-wait up!" Piper said as Kyrie grabbed her hand and the to girls began to chase after her. Rain~Oh this looks like it could get interesting hehe! Piper sped up but was still behind the Kyrie by just a few inches @CALLA @Imagination
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