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Fantasy High School for the Insane

Elizabeth exited her room, the same tired, not amused expression she had been wearing the past few months was still stuck to her face. She adjusted her eye patch habitually and headed for the cafeteria. Ever since that test Cody had been doing more internships, focusing on classes, doing anything that got him away from the school- away from her. He probably didn't do it intentionally, but she couldn't help but feel that she pushed him away. In that time period Elizabeth had been focusing on training and taking her mind off of Cody; it wasn't easy to say the least. She had grown a lot stronger and unfortunately quieter. It was sad how she had seemed to backtrack back into her insanity; she didn't trust people, didn't want to be out around others. Silently she went through the lunch line and then found a place to sit inside. Outside only seemed to remind her of him.
Hearing "Hey." Cody turns his head and sees Kyon approaching. "Hey Kyon, how's it going?" He asks, standing up from the bench. Even though he felt like Kyon wasn't going to be a threat his military training taught him to always have somewhat of a guard up; which he has for everyone but Elizabeth. Attempting to keep his attention to Kyon he can't help but wonder if Elizabeth is around, or more specifically would even want to see him. During the past few months they have seen less and less of each other, which Cody didn't enjoy at the least but dealt with as he had to. Nevertheless he still cared for her, and no matter how she felt about him he can only respect it. "If you don't mind walking and talking I'm going to get some breakfast, got back in late last night and haven't had a chance to really do anything." He states, casually walking past Kyon and towards the school.

Eating in silence, Elizabeth let her eyes wander the cafeteria lazily, hoping to find something to occupy her mind. Her eyes grew large as she spotted someone who gave more than she was asking for. Her breath hitched as her heart fluttered anxiously. The familiar red mask set off a whirl of emotions inside her. She wanted to talk to him, to run over and hug him, but what if he had moved on? Then she'd be embarrassing herself. The thought of him moving on made her heart ache. She sighed quietly and returned her gaze to her food glumly.

Upon entering the cafeteria the sound of classmates filled Cody's ears, a sound which strangely comforted him. These last few months have been..bare to say the least. These internships and programs sometimes intertwined 'us' with the "regular" military kids as a cooperation effort, needless to say they treated everyone like shit. But all the negative memories vanished as soon as he meets eye contact with Elizabeth, being away from her was the worst part about it all, all he could think of is how she was doing, if she was upset with him, if she moved on, it was all like a broken record. Slightly forgetting Kyon, Cody did the only thing he's been wanting and walk up to her; when close enough he places a hand gently on her shoulder. There were so many things he wanted to say to her, even apologize for, but all that could come out was, "I missed you. I'm sorry I was gone."

@Deadly Darkness
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Elizabeth watched with a quickening heart beat as Cody approached her. The gentle feeling of his hand touching her shoulder sent a shock wave down her spine. She had forgotten how much she had missed feeling his touch- holding his hand, pressing her lips against his in a tender kiss. She stood up from her seat and wrapped her arms around him. "I missed you too." Her words came out shaky, and she was surprised at the sound of her own voice; it felt like forever since she had talked to someone. "Don't worry about being gone," she smiled releasing him. "I understand. You're just trying to prepare yourself for what will happen outside of these walls." She shrugged, averting her gaze to the ground. "I suppose I should be trying to do the same."

When she tries to release him Cody simply wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her closer, a smile plastered onto his face. Raising his mask up he kisses Elizabeth's lips lightly, which felt like heaven if there is one. It's been so long since Cody has seen her, someone he genuinely adored, and he was damn sure nothing would take him away this time. "I think I've prepared myself enough to be honest, all I care about right now is what I want, and that's you to be honest." Lightly chuckling he lets go of Elizabeth, sitting down next to where she was sitting. "It feels good to be back though, I was worried things would..be different, you know?"

@Deadly Darkness

(@Xelvere Feel free, the more coming in/back the merrier! :D )
(Wow! I feel asleep really early yesterday xD )

Kyon just looks at the couple having their tender moment. I guess Cody has been gone for a while. I didn't even notice. Kyon couldn't help but genuinely smile at the couple. "Damn, this is cute!" Kyon, having just eaten, takes a seat at an empty table and sits there, waiting for Cody and Elizabeth. "You two take your time. I'll be right over here."

Cody spent so much time training. Why aren't I doing the same!? Once again, Kyon was filled with the feeling of being weak. Maybe I'll ask Cody if he will help me train later.

@Dude @Deadly Darkness
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Looking back over to Kyon Cody says in an apologizing tone, "Oh man, Kyon I'm sorry dude, kind of spaced out on you for a moment. It's been a while since I've been around, and I have some making up to do." Grinning lightly underneath his mask he glances at Elizabeth back to Kyon, "It's good seeing you again though, if you're up for training at some point let me know." He adds with a casual tone, almost as if he knew what was Kyon was thinking (he didn't of course lol.) He wondered if Kyon was still afraid of combat, which is a very bad tendency seeing as most of us students will be thrown into parts of the military regardless of their skill in combat. Cody saw it before, anyone weak would be either the punching bag for everyone else or they will put them in the vanguard which is practically suicide; and since Cody remembers meeting Kyon when they arrived he didn't want that for him.

@Deadly Darkness @Kyon
Kyon's eyes almost glow. "Really!? That'd be great! I'm up for training any time." Kyon feels safer knowing that he can Tatum with someone with combat knowledge. Clair's training didn't seem to do much for him. Kyon smiles at the thought.

(Don't mind the short post. I'm a bit busy right now)

Elizabeth enjoyed the feeling of his lips against hers. It had been too long. She sat down beside him, lacing her fingers with his as she took his hand. She couldn't help but smile; he had always made her smile and she didn't want it to go away. She laughed softly at his comment about catching up, catching his glance towards her. She gave his hand a gentle squeeze as if responding to his comment with 'you sure do.' Elizabeth sat back, listening to the two talk casually about training. Everything felt normal again as if those months of isolation suddenly disappeared.

@Dude @Kyon (Going to Warp Tour! So I'll be leaving in about half an hour)
"Alrighty, sounds good. A few hours from now work?" Cody replies, caressing the top of Elizabeth's hand with his thumb, genuinely happy that he's back. Elizabeth's hand felt warm, which was an extremely comforting change compared to the damp and cold places he has been to.

@Deadly Darkness @Kyon

(Oh nice, have a good time! :D And yeah I will be having delayed responses as well, so it's no worries dude.)
Kyon gives Cody a thumbs up. "Sounds great. I'll leave you two to yourselves to catch up." With that, Kyon leaves the cafeteria and heads to the weight room. Kyon works out every day, as at his other schools, he played several sports. He played soccer, swimming, and track. He was popular in his school for his great athletic ability and reflexes. Here, however, his main exercise has been cardio, since he seems to always run away from trouble.

(I just boarded my train, so I'll be able to post much more frequently :D )

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Syth was walking down towards the cafeteria with a grin on his face as he moved. He had been acing the combat class in martial arts and while not being perfect in the other categories he was scoring extremely high. Pleased with himself for his results he had decided to eat at the cafeteria then go back to training again for another few hours. God I am exhausted. But for some reason I don't feel the need to take a break. I suppose I don't really have a group of friends to be around so I may as well just keep training. Syth sighed disappointed in the fact he didn't have anyone to talk to. Regardless, I am starving so I may as well eat. He stepped into the cafeteria noticing a lot of groups sitting together laughing and chatting away. One group caught his eye as he seemed to know who they were. I remember now, those guys are from my combat class. Syth walked over to get some food before moving towards the table of three students. What were their names...? He thought to himself quickly as he started to get closer to the table. He looked at all of them as he was about to reach them before suddenly remembering. Oh right! The blonde guy's name is Kyon, the guy in the mask is... Cody I think. Not sure about this girls name though. Oh well, knowing two out of three should be enough to start a conversation. He sat down next to Kyon and gave a friendly smile.

"Hey, I was just wondering if I could sit here with you guys?" Syth spoke as he turned to look at Kyon.

@Kyon @Dude @Deadly Darkness
"Oh, uh... Hey." Kyon said as he looked at Syth. "I-I was actually just heading down to the weight room to lift a bit." He looks to Cody and Elizabeth. "I'm sure they won't mind you sitting with them." With that, Kyon left to go lift for a while. I don't know what it is, but that guy scares me.

@Xelvere @Dude @Deadly Darkness
Months had passed for Piper she had started become more anxious do to Rain and worried she would hurt one of her friends. Which caused Piper to distance her self from every one. She started sitting alone at the back of class where no one could see her and pushing herself into her studies in every class, eventually she had completely stopped talking to every one except Rain.....

"huh huh" Piper panted as she ran laps around the tack. Rain~PIPER please stop I'm hungry go get something to eat! Piper~We can eat when I become faster. Rain~You've been running track and studying constantly and the only thing you've gotten better at is art and social! Just give up! Just then she stumbled to the ground causing her to get a large scratch on her new "Ouch! damn it!" She sat up and looked at her knee the blood began to drip down her leg Piper moved her hand to touch the cut which only caused her more pain making her wince and pull her hand away. Piper~You win we can eat after I go to the nurses office... Rain~Hell yeah! Standing up she started to make her way to the nurse, as she continued to walk there she noticed Kyon walking to the weight room near the gym and the track. "I wonder how he's doing, we haven't talked in quite a while" she whispered to herself. Rain~Then go say hi. Piper~I can't, feel bad for just kinda avoiding every one. Besides he'll probably be mad with me. Piper sped up and lowered her head as she got closer to Kyon and the door to the main part of the school.

Looking up he sees Syth, who Cody doesn't exactly know, but clearly recognizes. "Oh hey Syth, yeah feel free, we're just hanging out." Cody replies with a warm tone, casually waving goodbye to Kyon. "Don't mind him, he's..timid I guess you could say. I personally believe he'll get over it when he finds something worth fighting for rather than running." Cody states, noticing Kyon leaving quite quickly. Looking back over to Syth he asks, "So, how have you been? It's been a while since I've really seen any of you."

@Kyon @Xelvere
As Kyon walks to the weight room, Kyon hears footsteps behind him. He turns around and smiles widely. "Hey, Piper! Long time no see!" Kyon looks at her and then at her knee where blood runs down her shin. "What happened?" He points at the scrape. "Did someone hurt you? Let me take you to the nurse's office."

Piper stops immediately and turns around facing Kyon and shakes slightly for a second then stops when she notices his smile. "well you see I kinda fell while I was running and scratched my knee pretty bad." Piper said awkwardly as she scratched her cheek. "But you don't have to take me! I'd hate to be a inconvenience for you!"

Kyon laughs when he hears what happened. "It's no problem. I'd be happy to help you. Anything for a friend." Kyon smiles brightly and offers his hand. "I'm not in the mood for lifting anyway." He wouldn't let Piper walk there by herself anyway. She was his only friend, and he was getting lonely without her.

"O-okay thank you" Piper smiled back at Kyon and took his hand "So how have you been? I'm sorry we haven't talked much" She said as they began to walk to the nurses office.

(I'm going out for lunch I'll be back in an hour bye!! Sorry for the short post)

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Dolly's dolls were cradled in her her arms and she was aimlessly walking around the school, her red eyes glared at anyone who looked her way she was in a cranky mood, all she wanted was to find a bench or a seat and table but she didn't want to barge in a classroom or go outside, she sighed and muttered something under her breath before walking into the cafeteria her back turned from Elizabeth, Cody and Syth.
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